Hi! No, I'm not dead!

This chapter is very very very short, and it was very difficult to write after months without practice...

Sorry if the writing isn't as good as before

Enjoy (hopefully you will)!

The warm touch of sun-rays brushed Carrie's shoulder, as she lay sleeping in the early hours of the morning. The sunshine hadn't yet found its way to Will but he did not care for he was in a peaceful sleep that was his first in weeks. The bitter cold of the night before seemed to have vanished like a bad dream. Quietness filled the bedroom; even Winston, who was curled up at the bottom of the bed, did not stir. Hours passed before the whistling of birds started, and the sun-rays moved onto Carrie's face.

She blinked at the sunlight that shone in her face and for a minute had forgotten where she was, but remembered soon enough. Not wanting to get up, she turned on her other side to escape the sun shining in her eyes. She had to get home sometime though; "let's not abuse of his hospitality" she told herself, although sleeping in his bed might have done it already. Will looked so peaceful in his sleep that she decided not to wake him. Slowly and silently, she crawled from under the covers, and walked along the wooden floor towards her guest room. There she got dressed and washed, and tried to clean up the place a little. Some of Will's dogs had started to wake up; one of them was following Carrie all around and the other one kept looking through the window, watching the birds fly by. She thought she heard Will get up. When she was done, she looked at the time: it was 11:45 am. That's when Will emerged from the bathroom, still in pajamas, a smile on his face.

"Did you… clean?" he asked as he looked around with a sleepy smile. Winston followed right behind him.

"Yeah, I did what I could…" she replied, looking over the place.

"You really didn't need to, you know. But thanks, it looks… like what the place was when I first bought it." He laughed while started to make coffee.

"No problem. I guess it's my way of saying thank you…" she looked at him in the eyes. "I really mean it. Thanks for everything." She tried to convey her feelings into her expression the best she could, but she must have looked very stupid for his mouth was now open.

Her eyes gleamed with honesty and although Will wanted to turn his gaze away, her grateful expression was like a cord on which she was pulling, the second end being his sight. "I should be thanking you. Thanks to you, I've had the best sleep in a long time. Believe me." He replied as he tried to compose himself, taking a sip from his coffee.

She blushed in reply, remembering what happened the night before. "Well, I… I had to... um, do something, you know?" Carrie felt herself burning up. Although nothing happened except sleep, she felt like it was very personal. She had never slept with a man before, literally, and figuratively. Her gaze had dropped to the smallest dog that lay at her feet. He looked up at her with his tongue hanging out, the way Sam used to.

Will approached her slowly. She wasn't even looking at him anymore, and she was trying to find something to do with her hands. He had to be gentle and caring as she was like a graceful animal that ran away when a branch cracked. As he put his coffee down, he walked towards her. He untangled one of her hands and grabbed it with his own. He held her hand. Yes, it was childish. But he knew that unlike other people, she would appreciate the gesture.

She looked up at him. His expression made her blush more. However, she felt attracted and slowly, she reached for his other hand. He smiled at her positive response and their eyes locked. He took a small step closer towards her, and kissed her cheek. Only sight was exchanged, as he kissed her other cheek. They were still holding hands, but their faces were almost touching. He could hear her uneven breath. She untangled her hands from his. He looked at her in response and felt her hands cling to his shirt very tightly. She kissed him just as he had kissed her, although a little faster. Will cradled her face in his hands, and moved his hands through her hair.

His mouth moved and he kissed her lips lightly. She didn't respond. Her lips were slightly open and did not move. Pulling away, he was worried about what he had done wrong and anxious about what she was thinking of him. They looked at each other.

"…Again?" she whispered hopefully, her lips staying still.

Will didn't need another word. He reached her mouth with his own and kissed her a little harder. For a moment her lips didn't answer his call, but Carrie responded soon enough. Her lips moved along with his. She sucked on his bottom lip and let him kiss her harder as she roamed down his shirt and her body moved closer towards his. Carrie had never felt this before; electricity ran through her body as she touched Will.

He stopped kissing her and thought he heard her say "more". He grabbed her waist and lifted her to set her down on the kitchen counter. Even there, he was slightly taller than her. He saw her face now, and she saw see his. Both were filled with lust and desire. They kissed harder than any time before and Will found that she was more daring than he had thought. Carrie grabbed his hair and as he kissed all the way down to her collarbone, she was moaning. It was hard to believe for Will that the moans of pleasure were coming from Carrie. Sweet Carrie. Kind Carrie. Yet here he was, kissing her madly while she kissed back.

Knock knock.

They stopped kissing as soon as the noise reached their ears. They looked at each other, and then at the door. Before Will turned around, Carrie pulled his shirt towards her and kissed him deeply. When she let him go, she saw Will blushing for the first time.

Hope you enjoyed it!

I'll try and be back in less than half a year!

(No, seriously, sorry for the wait. I'll try and be back soon.)