Box in hand Mr. Stilinski started to go to his sons room but he stopped when his cell phone rang. Setting the open box on his bed he went over and answered his phone. "This isn't a good time...But I just got in...alright fine I'm on my way." He was called back into work so he decided to talk to Stiles about it later. After getting dressed once more he stopped by Stiles room and found him asleep so he just left.


Stiles reached up and pushed the snooze button. Since it was only five thirty he laid there for a minute before finally getting up ten minutes later. After showering and getting dressed he went to his dad's room but it was dark and quiet. He was about to leave when he spotted the box of condoms on the edge of his father's bed. He stared at the box for about five minutes before going back to his room. He suddenly didn't have the stomach to eat anything so he grabbed his things and left the house.

Headphones in his ear Danny was going through his locker when someone pulled one of them out of his ear. He was about to go off on whoever that person was but when he saw Stiles he smiled. "Oh hey what's going on?"

"Does your parents know that you're having sex?"

Danny paused before shaking his head. "I try not to clue them on to the fact that I am but I'm pretty sure they know anyway."

"And what was their reaction to it?" Stiles asked.

Danny closed his locker. "Um why are you asking me question about sex and my parents?"

Stiles sighed. "I think my dad knows that Derek and I had sex last night."

"What makes you think that?" Danny asked as they walked off together.

"Okay I didn't have any protection with me so I went looking in his room. I found a box in his drawer but it wasn't open."

"Tell me you didn't open it?" Danny says.

"I did." Stiles replies. "Anyway when I woke up it was sitting on his bed so I think he knows something happened. I'm afraid of what he might say when I get home."

"I'm sure everything is going to be alright." Danny says.

"What's going on?" Scott asked walking up to the two.

Danny shrugged. "Stiles had sex with Derek and now he's afraid that his dad will kill him or something."

"I am not." Stiles protested. "He never had to worry about anything like this before and I'm afraid of how he will handle it all. I mean this is the first time in a while since he's left me alone and look what happened. After this he'll never trust me alone again."

"You're overreacting Stiles." Scott says. "I mean he might be a little upset at first and will probably ground you but he won't stop talking to you or anything like that."

"You think so?" Stiles says.

Scott nodded. "Stop worrying so much Stiles."

"I'll try." Replied Stiles smiling. "And thanks."


Stiles was heading out to the parking lot because Derek called him. Bypassing the other students as they chatted he went right over to where Derek's car was. "Hey." He said getting in.

"Hey." Replied Derek. "How long is you lunch break?"

"About fifteen more minutes." Stiles says. "I'm actually glad that your here because I wanted to talk to you about something. I think my dad knows that we had sex and I think he might say something to you."

Derek sighed. "Well I haven't heard anything from him but I'm sure it won't be a big deal."

"I hope not." Stiles says looking out the window. "He wasn't there when I woke up and now I'm afraid to go home."

Derek reached over and took Stiles. "You have to stop stressing over it Stiles. If he knows then it's not the end of the world but if you want I can stop by and see him."

"No that's okay." Stiles says. "Besides I think he'll be talking to you before the day is over with." He sighed. "With all that aside I'm glad that you're here."

Derek smiled. "Me too and to be honest with you I haven't been able to stop thinking about that night."

"Me either." Stiles says looking over at him. He chatted with Derek until lunch period was over then headed back inside.


It was always slow in the afternoon so Derek passed the time by mixing up different drinks. He stopped when he felt eyes on him and he looked up to see Sheriff Stilinski standing across from him. "Mr. Stilinski, I didn't see you there."

"Let's cut to the chase because we both know why I'm here." Mr. Stilinski says. "I know I seemed okay with this at first but I'm not anymore. I don't know what your intentions are with him but I want you to stay away from my son."
"My intentions?" Derek says. "I have no intentions, I really care about Stiles."

"He's seventeen years old." Mr. Stilinski. "I can have your ass arrested for this."

"Are you being serious right now?" Derek asked.

"Yes I am." Mr. Stilinski says. "I mean what's a twenty four year old wants with a seventeen year old high school student if not for sex?"

"You don't know anything!" Derek yells.

"I was the same way when I was your age." Mr. Stilinski says. "All I thought about was sex."

Derek smiled. "No disrespect but a lot has changed since you were my age. I wouldn't care if Stiles and I never had sex because it's him that drivers me crazy. I would never hurt your son or pressure him into anything he doesn't want, I'm not that kind of guy."

"Hale!" A voice called out.

Derek sighed. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to work if that's okay."

Mr. Stilinski nodded. "Go ahead." He sat at the bar for a few more minutes before leaving.

That afternoon

Stiles had been sitting in his Jeep for the past fifteen minutes just staring at his home. Getting out of his car he slowly headed inside. He found his dad on the living room couch flipping through the TV channels. "Hey dad."

"Sit down Stiles." Mr. Stilinski sat up and turned off the TV.

"Okay." Stiles said walking over to the chair and sitting down.

"What were you thinking?" His dad asked.

Stiles shrugged. "I don't know, it just felt right."

"Since when did you start having sex?" Mr. Stilinski asked.

"It was just that one time dad." Stiles says. "And don't blame him because I'm the one who started it. I know he's a lot older then me but I really like him dad. If you would get to know him you'll see how nice he really is."

"You've known this guy for nearly a month and you had sex with him." Mr. Stilinski says.

"Dad I know you're worried that something might happen but you don't have anything to worry about." Stiles says. "Derek is a perfect gentleman and I trust him. Don't you trust me?" "Of course I trust you but I'm just worried that you're moving to fast and I don't want to see you get hurt."

"I'm fine dad." Stiles says. "And for the first time in a while I'm happy."

Mr. Stilinski was about to respond but he was cut off when his phone rang, he answered it.

Stiles stared at his dad as he chatted on his phone. When he finally removed it from his ear he sighed. "Is everything okay?"

"I have to go back in." Mr. Stilinski says.

Stiles looked away from his dad. "Do you hate me now?"

"You could never do anything to make me hate you Stiles." Mr. Stilinski says. "Your my son and your happiness and safety are all that matter to me."

"So does that mean you'll give Derek?" Stiles asked.

"I don't know but for now just don't rush this. I get that you're excited and curious but be smart." Mr. Stilinski says. "I have to go, I'll see you later." He headed towards the door.

"Dad?" Stiles says getting up. "Do you still trust me?"

"Why wouldn't I trust you." Mr. Stilinski says before leaving.

Later that night

"So is everything okay with you and your dad?" Scott asked.

"Yeah." Stiles was lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling. "I've been grounded for the first time in my life but other than that everything is okay. We talked for a while when he got back home from work though."

"Is he going to give Derek a change?" Scott asked.

"He didn't say, he's probably asleep now and I don't want to bother him again." Stiles says. "You know I'm not even all that upset that I'm grounded. I just hope that my dad will try and get to know Derek because he really is a nice guy." Looking at his clock he saw it was after eleven. "Anyway it's late so I'll let you go."

Glad everything is okay with your dad." Scott says.

"Thanks." Replied Stiles. "I'll talk to you later." After hanging up with Scott he fell asleep not long later.

A/N Thank you for read and please review. The next chapter will be up soon.