the end is near :)
Malcolm was so impressed with himself.
He even managed to make snarky quips during class. He thought he truly reached a point where he could act nonchalant in class, to not make it painfully obvious he was currently schtupping his teacher.
Herkabe noticed, too. He also noticed how Malcolm was beaming with pride over the whole thing, which he found irritating and inconveniently charming.
With the original plan back in motion, Malcolm smiled as he entered his home after the school day, anticipating the evening to come.
His mother uttering the single word that was his name was enough to make his skin crawl, but it was worse when she told him the news that followed.
"No! I can't!"
"You will!"
"It's not fair! I have homework to do! I have to study!"
"It won't take all night. We can't afford to lose this job. I have no one else to cover my shift."
Malcolm knew he had no choice, but sometimes arguing just helped.
He prayed he would pick up, and when he did, he sighed out of relief.
"Malcolm? What is it? I was about to-"
"I can't. I have to cover my mom's shift."
When Herkabe didn't reply back immediately, he panicked.
"I have to. I'm sorry. Maybe tomorro-"
"What time does your shift end?"
"Well, I only have to be there until 8:30."
"I'll pick you up after."
Before he could consider the options he replied. "Okay."
He dressed in the usual work garments when he became very aware of Reese.
"An hour ago you were bitching about mom making you work and now you almost seem happy about it."
Malcolm hesitated. "No, I'm not. But I know I'm not going to get out of it so..."
Reese narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms.
He chose the parking space in the lot as far as possible from the entrance.
He was 20 minutes early. He glanced at his watch as if he didn't know the time.
He knew he needed to leave; needed to stop this. Stop all of it. The fucking, the glances, the thoughts.
When Malcolm called him the night before he was relieved, almost giddy.
He had to keep reminding himself it wasn't a relationship, or at least refrain himself from falling into the dynamics of a relationship. But that is exactly what he was doing now. Waiting for my [underage] boyfriend to get off work so I can whisk him away and we can both get off.
He knocked his palm on his steering wheel, frustrated because he should leave but knew he wouldn't.
After 10 minutes had passed and another 10 remained, he considered going inside. Maybe he could pretend he was shopping but in reality see what Malcolm was doing and even encourage him to hurry.
He decided against it because it seemed too risky. He even tried to count the seconds to pass the time but it was counteractive.
Malcolm looked down at the time for the 7th time within that minute.
It still read 8:29.
He looked around, praying another distraction wouldn't approach him. Finally, the time came and he rushed to punch out.
Of all the people…
Herkabe glanced at his watch, again.
If he hadn't been hard since he entered the parking lot he would have left already.
He rushed out of the building looking over his shoulder to make sure no one was watching.
Making sure Reese was gone took up some time and after that he scanned the parking lot for his teacher.
The green car stood miserable, alone and far away.
He practically skipped to the car.
Herkabe sighed dramatically to himself when he spotted Malcolm careening towards his car.
"Sorry, when Reese c-"
"Time is of the essence! And not to mention I could have been spotted by-"
"It wasn't my idea! I-"
"...yeah...he was here."
"What did you say to him?"
"Nothing. He left already."
"You haven't told him anything about us, have you?"
"No, of course not."
"Because if you have..."
"Why would I tell him?!"
Herkabe felt even more incredibly overwhelmed.
This whole thing had started when he saw Malcolm and Reese together.
"It's gotten late. I'll drop you off by your house if you want and-"
"It's not that late."
It was dark outside and he didn't want all his waiting to be for naught.
He placed a hand on the back of Malcolm's neck. "You have some mending to do."
Malcolm gasped softly when Herkabe pulled his cock out. His stomach stirred with something hot.
The parking lot of a drugstore, the crappy car, the vulgar actions he was asked to be part of, all mixed together to make him feel unsettlingly aroused.
He ducked down and licked at his present.
Herkabe leaned back against the seat, trying to sit up tall and look innocent in case of passersby. He panted, lovingly petting Malcolm's head encouragingly.
"Fuck. I'm not...not gonna last long."
"You flatter me."
He could hear Malcolm smirk around his cock. In retaliation he pushed Malcolm's head down, feeling the coughing restriction doing wonders.
Without warning, he came, still resting a heavy hand on Malcolm's scalp, keeping him close to the action.
Malcolm sat up, coughing and wiping at his face.
"I should get you home." He cleared his throat and zipped up his pants.
"You're not leaving until you return the favor."
"I can't fuck you in this car. Frankly, I'm not as athletic as I once was, and sexing in cars is out of the question right now."
He pointed at the store to emphasize his point.
"No one said anything about fucking."
He wasn't above mistreating any of his students, but his recently achieved, pathetically weak spot for Malcolm was festering.
He unbuckled his belt and Malcolm's eyes lit up and he followed suit.
Malcolm simply climbed into the backseat, while Herkabe stepped out and scanned the area again and reentered the car.
They tentatively met and kissed for the first time in days.
They pawed at each other greedily, only concerned with their own needs.
Herkabe grabbed a handful of Malcolm's shirt and kissed him hungrily, pushing away the feeling of overwhelming emotions.
Malcolm became pliant and let his teacher manhandle him, letting out soft whimpers.
Herkabe easily maneuvered Malcolm onto his lap. He undid Malcolm's belt and wrapped a hand around his shaft.
The car was filled with a cacophony of moans as the windows started to fog up.
Malcolm lifted his shirt, jutting his chest out at Herkabe.
He noted how callow and puppy-like Malcolm looked, begging for his attention. He was sick with the suddenness of his arousal's return.
Herkabe made sure his nails dug into his back as he held Malcolm's slim waist with his free hand. He sucked each nipple punishingly hard, ignoring Malcolm's writhing hands on his shoulders.
He wanted to hold him so hard his nails would meld into his skin and leave a scar for days.
The organ twitched in his hand, and Malcolm pulled away, falling back against the driver's seat.
His hand looked dark compared to Malcolm's pale chest. He ran it up and down his abdomen, occasionally brushing his nipples and lingering on the channels of his ribs.
"Say my name. Beg."
Malcolm briefly thought about how much he hated when Herkabe played into the whole dominance schtick. But he was too hot to care right now.
"Mr. Her-herkabe..."
"Lionel." He noticed Malcolm's eyes widened at the request, so he squeezed Malcolm's cock as a reminder.
Malcolm leaned back into Herkabe, wrapping his arms around his teacher's neck and pressed their cheeks together as he chanted the name into his ear.
"Lionel. Lionel. Oh, God. Please, Lionel, please..!"
Herkabe chuckled.
The lecherous chuckle was the last thing his mind registered as he came, fruitlessly bucking his hips.
"Here is fine." Malcolm looked out into the empty street. He settled back in the seat. "Th-thanks for dropping me off…"
Herkabe refused to meet his eyes.
Malcolm stepped out of the car and took another look around before descending home.
He knew he was in deep when he descried the two brothers walking to school together the next morning.
Getting rid of Reese was something he's been wanting to do since before this mess with Malcolm started but now he was determined to do something about it.
He followed both of the boys, waiting for the perfect moment.
They paused in front of the lockers and exchanged a few words before splitting up. Malcolm headed to his class and Reese... probably towards trouble.
He stepped toward Reese so quickly the boy bumped into him.
"Mr. Wilkerson, if you could please follow me."
Humans are animals. How do you get two animals to mate at the zoo? You simply put them in the same cage.
Most people didn't question him since he was the vice principal, but it was Reese, so no one would question the punishment regardless.
All he had to do was find a good match.
"The greatest thing ever happened to me in detention!" Reese came into the room and flung his backpack on his desk.
Malcolm looked up.
"I met the cutest girl! Her name is Alison!"