Hello there! So basically I couldn't give up writing The Avengers with kids. So I've started a series of ficlets (no more than 2,000 words) set in the time between my two Avenger stories Mini-Vengers and Linchpin. If you haven't read at least one of those stories I strongly suggest you do or else these ficlets will probably confuse the heckles out of you. I'm not sure how many of these there will be and they'll jump time a lot but basically they are the little plot bunnies that pop into my head even though I'm "done" writing these characters as children. I have 3 planned out, after that I don't know. But they'll each have a Polyvore set with the same title as the chapter so when you're done reading the chapter go check out my Polyvore (samitballi. polyvore. com) for a look at the outfits [I won't be adding Author's Notes to these stories so you'll have to remember to check my Polyvore on your own]

So let me know what you think, if I should keep writing these and whatnot. Enjoy!

This one time dress-up with Thor turned into something a little bit more...

It was extremely rare for one team member to watch after all 5 kids alone but Mickey had a doctor's appointment to make sure her twins were growing healthy, Bruce and Dani were away on vacation, Clint and Natasha were on special assignment for S.H.I.E.L.D., Pepper was in D.C. on business and Tony was setting up for the latest Stark Convention. That left Thor and Jane alone in the tower with five little kids. However, a half-hour into babysitting and Jane got an urgent call from Darcy about some lab experiment gone wrong so she bailed to take the cal, leaving Thor to entertain eight-year-old Ryland, six-year-old Anya, five-year-old Dahlia, four-year-old Irina and three-year-old Kellen. All. Alone.

A task almost more frightening than facing Frost Giants in Jotunheim.

"Uncle Thor, we're bored." Anya complained as she approached Thor with Dahlia, Irina and Kellen trailing behind. It was clear she was leader of the pack.

"What do you wish to play?" Thor asked, kneeling down to her level so she didn't have to crane her neck to look up at him. Thor was always the go-to guy for made-up games. He was always more than willing to get down on all fours and be Princess Dahlia's horse or construct makeshift swords out of cardboard and aluminum foil so he could do battle with Anya in the living room or throw Ryland around acting like he was flying through space and time. Every one of the Avengers were great with the kids and they each had their strong suits. Natasha was a master at hide-and-go-seek but it always took all day cause she'd have to hide all the kids expertly well then hide herself. Tony and Bruce were the go-to guys for creative, arts and crafts type playing such as R&D experiments and building/drawing things. Steve was best at reading to the kids, always using special voices and accents for each character. And Clint was best at competitive games because he never let the kids win juts cause they were little.

"Let's play dress-up!" Irina suggested immediately. Dress-up was all Irina ever wanted to play and though Anya in particular was bored of the game she was sure Thor could make it fun. So they all headed upstairs to the spare room in the communal level that was turned into a giant play room with all the kid's toys. They had a massive chest full of dress-up clothes ranging from hand-me-downs to Halloween costumes to Natasha's old mission outfits. But of course even the play clothes were expensive- like two-hundred dollar Gucci pumps Pepper wore out and priceless Asgardian scarfs.

Clothing items were flung everywhere and each kid changed five times before they finally decided what to wear. Irina was a princess in Anya's old peach colored dress, a crown of tin foil and flowers on her head and Kellen was dressed like a ninja. Dahlia was dressed in one of Natasha's old catsuits, everything about it too big for even Dahlia who was the second tallest behind Ryland. Anya left on her shorts and blue/white polka-dot shirt but added a leather jacket and a plethora of water guns and plastic knives. Ryland, who didn't even want to play at first, wound up dressed in a suit with plastic knives and Nerf guns tucked away throughout the clothing. He claimed to be an undercover S.H.I.E.L.D. agent so Anya decided she was as well.

Once all the kids knew what they were wearing they dressed up Thor as the bad guy. "You're a bad guy and you kidnapped Rina and we're getting her back." Kellen explained excitedly as they all got ready to play.

They all set out playing their game with Nerf guns and foam swords. Thor grabbed Irina and threw her over his shoulder as he ran out to the living room where the kids chased after him. Anya and Ryland kept ducking behind furniture and rolling into fight stances, drawing their weapons and barely missing Thor who skillfully dodged foam bullets and boasted about it. Kellen was the first to get "killed" taking a "bullet" when Dahlia switched sides and joined her dad's team.

"Traitor!" Anya yelled as she ducked behind the couch just in time for Dahlia to fire at her. Ryland rolled behind the couch next to her, a little sweaty from playing so hard. "No one's to be trusted. We're the only ones left."

Ryland silently counted to three before they both popped up and started rapid fire shooting at Thor. He was distracted by Dahlia which gave them the chance to catch him off guard and finally Anya hit him in the face with a foam bullet. Thor made a show of going down hard, falling all over the place and groaning loudly in a sensational death scene.

"Nooooooooo!" Dahlia screamed dramatically as she fell to her knees before her father, letting out a long battle cry. She stood between Kellen and Thor as they laid on the floor before grabbing a sward and swinging it towards Anya. "You will pay for what you've done to my family!" she yelped, letting out a little giggle before regaining her composure and lashing out at Anya who laughed and ran away.

"I've got your six, Ace!" Ryland shouted as he ran to provide back-up for his "partner" as she fought off Dahlia. The trio fought all throughout the living room, jumping on furniture since Pepper was away and couldn't yell at them. Then all at once the playing stopped when the rug kicked out from under Anya and she fell face-first to the hardwood floor. She didn't even have time to catch herself so she fell with a clatter, smacking her chin onto the floor hard enough for her to accidentally bite her lip.

Everyone froze as they watched her fall and there was a beat of silence before what happened registered in all of them. Then she started crying. Hard.

Anya didn't cry very often; when she was really upset or tired, when she was really hurt and when she watched Dumbo, she cried. Otherwise she was usually very easy to get along with. However her lip started bleeding and her chin turned bright red so everyone knew she was really hurt. Thor struggled to get up off the floor and tend to her but Ryland beat him to it, dropping everything in his hands to help Anya up. Dahlia quickly ran to the kitchen for a tissue to stop the bleeding and Thor told her to fetch an ice pack as well.

"You okay, Ace?" Ryland asked as she continued to cry. Her mouth was all bloody and the ice pack she held to her lip was quickly ruined but given a minute she calmed down a bit. Thor wasn't entirely sure what to do, other than to try and stop the bleeding, but Ryland was there to help sooth her so he didn't panic.

Anya started gasping those short little breaths the way kids do when they cry but it was certainly a pathetic sound. Ryland desperately wanted her to feel better but he didn't know how to make it stop. All he knew was the tricks Pepper used to make his boo-boos feel better. So when Thor was cleaning up the blood from the floor and Anya was sitting on the couch with Ryland, he decided to try making her feel better. When she stopped crying and her lip was done bleeding, Ryland grabbed her face and kissed her on the lips the way Pepper kissed his boo-boos.

Thor seriously froze dead still, staring up at them in shock even as Anya started to smile. All he could think was how Clint would react.