Cursed Mirrors

Disclaimer: Not mine; never will be. Need I say more?

Summary: The night of the Kyuubi attack and its subsequent sealing, has a side effect that no one could have predicted when the Kyuubi decides to gift it's container with a unique ability, so that no one could hurt its Jinchuuriki. But not even Kyuubi itself could have foreseen how much this ability would evolve, and without meaning to create a monster worse than the Bijuu. Main pairing will be Naruto/FemKyuubi (Master/Servant).

Chapter 14:

"Reflection of the Truth"

"Normal speaking"


"Demon speaking"-

"Demon thoughts"

Shows change in time and place


With some difficulty, Shizune sat down besides Naruto, who was lying unconscious on the ground inside the word of mirrors; she was breathing hard and erratically, her body was covered in sweat and her arms shook from chakra overuse, bag could be see under her eyes, showing how truly exhausted she felt.

"I don't know how you're still alive…" Shizune muttered between pants, her gaze locked on Naruto's form as she tried to get her breathing under control.

Shizune had been working non-stop treating Naruto´s wounds for almost twelve hours now, and to the medic it was surprising that the boy could even move with his body in such a bad shape. Any other person would have lost an arm, at least, Shizune was sure of that, but the blond managed to heal enough to keep his body complete.

Naruto´s condition was actually worse than she originally thought. At first Shizune thought that the worst would be some superficial wounds, with maybe some small internal bleeding, a broken bone or two or maybe even a contusion, nothing too difficult for Shizune to heal, but once she started examining the blond she noticed that the physical injuries were the least of her concerns.

Naruto´s body was covered in grave chakra burns, the type that only appear after forcing too much chakra to expel from the tenketsu. Normally they weren't that serious of an injury, as the body was able to naturally heal from them after a day or two of rest, but the one on Naruto were different, in that they reached deep into his body, damaging the chakra circulatory network and not just the tenketsu, and this was actually putting his life at risk.

Shizune suspected that Naruto´s new form was responsible for the extent of his burns, the new transformation must have put so much stress on his chakra system, forcing Naruto to cycle his chakra around his whole body with increasing force as long as he was in that state, and with no way for the chakra to exit from the glass container the pressure inside must have been crushing, damaging everything in his body. It was a double edged sword, it gave Naruto incredible strength and durability but damaged his body the longer it remained active.

The worst of the damage was on his right arm and eye. Once Shizune removed Naruto's bandages from his arm she was horrified to see the blackened flesh beneath, it looked more li charcoal than flesh. His eye wasn't any better, the blood vessels had ruptured a little and his eye was completely red, Shizune had to work fast to relieve the blood pressure lest he lose his eye.

It had taken her a lot of time and effort to finally stabilize him enough for Naruto to be able to move when he wakes up, but he would be unable to use chakra excessively for some time, while his chakra system repaired itself. Shizune decided to talk to Naruto to check if her analysis of his Stained Glass Mode was correct, and if it was warn him about the dangers of the technique.

Shizune let out tired sigh, her breathing under control now, and decided to rest for a little bit, Naruto was stable now, and she wasn't worried about a complication coming up, so she laid down on the ground, next to Naruto, and fell asleep.

It was hour later before Shizune woke up, still feeling tired, but not as much as before. With a yawn, Shizune got up, stretching her arm above her head to try and get the feeling back. It was a few more moments before she noticed that Naruto was gone.

"I see you´re awake" Naruto´s voice came suddenly from the side, and Shizune jumped, as ashamed as she was to admit it, scared.

"Don't do that!" Shizune complained, holding a hand over her fast beating heart. "And what are you doing walking around; do you know how much I had to work to heal you?"

"You worry too much" Naruto dismissed with a smile, ignoring Shizune´s look of annoyance. "Get ready, we have to go" Naruto forestalled Shizune´s rant, making her annoyance go away at the serious look on the boy´s eye.

"Where are we going?" Shizune asked, after nodding her acceptance, whilst checking her equipment. She didn't actually had all that much stuff, and what she had was inside a sealing scroll that she kept under her Kimono in a secret pocket.

"We are going to join the rest of my group"

Moments before, Konoha, hidden base

Danzou Shimura was standing in a hidden underground bunker, waiting for a meeting with one of his former agents. He was standing in front of a big table, easily able to sit a dozen people at once. Around the room, acting as guards, was a squad of ROOT ANBU agents, Danzou´s black ops group.

In front of the veteran ninja, on the table, was a big circular mirror that stood on a metal base. This was a special mirror, it was connected to Naruto´s mirror world, and it allowed Danzou to communicate with the blond, no matter where the boy was in the world, as long as he was alive.

This mirror was actually the motive for the existence of this hidden bunker. Danzou wanted to protect the mirror and make sure that it would never made its way to Hiruzen´s hands, or one of his loyal ninja. The bunker was designed in such a way that if someone were to try and remove the mirror it would activate an inverted four point sealing matrix that would absorb and destroy everything in a mile radius.

"You´re late, Naruto" just at the moment that Danzou spoke, the visage of a smiling Naruto appeared on the surface of the mirror. "What´s the status of the mission?" Danzou demanded, wishing to end the meeting as soon as possible.

"Orochimaru received the blood sample from Shisui Uchiha" Answered Naruto. "Besides I managed to get Tsunade to focus on me, and made Shizune into one of my allies. Just as you expected Orochimaru revealed that I used to be an agent of ROOT to Jiraiya and Tsunade, so you can expect an audience with the new Hokage to happen soon"

"Very well, then just as we agreed…" Danzou made a signal to one of the ROOT ANBU around the room, and the indistinctive ninja walked forward to put a glass container on the table. "The eye of an Uchiha"

Inside the container, floating in green liquid was one of the eyes that Danzou had stolen after the Uchiha massacre years ago. The eye was in an active state and it possessed three commas around the pupil. This was a fully matured Sharingan eye.

The mirror rippled like water and out came Naruto´s arm; it grabbed the glass container and then retreated inside the mirror, showing that Naruto now had the eye with him.

"You plan to gain the trust of the sannin by helping them capture me" Naruto stated, examining the Sharingan. "I hope it works out for you, I would really like to fight against Tsunade again. Danzou didn't replay; he just kept his eye locked on Naruto´s form. "It looks like my companion is up already, I´ll see you later, Danzou"

Naruto´s image disappeared from the mirror, letting Danzou see his own reflection. He stood quiet for a moment, contemplating the mirror, a frown on his face.

"I don't need a rebellious weapon like him"

Danzou and his ANBU exited the bunker, and once they were far enough the old man activated the self-destruct mechanism, destroying his only way to communicate with Naruto, that was the last time they would ever speak as allies.

With Naruto

Naruto and Shizune managed to appear at the entrance of his hidden base, thanks to a little mirror that Naruto left behind to act as a gate for him. Shizune looked around for a moment, and after noticing that she was in front of a cave, blinked in surprise, she didn't expect them to be hiding in a cave.

"It looks better on the inside" Said Naruto defensively, taking notice of the incredulous look on Shizune´s face. With nothing else to say, they walked inside.

It took them a couple of minutes before they entered a cavernous room, where they found Kurenai and Yuugao having an intense staring match with each other, or at least that is what it looked like to Naruto.

"What are you doing?" Naruto asked bewildered. His voice broke the concentration of the two women, making them blink and then turn to look at him.

"Naruto!" Kurenai exclaimed in happiness, being the first to react, Yuugao then appeared next to Naruto and began to act as a bodyguard, something she seemed to enjoy doing as she started doing that whenever she didn't have any other orders.

"Naruto~sama!?" Hinata´s scream came from another room, and moments later the girl was standing in front of Naruto, trying to hug the blond, only to be stopped by Yuugao, who was really into her bodyguard role.

"Let me go, Yuugao!" Hinata complained, trying to get close to Naruto, while Yuugao held her by the neck of her jacket.

"Yuugao, let go of Hinata!" Kurenai ordered, only to be completely ignored by said woman.

"It is my duty to make sure no one suspicious get close to Naruto~sama" Yuugao answered in monotone. Naruto let out a nervous laugh, being caught in the middle of the two Kunoichi. Hinata waved her arms with urgency, desperately trying to get out of Yuugao´s grasp, as she was now being choked by her collar.

Standing behind Naruto, and being ignored by everyone at the moment, Shizune couldn't help but think "What kind of group did I join?"

"Yuugao, Kurenai, stop trying to start a fight" Naruto ordered, making the said Kunoichi calm down, though Yuugao was still choking Hinata. "Yuugao, please release Hinata" Yuugao complied and released her hold on the Hyuuga, making the girl gasp for air and then fall painfully to the ground, landing face first. Naruto blinked, technically, Yuugao had followed his orders, but he felt as if the woman still got the better of everyone in the room.

Shizune moved to help Hinata off the ground, helping her stand up and then healing the bruise on her face. This made the others notice that she was actually there.

"Who is she Naruto?" Kurenai asked, before Yuugao could do anything, as the woman looked ready to attack.

"This is Shizune Kato, Tsunade Senju´s old apprentice, and our team´s doctor from now on" Naruto introduced Shizune with a smile.

"A pleasure" Shizune said, bowing her head a little in sign of greeting.

"Hinata, take Shizune to Anko" Naruto ordered before anyone else could ask something.

"Please follow me, Shizune~san" Hinata nodded to Shizune and began walking towards the other room, where Anko and her sister stayed. The Hyuuga knew that Anko was in dire need of medical attention, so she made haste to comply with Naruto´s orders.

"Tsunade´s apprentice… what did we miss?" Kurenai muttered and then asked Yuugao, who just shrugged her shoulders in reply and then turned to Naruto.

"Let´s wait for Hinata to come back before I explain" Kurenai and Yuugao nodded at that, it would be better if everyone were present for an explanation.

With Shizune

"Who is Anko?" Shizune asked Hinata as they walked.

"You could say she is a… prisoner." Hinata answered a little insecure, she actually didn't know what they needed the purple haired woman for, but Naruto was the one to give the order to capture her if possible so there must be a reason for that, and she thrusted him enough not to ask.

"Nee~sama, who is that?" a young voice drew Shizune´s attention just as they walk into the room. When she turned to look, Shizune noticed a small girl, under the age of ten, she guessed. The girl had pure white eyes, so she immediately placed her as a Hyuuga.

"This is Shizune~san, little sister, she is a doctor and she is here to make sure everyone is in good health" Hinata turned to look at her sister to answer her question, introduction the black haired woman to the girl. "That is Anko over there, as far as I know she was put in a comma by a genjutsu" Hinata told Shizune, pointing to the woman on the other side of the room. Shizune nodded and walked over to start her diagnosis.

"Shizune~san, I have to return to Naruto~sama, if it is not much to ask, could you check over my sister as well, I want to be sure she is fine" Hinata waited for Shizune to nod, and once she did she turned to her sister. "Don't cause any problem, Hanabi" then she walked out of the room.

Shizune´s hands began to glow a bright green as she ran her hands over Anko´s body, using chakra to examine her condition. After a few moments, Shizune scowled in annoyance, the woman was low on chakra, and had sings of malnutrition and dehydration; she was at the border of death.

"I´m going to need to resupply, I only have enough for a couple of days, and that is just taking this woman into consideration" Shizune thought as she got her sealing scroll out from under her Kimono to take out an IV drop.

Hanabi stood behind Shizune, observing her treat Anko, and feeling a little better knowing the woman was finally getting the medical attention she desperately needed. The little girl had been feeling really uncomfortable witnessing Anko´s decay, and watching Anko be healed made her feel that they wouldn't let her die like that.

A couple of hour later

Shizune came back to the room Naruto was in after healing Anko and examining Hanabi, to find her new teammates sitting at a table that she didn't remember seeing before.

"Shizune, come, take a seat" Naruto was the first to notice Shizune and invited her to sit with them.

"How´s my sister doing?" Hinata asked the second Shizune was at the table, a look of concern on her face.

"I couldn't find anything wrong with her" Shizune answered, much to Hinata´s relief. "I wish I could say the same for the other woman, she is in really bad shape and I don't have the supplies needed to treat her completely"

"Good job, Shizune, please rest a little" Naruto nodded to Shizune, and the woman let out a sigh and leaned back on her chair, starting to relax a little.

"Wait, she needs to look at someone else" Kurenai said, turning to Shizune. "Tei is still unconscious, she needs help"

"Don't worry about Tei" Naruto cut in. "Her current state is unrelated to her health, she is just under the effects of a seal I placed on her"

"A seal?" Yuugao wondered aloud. "Does it have to do with the Kyuubi?"

"Yes, the seal was supposed to trigger and suppress the Kyuubi´s chakra in the event Tei was ever to access it" Naruto explained. "She´ll wake up as soon as I remove the seal."

"But how is that possible, Naruto~sama? I thought you had separated the Kyuubi´s chakra from Tei" Hinata asked, confused. As far as she knew Tei was created when Naruto ripped the chakra from the beast and gave the remaining soul a physical form.

"Let´s rest for today, I´ll wake up Tei, tomorrow" Naruto ordered, ignoring Hinata´s question. Hinata, Kurenai and Yuugao nodded, they were curious, but they thrusted Naruto to explain when it was necessary, and they didn't want to press the subject.

Shizune was already asleep in her chair, so they decided not to wake her, she earned her rest.

Mirror world

Naruto was inside the world of mirrors, looking at a very peculiar tree. This tree was different from all the others that made up the forest of mirrors. It was black in color, with cracks running up and down its form, and a strange energy seem to seep from the openings.

"I need to act fast" Naruto mumbled to himself. "I don't know how much longer I can keep the shinigami´s arm sealed"

For a moment, Naruto was able to see the form of hand press against the mirror, and in the place it touched another crack formed. Naruto turned to look at his right arm, which dangled uselessly by his side, and gripped it with his left.

"I hope my body is able to resist the power of the Death God"

"It will. I will make sure of it"

The next day. Naruto´s base

Naruto and the others were gathered inside of Tei´s room. The rabbit eared girl was lying unconscious on a makeshift bed and Naruto had decided that it was time to wake her up, so that they could get ready to leave.

Naruto stepped closer to Tei, his hand held in a half snake seal, at the same time a seal began to draw itself on Tei´s forehead. Yuugao was able to recognize the seal as one that is commonly used in the torture and interrogation department back in Konoha, it kept the victim paralyzed completely, it was actually a pretty simple seal.

Yuugao chastised herself for not recognizing something she had seen multiple times before in her time as an ANBU, if she had she would have been able to break the seal herself.

Naruto placed his hand over the seal and it began to fade, shortly after the girls eyes fluttered open for the first time in days.

Tei blinked a couple of times, feeling disoriented from her long slumber. Her eyes took a couple of second to focus and then settle on Naruto, who was the closest to her, then she noticed that Kurenai, Yuugao, Hinata and a woman she didn't know were standing behind the blond.

Tei closed her eyes again, her head throbbing in pain, one of her hands went to rub her forehead, in an attempt to calm down her headache, only to feel, moments later, the warm hand of someone else there and a calming feeling overcoming her mind.

"How is she, Shizune?" Tei heard Naruto ask, and guessed that Shizune was the unknown woman.

"It´s nothing, Naruto~sama, she just seems to have a little headache" Shizune answered, with her hand on Tei´s forehead glowing green with chakra.

"…Naruto~sama" Tei mumbled, relaxing under the feeling of Shizune´s healing hands.

"Good, as soon as Tei is up we´ll begin preparation to leave this place" Naruto said, turning to look at Yuugao, Kurenai and Hinata, thrusting Tei to Shizune.

"Where are we going, Naruto~sama?" Hinata asked, with Kurenai nodding, showing she was curious as well.

"Right now we have to go as far away from fire country as we can" Yuugao commented from besides Kurenai. "Maybe we should go to a country without a hidden village and try to keep a low profile" she suggested.

"We need a faraway place that is difficult to explore" Naruto added, nodding to Yuugao´s suggestion. "I was thinking we could go to Snow country" Naruto added.

"If I remember right, Snow country doesn't have a ninja village, but it does have ninjas working for the feudal lord." Kurenai mused, trying to remember what she knew of that place.

"We would have to travel all across Fire country to the east to get a boat to Snow country, or go around by the sea through Water country" Yuugao said.

"Going through Water country isn't an option, according to Danzou´s network that place is in a state of civil war right now, we aren't ready for something like that" Naruto denied one of the routes. He knew that his teammates were still somewhat exhausted, both physical and mental, and that traveling right now would be difficult enough without getting into a war zone. Especially since, from Danzou´s information, the war in Water country was led by a rebel group fighting against the Mizukage, who was also the Jinchuuriki of the three tailed beast.

"So we are crossing Fire country" Hinata concluded. "I hope we don't run into Jiraiya" the girl whispered, she hadn't been there for the fight where Haku lost her life, but she was sure that she didn't want to face one of the sannin right now.

"Moving Anko will be difficult" Shizune put in. "She is very weak and will need constant attention, and I will need to replenish my supplies"

Naruto turned to Shizune, before he nodded at her, her concerns were very real and he needed to solve those problems first.

"Yuugao, you and Shizune go to the closest village and replenish our provisions, bring anything that we could need." Naruto took a small mirror from his pocket and passed it to Yuugao. "In case you are spotted by anyone from Konoha, use that mirror to summon me" Yuugao pocketed the mirror and nodded, understanding her orders.

"Hinata, prepare Anko and your sister to be moved" Naruto said, turning to Hinata and waiting for her to nod. "You have your orders, go"

"Wait!" just as they were about to go out to follow their orders, Tei sat up on the bed, abruptly, screaming for them to stop, her hand reaching towards Naruto, trying to grab a hold of him.

"What is it, Tei?" Naruto asked, turning to look at the girl on the bed.

"Naruto~sama, please… I need to know" Tei pleaded, her eyes locked on Naruto´s lone eye. "What am I?" Naruto lost the smile on his face, while the others just looked plain confused at the question.

"When I used the Kyuubi´s chakra against Jiraiya, I could feel it" Tei continued talking, hugging herself. "There was another presence it felt as strange as it was familiar… I felt like I was standing in front of… myself; the me that existed before I lost my chakra"

"Wait, what do you mean? How could you use the Kyuubi´s chakra? I thought Naruto~sama was the container?" Shizune asked, confused about the girls words.

"Tei used to be the Kyuubi" Hinata answered the medic´s question; she knew the most about Tei, simply because she tried to befriend the girl. "Naruto~sama ripped the Kyuubi´s chakra and soul apart and then created Tei from the soul"

Shizune´s eyes widened in surprise at finding out the girl she was just treating used to be a Bijuu and her surprise increased when she realized that Naruto was able to rip away the chakra from one of the tailed beasts.

"No, that is not entirely true" Naruto said. "You are right Tei, what you felt was another you or maybe it would be more accurate to say that the entity you felt was… The True Kyuubi" Naruto finished surprising everyone.

"What do you mean, "The True Kyuubi?" Tei asked in trepidation, she suddenly had a bad feeling, and she almost felt like not knowing would be better.

"Do you really want to know, Tei? The truth about your creation?" Naruto asked, his eye looking deeply into Tei´s. the girl took a couple of seconds to gather her courage and then nodded.

Naruto let out a sigh, closing his eye in thought and then began his tale.

Flash back, graduation night, Konoha, world of mirrors

"So that is what they were hiding, Danzou and the Hokage, the fact that I am the Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi"

Naruto had just returned to his apartment after his talk with the Hokage following Mizuki´s revelation of his Jinchuuriki status, and if he was honest with himself Naruto could say that he felt neither anger nor joy at finally knowing the reason behind the animosity of the village. He felt only apathy.

The question remained though, why had Danzou kept this a secret? He could understand it from the Hokage, Sarutobi was a sentimental man, he let his emotions guide him, but Danzou was far more pragmatic, the fact that there was a source of power so big at the reach of his arms should have forced him to reveal that to Naruto, but he didn't.

While Naruto was lost in his thoughts, the Kyuubi inside of him finally decided it was time to meet his jailer face to face. The great beast used a string of red corrosive chakra to create a link between the mindscape, where he resided, and the boy´s world of mirrors.

Naruto was snapped out of his thought when he felt a sudden presence intrude in his world, something he thought to be impossible. Turning to the side he noticed one of the mirrors was surrounded by a dark red mist of chakra that felt full of hatred.

Curious, Naruto decided to investigate. He walked closer to the mist, being careful not to actually touch it, this prove to be in vain as the moment he was close enough the mist grabbed onto him and pulled him inside the mirror.

The next thing he knew he was standing inside a sewer system. He was inside an enormous room, the wall were made out of brick, and some of them had mirrors covering the surface, the ground was filled with ankle deep water, and in front of him was the biggest cage he had ever seen, in the center of the gate was a paper seal that, Naruto guessed, acted as a lock.

"I see you accepted my invitation" a deep booming voice echoed around the room. "It was time you knew about my existence, I was getting tired of waiting" giant red eyes snapped open in the darkness, they glowed with a light of their own, making them look ominous, they were looking down at Naruto, who only blinked in surprise.

"Kyuubi, why have you brought me here?" Naruto asked, walking closer to the jail without fear. The Kyuubi let out a laugh in response, the sound of it making Naruto cringe in actual pain, it made him feel insignificant.

"Do you believe your little ability will protect you from me?" The Kyuubi asked, and before Naruto could respond, he was hit by the Kyuubi´s claw which sent him crashing into a wall. Naruto rested against the wall, aghast after realizing that his ability didn't protect him.

"What…? How did you…?" Naruto babbled in panic, as far as he could remember this was the first time he had ever been hit.

"How did I hit you?" the Kyuubi mocked. "Idiot, it was me who gave you that power, I left a loophole in it... a way for me to defeat you if necessary"

"You gave me this power…" Naruto blinked as this information settled in his mind. "Why?"

"I had no desire to have a defenseless container" the Kyuubi answered easily. "Though I must admit that I didn't expect for it to grow so fast and with such versatility" The Kyuubi sounded actually a little impressed at the end.

"Evolved, what do you mean? I haven't noticed anything different about it" Naruto asked, his panic had subsided and his mind was clear again, he was now curious, in front of him was the origin of his ability, there was no time to panic, he needed to try and get as much information as he could.

"So you didn't noticed" the Kyuubi chuckled "I gave you a mirror-like ability, capable of mirroring anything" the Kyuubi began to explain. "Your little world of mirrors was created because you came in contact with that accursed Yondaime Hokage´s chakra and the sharingan eye of that man, both of whom possessed space/time techniques, your ability adapted itself to copy this and thus your inner world was born"

"Another example would be your bastardization of the Hyuuga´s eyes, because you came in contact with that little Hyuuga girl, you are now able to see through any reflective surface, an imitation of the all-seeing eyes of the Hyuuga." finished the Kyuubi. "The more unique types of Chakra that you are exposed to the more you will evolve"

Naruto blinked a couple of times in amazement, the Kyuubi´s explanation gave him some answers to some of the stuff that happened during his ROOT training. Like the fact that Danzou was never able to use the cursed seal on him, the one that made impossible for ROOT agents to reveal any secrets of the organization. With this new information, Naruto came to a theory that being in constant contact with the Kyuubi´s seal gave his ability the skill to negate any harmful seal on his body.

"Why did you give me such a powerful ability?" Naruto questioned the beast, turning to look directly into the eyes of the Kyuubi, and walking close to the cage. "And why are you explaining all this?" a little mistrust crept into Naruto´s voice at the last question.

"I was bored" Kyuubi replied with indifference, shrugging it´s enormous shoulders. "But now… I think we could reach an agreement to make this fun" the Kyuubi continued, a vulpine smirk on his snout.

"A deal? Do you want me to let you free?" Naruto asked in curiosity, not actually caring if that was what the fox wanted.

"In time" the fox nodded. "But not at the moment. Tell me, what do you know about Uchiha Madara?"

End Flashback

"Uchiha Madara!" Yuugao exclaimed in alarm, just hearing the name of the man was worrying enough, but to hear that the Kyuubi was interested in him, even if he was death, put the former ANBU on guard.

"Yes, the Kyuubi explained to me that the night of his attack on Konoha he was being controlled by a man with a Sharingan that claimed to be Madara, but was in reality an impostor, the Kyuubi believes that this man is just a pawn in the real Madara´s plans" Naruto replied, turning to look at a worried Yuugao.

Shizune nodded her head, what Naruto was saying was what he told her days ago, that was why she was confused when she heard them calling Tei the former Kyuubi, as Naruto had told her that the Kyuubi was still inside of him. It appeared that the only person that Naruto told this to was Shizune as his whole team was in the dark about it.

"But, I don't remember anything like that happening, Naruto~sama…" said a confused Tei.

"That is because your memories were artificially fabricated by the real Kyuubi" Naruto answered, turning to look at a wide eyed Tei, who was shocked to know that her memories were, in essence, fake.

"The Kyuubi told me about something that Madara calls his Moon Eye Plan" continued Naruto, ignoring Tei´s reaction for the moment. "It basically consist on reflecting his sharingan on the moon to cast a world wide illusion that will put everyone under an eternal dream"

"What, but, is that even possible? Such a wide spread illusion?" questioned an astonished Kurenai.

"The Kyuubi seems to think it is possible, under the right conditions" Naruto affirmed. "Kyuubi doesn't know the specifics, but he believes that Madara will need the nine Bijuu for his plan to work"

"The Nine Tailed Beasts…" Mumbled Hinata, speaking for the first time in a while. "With that much chakra gathered it just might be possible to conquer the world, with or without a world wide illusion"

"What deal did you make with the Kyuubi, Naruto~sama?" Yuugao asked, bringing attention back to Naruto´s story.

"He wants to beat Madara at his own game, right Naruto~sama?" Shizune answered, already knowing about this.

"Yes, that is exactly what he wants, he want me to capture the other 8 bijuu before Madara" Naruto nodded to Shizune, confirming what she said.

"But... what about all the plans we talked about?" Tei asked in a low voice, her eyes looking down.

"They were only the first step" answered Naruto. "We will make ourselves the enemies of the 5 great nations, but that is only one part of my true plan" he explained.

"Where does Tei fit into your plans, Naruto~sama?" Hinata asked, curious about why Tei was created, and what part she would play in her master´s plans.

"She is a key part of my plan" Answered Naruto- "She was created to become a Jinchuuriki, and through her I will be able to slowly absorb the other Bijuu in a way that won't overcharge my body, and will allow the Kyuubi to devour his siblings"

"So… I am just a tool?" Tei asked, looking down. Naruto got close to her and put a hand on her head, caressing her big bunny ears for a moment.

"You are, and aren't, a tool" Naruto told the confused girl. "You were created from scratch, I made your body using glass made from my chakra, and the Kyuubi´s, but we only managed to create an empty body, you were little more than a glass figurine" Naruto began to explain, never stopping his petting of Tei´s ears.

"To fix this, the Kyuubi helped me to rip my soul in two halves, Yin and Yang. Your body was infused with the yang half of my soul, while I kept the yin, this managed to gave you life, but the problem remained that you were just another me, if we left you like that my should would look for a way to come back to me and become whole again, besides that, since my abilities come from my yin half you would have been defenseless, you wouldn´t posses any of my abilities." Naruto stopped his caresses for a moment as he ordered his thoughts.

"The Kyuubi offered to use pieces of his own memories to modify my Yang soul enough to the point were it would not look for a way to come back and gave you some abilities unique to you, this is how you were truly born" finished Naruto.

Tei stayed quiet for a moment, enjoying the way Naruto rubbed her ears, while she thought about everything her master told her. If she were to be honest, the fact that she wasn't really the Kyuubi didn't matter a lot to her, she was only angry, and somewhat sad, that her memories were fabricated, but she could actually understand why she was given the memories of the Kyuubi.

Naruto and Kyuubi needed someone that could survive the outside world, and it could be the Yang half of Naruto´s soul, since it would have no idea how to fight without his natural abilities, so they made her think that she was the Kyuubi, so she would fight an behave like the Kyuubi and not like Naruto.

Besides, it wasn't like she was just a simple tool, Naruto said so himself, she was his other half, literally, and now she understood better why they were so attracted to one another. The two halves of Naruto´s soul might not be trying to look for a way to be complete anymore, but the familiarity between still persisted, and made them want to be close.

"Hinata, Shizune, Yuugao, go, you all have your missions" Naruto commanded, but they understood the hidden message, Let me talk alone with Tei. They exited the room without a word.

"How do you feel, Tei?" Naruto asked once the others were gone. Tei turned to look at him, a contemplative look on her face.

"I feel… better" Tei answered after a moment, a small smile appearing on her face. "It hurt a little to know I wasn't the Kyuubi, and that my memories were fake, but knowing that I am a piece of you, and that my memories with you are real… it makes me a little happy" She finished with a big smile.

"You really are my other half" commented Naruto, running his fingers through Tei´s hair. "I´m back, Tei"

"Welcome back, Naruto"


"It´s just my first day and I´m already regretting this" Tsunade mumbled while walking through the hallways of Konoha´s hospital.

It has been barely a couple of hours since she arrived back at Konoha with Jiraiya, and she was already called to solve the village´s problems. As she was informed by the ANBU, while Jiraiya was away from the village looking for her, Itachi Uchiha, who was accompanied by Kisame Hoshigaki, both S ranked criminals, infiltrated the village in an attempt to find and capture Naruto Uzumaki.

In the fight that took place, once they were discovered, Kakashi Hatake was victim of a very powerful illusion that left him in a comatose state. Asuma Sarutobi was suffering from a depleted chakra system; according to the records the sword that Kisame carried with him had the ability to eat chakra: and he had a deep wound on his side, which looked like he went through a meat grinder.

Adding to this, someone, that she would find out and demote back to gennin or lower if she could get away with it, spoke about Itachi´s presence in front of Uchiha Sasuke, and now the gennin, and last Uchiha of Konoha, was on the edge of being marked a missing ninja for leaving the village without permission. The fact that no one thought to go out and look for him was surprising, given how much the village cared for bloodlines, and she had already ordered her trackers to bring him back to face punishment,

At the moment, Jiraiya was out looking for Danzou to try and get some information about the boy´s plans. The sage was convinced that leaving the brat alone would only bring trouble to them, and after their last fight, Tsunade agreed with him.

Although she knew that she could kill the brat if they were to fight again, Tsunade trusted Jiraiya when he said that if anyone else, including him were to face him, they would only die, so now the responsibility of fighting the brat was hers and hers alone.

Jiraiya had a theory about Tsunade´s ability to hurt the blond. He thought that Naruto felt some kind of respect for Tsunade, and that Tsunade herself felt some sort of twisted gratefulness towards the kid, and it was this that allowed her to hurt him.

Tsunade clenched her fist at the thought of the blond, since thinking of him remained her of Shizune´s betrayal. Jiraiya assured her that Naruto had a way to control people, but Tsunade could detect the momentary hesitance in the sages voice, which made her believe that Jiraiya wasn't actually sure, and was just trying to make her feel better.

But no matter what, Tsunade was determined to defeat Naruto and capture Shizune, so she could ask her reason for abandoning her; she really needed an answer from her former student.

Tsunade shook her head to get rid of thought of Shizune, she needed to focus right now, healing the mind was a delicate procedure, and the tiniest mistake could leave Kakashi brain death or paralyzed for life, or something like that, she didn't remember, maybe she shouldn't have drunk that sake before coming to the hospital.

With a sigh, she entered Kakashi´s room.

With Jiraiya.

"I was expecting you, Jiraiya"

The sage was inside an abandoned building, and standing before him was the person he was looking for, Danzou Shimura, the man with a thousand secrets, the darkness of shinobi, and a collection of many other tittles, some self given and some gained from reputation, but at the moment the only one that interested Jiraiya was the last one, Naruto´s teacher.

"Tell me all you know about Naruto Uzumaki" Jiraiya ordered, the promise of violence barely hidden in his voice should his order not be heeded.

"… Very well, I will tell you all I know about the Jinchuuriki" Danzou replied with a hidden smile, this was his opportunity to gain the thrust of the new Hokage, the opportunity that Naruto created as his last mission for ROOT, and Danzou would have to reveal a lot of secrets from ROOT, but it would be worth it in the end, besides with Naruto now being a dangerous enemy of Konoha it would be better if the Hokage knew as much as possible of the blonde´s abilities.

With Naruto

Naruto stood over Haku´s body, which was preserved by the cold chakra of her bloodline limit, even after so many days of her death. Naruto raised a hand to the girls face, caressing her cheek for a moment. This was someone who gave her very life to protect his dream, and the second person that the blond had lost, the first being Sarutobi. After the events with the other him inside the seal, Naruto could now admit that the death of one of his comrades hurt.

"It won´t happen again" Naruto promised to himself. The boy took his hand from the girl´s face and made a Snake seal. From the ground, glass began to rise, covering the girl´s body in a kind of coffin.

Moments later, the glass finished covering the girl and began to change colors, turning into a stained glass that showed the image of a sleeping Haku. This was a special technique that Naruto made on the spot; the glass had the same properties of his Sainted Glass Mode, which would keep Haku´s chakra from escaping her body, and because of the natural ice element of the chakra it will slowly freeze the body inside. It acted as a defense mechanism al well, since the chakra was being compressed so strongly, is someone were to try to open the coffin the chakra would explode outwardly, destroying the robber and Haku´s body.

"It´s time to go" Naruto turned around and began to leave the room, passing by Yuugao, Hinata, Kurenai and Tei, who were giving their last farewell to Haku as well. The Kunoichi nodded, and with a last look at Haku´s resting place, took their stuff and followed behind Naruto, leaving Tei alone.

"Thank you Haku, for everything" Tei took a moment to glance at her hand, blue fire flickering from it, and then turned to look at Haku for the last time. "Good bye"




A/N: Now, I think there is enough to work with, so if someone wants to help me edit the chapters up until now, please pm me.

Alright, so that was chapter 14, in further chapters I will explore the characters feeling more deeply, and just a warning this is not the end of Tei´s emotional conflict, she just hadn't had the time to really reflect on the revelations of this chapter and is trying to brush them off as unimportant.

We also learn something of Naruto´s, and Kurama´s, plans, thought not much, even if it appears that we now have everything, I have some twists for how everything will go.

This was a slow chapter since it is the one that is going to begin the next part of the story, the one that just ended I would call the Konoha arc, and now we start the next part of the story.

Now, there is something that some will like, and some will hate. Naruto´s team is made up of only women, that is something that will change, since I am going to add a male character to the team. That character is going to be Sasuke Uchiha.

Now I have mostly decided on Sasuke as I think I could work with him as a character, but it is not set in stone, if anyone has any recommendations you are free to suggest, it could be from any of the shinobi nations.

I am going to clear something up. I refer to Tei as Naruto´s other half since I am trying to make them opposite. Naruto is a closed person in this story, he tries to show nothing of himself to anyone and keeps his emotions contained, at least before leaving Konoha, while Tei, even thought not much of her has been seen, I have tried to make her an open girl, that let her emotions drive her and shows vulnerability in front of the people she trusts.