They had been arguing. It was some stupid thing like, someone left the fridge open, or someone forgot to do something. It was one of those arguments where he ended up on the couch, no matter what the result.

It was one of the nights when they had one of these arguments. He was on the couch, and his partner was in their bedroom. He could swear he heard a muffled thud as something hit the wall as he settled down on the couch, using a cream colored pillow with a green flower with four petals.

He fell asleep to the muffled sobs of his partner in the room next door, wanting to go comfort him, but not know how to, or whether he would be welcomed if he knew how. And so, sleep slowly over came him.

He dreamed, or more accurately, had a nightmare. He twisted and turned on the couch, a nightmare overtaking him. He watched as his partner walked away from him, too fast for him to catch up. He ran after him until he froze, seeing his partner's mangled body on the street in front of him, the silver engagement ring glittering with blood.

He jerked awake, eyes shooting open. His partner sat next to him in a chair, looking uncomfortable and tired.

"Hey." His partner looked over at him with sleep deprived eyes and murmured,

"Hello." He smiled at his partner before pressing back into the couch back and motioning for his lover to lay with him. His curly-haired partner lay down next to him, regret for leaving him alone seeping from his skin and to him. They lay there for two hours, his partner fell asleep, and his calm, deep breaths let peace seep into his bones.

They finally left the house, walking hand in hand, engagement ring bumping engagement ring, down a small side street, and as they were crossing a street, his partner dashing across ahead as he normally did, a horn blared, and red filled his vision. He saw a glitter of silver being overcome by a tide of red.

He raced to his lover's side, gripping the blood covered hand tight in his own, coffee colored skin slowly staining cherry with his lover's blood.

He shook his head, refusing to believe that the man beside him was dead and it wasn't a dream this time.

Three years later, and he was still grieving. He stood on the precipice, 44 floors above the abandoned street where his partner's blood still stained the ground. He looked at the sky, imagining the starships his lover had dreamed of, seeing their favorite, the Starship Enterprise and her crew, ready to beam him up.

"Beam me up, Pavel." He whispered before plunging off of the ledge and into the air…

Only to sit up on the couch back in the flat with his lover sitting next to him, looking exhausted and worn. He lunged forwards and wrapped him in a hug, a tight, tight hug.

"What's wrong?" his lover asked.

"Nothing, nothing anymore." He replied.

Inspired by this post/48024416622/hikaru-and-pavel-get-into-an-argu ment-that-leaves