DiNutso-4-DiNozzo: Well here's another new story! Im really getting into the OC character thing! :)

Now for my Distance readers: Im so sorry for not putting a new chapter! My muse took over and made me go ahead of myself and start doing Sherlock Series 2 with Riley and Adam in it. My evil and crafty Muse pushed me all the way through the first episode then halfway through the second then made me move on to the third episode...let's just say my muse can act like Hammy on a good day and leave it at that. So without further ado-my OC in Breakfast Club!

Tell me your troubles and doubts
giving me everything inside and out and
Love's strange so real in the dark
Think of the tender things that we were working on- Simple Minds 'Don't You (Forget About Me)'

Saturday, March 24, 1984

Shermer High School

Shermer, Illinois 60062

Dear Mr. Vernon,

We accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was that we did wrong. What we did was wrong. But we think you're crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. What do you care? You see us as you want to see us... in the simplest and most convenient definitions. You see us as abrain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess, a criminal, and a tom-boy rebel, correct? That's the way we saw each other at seven o'clock this morning.

We werebrainwashed...

Amelia 'Mia' Vernon jumped awake when her father slammed the door of the car. She glanced around the teacher's parking lot of the school and groaned. Glancing at the watch she had taken from the lost and found, she noticed the time being 6:55.

'Damn, can't even get a few minutes of shut eye before this stupid detention.' She slammed her head against the head rest behind her and grumbled to herself before her father yelled at her, "AMELIA! LET'S GO!" She lifted her head and glared at the man standing in front of the car. She swung the door open; purposefully making it hit the pole next to the car, and got out while stuffing her hands into her pockets of her old leather jacket from her older brother. She smirked when she heard her father growl, imagining his face turning different colors, as she closed the door with her foot.

She looked up at him, innocently.

Richard Vernon, the principle and Head Dick of Shermer High, narrowed his eyes at his insolent daughter and turned sharply on his heel, telling her, "Get into the library, Amelia Rose!"

Mia rolled her eyes, walking forward toward her personal hell, mumbling under her breath, "Ohh, first and middle name, im so scared."

She walked into the school and walked toward the library slowly. Her black converse squeaked as she walked through the silent halls. She soon made it to the library and walked in, running a hand through her long brown hair with blonde high lights spread throughout. She ignored the preps looks at her clothing, (dark blue, long sleeved shirt under a black band t-shirt, blue jeans with holes at the knees and on her upper thighs, and her leather jacket.) the nerds wide eyed look and walked to her normal seat, behind John Bender.

John winked at her and she smirked, blowing him a kiss and got comfortable in her seat. Once she took off her leather jacket, she glanced over at the dark haired girl sitting across from her and smiled at her when she noticed dark brown eyes watching her. Alison or Ally as Mia called her was one of her good friends along with John.

She first started hanging out with John just to piss her father off, but soon found that the two were very similar in personality. Mia did think he was cute but knew he didn't think of her that way, she also knew that John did not have the greatest home life but wasn't sure how bad it was.

Ally became her friend from being paired up together in art class. Ally was much more talented in that department than Mia, so they ended up talking a lot while Ally did most of the work which she didn't mind.

She looked up when she heard her father's familiar squeaky shoes walking toward them. He was smirking at all of them, though he narrowed his eyes at his daughter, and started to speak, "Well, well. Here we are. I want to congratulate you for being on time…"

Princess of Bitch-land raised her hand and started to speak, "Excuse me, sir. I think there's been a mistake, I know its detention but, um, I don't think I belong in here."

Mia scoffed and Vernon ignored her and continued talking, looking at his watch, "It is now 7:06; you have exactly 8 hours and 54 minutes to think about why you're here…to ponder the error of your ways." John tilted his head back and spit in the air before catching it in his mouth.

Mia snickered to herself as Princess made a disgusted noise. John smirked at Mia as Vernon continued, glaring between the terrible two, "You may not talk," he turned to look at the nerd as said nerd started to switch seats, "You will not move from these seats." Nerd boy moved back into his original seat as Vernon moved over toward John and took the chair he had been resting his feet on away, "And you will not sleep. Alright people, we're gonna try something a little different today. We are going to write an essay of no less than 1000 words, describing to me who do you think you are."

"This a test?" John asked, bored. Mia stared at the piece of paper her father put in front of her and snatched the pencil before he could lay it down and started to spin it around her fingers.

Vernon ignored him and continued as John lifted his feet and put them on the table. "And when I say essay, I mean essay. I do not mean a single word repeated a thousand times,"

"Damn," Mia cursed unhappily then asked Vernon, "How about four words repeated a thousand times? You. Are. A. Dick." John smirked as Vernon turned to her and pointed a finger at her, "Detention next Saturday, Amelia." He then turned to the still smirking John, "Is that clear, Mr. Bender?"

John turned his head and stared down at his hand, "Crystal."

"Good. Maybe you'll learn a little something about yourself. Maybe you'll even decide whether or not you care to return." Vernon glanced meaningfully at his daughter as Nerd boy stood up, and said, "Um, yea, I can answer that right now, sir. You know that will be no for me cuz…"

Power hungry Vernon interrupted the boy, "Sit down, Johnson." 'Johnson' sat down cowardly and Mia rolled her eyes at her father and Johnson as he said, "Thank you, sir."

"My office is right across that hall; any monkey business is ill advised. Any questions?" Dick asked.

It was silent before John said, "Yea, I got a question. Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?"

Mia snorted while the others smiled and stopped themselves from laughing. Vernon glared, "I'll give you the answer to that question, Mr. Bender next Saturday. You too, Amelia. Don't mess with the bull, you two, you'll get the horns."

Mia leaned back in her chair, tilting it backwards as John said, "That man is a Brownie Hound."

"No shit." Mia said in agreement. Everyone sat in silence for a moment before they heard a clicking noise. Mia didn't even look; already knowing it was Ally biting her nails and threw her feet on the table like John did.

She looked up from her inspection of her nails when John said, "You keep eating your hand you're not going to be hungry for lunch." Mia watched in amusement as Ally spit her nail at him in retaliation.

The criminal ignored that and continued, "I've seen you before you know." Ally ignored him and John turned to Mia and asked, "Two more detentions, dear Mia? How will your daddy feel about that?"

Mia shrugged uncaringly, "Probably get high blood pressure, again. Oh well," John smirked and silence again fell.

"Who do I think I am? Who are you? Who, are you? Im a walrus," Johnson was talking to himself while putting the clip of his pen on his bottom lip. Mia silently stood up and sat cross legged on her desk as John stared at Johnson. Johnson felt someone staring at him and looked over to see Mia and John watching him. He smiled nervously and took the pen off of his lip as John took his scarf off and Mia leaned over to snatch it from his hand.

Mia bundled up his scarf and her leather jacket and pushed it to the opposite end of her table for later. She watched as John and Johnson both started to take off their jackets at the same time. John glared, Johnson stopped and pretended to be cold and pulled his jacket back on as John continued. John continued to stare at Johnson and the nerd chuckled nervously and said, "It's the shits, huh?"

John looked over at Mia with a smirk, and then motioned her over with his head. She raised an eye brow but slid off the table and sat down on his right. He crumbled up his piece of paper then chucked it between the two preps sitting in front of them. They look at it but continue to ignore John.

Mia watched as John leaned back and started to sing and do air guitar. She shook her head and leaned forward in her chair to see the preps shifting at the noise from John.

Princess glanced at Mr. Athlete and said, "I can't believe this is really happening to me."

Mia rolled her eyes before looking to John when he said, "Oh shit! What are we supposed to do if we have to take a piss?"

Princess frowned at him while Mia covered her mouth to hide laughter; John did this every time there were more people in detention then them. John smirked at her before putting on a serious face and leaning down to unzip his pants and said, "You gotta go, you gotta go." He acted like he was starting to piss as the athlete turned around in his chair and Princess looked toward the front of the room in disgust.

"Hey you're not urinating in here, man." Athlete ordered.

"Don't talk, don't talk. It makes it crawl back up," John said hurriedly.

"You whip it out, your dead before the first drop hits the floor."

John looked up at him and said, "You're pretty sexy when you get angry…grr."

Athlete turned back around in his seat, stone faced. John looked over at Johnson and said, "Hey, homeboy! Why don't you go close that door and we'll get the prom queen and tom-boy impregnated."

Mia snapped her head towards him along with Princess and while Princess glared at him, Mia socked him in the shoulder. John rubbed his shoulder, smirking at her as Athlete turned around and said, "Hey! Hey,"

John turned to him from his and Mia's stare down, "What?"

"If I lose my temper you're totaled," Athlete said menacingly.

"Totally?" John mocked.

Athlete leaned forward, "Totally."

"Why don't you just shut up?" Princess said, looking back at John. "Nobody here is interested."

John's face contorted into a mask of mock hurt as Athlete turned to face forward and said, "Yea really, butt face."

Mia snorted and asked, "Butt face? Is that all you can think of?"

Athlete turned to glare at her before John brought his attention back to himself, "Well hey sporto, what did you do to get in here? Forget to wash your jock?"

Johnson but in, trying to be a goody-two shoes, "Excuse me, fellas? I think we should just write our papers."

John and Athlete ignored him as Athlete turned to look at John, "Look just because you live in here, doesn't give you the right to be a pain in the ass. So knock it off!"

John shrugged, "It's a free country,"

"He's just doing it to get a rise out of you," Princess butt in with her otherworldly advice. "Just ignore him,"

John looked at Princess, "Sweets, you couldn't ignore me if you tried," Mia snorted and John looked over at her leaning closer to her and said, "You couldn't either, Amia." She narrowed her eyes at him, ignoring the shivers at the name he gave her and leaned closer to him and told him, "Wanna bet?"

The two stared each other down, neither backing down before John suddenly smirked and turned to the preps and said, "So. So! Are you guys like boyfriend/girlfriend?"

The two ignore him.

"Steady dates?" John wasn't giving up that easily.

Still no clear reaction, Mia noted as she watched the two.


Nothing, though he seemed to be getting close.

"Come on sporto. Level with me, did you slip her the hot…beef…injection?"

That got a reaction.

"Go to hell!"


The two preps spun around to face John with cold glares. Mia grinned as she heard her father, "Hey! What's going on in there?"

They all stilled and stayed silent as they waited to see if Vernon would do anything. John stood up and jumped onto the banister saying, "What do you say we close that door? We can't have any kind of party without Vernon checking us out every few seconds."

Mia blew some hair out of her face as Johnson said, "You know the doors are supposed to stay open,"

"So what?" John asked.

"So why don't you shut up?" Athlete said. "There are five other people in here, you know?"

"God, you can count, see I knew you had to be smart to be a wrestler."

"Who are you to being judging anybody anyway?" Athlete remarked, turning away from John.

Princess nodded, "Really,"

Athlete continued, "You know Bender, you don't even count, if you disappeared forever it wouldn't make any difference. You might as well not even exist at this school."

Mia narrowed her eyes, catching John's actual hurt look, and stood up. She stalked toward the Athlete and punched him hard on the back of his shoulder. He reached to touch the throbbing spot as he turned toward her, shocked.

"And what? You think anyone would care about you disappearing, Asshole? Just because you're mister popular doesn't mean the other people that go to this school give a flying fuck what you do or if you even show up to school. All you are is a mindless idiot who does whatever the crowd wants; once you leave they'll just find another mindless drone to fill your place. You. Are. Nothing!" Mia stared into his eyes, watching hurt and shame shine in the athlete's eyes.

John spoke up suddenly, "Well, I'll just run right out and join the wrestling team,"

Athlete turned back around and laughed weakly along with Princess as Mia moved to stand next to John. John subtly squeezed her shoulder in thanks before continuing sarcastically, "Maybe the Prep Club too. Student Council"

"Nah, they wouldn't take you," Athlete said absently rubbing his still sore shoulder. The girl had a good right hook.

John frowned in mock sadness, "Im hurt."

Princess then spoke up, as if she had a sudden idea, "You know why guys like you knock everything?"

"This should be stunning," John remarked to Mia who laughed in agreement.

"Its cause you're afraid."

Mia laughed loudly at that as John smirked, "Oh god, you Richies are so smart. That's exactly why im not heavy in activities."

Princess glared at Mia and turned back to Bender, "You're a big coward," Johnson was mumbling something but the four ignored him and Princess continued, "See you're afraid they won't take you, you don't belong; you just have to dump all over it."

Mia raised an unimpressed eye brow at Princess as John said, "Well wouldn't have anything to do with you activities people being assholes, now would it?"

"Well you wouldn't know, you don't even know any of us," Princess said.

Mia scoffed, "Hypocrite," Princess looked at her with a frown.

John shook his head, "Well I don't know any lepers either, but im not going to go out and join one of their fucking clubs."

"Let's watch the mouth, huh?" Athlete said as though he was a teacher.

Johnson mumbled louder and John said to the Preps, "Excuse me a sec," he then looked over at the nerd and asked, "What are you babbling about?"

"Well what I had said was that im in the Math Club, Latin Club and the Phy-Physics Club." Johnson said.

John leaned forward to look at Princess, his head coming to rest near Mia's. "Hey, cherry. Do you belong to the Physics Club?"

Princess stared at him as if he was dumb, "That's an academic club."

"So?" Mia asked.

Princess looked over at her condescendingly. "So academic clubs aren't the same as other kinds of clubs."

John broke in, "Ah, but to dork's like him, they are."

Mia hit John's knee and asked Johnson, "What do you guys do in your club?"

Johnson thought for a moment, "Well, in Physics we uh we talk about physics, properties of physics."

"So it's sorta social." Mia remarked.

"Demented and sad, but social." John agreed.

Johnson continued on, "I guess you could consider it a social situation. Um, there are other children in my club and uh, at the end of the year we have this big banquet at the Hilton."

John looked at him, "You load up; you party?"

"No we get dressed up but we don't get high." Johnson said.

Princess looked over at Mia and John, "Only burners like you two get high," As Johnson continued, Mia scowled at the red head. Mia made to lunge for the red head when John suddenly pulled her back between his legs, keeping her from attacking Princess. He knew that she would be in deep shit if she were to punch the Princess Bee of the school. Vernon seemed to be slightly nicer to the preps of the school then to anyone else in the school and to his own daughter.

John looked over Mia's head at Cherry and just stared at her with a smirk until her smug look dropped and she stared between him and Mia uncertainly.

Cherry, having kept one ear out for what Johnson was saying, huffed out a laugh and told John, trying to get back on even footing, "Sound's like you."

"Look, you guys keep up your talking and Vernon is going to come right in here. I've got a meet this Saturday and im not going to miss it on account of you boneheads." Athlete said edgily.

"Who cares," Mia said unconcernedly.

John seemed to agree, "Oh and wouldn't that be a bite, huh? Missin' a whole wrestling meet,"

Athlete glared and said, "Well you wouldn't know anything about it, faggot. You never competed in your whole life."

Mia snorted, crossing her arms, still standing between John's legs. She thought that wrestling was only called a sport so closeted gays could freely feel up other guys without being labeled as a 'fag'.

John smiled sarcastically, "Oh, I know. And I feel all empty inside cause of it, I have such a deep admiration for guys who role on the floor with other guys."

Mia laughed the two having talked about wrestling before and found it was one of the few things they could agree on.

Athlete shook his head, "Ah, you would never miss it, you don't have any goals."

John narrowed his eyes for a moment before his face smoothed back out into his normal mischievous look, "Oh but I do."

Athlete and Princess turned to look at him, mildly surprised. Athlete was genuinely curious, "Yea?"

"I wanna be just like you." John said gleefully. "I figure all I need is a lobotomy and some tights." Mia smirked and caught Allison grinning crookedly.

Athlete clenched his jaw in anger as Johnson looked over at him and asked with a smile appearing, "You wear tights?"

Athlete turned to look at him and glared at him, "No I don't wear tights. I wear the required uniform."

Mia and Johnson commented at the same time, "Tights."

"Shut up!" Athlete growled to the two of them.