Disclaimer: I do not own Beyblade.

A/N: The long awaited sequel to Addicted Love. The first one I wrote with influence from my former beta. I decided I wasn't all that up to it despite the positive reviews I had received. Now, I decided to go back onto my former plot line with having three stories for the three characters. This one features Mikaela and Enrique. I know one particular person will enjoy this. I hope all of you enjoy this as well.

The sound of the surf and the seagulls floated into the office. Abriella Tornatore Giancarlo was busy chatting away with a client. Her home office in Bari was a great getaway from the stuffy offices in Milan, Florence, and Rome. The only other place that was just as peaceful is the offices in Venice. His blue eyes stared out to the white sand beaches, the happy vacationers and locals, and the waves. Summer was here.

Last summer, he had been in Scotland. It had been a fun summer. It was just supposed to be just the four of them, including Rory. No, they had all changed when Rory told them her two best friends were coming. Ambrielle turned out to be quite the surprised. Not only did he gain a new friend but his sister. Enrique smiled at that. Family was a big deal to him; even when certain members didn't consider you family because you wanted to not follow in their father's footsteps.

That summer wasn't just about family.

There was Mikaela.

He checked his phone.

They haven't really seen each other in a year. A year since she left that summer to go back to Canada. They talk often but nothing face to face. Johnny and Ambrielle's wedding occurred. It happened in the way no one else imagined. The two lovebirds had a small private ceremony at Cherrywood. Mikaela hadn't been able to make it in. It was small with the staff of the inn included too. Enrique had sent his sister off about a couple of weeks ago. They would be enjoying their honeymoon by bouncing around Asia and the Middle East. Ambrielle never really traveled and Johnny wanted to give her a fantastic experience.

Enrique smiled, going through his phone to land on the picture he had taken of him with Ambrielle in Venice; their mother's home city. She fell in love with it as much as she fell in love with the Highlands. His baby sister was now future queen of the McGregors. Some days he found it hard to imagine it all. The whole year had gone by in a whirlwind. He had attended a year of university. He would return in the fall. He was the only one who was still trying his hand at higher education. Oliver had rarely had to do any further education on his career. He was going to be taking over his father's restaurant business. He knew Oliver would be taking a lot of time between Paris and London; for Madeline's sake.

Robert was already a part of the business company that was run by both his father and grandfather. He knew soon Robert would be more in charge in the next five years then he would be. Enrique was still trying to figure out what to do. He was currently helping his mother with her own business. Abriella had found solace within her mother's fashion line. It was a good business; making beautiful clothes for beautiful women. This summer would be extremely busy for the company. A huge benefit was being held by the Tornatore family; the theme was the Venice tradition of masquerade.

Enrique wasn't sure if he would be attending himself.

"Enrique, good news," Abriella got off the phone with one with one of her biggest patrons, "Madame had insisted on decorating for this year's ball!"

"That's great, Mother." He tried his best to look happy.

Abriella knew when one of her children was disturbed by something. Enrique had not been himself in over a year. She knew of his promise to the girl, Mikaela. The girl had been a friend of Rory's who visit her last summer. Her son had been smitten. The business of school and getting to know his sister more had kept his mind off of the promise.

Some say it would be silly that Enrique Giancarlo would keep such a promise.

Abriella found it to be noble of him to do so.

His father had far but less then noble of himself. Abriella knew her own transgressions. Enrique had every right to have a relationship based on love.

"Are you missing your sister?"

"A little," Enrique shrugged, "I'm just glad she is off with Johnny; traveling the world and discovering new things."

"I am too," Abriella sits down across from her son, "anything or anyone else you are missing?"

"I haven't seen her in a year," Enrique turned his chair to the large glass window that over look the bay, "I've talk to her but…"

"Let it be her choice."

"I am. I'm trying," Enrique sighed, "I'm doing my best."

"I know you." Abriella looked over at her desk, noticing a picture of Enrique with his former teammates and close friends, "How about you not worry about Mikaela-"

She held her hand up to silence her son who opened his mouth to retort, "I'm not saying, go and out to find a lady to woo. Go, call your friends, find out what they're doing, and do something together. Please."

Enrique looked down at his cellphone.

"I think you need some time with your friends. I think it would do you some good." Abriella went back to her desk, waving her son out of her office. Enrique began to dial Oliver's number first as he leaves.

Abriella checks her phone to see a call waiting, "hello bella."

"Hello sweetie," Fiona McGregor smiled on the other end, "Has he tried calling the boys yet?"

"He's already on the phone with Oliver. So, how long before the package arrives?"

"Oh soon, I'm having my daughter pick it up."

"Good, I shall see you when you all get here."

"You will, have a great day." Abriella got off the phone with Fiona, smirking. Sometimes being patience paid off. Enrique was a patience young man. But, sometimes, a mother has to do a little meddling.

Mikaela stood, glancing out the window at Glasgow International Airport. She had arrived just twenty minutes ago. She forgot twenty minutes ago to let her ride know she was coming in close. It had been one whole year since she last saw the Highland. It had been one whole year since she been there. It felt like twenty years. No one else would understand just how much of a stranger she felt right now.

Her ride should be arriving soon.

She had to be expecting Rory to show up, frazzled and in a hurry to come and get her. She recalled when she had decided to come back and visit Rory. She had no idea what or when it occurred to her. She had her good job, a nice apartment in the city, and good friends. They were awesome girls. It just wasn't the same. Mikaela had missed Rory and Ambrielle. She even missed the newest addition to their little group, Madeline. How the two of them had to been sisters in spirit.

Mikaela sighed.

I need a vacation. I needed it so bad. I've worked my ass off the moment I arrived back in Canada. No one is going to tell me I don't deserve this. The salon can survive without me for a couple of months. Hell, Stella told me to take some time off or so help her, she was going to dissolve my body in perm solution. It's going to be good. I can have the girls, no boys, and just relax.

She studied her reflection in the compact mirror. Her hair had been chopped to about the chin, styled and looking beautiful. Her grey eyes didn't look so bad, yet the dark circles under her eyes told her she still needed a good eight hours of sleep.

Mikaela hadn't realized she walked out to the picked up station. She waited with her black suitcase with a very sleek looking red sports car pulls up. For a split second, Mikaela had the image of a handsome Italian getting out, sweeping her off her feet. She barely had a chance to talk to Enrique much.

I wonder how he is doing…

She hadn't forgotten about him.

She hadn't forgotten about the time spent away from him.

She hadn't forgotten about the kiss he gave her at the airport.

"I swear to God, Enrique if-" Mikaela was about to say something about him picking her up when a familiar dark head of hair gets out. Bright lime green streaks stuck out. A familiar pair of happy eyes stared at her.

"Kae!" Madeline ran up to her.

"Maddie!" Mikaela is greeted with a huge hug from the Brit.

"You look," Madeline took a look at her, "terrible? You have great hair, though."

"Thank you." Mikaela sighed, "I slept, I promised."

"You still look like you got hit by a tory."

"A what? Oh a truck," Mikaela sighed, "so this isn't Enrique's?"

"What? You think he's the only one who likes things pretty and fast? It's mine. A birthday present from my prince," Madeline giggled.

"He spoils you rotten," Mikaela puts her bags in the trunk.

"Where's Rory? I figured she be the one picking me up," She got into passenger seat next to the driver's. Madeline kept silent for a second to turn the car back on. Mikaela noticed the moment of silence.

"Madeline? Is Rory okay?"

"Rory is fine." Madeline decided to turn on the radio as they began to drive away from the airport parking lot.

"You seem like you...did something happened?" Mikaela figured to ask. Rory was good at keeping stuff from them. It wasn't her intention to not trust them. She just didn't want anyone to worry over her.

"Mikaela. She's been working just as hard as you have." Madeline kept her eyes on the road ahead, leading into the city of Glasgow.

"Uh huh, I figured that much out. Something must have happened if you walking on eggshells around me," Mikaela narrowed her eyes, "I don't like it when people do that. You might as well tell me."

"It's not that, Kae. I want to tell you. I know Rory might kill me if I bring up her own boy issues." Madeline sighed, "I might as well. Robert hasn't really been back to Scotland. He was just put into a good position at his father's company. He always has. It's...just..."

"Just what? He's given up on her?"

"I don't know. They rarely have been talking. I think it's just them being too busy and whatnot." Madeline frowned, "I think Rory's just sad. She's been like that ever since Ambrielle had her as her maid of honor."

"I thought she would be happy," Mikaela stopped, remembering the conversation she had with Rory during last summer. They both had been jealous of Ambrielle. They were happy for her, yes. Oh yes, they had been so happy for her. They still were. They were just wondering if their luck would ever come.

"I think she just needs a break. You know how she gets when there is too much stress. She gets weird." Madeline sighed.

"That's why I decided to visit."

"Rory would still be working. I'm hoping on Evelyn and Creighton will finally tell her to go and take a stupid vacation." Madeline pouted.

"We'll figure something out, Maddie."

The rest of the drive was them catching up since the last time they chatted via online. They pulled up to Cherrywood. Mikaela felt the memories come back. That summer had been a good one. She smiled the moment she stepped out of the car. Rory's cottage hadn't changed at all since the last time she saw it.

"Where are you staying?" She asked Madeline the moment she went to get her stuff out.

"At the cottage," Madeline jutted a thumb at the house, "Just dropped your stuff off and let's go find Rory. She should be somewhere around the inn."

Mikaela grinned. She just had enough time to swing the door open and toss her suitcase, carry on, and whatever else inside. The two dark haired beauties made their way around the inn. It was another summer fill with old and new visitors. Mikaela nodded her head in greeting to Elsie.

"Hello Elsie."

"Why bless my soul! Mikaela, dear!" The two hugged, "I'm surprised to see you! Are here as a guest or to work? You know we always need a helping hand."

"I know," Mikaela chuckled, "I'm actually here to visit."

"Good girl! Rory has just been...well I've actually don't know what to say about our dear girl," Elsie looked worried, "I think she needs a break! We all do. She just hasn't been herself. Maybe seeing you here will cheer her up."

That didn't sound like Rory. Something had to be up if she wasn't acting like her usual self. Mikaela shared a look with Madeline. The two girls left Elsie, saying hi to anyone Mikaela remembered from last summer. Madeline finally reached the offices. Evelyn just stepped out of hers.

"Mikaela!" She didn't shout it but loud enough to looked overjoyed to see the Canadian's presence.

"Hi Evelyn. Is Rory in there?"

"Yes, please do go say 'hi' to her. Get her out of that stuffy office. I think she spends more time in there then at home." Evelyn sighed.

"Is everything okay? I keep getting the vague feeling that I'm not getting the whole story," Mikaela frowned.

"I think it's just the blues, to be honest. She's done nothing but work her butt off since spring arrived." Evelyn stopped, "since Ambrielle and Johnny had planned the wedding, Robert been in Germany since last summer, and the others, I think she's just sad because everyone left."

A part of Mikaela felt hurt. Rory wouldn't bother her friends by stating she was lonely. She knew her friends had lives of their own and wouldn't go out of her way to bother them. Mikaela thought she kept up contact pretty well. Rory was one to go crazy if she didn't talk or see her friends once in a while.

"I'll...see if I can cheer her up."

"Good girl, and while you are at it, tell her to take some time off. Please. She has too many vacation days already." Evelyn told Mikaela.

"We'll try out best, ma'am." Madeline fake saluted her. Mrs. Tremaine left the two girls. The two friends both gave each other a look before walking into Rory's office. It was still the same way as it been before. Mikaela looked around. The office needed some dusting but it was still neat and clean and ladylike. Rory sat at her desk on the laptop, looking over a pile of papers. A pair of reading glasses were perch on her nose. Mikaela saw the same dark circles on Rory's eyes as they were on her. Her red hair was currently pulled up into a messy bun. She was dress in a floral print on blue shirt with khaki pants.


The red head looked up with a annoyed expression on her face. It quickly changed the moment she saw Mikaela.

"Kae," the nickname came out like a gasp for air. Rory shot out of her seat, leaving the work behind to hug the Canadian.

"I missed you." She whined.

"I missed you too," Mikaela pulled away, "Rory, you look like shit."

"I know," Her voice volume went down, "I'm sorry. I should have been able to come get you. I just...had stuff to do and I knew Madeline was itching to see you before I did. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize," Mikaela smiled, "I'm here now. Your mom and a lot of people said you've been working hard. I figured you be too busy wanting to play hooky for a while."

"I thought about it. I..." Rory paused, "it's just been crazy since the wedding. I'm sorry that you couldn't make it."

"You know how Am gets," Mikaela laughs, "once she wants to do something, she goes and does it."

"Yeah. It was really small and not that big of a deal. No fuss, she said." Rory pulled off her glasses, "I'm just glad you and Maddie are here. I was starting to think that..."

"Is everything okay with you and Robert?" Mikaela went straight to the heart of the matter.

"Yes, why? Kae, we're not dating. He has a company to help run. I have to help run an inn. I know he can get busy." Rory sighed, laughing it off like it wasn't a big deal. Madeline waited as Rory went to opened the door.

"She acts like not seeing him isn't a big deal but I know it's killing her." Madeline whispered.

"He's not considering someone else, is he?" Mikaela whispered back.

"No," Madeline shook her head, "I asked Oliver. No one. I mean, he goes and meets women because of business. Nothing romantic has come up. I just think she needs to get out, loosen up, and have fun. I just can't figure out how or when."

"When would be now." Mikaela said in urgency.

"Yeah, but when? I don't think the Highlands would be good. It's like she's got cabin fever only she's doing a bang up job hiding it." Both girls stopped whispering the moment Rory turned around.

"How about we go have some food?" Rory offered.

The three girls all headed straight to the kitchen. Mae was still there, giving a huffy stare the moment Mikaela came in.

"Ah, so the Canadian returns? You plan on working this summer?"

"No ma'am. I have a great job. My boss actually sent me to cool my heels." Mikaela knew she didn't miss Mae. Mae was quite the character around the inn, having been the head of the kitchen for many years.

"You look skinny. You eating alright, girly?"

"I try."

"I'm going to fix that. I'll have you girls having a good meal," She turned to Rory, "so do you, missy. I see how you loosing some of those curves you got. There is no need to let you peck away like some little bird."

"Mae, please, I'm-"

"I made a promise to your mother I keep an eye on you. I'm just doing my job. All three are having some roast beef." Mae turned away to fix the girl's plates as they sat down.

"What's wrong?" Mikaela looked at Rory.

"What do you mean?" Rory asked.

"You're not acting happy, Rory. I can tell," Mikaela narrowed her eyes, "what's wrong?"

"It's not-"

"It's a big deal if it makes you upset," Mikaela placed a hand on her friend's, "tell me what's wrong."

"Boys. Stupid men. I...I don't know." Rory sighed, "I'm starting to think the whole summer fiasco with Robert was a stupid mistake."

Both Mikaela and Madeline jaw dropped at the same time.

"Oh my goodness, you lost your mind," Madeline breathed.

"I'm serious. We're not kids anymore. He's going to be going his own way and I will be with my life. Besides, Phineas ended up turning me down so no big fail on my part." Rory fiddled with a string on her shirt hem.

"It happens. Rejection is...sucky." Mikaela rolled her eyes, "He was beautiful but, well, not Robert."

Mikaela got a glare from that.

"Anything else?" Madeline asked.

"He called."

"He who?"

"You know who," Rory went from shy and tender to down right angry, " He had the nerve to call me, asking me back!"

"Derrick called you?" Mikaela raised both eyebrows. She knew all about Derrick. She had met him once or twice. The stupid sonofabitch had hurt her. She wanted to actually let him be in her life. Yes, she understood that they both had different goals. It was just the way he handled it. The way he thought he had a handle on Rory. It made her sick the way some men treated women.


"What did the asshole want?"

"He wanted to see if I would move back with him?"

"What did you tell him?"

"Go to hell."

"That's my girl!" Mikaela grinned, "I knew you could-"

She stopped as Rory burst into tears. Madeline was trying to find a tea towel or something to use as a hanky. Mikaela just got up, wrapping her arms around the smaller girl and hugged her.

"I'm sorry-"

"Do not apologize for feeling crappy. You have every right. Do not apologize," Mikaela tried to comfort her.

"I've been working to keep my mind off of being so lonely. I've been...trying not to go crazy. First Phineas, then Ambrielle being bridezilla, then my sister, then Derrick, then wondering if you girls hate me, if the boys hate me. I'm just a mess!" A loud 'thud' is heard. The three girls turned around to see Mae had not only sat down their plates but three glasses of wine.

She slide a shot glass to Rory.

"Drink my dear, it's liquid courage." Mae didn't move under Rory swallow. Mikaela made a face once the whiskey was down in her stomach.

"Good girl. Now you three talk and have some fun." Mae left without a single word.

"I thought I was the only one dealing with insanity due to stress," Mikaela laughed, taking a sip out of her wine glass.

Rory sighed, "It's just been crazy."

"It has, for all of us." Madeline got a look from both girls, "what?"

"You have that French pastry prince," Rory grumbled.

"Not now," Mikaela patted her shoulder.

"I'm just trying to help," Madeline sighed, "Listen, I know this year has been rough on the both of you. I...I hate to see my friends suffer."

"We know Maddie." Mikaela frowned, "we're just..."


"Good thing Am isn't here or else she might be going off right now," Madeline sighed.

"That is the last thing neither me or Rory need right now," Mikaela rubbed her temple. She could feel that one vein in her temple that always seemed to want to burst whenever Ambrielle would start to annoy her.

"True," Rory sighed.

"Girls? Girls! Girls!" The three looked up from their dinners the moment Evelyn and Fiona showed up. Fiona McGregor was one unique woman. A fiery red headed beauty who ruled the McGregors with lovely eyes and a fist that matched in combat like her husband. Fiona found the girls, smiling.

"There are my dear babies! Mikaela! I'm so happy to see you!" Fiona gave an extra tight hug to her.

"Nice to see you again, Fiona."

"I'm sorry to interrupt dinner but I just stopped by to see how things were going. I was told you showed up for vacation this year?" Fiona asked.

"Yes ma'am. Rory is suffering from the pre summer blues and I'm suffering from not taking a vacation." Mikaela told her.

"How exactly are you two going to be spending it?"

"We're not sure, Fiona. We'll figure something out." Rory told her, taking a bite out of her roast beef and gravy.

"Probably do what we did last summer," Mikaela suggested.

Fiona tried not to jumped too much into. No, those girls will not be spending another summer in the Highlands! She had heard and seen how the two girls had been so lonely and busy for a whole year. Of course, she kept tabs on Mikaela. She knew how important she was to Ambrielle.

"Have either of you considered doing something different?" Evelyn asked.

"Mom, are you really trying to get me out of here? I thought you said you couldn't do this without me?" Rory asked her mother. Mikaela tried not to snicker. Rory with a snippy attitude was entertaining.

"Honey, you've been miserable and yes, please do take a vacation! Get out, go somewhere! Anywhere!"

"That is why, Evelyn," Fiona was hoping the whole setup wasn't too staged, "that I offer my services of a earth bound fairy godmother and hope to take these two lovely ladies on a vacation with me."

Both Mikaela and Rory just stared at Fiona.

"A vacation-"

"-with you?"

"Hear me out before you say no," Fiona held up a hand, "I was just offered a chance to come down and help Ambrielle's mother, Abriella with the Tornatore Fashion Masquerade this year. I can't take Ambrielle with me since she is on her honeymoon. Miss Madeline here is going with her dear Oliver. I have no other lovely ladies to dote over so I was told by Evelyn that you girls hadn't been having a great year. So I thought why don't I ask you two to come with me to Italy and we can have some fun?"

"Italy?" Mikaela froze at the name of the country.

"With you?" Rory sounded very surprised.

"Why not? You two haven't been to Italy yet and I don't want to go alone. Besides, Abriella will love it too! You two can even try some of the dresses on if you want! You get have good food, good wine, beautiful scenery, and tons of shopping!" Fiona added on the last bit for it was one thing to use to lure Rory into any vacation.

Rory opened her mouth to answer but turn to see that Mikaela was looking unsure.

"Italy...Tornatore...you mean will Enrique be there?"

"I'm not sure sweetie. I heard from Abriella that he was making plans with his friends. No worries. Girls only." Fiona held up a palm while the other hand crossed fingers behind her back.

"C'mon Kae, even if you do see him," Rory took a moment, "best you can do is just say 'hi'."

"I wonder if he remember that promise he gave to me," She muttered. Mikaela could bump into him. Abriella was his mother. She heard how he remain close despite being the heir to the Giancarlo family. Would it really be that easy just to see him? To actually look into those blue eyes and-

She stopped her train of thought.

Damn it, Enrique. There you are again, haunting my thoughts.

"Are you sure about girls only?"


"Fine, I got nothing better to do. What about you Rory?"

"Yes," Rory sighed, "yes, a nice vacation to someplace not here would be nice. Thank you Fiona. Thank you."

It was settled. Mikaela had a wrenching feeling she probably wouldn't be avoiding Enrique for another year. It was his homeland. Venice was his second home. She knew it wouldn't be hard to not spot him and somehow carry on a conversation. How could she when he left her with that burning kiss? With that kiss that had haunted her dreams for a year? That she said she wanted to see if she could survive a year without him?

No, she wasn't going to give in.

She wasn't even when it felt like her heart wanted to.

Let's see if I run into him again. Let's see if he was noble enough to keep that promise of his.