Oh lordy, here we go again. What a long-ass wait. I apologize.

If you haven't read Nirvana, you really need to do so or else this will make zero sense to you, hence why it's called a sequel.

And, if you've read Nirvana, you know that this first chapter is also the epilogue of Nirvana, which means you've already read it.

Enjoy, and as always, the chapters alternate in POV. :)~~~


Of course, only I was stupid enough to run an errand during rush hour. It was a bright day in Helsinki, which was rare considering the season, and I was stuck inside this pathetic car. It was ridiculous. I hadn't budged from this spot for ten minutes! Not even a meter! I was getting seriously annoyed now. What in the hell were they doing up front? I felt like just ditching my car in the middle of the highway and walking in between the cars the rest of the way to the market. It'd be a heck of a lot faster too. I would not be surprised if people started doing that soon.

I sighed heavily, getting a headache from the obnoxious honks of fellow drivers. I drummed my fingers on the top of the steering wheel, trying to distract myself from this dilemma and tune out the cars around me. When that didn't work, I reached over and flipped the radio on. I pursed my lip as I browsed through the stations, attempting to get some kind of traffic report. I ended up settling on some music station. I cranked up whatever song was playing, hoping to drown out the constant honks and shouts from outside.

The song was definitely American. It sort of had some catchy guitar during the verses, I guess. I didn't pay much attention to it because I didn't really care. I hadn't been much of a music person for years. I closed my eyes without worry since it didn't seem like I was getting further in this traffic any time soon.

Jesus Christ, this song was repetitive toward the end. Over and over just singing, "What do you want from me?!"

I wanted you to shut up. I heard you the first ten times. Who the hell was this guy? This was not helping out my headache.

I was about to turn down the volume a bit, but then the song finally ended. I let out a sigh of relief and sank back into my seat. The host of the station came on.

"That was 'Whataya Want From Me,'" I never would've guessed, "by American pop singer, Adam Lambert."

My brow furrowed in slight confusion and I felt a dull prang at my heart. How upsetting… this annoying guy had the same name as the Adam I'd once known. I guess it was a common name since it couldn't have been the same person. My old love killed himself a long time ago. When was that? I thought hard for an endless minute.

Ten years…

Holy… Had it really been that long? My throat slightly twanged with tightness and I blinked away the stinging in my eyes. How could I forget? What the fuck was wrong with me? I'd stopped mourning on his birthday and the anniversary of our first meeting and his… death date years ago. I just thought moving forward was the best was to cope. So long ago… Did they ever find his body…?

Come on, Sauli, stay pissed at the traffic, and don't depress yourself. If I started thinking about him again, I'd screw myself up and mope for days. Sauli, you're a grown man with a settled life, so start acting like it. I shook my head quickly and snapped out of it, refocusing on the radio.

"Mr. Lambert is currently on tour and will be coming to Helsinki on November sixth. So, if you haven't already gotten your tickets, stay on the air for a chance to win!"

I turned off the radio. Yeah, definitely wasn't going to attend that concert. Like I said, I just wasn't into music anymore, so what was the point? Plus, if all of his music sounded like that last song… yeah, no…

About two hours later, after scouring the grocery store, standing impatiently in a long check-out line, and then heading back into traffic, I finally arrived back at my apartment, pissed off and tired. With a grocery bag in one hand, I cursed as I struggled to get the key in the lock. I finally heard that sweet click and flung the door open, closing it with my foot as I entered. I chucked the keys into the little bowl by the door.

"Mika?!" I called out as I took off my jacket. "You home? I got your damn milk." I made my way into the kitchen, holding up the jug of milk as I did so.

I heard clamoring from the next room and then out walked Mika, all apron-clad and tall smiles. His jade eyes glittered when they landed on my face. I just glared at him.

"Hey, baby," Mika crooned as he pranced up to me and took the jug out my hands. I stared up at him with an exhausted look. "You were gone for such a long time. What happened?"

"Traffic," I muttered, stretching out and yawning.

Mika cupped my chin in one hand, still holding the jug with the other, and leaned down, taking my lips with his. I relaxed and kissed him back, reaching up stroking his jet-black hair as his hand left my chin and wrapped around my waist.

I pulled away and smiled slightly. Mika giggled for a split second. He pulled the milk jug up level to his face and his brow furrowed as he stared at it. I pursed my lip as I observed his eyes dull down into an annoyed expression while reading the label.

Mika suddenly exhaled sharply. "Ugh, come on, Sauli. Look at this!" He shoved the jug into my chest. I took it from him and gave him a look. "What does that say?"

What the fuck was his problem? I peered down at the label. "Two percent…?" I muttered.

Mika crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at me. "That's right!" he hissed. "I clearly told you to buy skim milk, Sauli. You know I can't handle two percent. Take it back!"

I gaped at him. "You can't be serious."

"Hell yeah, I am. I request something so simple and like always, you fuck it up!" Mika threw his hands up in the air dramatically. "Can't you do anything right?"

I slammed the jug onto the counter. "Bullshit! You're actually arguing with me over milk?"

"No!" Mika rolled his eyes. "It's every single time I ask you to do something, you just don't even try."

"I've never said no to you! Every time you want something, I go out of my way to get it for you! But your goddamn standards are so high because you're such a drama queen sometimes! You don't appreciate shit."

Mika huffed, "Okay, whatever." He started to turn away.

Oh no. I wasn't going to let him just blow off another argument as soon as the tables turned. This crap happened way too often.

I grabbed his wrist and jerked him back until he looked at me. "Do you even care what I had to go through just to get this thing?" I gestured expansively to the milk. "I'd been sitting in rush hour in this fucking weather, bored out of my mind in that piece of shit car, and then when I finally get home, thinking you'll be happy to see me, what do I get? This fuckery! Just drink the damn milk and stop acting like such an asshole! You're fucking welcome!"

Mika's hurt expression made my heart crack a little.

I groaned and turned on my heel, heading for the couch. I plopped down and leaned over, burying my head in my hands. I took deep breaths, trying to calm down. My temper was just out of control lately.

This fighting over the stupidest shit happened often. It was tiresome. I just wished we could be perfect.

Mika was so wonderful and sweet to me, but there were times when he was controlling and melodramatic. It pissed me off to no end, but I couldn't bear to leave him, especially since this was his apartment I lived in and I practically lived off of his money. I couldn't find a goddamn job for the life of me. Yeah, good grades would get you far... Biggest lie ever. I needed Mika to take care of me because I was hopeless and a moocher. At least, he didn't mind… He was too nice and caring. Great, now I felt like an asshole. He fed me, housed me, bought me gifts, treated me well… for the most part, like any good boyfriend, and yet, I wasn't even able to get him his fucking milk. Why was I so useless? What happened to me? I used to be so much bubblier and on top of everything, sharp.

I was in my late twenties and would be homeless on my own. How sad. It wasn't supposed to go this way. I once had such a bright future ahead of me. Fuck me for needing to be so dependent on someone else. I should be grateful that I had Mika. No girlfriend could be like him, not that I'd let any woman try anymore. That ship had sailed long ago.

"Honey?" I heard a tentative voice ask, and I sensed a weight press down beside me on the couch. "I'm sorry…" I felt a hand at my back, rubbing my tense muscles.

I sighed and took my hands off my face. I reached over and gently took Mika's hand, smoothing circles into the back of it. His fingers curled around my hand and gripped tightly, squeezing once.

I mumbled, "No, don't even. I'm sorry. If you want, I'll go back to the store right now…"

Mika's lips stretched out into that pretty smile I adored so much. His dark hair fell forward as he leaned forward and pressed his soft lips against my cheek. I turned my face to peck his lips, making a smack sound. I pulled away and gazed at his angular face. I guess I did have a type. He was everything I looked for in a partner. Mika was tall and lean, and he had black, elfish hair. His eyes were a jade green, and although I did prefer blue, his were still gorgeous. Other than that, and now that I thought about it, he did strongly resemble—

"Ooh!" Mika exclaimed and shook my shoulders. I stared at him with wide eyes. "I just remembered. Okay, earlier, while you were gone, I was listening to the radio as I was cooking dinner, hence my apron, but then the guy was like call now! And I did! And I won two tickets to go see Adam Lambert!"

Another dull prang at my heart. Had we been listening to the same station? Oh god, not that guy again. Why the hell did he have to have the same name?

"Oh my god, I'm so excited for us to go!" Mika went on like a fan girl. "I saw him on American Idol on satellite and wow, he was like, wow."

American Idol? Seriously? I never understood the point of that show. So basically, this Adam guy was some nobody that got lucky and was enjoying his fifteen minutes of fame. Okay then.

I never told Mika about my Adam. When we'd first met and told our backstories to each other, I'd just completely left Adam out. I'd told Mika that I just didn't like San Diego and moved back home. He didn't need to know… No one else had to know.

"Baby, can you find someone else to take?" I asked quietly.

Mika's face fell. "What? Why?"

"I just… I really don't want to go. Not a concert person, you know that."

I hated seeing Mika so disappointed, but understanding. He was too good to me. "Okay… I guess I'll take a friend. You'll be missing out though. Do you want to see a picture of Adam? He's real cute."

I bet. I rolled my eyes. "No, I think I'm just gonna go to the store and get you your milk and a little extra something special." I started to stand up, but Mika pulled me back down.

"You don't have to do that," he murmured into my ear, wrapping his arms around me.

I angled my head enough to smile kindly at him. "For you, I want to," I said before I kissed his nose.

"Thank you, but really, stay home. We can do something else…" he smirked devilishly, pushing me down on the couch and climbing on top of me.

"If you insist…" I laughed.

"You're beautiful," Mika gushed, "and adorable… Has anyone ever told you that?"

"Other than you? Nope," I lied, "but, come on, there's no one more gorgeous than you."

Mika nuzzled into my neck for a moment, humming contently, "I love you." His voice was muffled by my skin.

I smiled sadly at the words.

"I love you more."


You know what I'm going to ask for...

Comment/Review? Much appreciated! ;)~~~