A/N: Body specifics! Name's Lita. Voice 3, body 1, hair 3 (ponytail with braids and curls), face 1 or 3 (default or no wink), hair color 8 (grape flavor!). Her asset is skill, and her flaw is luck. I'm using my unit to test, so if you don't like it, review me and say so. I like Robin, too.

Lita often wondered about what kind of life she must have had in the future. Well, the future before everything got burned to the ground by Grima.

She wondered what she did with her husband and children.

So, she went to ask her eldest child.

"Hey, Lucina," she called.

A blue-haired woman, who looked no older than Lita herself, spun around to see who called her. A pleasant grin blossomed across her features. "Hello, Mother."

The ponytailed tactician rocked on her heels. "I was wondering," she began, "before the calamity that occurred in your future...what was life like before then?"

The Exalted one sighed. "It was very peaceful," she breathed. "You and Father were so close. Both of you always seemed to make time for Morgan and I, and we would spend a lot of time together as a family."

"Really?" Lita's eyebrows raised. "What kinds of things did you and Morgan like to do?"

Lucina's lips curved into a reminiscent smile. "Morgan inherited a lot of your strategic thinking, so he loved playing chess. He was virtually untouchable. The only person he could never beat was you." She chuckled. "Father never could understand how he would always come out on top."

The lady tactician laughed. "Chrom is the kind of man who thinks impulsively, so it's natural for him to get frustrated like that!"

"I believe his exact words were—"

"Dammit, Morgan! How the hell do you DO that!?" Chrom's voice could be heard outside of the tent.

Mother and daughter locked eyes, then promptly started laughing. Once they calmed down, Lucina placed a hand on her chest. "I loved to have small moments like these..."

"Was there anything YOU liked to do in particular, Lucina?"

"Well, I..." the enigmatic princess hesitated, "I aspired to be a great swordsman like Father, so I practiced swordplay..."

Lita poked Lucina in the nose. "No surprise. You're your father's child, after all."

Lucina's face slightly turned pink. "But I...I also liked when we all played Hide-and-Seek."


"As you know, Ylisstol's grounds are very spacious. When you and Father weren't attending meetings or busy with other royal matters, a lot of the time we would spend family time together." Lucina's expression darkened. "We had to stop, though. Once Father fell, Morgan and I had to flee...and that's when Ylisse fell."

"But that's why you're here," Lita emphasized. "That's why you and the others came back in time. You came to take up arms with us to prevent the future from happening." She regarded her daughter with fire.

"Yes," Lucina said, grinning determinedly. "I long for the day that finding hiding places and playing chess playing will be all we have to worry about."

More defeated groans and triumphant laughter came from outside the tent. Lita chuckled and sighed. "Well, I'd better put your brother in his place. Can't have him stripping your father of ALL his pride."

Lucina's branded eyes sparkled mirthfully. "Indeed not."

A/N: Lita and Lucina shared support level A+! Like it? Hate it? Don't be a jerk! Leave me reviews, please. :3