Author's note and Disclaimer: Part 4

Thank you! Thank yous go to everyone who has read this story. Special thanks go to (in no particular order): Punk-Chick(Angel), Vanessa, Princess17, Greeneyes, Katie, and Aurora. Sorry I missed you all in the last author's note, I was in a time crunch and typed the names I remembered off the top of my head. Of course I have nothing but love for Kyleigh, Ashliegh, UndercoverChad, Black Diamond, BJ, and Phoenix-Angel, but I wanted to make sure you guys know I love you too. ^_^ Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

What's an author's note without R.A. worshiping her beta-reader? *bows before the alter in the temple of Elbell*

All of the characters in the fic belong to J.K. Rowling. Even E. Macmillian, who is listed as checking out Quidditch through the Ages after Angelina, I had to make up the first name and a character description but the credit goes to J.K. Rowling.

R.A. feels she must explain herself, again:

I'd like to apologise to all who have been following this story. I'm sorry you've had to wait so long. I really am. After almost three months, here's the much awaited chapter five. Hope you all like. ^_^ The chapter's a little bit more George and Katie centered, but I'm having so fun with those two. I hope you enjoy reading the Quidditch match as much as I enjoyed writting it.

Please review. I won't mind if you don't, (ok, I would mind a little) but I'll be tickled pink if you did. Feel free to email me at [email protected]. If you feel R.A. still needs some explanin' to do, feel free to let me know.

Love & Peace, R.A.