I had a lovely day, perhaps I could go as far to say it was one of the best days in my life. I had spent the day out with Belle that my mother had organised for me. At first I was really reluctant, but once I realised that Belle really was as kind as she seemed, I just went along with it. I suck at dancing, but at least I know I'm quite good at horse racing.

Belle had invited me to her liabrary. It was getting late, and I hoped that it wasn't a full moon, because even though I'm inside, the curse still lives within me. A fairy known as Malificent casted this spell on me because my mother didn't give her an invitation. My body felt heavy. I was cursed, and it was the secret. Just thinking about it made my skin crawl.

It was a full moon, and I was changing. I screamed and tried to escape, but it was too late. Belle would see omething hideous and ugly. I was a beast in moonlight. My anger would be impossible to control. My nails turned to raven claws and brown fur will replace my skin. The transfomration was painful, my clothes become tight and my muscles become painful. I covered my eyes in shame, but after a few moments I looked up. I heard no screaming or gasping from Belle. When I saw her, she was standing there with a smile on her face. It was strange. I was a beast and yet she showed no fear at all.

"Where you about to say something?" Belle asked.

"How many children do you have?" I asked. Before I turned into a beast, we were talking about families. I was about to ask her a question, but the transformation interupted me.

"Thirteen sons and a daughter."

"Wait!" I roared. "FOURTEEN CHILDREN!"

"And they all survived infancy."

"That's very lucky. Anyway, I'm sorry you had to see me like this."

"It's okay," Belle said in a giggle. "It's just a special gift that you have."

"You call this a gift?" I huffed. If this was a gift, then I don't want to see my punishment.

"I think it suits you very well."

It was strange. I mean how could anybody like a beast so hideous and ugly? Belle was clearly one of the nicest or perhaps craziest girls that I've ever met, even if she was the queen.

"Who else knows?" Belle asked.

"Only my sister, Anastacia."

"Where you born with it?"

"No, a fairy named Malificent cursed me because my mother didn't invite her to my christening."

"Then how come your mother dosen't know?"

"She dosen't believe in magic," I explained. "She has never seen me in this form. So she believes that it's not true."

"Maybe you should show her," Belle suggested. I shook my head. "She's a gentle lady, I'm sure she will understand."

My heart was shaking as I continued to bob my head. Then I slapped my head and sat on the floor so I wasn't looking down on Belle. I sighed, but my eyes never left Belle's side. That was when I knew that she was the definition of real beauty. It wasn't just her brown hair, brain eyes and smooth figure that was pleasent on the eye, her presence was pleasent to the heart too.

"What's the matter, Adam?" Belle asked.

"This is something you have to understand," I explained. "My mother is not really a kind person. She treated Cinderella like a slave and spoilt my other sisters. My mother threatens to disown all of us unless we marry into rich families. She's very jealous of Cinderella, always has and always will be."

"Oh dear," Belle said. "That's terrible. Perhaps she isn't very well?"

"Nah," I replied. "She's always been a menance. She even wanted me to break you and Gaston up."

"She must be... quite the dreamer."

"You don't need to be polite," I insisted as I dragged myself over by Belle's side. "I know she's a mad woman."

"There must be something I could do," Belle offered. "Gaston is making Anastacia's future husband a duke. What about Drizella?"

"I couldn't care less for her," I admitted. "She's just like my mother."

"Why don't you move away?" Belle suggested. "It sounds like you're very close to Cinderella and Anastacia. I'm sure they can give you a place to stay."

"I'm sure they would," I said. It was a great idea. "I just don't want to be a burden to them."

"You won't be."

"Well," I had the feeling it was time for me to leave. "Thank you for the lovely afternoon." It was the first timem that I said my thanks, and I actually meant it. "I hope to see you again."

"You're welcome," Belle said with a warm smile on her face. "If there's anything else that you want to talk about... anything at all, then I will always be here for you."

As Belle assisted me to leave her palace as a beast with dignity and without judgement, I felt as if I had risen. I know that the future will be bright for me and that one day, I will be able to make my own destiny and make it work, just like Cinderella and Anastacia. All of my mother's plans had failed, and they will continue to fail if she continues to have a cold mother is a fool, but credit to where it's due at least she introduced me to a good friend. Me and Belle will forever be friends.

I will find my own happily ever after.

The End