I got a threat... Oh my god :p

Jaystarglider:...I usually don't make death threats but so help me if you let her die I WILL BEAT THE EVER LIVING CRAP OUT OF YOU WITH YOUR POPTARTS! NO DYING! ...u made me cry...

Well Jaystarglider, how could I kill her? She is the main character after all. I dont kill off main people unless it is a one shot :p

Its late so Im not gonna reply to comments. Maybe next update :)

Soul's P.O.V.

'A long beep. What is it?' I look around as thoughts fill my head and see the small monitor. 'Arnt those supposed to be bumpy?' I ask myself then it clicks. All the shows. All the books. All the commercials. "MAKA!" I shriek loudly but unexpectedly. The paramedics jump slightly.

3rd person P.O.V. (cuzz Im bad at writing in 1st lately)

The paramedics jumped at Souls voice. "MAKA!" He shrieked loudly. He squeezed her hand. "MAKA! Wake up!" He started sobbing uncontrollably. "Clear" One said but Soul didn't take his hand away. "Maka!" He sobbed louder. "Dont go! I cant lose you" He shouted. "CLEAR!" The paramedic shouted again and Soul didnt move still. Not wanting to shock Soul but needing to Maka, one pulled him away. "NO! Maka!" He tried to get away. He watched him shock her and the 2nd paramedic sedated him to control his hysterical state. Souls vision blurred and went black as he fell to his side. The paramedic set him down and went to maka.

~20 minutes later at a hospital~

Maka was rolled in quickly and taken away. One paramedic carried Soul in on his back. He left him in a resting room. Once every one else came he told them where he was. Everyone took turns siting with Soul. First Tsubaki, then Black*Star, then Liz and Patty, and lastly Kid. Soul hadn't woken up from his sedation for 2 hours and when he did, Kid was with him.

Soul shot up. "Maka! Wheres Maka!" Soul shouted at Kid, becoming hysterical for a second before his head thumped and he sat on the bed. "Owwwww owww owww" He whispered and Kid rubbed his back. "Maka is still in surgery Soul. She's going to be find. Promise" Kid handed him a change of cloths. "Change out of those bloody cloths. You'll scare the kids that are hear." He pulled a curtain around Soul and he changed. He walked out in regular cloths and when he walked with Kid back to the waiting room, it was flooded with fans. Once Soul walked in they became dead silent.

One girl stepped out of the group and to Soul. She hugged him gently. "I-its ok... M-Maka will make it Soul. She will. She promised" The girl whispered softly and Soul smiled. He gently hugged her and pat her back. "Thanks Kate." He whispered. She stepped back. "H-how do you..." She whispered softly. Soul smiled and held up his phone. Off the strap hung a small charm. "You gave this to me last year." He said softly. He tucked his phone away after and she smiled. He walked to the crowd. Another girl walked to him and hugged him. "Thats right Soul. She promised." The other girl said soft.y. Soul hugged her gently too. Within the hour, he hugged every one their and gratefully accepted their words. Every one else did the same and some people left but the rest sat in the large waiting room.

About half an hour later, a small girl walked up to Soul. He had gone in before Soul had woken up and she smiled. "Hi Soully! Im Joyce!" She smiled. Soul looked down at her. Her arm was in a pink cast. "What happened to you Joyce?" He asked softly to the young girl. "I fell running. But i'm better now! I wanted to let you know that I like your songs. My mommy plays them" She smiled at him and held up a sharpie. "Could you please sign my cast? I would like the first to be you" She said happily. Soul smiled and signed it. She did the same to the others and smiled happily. "Bye bye Soully! Im so happy I got to meet you!" She hugged him gently and ran to her mom. Those two left and about 10 minutes later a doctor walked out. "Family of Maka Albarn" He said. Soul, Kid, Black*Star, Tsubaki, Liz, and Patty stood. Along with every fan in the packed room.

The doctor stood slightly confused and Soul walked up to him. "Me. Whats wrong with her?" He asked nervously. The doctor lead him away and everyone else sat again.

"Shes doing well. She lost quite a bit of blood but she is stable now. She should wake up tomorrow morning. You and a few friends can use a few resting rooms if you would like" He said. Soul nodded. The doctor lead him to a glass window. Inside Maka was hooked up to tubes and wires. All her vitals were stable and she rested peacefully. Soul smiled happily. "Thank you so much. Please let us know if something happens." Soul requested. He nodded and Soul went back. He walked to Tsubaki and hugged her first. "She's ok." He whispered. Tsubaki smiled and he stepped back. He turned toward the fans. "Shes going to be ok. She should wake up tomorrow." He smiled. The fans cheered softly to themselves after being scolded by a nurse already for being loud.

Soul grabbed some paper from the desk and a pen. "Could anyone that cant stay write their information please? I would like to keep in touch with all of you. I swear without any of you guys I wouldn't be able to make it through tonight. Honestly, without you, I probably wouldnt be alive right now." He said as they passed the paper around. They wrote their name, number, email, and address down. Slowly most of them left after hugging them. Soul smiled softly to them. After a bit 10 were left and Soul was fighting to stay awake.

Right as he was about to drift off, Kami burst through the door and to him. She grabbed his collar and lifted him up. "Where is she. tell me how she is" She begged, crying. Soul pushed himself away from her. "Shes ok. She'll wake up in the morning. And no, your not seeing her first." He said and sat back down. The last fans rushed over and asked if Soul was ok. He smiled and brushed off Kami's actions.

Soul stood again. "Im going to a resting room. Guys with guys. Girls with girls." He said softly. He ignored Kami's every attempt to talk to him and said good bye to the last fans. He took the papers of information with him and tucked them in a bag someone brought for him. Soul, Kid, and Black*Star rested in beds and waited fell asleep. Tsubaki, Liz, and Patty did the same next door and Kami had managed to have a room too and the finally sober Spirit was asleep in his own room. He had managed to get their with Kami but hid in fear of the fan mob. They all slept restlessly.

At 6 am, a doctor walked into the boys room after no one answered and woke Soul. He whispered so only he would hear him, doing as he requested to only get him in the morning. "Hey, shes awake"

Seeeee!1! I didnt kill her! Just majorly injured. But she s alive. So dont beat me to death with pop-tarts... Hope you like how the fans were. He remembered Kate after a year. Yes, band members do that. Vic from Pierce the Viel remembered a fan for years until hey met again. :3