New Mission: Witches' Curse

Around June...not long after the School Disappearance Case...

Allen was summoned to Ciel's residence.

'You got a letter from the Queen again when you just got back?' Allen deadpanned. 'You're working overtime here!' the young Earl and Sebastian swore they felt deja vu when they heard that word because the Shinigami are using it a lot. Then again, considering who his master is...

'Well, there's a case in Germany lately and she took interest because she has some relatives there...and the deaths turn bodies into grotesque things that it looked like a disease in Southern Germany...and I called Sir Claus who's traveling around. I sent him on a mission to get information since my German contact is too busy to look into it. He located the village and mansion where the deaths occurred but there's no epidemic spreading. However, one thing they all have in common...all of them have ventured into the so-called Witches' Forest and saw a Werewolf.'

'You gotta be kidding.' Allen sweatdropped before stiffening. 'Oh shit...this could be bad...'

'What do you mean?' Ciel frowned.

'The Black Order.' said Allen as Ciel narrowed his eyes, not liking where this is going. 'Ciel, they investigate any supernatural occurrences in hopes of finding more Innocence pieces. We might deal with them too.' he pointed out. 'AND I hide the fact that I'm an Exorcist. For now, given my encounter of them in Japan, I pretended I'm working for another organization and introduced myself as 'Whitey' to them. Has Sir Claus encountered dead men in yellow hooded cloaks?'

'Not yet...'

'But if they hear of it...' Allen frowned. 'Not only that, Finders are in England now too despite the Blacklisting.'


Black Order...after recovering from the Ark Case back at springtime...

Unknown to Allen, the Order now has a new goal. Looking for 'Whitey' in hopes of getting control of the Ark, and gaining the Akuma Egg. They are looking for all sightings of an active Whitey and the Black Order had Finders working Overtime. The Exorcists until then, are ordered on standby while their Innocences are studied.

'I can't believe this! Even after all Whitey told us that getting the Akuma Egg spells trouble for us all!' Lenalee swore angrily as they left Headquarters in groups to look for Allen. 'Are they even thinking at all?!' inside Komui's usually messy office, are all Exorcists present. And considering she was screeching in rage, the normally amiably-friendly girl, is true-blue pissed.

'I know but this is what has been decided.' said Komui, just as exasperated. 'They are irrational but unfortunately they are the higher-ups. We have no choice but to do as told. Even the Generals are to look for Whitey.'

'This is cumbersome.' Froi Tiedoll sighed. 'Must we suffer first before they believe us? That seems to be the case, as they're convinced they can control Dark Matter if they made it. Their arrogance will cost us and a few innocents who are recruited into this Hybridization Project this...Management has predicted.'

'So now we're to become the very things we hunt? Well fuck me sideways.' Winters snarked.

'Crass language aside, we all have our displeasure in this matter as well.' said Klaud darkly. 'However...' her eyes glinted. 'This doesn't mean we have to rush, don't we?' the whole office perked up.

'Klaud, you're a genius.' said Komui in relief with a matching smile as the scarred woman did a double-take. 'We can simply keep delaying! After all, the world is a big place and looking for one person in the whole world is nearly impossible, right?' he said rather cheerfully. 'So just go on a travel holiday while faking reports! End of discussion! Just don't get caught by their people and all should be fine.'

'Well, now that's an idea at least.' said Cross. 'But we can only do this for so long and if the Finders sight Whitey, we'll all be mobilized to wherever heck they spotted him.'

'Well, considering his activated form hides his true appearance since he mentioned that his hair shortens and spikes up as well as turning white when he activates, he can easily pose as a civilian anytime.' Lavi pointed out. 'The only thing that keeps him out of the Order is that he's working for another organization so recruiting him is impossible. Kidnapping him is out of the question as we have no idea how strong...Management is. Blondie is a powerful fighter and has masterful control of his weird weapon and he's not even an Exorcist as he leaves the killing to Whitey to save the souls. If we kidnap Whitey, retaliation is certain. Let's face it: Magic. Technology. Knowledge. Fighting Prowess. Equipment and Numbers and they work in the shadows, not in the public like us...all upper level than ours and the scientists are still wondering how to match our tech to theirs since our weapons got cooler. Not only that, they have insiders as they even know of the Order's darker secrets and we don't know who among anyone in here and in other Branches.'

'Well...there's that too.' said Komui weakly. 'At least its not an enemy who infiltrated us or we're really in for it. Not only that, I'll have to assign someone to a case in Southern Germany.' he said. 'The members will be Lavi, Kanda and General Tiedoll.' Lavi stiffened while Kanda twitched. Having a General with them means...

'What is the situation, Komui?' Tiedoll asked him.

'Southern Germany has a warmer climate with terrain ideal for Hunting for sport, and farming.' Komui started. 'So German Nobles took off with guns when Open Season is declared. We wouldn't have known of this case if a Finder hasn't gotten wind of it but sadly, he died too. The victims are indiscriminate of age, gender and social class but one thing they all have in common, is that they went to a village that is close to the Witches' Forest.' he told them. 'Southern Germany has had some terrible Witch Hunts during the 17th Century. The witches that managed to escape all gathered and settled in a forest. To protect themselves, they released their Werewolf Familiars into the forest.'


'According to the Finder who went in to investigate, he really saw a Werewolf following an old, squat woman about three meters high and breathed noxious breath from its mouth. He freaked out and ran back to his partner, crying, there really is a witch and werewolf in there. But soon, he bled from his nose and he was swollen up with numerous bumps and he died around twenty minutes later. We're analyzing his body as we speak...but...we couldn't figure out anything. His body just reacted we could possibly believe supernatural curses DO exist or if the Werewolf can do that as an ability and someone's controlling it, a possible type of Exorcist like General Klaud. And this is risky business so we'll utilize Golems as well. But going near will guys might die for nothing this for now you are truly on a spying mission...and hopefully Management will take interest in this case because I for one, would love to see how they handle this because the way I see it, none of us bar golems can enter. And disguise as civilians too.' he added. 'Taking part-time jobs will be additional good covers as well. Considering Lavi has Language Training, make sure you have the same jobs or at least, close to each other's.'


'Before you begin, we will make video-recording Golems as our current golems can only record audio. It can also playback videos through voice command.' Komui added. 'Once we're done since we started four days ago, you can go.'


For Cross Marian...

Finding the Fourteenth will be troublesome as while Timcampy will do stuff for him, he obeys the Fourteenth more.

Allen Walker, the current host asked Timcampy to never look for him as he feared them being together will speed up his Noah Transition and he has a mother to protect. It also helps being an Exorcist as its also extra slow-down. He will also avoid getting into the Ark and never use it ever again. Cross figured some woman adopted him and Allen grew to love this woman as much as how he loved Mana Walker. So Timcampy was ordered to stay with him, Cross Marian and never leave him unless he's dead, to which, Timcampy can stay with the other Generals of his choice. And Timcampy does what the Fourteenth, host or the real thing wants. Allen even ensured Tim won't show his face! Sure Cross knows what he looks like as a kid but people change when they grow up, right?



And so...

'Oh, because of a job, Young Master Allen must pretend to be a girl?!' Nina Hopkins gasped out, wide-eyed while openly drooling(because she likes young boys).

'Yes.' said Ciel, inwardly freaking out as he knows full well how her mind works. 'So make him beautiful without revealing his true nature. And because he has body art on his left arm and shoulder, nothing sleeveless or off-the-shoulder. Conservative beauty if you will.' he instructed. 'As for the shoes, make it so he can move in combat well without trouble. Not only that, dress up these guys too since because they're lovers...' Nina looked a tad TOO gleeful with massive nosebleeding to their shock, 'Dress him and Joker up like a noble and their role is lover and cousin to Allen since Joker's also a redhead.'

'Ohohohoho! This is my most fun job yet, Earl!' Nina squealed as she took out her tape measure. 'I'd want some details!'

'...about our nightly bedtime loving?' Allen can really be frank as the other people in the room gawked at him, red-faced. Nina squealed, cue fountain of blood...

'M-Master Allen! Shouldn't stuff like that be private?!' Dagger squeaked in horror as he really didn't want to air what happens in their bedroom.

'It is, but its fun watching their reactions.' Allen wore a dark, mischievous smile. 'Its always priceless its hilarious to watch. Besides,' he said, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. 'We did enough to be good enough plot in a romance novel book, don't we?' he said with a wink.

'You're way too much like Madam Red and you're getting worser than her.' Ciel sighed miserably.

'Go get laid too cousin. It'll relieve some of your tension and surely cousin Lizzie would know how by now.' Ciel choked at that.

'And die by Midford Hand?! No way!' Ciel knew Edward and his father WILL kill him, after the Marchioness made human pulp out of him if her ever touched Lizzie before marriage.

Sebastian looked rather amused and exasperated at the same time.


And so...coincidentally, the clothes, and the golems are done at around the same time, enabling the group to finally go.

A ship to Germany and then a train ride in the case of the Phantomhive Group and a train ride all the way for the Order Members.

Snake doesn't like ships and is fearful the 'Zombie Case' might happen again. He was sticking close to Doll and his snakes were peeking out of his clothes to the untrained eye, ready to protect just incase.

'Snake's traumatized with ships.' Joker noted to Sebastian as Snake was completely paranoid and stayed close as much as possible.

'Well, last time's luxury liner is good for horror stories.' the Butler quipped.

'Oh yeah, the Zombies.' Joker cringed. 'Nothin' like that here...right?' he asked Sebastian nervously.

'No. Not this time. This is a public ship and its not involved with events so we're very safe. Snake is hard to convince though.' the black Butler commented snarkily.

A:N- I'll stop here for now...this story somehow hits me with months-long Writer's Block and its starting to become as bad as my other fics regarding my affliction. Sigh...