Beast within

Ch:6 Reunion

Hey guys this is the final chapter I was hoping to get at least 7 chapters in but it turns out I got all I need in chapter 6 to finish this story mostly because I have other story's to work on and want to start on as well.

Waspinator: Waspinator don't want story to end!

Wingblade: it better include us!

Leo: or else!

Nightshadow: What Leo said!

Me: We'll see which one I decide to work on first! Anyways in enjoy!

The OC's Kenny, Bloodbath, Sonny, Blueshot, Trapper, and Trips all belong to Kingstriker.

After group follow Predikings directions they go on the highway and finally reach Tyger Pax.

"Guys we've arrived!" said Breakdown.

"Great lets find the base im locked on to my brothers signal" Wingblade says.

"Lead the way" Starscream says.

The six follow the signal and see sights check out the shops but as they get close to the HQ they here engines come up from behind fast. Four Vehicons come up fast boxing in Breakdown as the one in the back knocks over the trailer.

"HEY! WHAT ON CYBERTRON IS GOING ON HERE!" Breakdown shouts as loud as he ever has while transforming as do the others.

"This area is off limits to outsiders" One Vehicon says.

Leo rips a hole in the side of the trailer which is now sideways.

"Alright who's the first to be ripped in half!" Leo Growls.

"You may be big but we can still take you down now leave!" The another says.

"Ok that's it!" Leo shouts.

"That's quit enough" Shockwave said walking toward the group.

"Yes Shockwave sir!"

"Shockwave? Wait I know you my brother has mentioned you several times" Wingblade says surprised a bit.

"Ah! You must be Jetstreams brother he speaks of you all the time. What are you doing in Tyger pax?" Shockwave says.

"Well me and my friends here decided to move here to be with Jetstream." Wingblade answers.

"I see well come inside commander Jetstream will be pleased to see you."

"Commander Jetstream?" Leo says confused as they head for the HQ.

"Yes Jetstream as been working so hard Soundwave made him Fifth in command" Shockwave says as they walk in the base "Ah here we are! Soundwave we have visitors."

"WINGBLADE!?" Jetstream says lounging at his brother pulling him in a hug " Leo? Nightshadow what happened to you? And what are they doing here?!"

"it's a long story" Wingblade says sighing.

After a long explanation…..

"Wow fascinating!" Jetstream says " Hey Shockwave are you ok?"

"Yes. Im fine." Shockwave walks out.

"Ok? Anyways why didn't you mention this on the com?" Jetstream says.

"Sorry guess I would get to caught up hearing about your adventure hahaha!" Wingblade says.

"So what about Wingblades Café?"

"Oh ill probably open it again in Tyger Pax."

"So Commander huh?" Leo says changing the subject.

"Yeah! Kenny and Bloodbath out rank me in makes a lot of sense though." almost as time Kenny and his Brother Bloodbath come in.

"So this is Kenny and Bloodbath id recognize them anywhere after there TV appearance." Wingblade says happily.

"Hey Shockwave told us what's going on nice to meat you. Oh Soundwave have Barricade or Sonny reported yet.? Kenny says.

"No we haven't heard from them for three days when we sent them on the mission" Soundwave says worried.

"What mission?" Prowl asked curious.

"We received a distress signal three days ago and sent Barricade Sonny also volunteered to go with we havent received a report ever sense they left." Jetstream explained.

"Well sense you need a place to stay until you guys get your own houses let me take you to are extra rooms" Jetstream escorted them "Here we are."

"Great need any help around here?" Wingblade offered.

"Sure you can come with me to move some weapon parts out of storage for Kenny and the other weapon makers" Jetstream says as they go and get the weapon parts and bring it up.


"Im not sure of these guys brother they been officiated with Lockdown" Shockwave says.

"I know you are still have anger toward your old partner but they didn't know about him" Soundwave says putting a hand on Shockwaves shoulder.

"COME IN HQ. SHHHHHH. COME IN!" says a blurry picture of Barricade on the screen "CAN YOU HERE ME!?"

"Barricade what's going on we haven't heard from you in days?!" Soundwave says confused.

"Are communications got cut of by some EMP blast this distress signal was a trick this guy calls himself Lock-" the signal was cut then brought back with Lockdown at the screen.

"Well well if it isn't my old partner. Shockwave. Now im gonna make this simple. I want my experiments back or else old Barricade and Sonny here are gonna replace them. And you wont like the result come to these coordinates bring Leo and Nightshadow! See ya here." The transmission stopped as Shockwave growls with a bright red optic.

Soundwave called Leo, Nightshadow, Kenny, Bloodbath, Jetstream, Prowl, Wingblade, Starscream, and Breakdown to the meeting room.

"Now we got in contact with Barricade but was under attack by a boy named Lockdown" Soundwave explains as everyone except Soundwave Kenny and Bloodbath Growl angrily "Yes yes I know you all have a score to settle with Lockdown."

Not just a score im gonna rip him limb from limb then crush his spark as I take a picture of his dieing face expression!" Leo says angry as hell as every one just scoots away from him "Babies."

"Any ways! He requested we bring him Leo and Nightshadow to him or he will turn our friends into experiments."

"Take him to us we can handle him" Jetstreaam says confident.

"Very well then all of you will go save Barricade and Sonny" Soundvave says standing up.

"Me two!" Shockwave says as Soundwave looks at his brother and simply nods his head and leaves.

"You leave immediately" Soundwave says as they all follow him out.

A couple hours pass but finally they arrive at an abandon tools factory as Barricade and Sonny our tied to pillars unconscious.

"Barricade! Sonny!" Kenny says running toward them receiving a blast out of no where in the arm "I-I-I cant move my arm."

"Yep an EMP generator will do that you didn't think it would be that easy did you. Ah Shockwave how is my old partner in science?" Lockdown says adjusting his EMP.

"What does he-"

"Ill explain later" Shockwave interrupts Kennys question.

"Well Leo, Nightshadow come with me its time to come to my new lab where I will use you to make an army of Beasts!"

"Never!" Leo says.

"Well then ill have to take you by force" Lockdown says as he blasts Breakdown, Starscream, and Prowl putting them in stasis.


"Ah! Ah! Ah! Our invention. Now have you met my new friends" Lockdown says as five vehicons come out from behind they all look like they've been experimented and torched "You see without the originals DNA samples I cant perfect the formula again. Now attack!"

"The Vehicons (or beasticons lol) attack as Nigfhtshadow takes two short blades from her back and slices the arm of one then a leg then a flash and the sound of slicing the next this the others know is that its in three pieces. Then Shockwave completely obliterates another with one shot of his cannon. Leo Rip the third to shreds throwing the head at Lockdown but he doges it. Jetstream and Wingblade tag team the fourth and both stab it in the chest with there sharp claws as only one remained.

"I got this" Leo says getting a punch in the face and knocked over "what the."

All of the sudden the vehicon body parts all swarm the fifth one and combine into a creature as big as Megatron.

"Oh and did I mention it could do that?" Lockdown smirks at this.

The others stand back in fear as it charges electricity from its claws when all of the sudden BOOM a hole in the wall breaks as three vehicons come bursting through.

"Ill show this thing electricity!" the Vehicon truck Trapper says shielding the others with his electricity force field as the vehicon tank Blueshot jumps on its back.

"Lets see how you do with a dent in your head!" Blueshot says Punching the mutation in the back of the head leaving a dent as the Vehicon helicopter Trips comes in as well.

"Night night you freak" Trips says Kicking it in the face as the mutation falls unconscious.

"Your turn!" Leo says pounding his fist into his hand.

" Not this time" Lockdown says pointing the EMP at them until he falls over after a loud ding is heard as they see Prediking standing there this DarkSteel and Skylinx behind.

"We sensed you we're in trouble so he came over" Prediking said.

A couple of months pas after they got Lockdown locked up Shockwave took his EMP back Barricade and Sonny was repaired and back on duty's Prediking, Darksteel and Skylinx went home, and Leo Breakdown, Prowl, Wingblade, Nightshadow, and Starscream all bought a mansion just a couple blocks away from the HQ as every one in Tyger Pax was outside the grand opening of the new and bigger Wingblades Café.

"Thank you every one for coming to the grand opening of Wingblades Café!" Wingblade says through a microphone (CLAPS). wing blade and Jetsream cut the ribbon together.

"Group hug!" Leo Shouts as everyone squeezes Wingblade as a picture is taken of the group hug with Wingblades hand reaching for help.


Thanks you all for reading my first story thank you Kingstriker especially this was all happening during and after Vehicon Adventures 2 read it its good.

Waspinator: NOOOO Waspinator no want it to end.

Me: Well I have to move on at some point and that point is now.

Wingblade: This was epic!

Leo: I loved the parts with me! Oh yeah the story was about me!

Nightshadow: Not the whole story was.

Jetstream: Yeah the End was about us reuniting and kicking ass!

Me: Thank you all I don't know when the next story will be put on fanfiction but I know what the story is LEONIGHTIS OUT!