Well who saw all that coming mmm? Oh btw, I have an Elsword account for those who play~! PM me for my character names.

Chapter 3

Ichigo wasn't sure whether to laugh or just smack the guy. "Daemons? They don't exist." He grumbled. "...Don't they?"

"Oh they very much do, and Shiro is their lord." Urahara explained. "Well...as much as he can be. He's certainly one of the strongest out there...but he's surprisingly nice for a daemon."

"I can only imagine..." Ichigo mumbled sarcastically. "As for me...what did those guys do?"

"Souske Aizen and his associate Bach have been trying to do two things: capture a powerful daemon and control it and create superhuman assassins and soldiers." He sighed. "It seems he succeeded in the soldier part." He mumbled and shook his head. "I'm not too sure what you are capable of, but use you umm...new talents to your advantage." There was a knock at the door and Kisuke opened it. A spiky red head barged in, wearing a police uniform. "Ah, Mr. Abarai! How nice to-"

"Where is he?! I wanna see Ichigo!" Kisuke sighed and pointed. Renji rushed over and hugged Ichigo, the orangette feeling confused.

"Umm...who the hell are you?" Renji looked at him, noticing the honest confusion in his voice and he sighed. "Well?"

"Sorry...I didn't wanna believe stupid hat and clogs over there..." He ran a hand through his hair, looking annoyed. "He gives me a headache..."

"I'll agree to that." Ichigo chuckled. Renji looked at him strangely and faster than Ichigo realized, Renji pulled his gun and he had his hand on Renji's throat. Renji dropped the gun in shock and Ichigo slowly released him. "S...sorry...I don't know why-"

"Real fast reflexes...holy shit..." Renji gasped in surprise. "Yup he isn't lying." Renji grabbed his gun and looked at it stunned. "Didn't even notice that you unloaded it..." He muttered.

"N...neither did I..."

"Alright alright! You can both kiss and make up later! For now, down to business..." Kisuke chimed in, knocking Renji to the side. Ichigo blushed and Renji coughed. "Oh ho~! Were you?!"

"Hell no!" Both of them snapped.

"Heh nice to see some things never change..." He chuckled.

Ichigo didn't know what to say to them, feeling odd and out of place. The two of them seem to work well together...and me? I just feel out of place... He thought. Renji looked at him and squeezed his hand. "Sorry I...I just don't remember any of this." They were explaining things, but he just couldn't remember and it was killing him.

...Ok...don't worry... He flinched when he heard Shiro's voice.

"Is it him?" Renji asked.

"Yeah...he sounds pained..." He admitted. "I wanna help him...but I don't know how..." Renji looked at Kisuke and he sighed.

"I have a contact whose been sticking his nose into Aizen's business since they could crawl." He smiled and handed Ichigo an addressee. "His name is Shinji Hirako. If you give him my name he'll...supply you." Ichigo didn't need to have memories to get the hint.

"Yes, black marketeering with a cop in the room." Renji sighed and rolled his eyes. "You're lucky you help the police too."

"Why Renji, you make it sound like you're gonna arrest me~!" Kisuke chuckled. Ichigo grinned and stood up. He bowed politely and sighed.

"Thanks for your help. And...I'm sorry I can't recall either of you..."

"Don't worry, you will sooner or later. I contacted Shinji and someone will be awaiting to give you directions." Kisuke said and waved as Ichigo walked away. "You didn't tell him what happened Renji..."

"Only to cause him to freak out? He hates guns...maybe having no memory can help him." Renji sighed.

Ichigo waited patiently at the street corner, fidgeting slightly. It's so weird...I don't know this town...yet there's such nostalgia... he thought. He gripped at his hip, a hidden gun underneath the baggy heard someone move and he quickly pulled the gun out, the barrel digging into the man's forehead.

"Whoa Ichi! I just came 'ere ta give ya directions." The guy raised a hand in the air and Ichigo lowered the gun. "The name's Gin Ichimaru. Granted, ya don' remember me."

"Kisuke told you this?"

"Yes. I was a friend of Renji's, he was two grades lower than me." He explained. He moved silver bangs out of his eyes and sighed. "I'm also half demon so we're...similar I suppose." Ichigo nodded and put the gun away. "Alright, I'll point ya in the right direction and ya can go from 'ere." He gave Ichigo a map that was slightly childish in apperence. "Yer old friend Rukia drew this."

"It looks...annoying...but familiar." He commented, before feeling a slight pain in his skull.

"You're drawings abnormally suck."

"What right do you have to say that asshole?"

"Freedom of speech."

"This isn't America, you dork!"

"Oi ya ok?"

"Y...yeah..." Ichigo shook his head. "This isn't America...true that..." He chuckled. "She has black hair...violet eyes..."

"Yup! Rukia Kuchiki, little midget with a thing for yaoi porn." Gin laughed. "Renji likes 'er." He said. "You remembered somethin' I'm guessing?"

"An argument...I think it's how we met." Ichigo scratched at his head before a soft chuckle in his mind.

Yeah...hates my guts... He could tell Shiro was laughing, albeit it sounded pained. Midget brat...

"Anyways, she'll be there, maybe she'll knock some sense into ya!" He grinned. "See ya around...and be careful ok?" Ichigo watched him walk away and looked at the map.

I have a bad feeling though... He thought and tilted his head to the side. Shiro? Is this something I should do?

...Just...cautious...Ichigo heard the broken sentence and felt their connection end.

"Ok...I will be." He nodded and stuffed the map in his pocket. He looked up to see the sun rise softly over the outline of the mountains. "Well...let's get this started." He said and with renewed resolve started to head towards where Shinji Hirako was waiting.

Chapter 3 end

Whew! Sorry it's brief and all. My hip's been killing me and it hurts to bend and lift, making my job a living hell on earth...but i'll pull through! :D I shalt perservere! Anyways, I put the list of my Elsword names on my profile, and please note we could be on same server, but not same channel, so if you wanna add me, then tell me and I'll switch channels ok?

Elsword is a free MMORPG based off of a manga of the same name. It's a lot of fun! Here's a quickie rundown.

Elsword: Main character of the manga and you're traditional Knight class.

Aisha: A little girl and your Magician class.

Rena: An elf that is your Archer class, but she isn't defenseless, and can fight with her feet too.

Raven: He's got some interesting combo's, and has a nasod arm (nasod's are machines created by humans thousands of years before the story)

Eve: Queen of the Nasods, she fights with drones

Chung: Chung fights with a cannon, either whacking the enemy or shooting it. You do have to reload it though. If you choose a certain class (Shooting Guardian, my Chung is this) he gains a pistol

Ara: She's new and fights with a spear. She also requires energy to fight rather than just MP, but she's good.

Well review and pm me~!