It make me pleasure smile to tell you that the ((words)) are in Russian. -OutakuRebecca

Oh yeah, and sexytime is approaching. -OutakuRebecca

Bucky looked around the helicopter with a blank face, unimpressed. After all the crap he had been through in the last 70+ years, there was very little that could actually impress him. He turned and asked Steve, "So, when are we getting out of here?"

"Natasha's picking us up at the next check point," Steve explained. He calmly observed Tony being lugged into the next vehicle by some lackeys. "We ride this car to her in case the truck has any trackers on it."

Bucky nodded absently, eyes looking around and body tense.

"I was wondering," Steve said after a beat of silence, "how you're still alive. And young. Not like I'm complaining."

"When I fell," Bucky paused when he felt Steve flinch. He shifted and took a hold of his hand. "I don't know why I didn't die. I probably should have, but I didn't. My arm was barely attached and I was out of it. Some men came and at first, I thought they were the Howling Commandos, but then they started talking in a language I didn't know." He shrugged. "They were Russian. They found me and after they figured out I was alive, they took me somewhere and they-" Bucky looked down and cleared his throat. "They gave me this," he flexed his metal arm. "I guess they brainwashed me and I became the Winter Soldier, the assassin that assassins fear." He chuckled humorlessly. "When they didn't need me, they put me in stasis, that's what I was coming out of when you and your friend attacked the base."

That was a lot to swallow. "I always knew you were tough, but... damn..."

Bucky shrugged and reached into his pocket. "I, um, I think I always remembered you, Steve." He held up a broken pocket watch, one that Steve had given him before he had deployed. Inside (though Bucky didn't open it) was a yellowed photograph of Steve, one Bucky had taken himself long before there was a Captain America or a Winter Soldier.

"I killed anyone that tried to take it from me, even after they had brainwashed me. I refused to give it away."

Steve was honored that Bucky had done so much to protect his memory. He was immediately disheartened when he compared it to his own abilities.

"I can't say that I did the same," Steve said. "When I woke up, all record of you was gone. I still knew who you were, but when I looked, I couldn't even find your MIA statement. It was like you never existed. Pictures that I knew you had been in had blanks or other people's faces where yours should have been. I thought I was dead or insane."

Bucky grinned. "That was Red Room."

"Is that like red rum? I can't go skiing after watching that, you know," Steve shuddered.

Bucky frowned and said, "I'm not sure what the hell you're talking about. Red Room, that's what the Russian facility under Department X is called. They're the ones that made me into an assassin. They probably didn't want anyone who lived after seeing me to figure out who I really was.

"It worked, Shield didn't know, I thought you were dead... It's just good to have you back," said Steve.

A short woman in Shield uniform approached them. "Excuse me, but we have a schedule to keep," she informed them

Bucky nodded and stood. He and Steve followed the woman and when he was sure that she couldn't hear him, whispered to Steve, "I'm glad to be back."

The short woman turned out to be one hell of a driver. She had the instincts and speed to drive the path of a rollercoaster without the tracks. She ended with a sharp turn and sideways slide to a halt in front of a sleek jet. It was hidden so well that Steve almost walked right into it. The insanely gifted driver stopped him in time, leading him to the correct entrance with a sight roll of the eyes. For her, it was simply another work day at Shield.

Bucky followed Steve and kept himself from laughing at the look on the agent's face when she stopped Steve from running into the jet. With the serum or without, he was a klutz. Bucky shot him a fond smile.

The jet's accent went off without a hitch. They shot through the clouds to where the airborne Shield Helicarrier was meeting them halfway, well out of Russian reach.

Bucky trailed after Steve as they exited the jet and began down the halls of the helicarrier

Steve walked briskly ahead like a puppy going out for a walk or a puppy who didn't need any shots at the vet or a puppy whose owner was putting yummy leftover steak bones in his dog food. He was a puppy.

Bucky twisted his lips when they stopped in front of a heavy looking door.

He shot Steve a look, one that said, should I take my guns out and get ready to fire or what?

Steve shot one back that said, why the stress? We're safe now.

Then he remembered that this was a strange place to Bucky. A strange place where everyone thought he was a cold-hearted and deadly assassin.

"Maybe you should hang back a sec," Steve decided. "I'll make sure they know what's up."

Bucky glared at him and snapped, "You're not going in without back up, Steve."

Steve figured nothing he could say would change Bucky's mind. He gestured his friend to stay close. "This isn't a war zone, so don't shoot anyone, okay?"

Bucky shook his head and answered, "No promises, pal." He placed his hand on his holster and gave Steve a dark grin.

"Ready when you are."

The doors of the flight deck slid open unceremoniously. Fury, Natasha, and that one brown-haired chick I can never remember stood with their backs to Steve. The deck was as intimidating as ever, like all the bustle of a crowded school hallway crammed into a box and made as efficient and productive as possible.

Bucky followed Steve reluctantly. His overprotective lover instincts screaming at him to grab Steve and run (even if he could no longer carry him).

He froze at the sight of Natasha and before anyone could react to their entrance, he had her in a headlock with a gun at her temple.

(("Traitor!")) he snarled.

Fearing Bucky was entering a relapse, Steve stepped in quickly to slap the gun from his hand. Natasha was more than capable of the rest.

Bucky shot Steve a glare but did not release Natasha. (("I'll crush your throat if you move,")) he snarled in her ear.

She answered uneasily, (("Yasha, I don't want to fight."))

Bucky was unmoved. He demanded, (("Why are you here?"))

Natasha answered quietly, not wanting anyone to over hear, (("I fell in love with the enemy."))

He hesitated before reluctantly releasing her. (("I woke up and they told me that you are gone."))

She nodded. (("He offered to help me and I left."))

Bucky glared at her, not caring that everyone was staring at them. (("They would have forced me to kill you."))

For a moment, regret and guilt flashed across Natasha's face before it once again became a blank mask, mirroring her former mentor's. (("I'm sorry, Yasha. If I had known where you were, I would have taken you with me."))

Bucky sighed and nodded his understanding. "I don't blame you, Natalia."

They shared a long look before embracing.

Steve felt like he was watching a clip from a soap opera, which he wouldn't have understood even if it wasn't in Russian.

"Do you two... know each other?"

Bucky and Natasha shared a quick look, Natasha silently asking if he wanted to answer. Bucky nodded and shifted slightly, unconsciously putting himself in front of Natasha.

"Yeah, we knew each other. I trained her when we were in Red Room." He glanced at her.

Natasha shrugged. "We were... close."

Suddenly Clint walked in and froze at the sight of them. "Hey guys," he offered. "What's going on?"

Natasha gestured to Clint. "This is him."

Bucky gave Clint a once over, nodding when he was done. "I see."

Natasha looked at Clint. "This is Yasha, my mentor. Yasha, this is Clint, my fiancé."

A dawning look of understanding came over Clint. "Yasha, as in your former lover, Yasha?"

She shrugged delicately. "Yes."

Bucky smirked, dark and protective. He snarled, (("If you break her heart, I'll cut out yours. Understand?"))

Clint swallowed and nodded. (("Understood."))


Natasha was beautiful and smart and brave, the perfect woman. Anyone could fall for her. She used that to her advantage in the field, but at the same time was loyal to those who mattered to her. It was perfectly understandable that Bucky would be... fond of her.

And Steve himself had developed romantic feelings for a person that wasn't Bucky. Peggy would have been a perfect dance partner. But that was over now, it could never happen.

For Bucky, Natasha was still very /there/. And from the way he was threatening Clint and his protective stance by Natasha, Steve wasn't sure what was over or not.

It... hurt.

Bucky, unaware of the stricken look on Steve's face, nodded slightly at Clint, who still looked a little scared. He casted a glance at Natasha. She was hiding her amusement well, though he could see through her.

He quirked an eyebrow and said, (("I approve of your choice."))

She deadpanned, (("I'm so glad."))

He grinned and glanced at Steve, wondering why he was so quiet. Noticing the way he was frowning, he moved over to him, leaving Natasha and Clint to talk.

Bucky gently bumped shoulders with him and asked, "What's with the frown, Captain?"

"I'm just... surprised, that's all," Steve managed to say with a weak grin. "I mean, what are the chances that you'd both be in the same place in Russia? It's a big country. And that you'd both be-" Steve caught himself. He'd almost said 'in love'.

Bucky frowned and looked carefully at him. Steve had always been shit at lying, especially to Bucky.

He lightly placed his hand on Steve's arm. "Ok, now do you want to tell me what's really bothering you or do you want to wait until we're alone?"

"It's- we need to catch up, that's all," Steve said. He stepped casually away from Bucky as Nick Fury entered the control room in all his depth-perception-less glory.

Bucky frowned at him and turned to scowl at the man who entered. He crossed his arms and waited for him to speak, hoping whatever it was wouldn't take too long.

He really needed to talk to Steve.

"Good work on a successful mission, Avengers," Fury congratulated them. "Except for Tony, he really didn't do anything. But Steve- WHAT IS HE DOING HERE." Fury took cover behind a computer bay in full defensive mode when he spotted Bucky.

Bucky shot Steve a look that clearly said, 'how do you want to handle this?'

Steve held his shield up and stepped in front of Bucky. "It's fine," he said. "He's with us now."

Fury studied all the faces in the room. Most of them were bored; he figured the danger was past.

"This is the lamest April fools joke ever, Rogers," he said, feeling quite foolish and stowing his guns back in their holsters.

Bucky sent Steve a quizzical look. "So," he murmured under his breath, "that's your boss?"

Steve nodded and relaxed his protective stance.

(("We also call him 'Eternal Baby Sitter' when he's not around,")) Natasha said.

(("What do you call him when he is around?")) he asked, amusement tingeing his voice.

(("Director Fury,")) said Natasha, a smile flickering on her lips. (("Don't worry, he's different than a dictator."))

(("Not by much,")) Clint added.

Fury looked peeved at their chatter. "This is America, goddammit, speak English!"

"That's what I keep telling them!" Steve agreed.

"We're hovering over Central Europe," Natasha pointed out. "The /least/ likely language they are using is English."

Bucky offered, "Dann sollten wir vielleicht sprechen Deutsch? ((Then perhaps we should speak German?)) Ou peut-être que nous devrions parler français?" ((Or perhaps we should speak French?))

He shifted and smirked at the frustrated look on Steve's face. (("You look adorable when you're frustrated, Stevie."))

Both Natasha and Clint started laughing at that.

"Do you know every language?! What is this?!" said Steve. "And what did that last part mean?"

Bucky shrugged and explained, "You've gotta know how to speak to the locals when you're gonna kill someone in their country, Steve. And I said that you look adorable when you're frustrated." He gave him a sultry look and leaned closer, murmuring quietly so only Steve could hear, (("You look good enough to eat, Stevie."))

"I love you too?" Steve was very conscious of all the eyes in the room, watching them. "For all I know, that's what you said."

"Or maybe that's just wishful thinking," Steve said breathily in Bucky's ear

Bucky smirked and raked his eyes across Steve's face before grabbing his wrist and demanding of Natasha, (("The nearest private place?"))

She smiled at him and replied, ((" Down the hall, first door on the right. The cameras are broken and the door has a lock. Clint and I will distract Fury. Have fun."))

Natasha winked and Bucky threw her a smirk before pulling Steve out the door to her recommended spot.

Steve stumbled after Bucky. "Where are we-" They turned a corner. "We're not-" Down the hall. "Oh, we are." Natasha and Clint's snogging spot.

Bucky shut and locked the door behind them and hopped up on the table in the center of the room. "So," he quirked an eyebrow. "Are you going to tell me why you were upset earlier?"

"Oh." Steve stationed himself by the door. "It's... about your past." He muttered something incoherently.

Bucky frowned, "What was that?"

"You," Steve struggled with his words for a moment. "and Natasha." He looked up to Bucky's face. "Lovers?"

His face softened and he grabbed Steve around the waist, bringing his to stand in between his legs. He ducked his head slightly to lock eyes with him and smiled. "Ancient history, kiddo." When he saw the unconvinced look on Steve's face, he sighed and explained, "I will never not love Natasha, but I have not been in love with her for many years. I have never stopped being in love with you, мой ангел."

Bucky shifted and placed a kiss to Steve's temple. "That's what is important."

A feeling of relief and happiness swelled in his chest, pushing out his previous thoughts of ...jealousy. Yes, it had definitely been jealousy.

Steve smiled. "You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that." He stood a little straighter so that their noses brushed.

"Could I ask for one more thing?"

He smirked and said, "You just did." He laughed at the face Steve made, then rephrased it as, "Of course, мой ангел."

"Teach me some Russian," said Steve. "Like what you said to me earlier. Before you dragged me of to the Clintasha Closet."

"Hmm." Bucky pulled Steve closer and said slowly, (("You look good enough to eat, Stevie.")) He looked at him. "Now you try."

He repeated the words slowly. (("You look good enough to eat, Bucky.)) Is that right?"

Bucky gave him a pleased grin and a peck on the check. "Very good, мой ангел."

"It won't do any good if I don't know what it means," said Steve, trying to keep his blush under control.

Bucky gave Steve a wicked grin and leaned in to whisper in his ear, "It means 'you look good enough to eat, Stevie."

Steve felt a jolt in his chest. And yep, the battle of the blush was a lost cause.

He somehow managed not to stutter. "First I'm your girl, now I'm your food. I think it's about time you became something of mine." He briefly pressed his lips to Bucky's jaw.

(("мой ангел, I have always been yours,")) he murmured lightly, pressing his lips to Steve's temple.

Steve wound his arms around Bucky's middle. "Translation, jerk?" Steve said between light kisses trailing to Bucky's chin.

Bucky grins and tilts Steve's head up. They brush lips as he murmurs, "My angel, I've always been yours."

"My angel... мой ангел," Steve pondered aloud. "I could get used to that.

Bucky laughed and kissed his jaw. (("Punk,")) he said, affection coloring his voice. He ran his hands through Steve's hair and pulled him in for a kiss.

Steve's eyes fluttered shut. He pulled Bucky closer with his hands on his back, feeling the muscle and scars that covered it. There were more of each since they had parted, on that train forever ago.

Bucky deepened the kiss as he shifted, standing and pulling Steve with him until he heavily sat on a chair. He pressed his metal hand to the small of Steve's back and pushed and pulled until he got him to sit on his lap, knees on either side of his hips.

It was reminiscent of the movie theater kiss they had, once upon a time.

Steve moved his hands to cup either side of Bucky's face, kissing him with all the want that had built up over the years. All the nights he had spent drinking, trying to forget the last time Bucky had said his name until only hours ago, they were only in preparation to be drinking him in now.

Bucky gripped Steve tightly, almost afraid to let go. All of the years he had spent in the icy coldness of the Winter Soldier melting under the touch of his best friend, his freakin' angel. He broke the kiss to trail a line of kisses down Steve's neck.

Steve tilted his head to expose more of his neck to Bucky. "My traveler," he whispered.

Bucky smiled against Steve's neck and asked, lips brushing the smooth expanse of skin, "traveler?"

Steve nodded. "That's you, because I'm always following you. To the war when we were kids, to the future, which I guess is now..." He trailed off, hoping his explanation didn't sound stupid.

Bucky remained silent for a moment, eyes on something unseen. He shook off the unwanted memories and tightened his grip on Steve, pulling him back in for a kiss, teeth clinking and slid his hand back into his silky blond hair.

When they broke apart, Steve looked flushed and his eyes were glazed. Bucky smirked and said, "Seems fitting. 'My traveler,' I could get used to that."

Steve smiled and rested his head on Bucky's shoulder. "Don't go anywhere else I can't reach you."

Bucky hummed, "Never again."

Steve meshed his lips with Bucky's. It was a messy kiss, but he didn't care. His friend was back, back for good, and that was enough.

"Jesus, Steve," Bucky growled, tangling his hand in his soft blond strands. He tilted his head and scrapped his teeth down his jaw, causing Steve to gasp.

Steve leaned into the touch, pressing Bucky back gently so his back was on the table.

Spinning suddenly, Bucky sat Steve on the table, eagerly pressing in for another kiss.

Steve mouthed Bucky's name, but was still breathless from kissing. He laced his fingers behind Bucky's neck to eliminate any remaining distance between them.

Pushing against Steve, Bucky tightened his grip on his hair and flattened them against the hard top of the table. He nipped at Steve's neck and moved down to bite at his adam's apple.

Their legs tangled, toes curling and uncurling in shoes. The metal of Bucky's mechanical hand felt cool against Steve's flushed skin. The way his teeth skimmed over him made him think of Bucky's earlier comment. You look good enough to eat.

Almost as if reading his thoughts, Bucky murmured, (("You look good enough to eat, my angel,")) before pulling him into a bruising kiss.

Steve pulled away, but not before sucking on Bucky's lower lip. "I remember that one," he whispered. "I could say the same about you." He kissed where Bucky's neck and shoulder connected, his goal to leave a mark.

To claim him more than the red star painted on his metallic bicep or the scars that interlocked on his skin.

Bucky moaned as he felt Steve's lips against his neck. Muttering, (("Dear God,")) under his breath, he leaned his head back to allow Steve more space to work.

Bucky's voice was the most amazing thing. Steve traced his tongue around the spot he had turned red. It was just above the collar of Bucky's uniform, clearly visible. Good.

Bucky shot Steve an amused look. "Marking me up good, Stevie?"

Steve nodded. "I have to, you're mine again," he explained, eyes half-lidded. "I don't want you going anywhere." He hugged him possessively.

Bucky smiled softy, carding his metal hand through Steve's hair and cupping his face gently. (("I'm not going anywhere, my love,")) he murmured, pressing soft kisses to Steve's face.

Steve laughed. "I'm going to have to turn on subtitles to kiss you."

Bucky looked startled. "Sorry, didn't know I wasn't speaking English."

Steve smoothed the lines of worry between his eyebrows with his thumb. "It's alright," he looked a little embarrassed. "It... it's kind of a turn on."

A wicked look swept the worry from Bucky's face. "Is it now?"

"Yeah," Steve let his voice get husky. "I think America is falling to the communists. It's the damn Cold War all over again."

Bucky suddenly pushed Steve flat against the table and growled in his ear, (("I'm going to make you scream.")) Rocking against him, he added, (("until you beg for mercy, Stevie. And believe me, you will."))

Bucky smirked as he watched Steve get dress, various bite marks and hickeys covering his skin. He looked suitably ravished, disheveled in the best way possible, hair astray and lips kiss-bitten red.

Steve tossed him his jacket from the floor. "Aren't you getting dressed too?"

His answer was to shrug on his shirt and tug on his pants, lacing his boots up and putting on his jacket. He sent raked his eyes across Steve once again when he was done.

Steve caught Bucky staring. He wasn't exactly trying to hide it. "What?" he asked with a slight grin.

Bucky thought of his words carefully and weighed the likelihood of making Steve blush with certain ones and others with the possibility of getting him out of his clothes again. Going with the blushing, he smirked and answered, "I'm just making sure I fucked you thoroughly, мой ангел."

Steve crossed the room and rested his hands on the table, one on each side of Bucky. "Check," he said with a quick kiss on the lips.

Bucky grabbed him around the waist and gave him a longer kiss, before murmuring, "I think I'll have to do it again later to make sure I was effective. Double checking results and all." He gave him a hungry look.

"How do you say 'insatiable' in Russian?" Steve asked. He rested his forehead on Bucky's. Captain America could fight off armies of aliens and humans alike, but this one assassin could really tire him out.

He smiled and murmured, (("Says the man, who begged for more not even ten minutes ago.")) He threw his head back and moaned in imitation of Steve, (("Please, Bucky! More! Harder!"))

He opened his eyes again and smirked, "And you call me insatiable."

Steve hid his face in Bucky's shoulder, knowing he couldn't hide the heat of his embarrassment. "One day back and I'm already addicted to you," he admitted. He looked up suddenly, seriousness washing the blush from his features. "Join the Avengers."

Bucky blinked, startled by the sudden change in conversation. "Come again?"

"I know it didn't work out the greatest the last time you joined my elite team," Steve hopped up to sit next to Bucky in the table. "And as much as I'd enjoy you being the stay-at-home-housewife for a change, I want you around... all the time." He laced his fingers with Bucky's.

"Of course I'll join your team, Rogers. What else would you expect me to do while I'm waiting for you to come home? Besides, the last time I left, you nose dived into the fucking ocean."

Steve grinned like an idiot. "I'll still make a pretty mean Ruben."

"Excellent! Another for Asgard!" A booming cheer came from the hallway behind the closed door. It was accompanied by a fit of shushing.

Bucky cocked an eyebrow at the door before locking eyes with a freshly blushing Steve.

"Which one was that?" he asked mildly, looking unsurprised.

"That was Thor, god of the inability to sense the mood," Steve said into his hands. "Shit, were they there the whole time?"

"Damn right we were," growled Fury from behind the door.

Bucky rolled his eyes and yelled, (("I do not share, Natalia!"))

Laughter could be heard from Clint as Natasha yelled back, (("Clint is more than enough for me, thanks!"))

Steve wanted to curl up and never look anyone in the face again. But he didn't. Because he's a hero.

"Are you already making Russian sex jokes about me?"

Bucky laughed and shook his head. "Of course not." He paused. "Why, do you want me to?"

Steve clamped a hand over Bucky's mouth. "They've probably heard enough for one day." He sighed. "Let's go get you suited up."

Bucky's words were muffled as he responded, "There's a dirty joke in there somewhere."

Steve chuckled, then removed his hand to kiss Bucky quickly. "You can tell me later," he promised. He stood and pulled Bucky up as well.

Bucky shot Steve a smile and called out, "Do we actually have someplace we need to be, Mr. Director?"

"Yes! So hurry up with all of these damn feelings and shit," was Fury's muffled response.

Steve grinned, one hand on the door handle and the other in Bucky's. "We've got a world to protect."

Bucky gave him smile, eyes lighting up. "Lead the way, Cap. I've got your back."


-The Russian is bracketed because no one should really trust Google translate. Sorry if the German or the French is wrong. After checking various sources, it was confirmed that мой ангел does mean 'my angel' in Russian. -PennyStarling17

-So that's what the Russian meant! I didn't have a clue on some of it during the rp. You can probs tell. Thanks for reading and we hope you enjoyed it! -OutakuRebecca