Okay everyone! New story coming up! (And in this one I don't have to worry about silly things such as a plot) The first chapter is based on the song "I Won't Say (I'm in Love)" that Megera sings in Hercules. Lucy is Meg and the other girls the muses ^^ I hope you will enjoy this! Next chapter will be "Something There" from Beauty and the Beast, but I can't promise when it will arrive, probably it won't be until I go on summer vacation in two weeks. So you'll just have to be happy with this first chapter until then :)
For those of you who are reading my Avengers fic, Not a Hero, I promise that I haven't abandoned it, but I won't update until I go on summer vacation and that is two more weeks. So you'll have to hold on, and please don't give up on me!
Oh, if you have any ideas about songs and characters singing them, I would love to hear them! (Because truthfully speaking I don't have so many myself) Of course I'm not the owner of Fairy Tail or Disney.
Lucy won't say she's in love
"This time we did really good, right Lucy?" Natsu looked at her with a wide smile and Lucy couldn't stop herself from smiling back. She didn't want to stop herself from smiling back.
"Yeah! Now I don't have to worry about rent for at least two months!"
"But Lucy will still go on missions with us, right?" Happy asked with a whiny voice, but the fact that he sounded so sad only made it cute. It made Luce feel wanted and that was something that she really appreciated.
"Of course I will go on missions! I'm a mage after all!" She answered with an even bigger smile.
"Yep" Natsu filled in, "A mage of Fairy Tail"
"The best guild in the world!" Lucy finished as she raised her fist into the air, the one with her guild mark. Natsu and Happy also raised their fist and paw and then they burst out laughing together.
When they reached the doors to the guild they were both still smiling and the sight of all their guild-mates, their family, just made the smile on Lucy's face bigger.
"Hey Luce, let's get a drink to celebrate the succeeded mission!" Natsu said and took her hand to drag her to the bar where Mirajane stood and cleaned some cups. "I'll pay for you to!"
"Sure, thanks!" Who was a girl to say no when she was offered a drink?
"Yo! Mira, two drinks please!" Natsu said and Mira turned towards them, but she hadn't have time to do more than smile when suddenly Levy ran up to the bar.
"There is an emergency at the pool! Quick, Lucy, Mira, you must hurry!" Lucy felt really worried and she hastily got up and started to walk towards the doors with Natsu right behind her but Levy stopped them.
"Not you Natsu, just Mira and Lucy", for someone as small as she was Levy could be extremely determined and when Natsu was about to speak up she interrupted him before he had gotten a word out.
"It's a girl-thing, no boys are needed or allowed." At those words Natsu quickly retreated, but Lucy still felt worried, was one of her friend in trouble? So she followed right behind Levy through the back door and since Mirajane was behind her didn't see her huge and slightly frightening smile that shone on the white haired woman's face.
When Lucy got out she was surprised to see almost every girl in Fairy Tail seated around the pool but when they saw her they all got up and almost ran to her.
"So Lucy" Cana said and winked at her before taking a huge swig of her bottle "How did it go?"
"Eh?" Lucy asked, bewildered.
"The mission with Natsu of course!" Levy gushed.
"Ah! It went really well, we didn't even destroy anything and for the first time I could keep the entire reward!" Lucy smiled happily. "But why are you wondering about that?" She added as an afterthought, a puzzled look on her face.
"No Lucy! We're not interested in the mission! What happened between you and Natsu?" Erza burst out, shaking her. "D-did you k-ki-kiss?" Erza's face took an impressive read color that could almost rival her hair and started muttering to herself. "Oh young love, I remember when Natsu was only a little boy and now he has found himself a beautiful girl! Oh Lucy I'm so happy for the two of you!" Her face had already returned to its normal color and she beamed at Lucy who she still held on to, but now it was Lucy's turn to blush a violent shade of red.
"Erza! We're not together! Natsu and I are only friends!" She let her eyes wander over the other girls as she said so and suddenly Lucy realized why they were all here. They wanted some juicy news about her love-life. Unfortunately for them, it was nonexistent.
"No, you can't say that. We have all seen the sparks between you." Mira stated matter-of-factly. The other girls nodded their agreement.
"Even Juvia has seen it so she is no longer worried about you steeling her Gray-sama", the water mage shimmed in.
"Yes Lucy. I have also noticed." What was this?! Even Wendy believed them to be a couple? How did this happen?
"But I'm not even in love with him!" Lucy finally managed to get out, but the looks she received were only doubting.
"Yeah, sure Blondie" Cana drawled. "We totally believe you" She didn't sound convincing at all.
"Even if I were to have those kinds of feelings for him, which I don't, it wouldn't matter:"
"Of course it would matter! Why wouldn't it?" Levy gasped.
"Because love only leads to sorrow" Lucy stated with a dismal look on her face.
"What do you mean?" Wendy asked, horrified.
"Love with Gray-sama could never end in sorrow!" Juvia exclaimed with eyes twinkling and a far away glance.
"Yeah, sure sure" Lucy muttered.
"But Lucy, love doesn't end in sorrow, why do you think that?" Mira asked with mild concern.
"Remember that time you convinced me that Natsu was in love with me?" Lucy asked but continued before Mira could answer. "It was a total failure and I never want to have to experience that feeling again. And before I joined Fairy Tail, after I ran away from home I met this really nice guy and I really thought that we had something. At least that was until he tried to steal my keys. Do you want me to go on? No? Good, because I'm not in love with Natsu, and he definitely isn't in love with me."
"Oh, come on Lucy! You do like him, you can't deny it!" The girls said in one voice, it almost sounded harmonic and it awoke a strange desire in Lucy. A desire to sing. So she stood up and her voice just bubbled up without her being able to stop it.
"If there's a prize for rotten judgment
I guess I've already won that
No man is worth the aggravation
That's ancient history, been there, done that!"
She felt chocked with herself for the words and the truth in them but the girls response shocked her even more.
"Who'd'ya think you're kiddin'
He's the Earth and heaven to you
Try to keep it hidden
Honey, we can see right through you
Girl, ya can't conceal it
We know how ya feel and
Who you're thinking of"
Lucy shock her head voilently in response and tried to run away, she got to the edge of the pool before she had to turn around as the words bubbled up again.
"No chance, no way
I won't say it, no, no"
The female mages of Fairy Tail didn't miss a beat in responding as they got up and ran after her.
"You swoon, you sigh
why deny it, uh-oh"
Lucy started to get annoyed with them, and with herself as well, because their words got to her and she started to think about Natsu. His salmon-pink hair, his bright smile and his dark eyes. The way he made her smile and how she pretended to be angry when he arrived unannounced to her apartment when she actually became happy. Then she was struck by the way her thoughts wandered and was completely shocked. Did she really like Natsu like that? No, of course she didn't! That was way to mush like a cheesy romance novel.
"It's too cliche
I won't say I'm in love"
Even if she did, she wouldn't allow herself to feel it or act upon it, because every feeling that surpassed that thin line from friendship to something more ended in chaos. She had learned that the year she spent alone before joining fairy Tail. She remembered all the young men that had tried to seduce her, and she remembered the ones that had succeeded. She also remembered that they had left her with nothing more than a broken heart full of broken promises.
"I thought my heart had learned its lesson
It feels so good when you start out
My head is screaming get a grip, girl
Unless you're dying to cry your heart out
She ended with a drawn out note but Levy interrupted her with a playful shove in the side and a disbelieving look before they continued.
"You keep on denying
Who you are and how you're feeling
Baby, we're not buying
Hon, we saw ya hit the ceiling
Face it like a grown-up
When ya gonna own up
That ya got, got, got it bad"
"Whoa! No chance, now way
I won't say it, no, no!"
Even as Lucy sang the words she couldn't stop the smile that split her face, because thinking of Natsu just made her react that way, but of course they saw it.
"Give up, give in
Check the grin you're in love"
Lucy had to fight real hard to suppress the smile but the words just kept coming.
"This scene won't play,
I won't say I'm in love"
The females shock their heads and leaned in to her, singing.
"You're doing flips read our lips
You're in love"
Lucy got annoyed with them again so she pushed Juvia away and tried to run once again. She run up to one of the beach chairs and stepped up on it to gain some height before she sang once again, her words harsher than before.
"You're way off base
I won't say it
Get off my case
I won't say it"
Then she noticed something in her pocket so she picked it up and saw that it was the small dragon-shaped pendant that Natsu had bought for her on the mission before this, as an apology for destroying the house of their client and making them lose their entire reward.
"Girl, don't be proud
It's O.K. you're in love"
She sat down on the chair and held the small dragon in her hand and watched it closely, so closely that she didn't even think about what she sang.
At least out loud,
I won't say I'm in love"
She closed her eyes as she dragged out he last tone and held the pendant close to her chest. The girls sighted with success and happiness, because now they had finally made her realize her feelings.
"But you just said it out loud." Lucy flew up from the chair and felt her heart stop as she looked straight into the beautiful eyes of Natsu Dragneel.