Still somewhat confused at the Boss' uncharacteristic outburst, Spike got on his feet and sauntered out of the locker rooms to where Winnie was working at the Dispatcher's desk. Leaning over the counter with an inquisitive grin on his face, as he often liked to do, he waited for Winnie to sign off with Team Three. From what Spike could hear, it seemed like this was a busy week all round for the SRU. Maybe everyone needed a barbeque or some form of social gathering after this was all over, if it ever was.

"Spike!" greeted Winnie, "What do you need?"

Spike glanced around the lobby of the station, making sure no-one was in earshot.

"Why are you looking around nervously? Spike?" questioned Winnie.

"Sorry. It's just that, well, the Boss has this crazy idea that I had something to do with the disappearance of his son."

At this revelation, Winnie scooted back from the desk a little. She doubted Spike had the ability to do that kind of thing, just as the Boss did. Even still, everyone had been acting a little odd lately so caution wasn't unreasonable.

"Naturally you didn't, right?"

"You know me, of course not!" Spike paused, "Thing is, I did run into Dean before all of it happened. Remember the little side-trip involving a small IED I went on, a couple of days ago?"


"Well, it was Dean who was trapped in a small reference room at the library where the roof had caved in. You wouldn't have heard much after that because I turned my radio transmitter off, but he told me all about what was going on in Dallas and who his father was. It may have been the wrong decision, but I said he could stay with me while I told him more about the type of man his father was today. And he was kidnapped from my apartment."


"I might not have done it, but is still my fault."

Spike stood up straight and Winnie followed, walking round her desk and pulling Spike into a hug. They stayed that way for several moments.

"What was going in in Dallas?" Winnie asked softly.

"Dean told me that his father, well stepfather I should say, was abusive towards him and his mother. So he ran away, away from his new home and back to his old one. All this sucks for him."

Winnie took her place behind her desk again, but smiled encouragingly at Spike.

"It still isn't your fault he got kidnapped. The circumstances surrounding it are still a massive mystery. Metro has put out some APBs to try and track them down and they're analysing the crime scene."

"What have they found so far?"

It was Winnie's turn to take a cursory glance to check for nosy team-mates, or worse, an an irritated Sergeant Parker. They didn't need to catch her and Spike talking about this topic.

"The Boss told me to get updates from Metro but to keep them clear of you, but I'll tell you anyway. Can I trust you?"

Spike nodded slowly.

"Their working theory is that it was Dean's stepfather, and an accomplice. They'll know more once Forensics has had their run of the crime scene."

Spike frowned curiously, and made a mental note to have a chat with Dean.

"Thanks Winnie," were his last words.