A/N: So basically this is my first fanfiction for this site (Yay!) and I hope everyone likes it! I'll try to upload a lot. I'll give warnings in front of chapters where they are needed. Also, you no like boy x boy? You may leave now then my good sir. (Also, please help me figure out if I'm doing something wrong, it's appreciated!)

Chapter 1

Alfred woke with a start, nearly falling out of his bed as he stared at the time.

"Oh crap! Why the hell did I buy this alarm clock, it's such a piece of junk!" He ran over to his closet and threw on jeans and a tee-shirt with the American Flag printed on it. Call him queer, but honestly, he was going to be patriotic if it killed him.

He threw his book bag over his shoulder and began quickly pacing down the hallway, stopping short in front of his brother's room. He could hear what sounded like...soft moaning?

Alfred pressed his ear against the door and slowed his breathing as not to be heard.

"You don't have to be so quiet mon cher..." A familiar voice purred as he heard his brother's soft tone let out gasps again.

Alfred quickly pulled away from his brother's door.

"Sure Mattie…'He's only coming over to study' my ass." Alfred murmured to himself, smirking. His brother Matthew thought he was so smart with his excuses. Yeah, because studying always took all night and into the early morning. In all honesty, he'd known about his brother's secret relationship with that French kid Francis for weeks now. He was sure Matthew knew he knew, but was probably just in a lot of denial.

Oh well, everyone deserved a little happiness he guessed. Matthew always pressed Alfred on why he never got a girlfriend. He was the most popular boy in school, was on the football team, had great grades, and plenty of females to choose from. It wasn't like he didn't date, he went out a lot. Just, never with what seemed like the right girl.

Alfred was ripped from his thoughts as he heard a car honk outside.

"Hurry up Mister. Superstar, we have places to be!" The albino driver yelled as Alfred stepped onto the front porch.

"Hey Gilbert, dude, I'm coming!" Alfred laughed, opening the car door. He leaned in to see two others in the back.

"Good morning hero." The girl giggled as she playfully kicked the back of Gilbert's seat.

"Hey Lizzy, hey Antonio." Alfred waved as he sat.

"Hey Jones, mind asking your brother to give us francy pants back? Or are his services still needed?" Gilbert asked before laughing knowingly with Antonio.

"Shut up and drive." Alfred rolled his eyes.


Ludwig gripped the seat and shot a look to the boy next to him as he pulled into the parking space. He was pretty sure he could hear Kiku retching in the back.

"Ve~! Why are you looking at me like that Ludwig?" Feliciano asked, starring at the German man next to him.

"I swear to God, you are never driving again…" Ludwig stated as he calmed himself and got out of the car.

"But my driving is fantastic, right Kiku?" The Italian smiled.

"Uh…I am sorry, but I feel I should refrain from answering that." Kiku squinted.

Feliciano pouted for a second before following the other two into the school.

Inside, everyone was running around, pushing, shoving, and chatting as usual. That was until everyone noticed a certain red corvet pulling up. Out stepped the four main rulers of this school: Lizzy Hedervary, Gilbert Beilschmidt, Antonio Fernandez, and of course, Alfred F. Jones.

The four waved as if they were celebrities when they walked in. Well, who was anyone kidding, they might as well have been. Alfred F. Jones, the star football player. Lizzy, the head cheerleader. Gilbert was also a star football player besides being a close friend of Alfred's. And lastly, there was Antonio, the practical sex god. Well, whether he had actually gone that far or not was in debate, but signs pretty much pointed to yes. If not, he was just a major flirt, with, what the girls called, a "nice ass".

"Hey Jones, ready for the big game tonight?" Lovino, Feliciano's brother, asked the dark blonde.

"Of course dude and we will win, you know why?" Alfred paused and everyone fell quiet for a moment.

"I'm the hero!" He shouted, causing everyone to cheer approval.

Feliciano clapped excitedly and looked at Ludwig who simply shook his head.

"What an ass." The tall blonde stated.

"Oh come on Ludwig, he is not all bad, he seems nice!" Feliciano grinned, jumping up and down slightly as the commotion reigned on.

"I didn't say he wasn't nice, I just think he is a bit arrogant. Either way, come on, we need to get to first class." Ludwig sighed and turned to go down the hall, his small Italian friend following quickly behind.

"Come on boys, first periods about to start, we don't have time to stand here chatting." Lizzy walked ahead of them.

"Alright woman, calm down, we're coming." Gilbert chuckled as the four all started for Algebra.


Classes went on as usual, but English had to be the best due to the fact they ate lunch that period.

Alfred was doodling on his notes, drawing a rocket ship, and next to it, the American flag. He wasn't much of an artist, but it helped pass the time. Suddenly a slip of paper passed over his rocket ship. He widened his eyes and looked to his left. A Lithuanian boy with long brown hair named Toris nodded to the slip of paper he had put on Alfred's desk.

Alfred looked up to make sure the teacher was occupied before opening the folded paper. It read:

So, like, apparently we are getting a transfer student today. Isn't that, like, totally weird? I just thought you all should know. Like, pass this note on!

From, like, Feliks

Alfred read the note imitating in his mind what it would sound like with the valley farm accent the Poland guy had somehow acquired. He gave little thought to the note to be honest. They had had new students before. Like that one musical Austrian dude from last year. It probably wouldn't be that big of a deal. He passed the note to a grinning Francis who sat next to him; quietly sending texts to who Alfred could only assume was Antonio, as the Spaniard kept randomly snickering a few seats away.

Suddenly the phone on the teacher's desk rang, startling everyone who was deep into their writing project. The teacher answered and then ended the call with a simple 'Okay, thank you'. She then stood, clearing her voice. Everyone stopped and looked up at her expectantly. Right on cue, there was a knock on the door. She smiled and seemingly looked out the small glass window on the door and started walking toward it.

"Here it comes..." Francis softly said, smiling.

"Everyone, I would like to introduce our new transfer student," She opened the door, moving aside to let the student in, "Arthur Kirkland."

Alfred's mouth almost dropped.