I do not own Godzilla, or anything else in this story short of a bunch of puny humans. Godzilla is owned by Toho Co., Ltd.

When Man seeks power, he faces nature. When he seeks to rule the world, the world finds means to put man in his place. When he rises up against nature, creating great monuments to his power, nature breaks them, with hurricane and earthquake and flood. When Man grows in numbers beyond counting, nature sends plague, disease, infection. When man conquers the land, nature ceases sustaining his food, starving him. Even as he attempts to escape nature, it grips him, creating violence over its resources, causing conflict, hatred.


Man is ever in the grip of nature. He can never escape it. And when man seeks to rule nature, with science and intellect, when he seeks to control reality, he is brought to face it. When man seeks power, he faces that power.

And nature is not kind.

In the year 1954, nuclear experiments gave rise to horrid consequences. With the American atomic tests at the Bikini Atoll in 1 of that year, the beginning of a new age in the history of the world began. The island of Odo became the birthplace of a legend, for on November 3, 1954, a nightmare beyond anything humanity thought possible emerged from the ocean, and showed humanity the horrible folly of uncontrolled power used without thought for consequence.

The following days were ones of living hell for those that survived them, or a swift and brutal death for those that did not. The island was attacked several times, the 1st being the destruction of a small fishing boat. No survivors. Another boat was sent to investigate, meeting a similar end, though not with complete casualties.

Several days later, during a large storm, the first true attack came, resulting in heavy damage to the native population of the island. When an investigative party arrived the next day, the true nightmare began. A massive creature, named Gojira(later called Godzilla by American reporter Steve Martin who was sent to investigate the aftermath of the "G Incident") rampaged over the island, before making its way into the Tokyo Bay, before entering the city proper.

The following 2 days of devastation is considered the worst disaster since the end of WWII, with casualties exceeding 6,300(exact numbers unknown), with property damages well in excess of $370 million, including military expenditures and casualties. Military attempts proved entirely futile, with over 200 personal lost, tanks, planes, and artillery all being useless, and an attempt at using hastily constructed electrical towers to bypass its extreme durability failing as well. Fires burned for days, recordings from individuals who had braved the destruction were broadcast nationwide, and a number of services were held to help deal with the emotion chaos prevalent in the aftermath.

A relatively famous scientist, one Daisuke Serizawa, emerged with a weapon capable of killing the creature, named the Oxygen Destroyer(information in relevant file), and it was quickly deployed while Gojira was resting after the attacks in the Tokyo Bay. The device was successfully deployed, but Dr Serizawa chose to remain underwater, killing him along with Gojira. Along with the previous destruction of his notes the day before, Serizawa's death resulted in the loss of all information pertaining to the creation of the Oxygen Destroyer.

Information on the later reemergence of the Oxygen Destroyer in the form of the monster codenamed Destoroyah by the Japanese Government is available in the relevant file.

The nation of Japan celebrated the destruction of the menace, swearing to take a stance against unregulated nuclear experiments of all forms for the future.

This marks the beginning of what many call The Age of Monsters(1954-present) and the first recorded appearance of a giant monster, though later events revealed a presence of such creatures since at least 65 million BCE, with evidence pointing to significantly older specimens of the Mothra family having existed.

The following year, on April 24, 1955, the 2nd of the Godzilla species emerged, along with the creature designated as the first in the Anguirus species. This event is covered in the relevant file.


Professor Himura closed the file, logging off of his personal terminal in the JSDF central headquarters. It was mandatory to review the all of the G Files before beginning work in the Anti Kaiju Research Division, even though actually being granted entrance into the division required many years of study into daikaiju histories and behaviors, the G Files being the most common and simplified of such information. Himura didn't consider them anywhere close to essential, the Ghidorah Reports or The Histories of the Giant Monster being far more comprehensive and informative, but understood procedure was necessary, especially when dealing with such delicate and dangerous situations as he was going to be required to from this point onward.

Sighing, he stood up from the table, looking over the many pictures that were present all over the walls of this room. Destruction, chaos, impossible happenings, all of which stood strong on histories memory. Pictures of countless monster incidents, dating back to the very first in 1954. he gazed at one in particular, one that was present in damn near every history book in the world today. A black and white snapshot from an army photographer, of a 50 meter tall creature, grey-skinned, almost humanoid, standing in the middle of a field of artillery that were all pointed up at it. The very first photo of the very first time that the word daikaiju became more than simply a word for movies or comic books.

The very first picture of the King of the Monster.
