Disclaimer: I do not own persona 4
welcome to chapter 3 of my story I have been looking over the Yosuke's story's and realize not a lot with him ending up with a girl. Mostly yuu... dont get me wrong I dont hate Yaoi but come on Yosuke needs some love with the ladies since I mean for those that have played persona 4 arena you saw that he liked Labrys. But there isn't enough stories with him getting some love. Any way this story will be a harem and will have lemons later so for now it stays on the T section. So no flames and i agree with my reviewers Yosuke dones't get enough love on fanfition or in persona 4 golden i mean he is cool not to mention he has a cool arcane in my opinion one of the best since i love to use magic anyway the pic i am useing is not mind i found it by chance on google
chapter 3 persona's and shadows
The next morning Yosuke awoke and for once he was in a good mood since he was going to hang out with his friends again to solve another case. But this time he was leader much to his protest to the others saying he should be it. In all, that was the only thing he hated being a leader he wasn't one at all he was just a person that went on instinct. Yosuke looked over to Teddie who was asleep on the guest bed which happen to be next to him for some reason. He looked at the clock and saw it was time for school.
"Might as well get going."
"He got ready and headed out the door leaving a note for Teddie for when he woke up. As he was making his way to school he got a text from Kanji.
"Huh, what does he want this early in the morning?"
"Yo! Yosuke-senpai me and Naoto will be meeting at my house after school since I have to help my mom with something. It be cool if you come by so we can all go visit the TV world together."
"Hmmm, wait him and Naoto? Well I guess they are in the same class so he would ask her for help but I wonder if there is more to it. Eh doesn't matter to me since Kanji does like her and she likes him, bound to happen sooner than later I think?"
Yosuke continued his walk towards school but thought back to the girl that had hurt him.
"Yukiko-san... sigh I know she really didn't mean to stand me up but why didn't Chie tell her that we had plans... maybe I'm cursed to be hated by girls I like just like with Saki-senpai... I wonder if Rise-chan will give me chance... probably not since she likes Yuu for some reason but why?"
He began to think why she liked his friend all they did was meet and she was over him trying to get him to go out with her.
"I don't see why I mean we all saved her and yet she thanks him why? Must have been because he was the leader of the group and was leading the investigation to find the truth...oh well maybe I will find someone later. I need to focus on this case and what me and Teddie saw, and why the Shadows did what they did. Didn't Naoto say something about this? When was it...?"
He only grabbed his head trying to remember what Naoto had said before but was drawing a blank as he gave up and arrived at school. As he arrived at school he saw Rise talking to Yukiko and Chie and wondered what they were doing?
"Hmm... does this mean she Rise-chan wont help us out in the investigation? If that's the case we might have problems trying to find locations again. But we got Ted and he is back to his old self again so not really a lost." Yosuke said to himself as he waved at Rise who waved back wasn't really surprised when Chie just ignored him and walked into the school along with Yukiko who gave him a glance.
"Guess she still believes her over me and the others... sigh, oh well time to get too class."
As classes started they went pretty fast as lunch came by Yosuke sent a text to his friends to meet him on the roof in a few minutes. When he arrived on the roof he saw Kanji Naoto, Rise and for some odd reason Teddie.
"Glade you can all make it, since I just called you all here out of the blue."
"No problem Yosuke-senpai, so what's up anything new to report on the case?" Asked Kanji.
"Well it's not really a case till we deem it one, since we don't know anything yet. We need to get all the facts straight before we jump on anything." Replied Naoto as she looked at Kanji who nodded at what she said.
"Well it not really about the case but I thought we should all have lunch with each other since we haven't hung out in a while and what are you doing here Ted?!
"Well I came to school to wait for you guys to leave so we can go straight to the TV world but I got a text from Yosuke saying to meet on the roof and here I am!"
The group looked at Yosuke who shrugged.
"I sent the text to everyone even Chie and Yukiko-san just to see if they would come. Before any of you say anything I am willing to put aside what happen with Yukiko-san to try and figure things out."
"I must say that's very mature of you Yosuke-senpai." Replied Naoto as she gave Yosuke a smile and titled her hat.
"She's right Yosuke-senpai, I didn't really think you would do such a grown up thing. I got too say it's more fitting for you." Replied Rise making Yosuke blush.
"Hey I do stuff like that all time but for now I guess it's just us then."
They all nodded and sat around in a circle and started to talk about their old adventure as they were talking about current events. In all, they had a good time as Yosuke was looking at Rise but he shook his head and getting back to the task at hand. He needed to focus on what they were planning after school. Lunch had ended with the Kanji,Naoto and Rise going back to class leaving Yosuke alone with Teddie who left the roof before he was found by anyone.
"Sigh... I don't have any friends in the same class anymore well expect for Kou and I can't always hang out with them they have things to do... Yukiko-san... maybe I'm not the type of guy for her after all she does have a hard time at the inn and rarely has anytime for herself and she rather spend it with Chie.. might as well get going."
He was heading for the school roof door but was surprised when it open. In front of him was someone he didn't really want to talk to right now.
"Hey Yukiko-san... what are you doing up here?"
"Ummm, Well I got your text saying you were going to meet with the others so I..."
"Its over..." he replied
"oh..." Yukiko seemed sadden by the news..
"well its nice you showed up at the end why didn't you come earlier?"
"Well Chie said that we shouldn't come since no one else would be here."
"Not to sound mean, but your wrong you missed everyone even Ted came since I gave him cell phone.."
"umm Yosuke-kun"
She looked at Yosuke who had a smile on his face but she could tell there was more to what he was letting on.
"Are you mad at me?" she asked without hesitation.
Huh? That's a dumb question to ask I'm not mad at you? Why would you even ask that?" Yosuke asked her as she gave him a serious look.
"I'm serious!"
"So am I?"
"So you're just going to forget what happen? About me standing you up!?"
"Ohhhh,that, don't worry about it since I know I'm probably not your type guy. You probably like Yuu since you always hung out with him and spoke highly of him like Rise. As for me I'm cursed to like women that hate or will hate me Like Saki-senpai." Yosuke said with a sad smile shocking Yukiko.
"Why would you say something like that Yosuke-kun? Saki-senpai didn't hate you." Yukiko said trying to cheer Yosuke up but was shocked by the look he gave her.
"You don't know how wrong you are Yukiko-san... you never went inside the TV to try and avenge her and found what she really thought about you.. "
"What are you talking about?"
"When I first got my persona I visited Saki's home in the shadow realm and found what she really thought of me.. boy I was surprised with what I found out. Sigh, sometimes I think my shadow and Chie are right about me... I'm no good to anyone and I seek only thrill and excitement to be useful for once I'm not even well liked around this town..."
"Yosuke-kun that's not true I mean your friends like you?"
"Sure they do, I know they like me well maybe not Chie but this whole town hates the prince of Junes since so many people have been put out of business because of Junes... sorry I need to get going."
Yosuke was walked past Yukiko but left her a message.
"Seems the others have made me the leader this time... if you want to come along later meets us outside off school and join the others and me."
He walked back to class leaving Yukiko alone as she stared at Yosuke as he walked away.
Yukiko decided to return to class thinking Yosuke's new outlook on his life was her fault but he said he didn't hate her. She stopped and began to think, did she really know the real Yosuke at all? She knew the others since she hung out with them but the only person that Yosuke really spoke too was his best Friend Yuu.
The School day ended and Yosuke was waiting outside the school gate for the rest of the group since Ted had learned to send texts and sent one to Yosuke saying he would waiting for them at Junes. Yosuke had waited a few minutes and was met with Rise who greeted him.
"Hey Rise-chan!"
"Hello Yosuke-senpai."
"Rise-Chan did you Naoto or Kanji on your way out?"
"No, I heard they left early since Kanji had to help his mom with the shop and Naoto left to help him with it. So will be just the two of us heading to Kanji's home."
Oh that's right I forgot he sent me text in the morning saying that. My mind must gone dark for a sec.. OK lets get going then we don't want them to wait for us long."
Rise nodded as she and Yosuke began walking to Kanji's home. As they were leaving Yosuke took one final look at the school entrance thinking he would see Yukiko but didn't see her. He sighed and just left the school. As Yosuke and Rise where heading to their destination he couldn't help but be a bit happy.
"Score I finally have some time with Rise-chan!" he thought was thinking of what to say too her.
"Umm, Rise-chan how have things since you started up your idol career again?"
"Things have been going well, I still need a lot of work before I can fully get my old life back."
"That sounds tough but I know you can do it. I will help you anyway I can."
"That's really nice of you Yosuke-senpai. You're really one of the few people that really pushes me to do my best why though?"
"What do you mean why? You're one of my best friends even if your younger than me."
"But are you hanging out with me because I'm Risette? Be honest I wont get mad."
Yosuke felt that she was also asking him something else within the question so he decided to be honest with her.
"Rise... I will be honest when I first met you I saw you as Risette."
Rise stiffen as he said that but he continued.
"But during our journey last year well, I saw that you were more than an idol. You were my friend and I tried to get to you know the real you more. Which is one of the reason I wanted to paired up with you so many times I wanted to get know the real you but.."
"But what?" she asked.
"You always turned me down saying you wanted to go with yuu since you liked him. Heck I'm starting to think all the girls on the team liked Yuu... expect for Naoto. The only reason you're even talking to me now is because Yuu isn't here anymore. Heck if he was, you would have waited for him and told me to go on if I had come out before him."
"But that's not true we're friends." Rise said a little offended he would say that but she knew it had some truth.
"Hmmm If you say so, I'd like to believe we are friends it's probably me just over thinking things since what happen with Yukiko-san."
"I thought you weren't mad at her?"
"I'm not, its just she came to roof after everyone left and … I'm not mad at her, it just gets me thinking maybe I'm not her type of guy.." Yosuke said feeling a bit sadden.
"What do you mean?"
"Well...i don't know it just she looked kind of hurt about everything that happen she even asked me if I hated her... I told her no I can't hate her even if she stood me, she's a dear friend and I think that's what she'll remain to me."
Rise looked at Yosuke and saw the sadness in his eyes and was wondering where all this was coming from.
"Is all this Because of Yukiko-Senpai? No it feels like he has something else on his mind ever since Yuu left, and we have been ignoring him a bit is that the cause of all this?"
Rise stayed silent the remaining way to kanji's house as she looked at Yosuke who looked to be in thought. When they arrived Yosuke knocked and was told to come in by Kanji's mother who was tending to the shop. Yosuke was about to ask where kanji and Naoto were but he got his answer.
"Yo! Nice to see you came to visit Yosuke-senpai."
"Well me and Rise came to see if you two are ready to go to Junes?"
"We are. We just needed to help Kanji-kun's mom for a bit, we're done now. So let us depart before it gets dark."
The four friends made their way to Junes and found Teddie waiting for them in his bear suit they greeted him and jumped into the TV to try and find the truth of this new mystery. As they landed they put on their glasses.
"So where do we start?" Asked Rise as she looked At Yosuke who shrugged,
"Dont know since this place really has changed since the last time you guys visited trust me on this we might as well try and find some shadows.
They all nodded as they were about to walk off into a random direction but stopped when Yosuke grabbed his chest and fell onto his knees.
"Dammit what's this I'm feeling?"
Yosuke felt his chest hurt again but he only stood up as he felt he was being drawn somewhere he looked into the fog and heard a voice in his head.
"You're not going anywhere till we settle things again! Last time you had help this time it will be me and you. The others will have to deal with their own problems later, but for now it's me and you leader... tell that bear to bring you back where you found out the truth about Saki... I will not wait long..."
Yosuke grabbed his head in pain and just ran and grabbed Teddie.
"Ted! I need you to take me to Saki-senpai's home right now!"
"But Yosuke are you OK? You just fell on the ground and..."
"I'm fine! Just take me there right now! He yelled as he was being looked at by his friends.
"Yosuke-senpai are you sure you're ok? I mean you just fell not too long ago and your acting kind of strange?" Asked Naoto as she saw Yosuke just look at her.
"I'm fine its just... sigh I need to tell you the truth I can't lie since it would mean keeping secrets and that could prove to be the wrong thing to do. I...i heard a voice right now in my head..."
"Really? What did it say?" Asked Kanji as he believed his friend.
"Are you sure it was a voice?" Asked Rise.
I'm sure it was I heard this voice before too, it was when I came with Ted when we started to look for clues but this time it wants to meet me. He says I need to finish something and this time I need to do this myself but I might need your guys help, will you help me?"
They only nodded as Yosuke asked Teddie to take them to where it all began for him. As they made their way to Saki's home in the shadow world Rise decided to talk to her friends as Yosuke was just walking ahead of them going where Teddie told him to go.
"Umm, guys have you noticed that Yosuke-senpai has been acting weird all day?"
"Hmmm. Now that you mention it he has been acting strange since we left him alone on the roof. Maybe something happen to him when we returned to class?" Asked Naoto
"What are you guys talking about? He seems the same to me and we hang out a lot if something was wrong he would tell us." Replied Kanji
"hmmm, hey Teddie come here..."
Teddie walked next to rise.
"Something up Rise-chan?" Asked Teddie.
"Well since you live with Yosuke-senpai I thought you might know if something is bothering him?" She asked as Teddie started to sweat.
"I can't betray him by telling you..."
"So something is wrong with him!" asked a worried Rise.
"Yes it has to do with his old love for."
"You mean Yukiko-senpai?" asked Kanji
"But Yosuke-senpai said he wasn't mad at her? Why would his love for her be making him depress."
"What are you talking about?" Asked Naoto
"Well on ore way out here he told me that Yukiko-senpai went talk to him on the roof after we left. He told me they talked about what happen with her standing him up, he told me he was OK and that Yukiko-senpai asked him if he hated her. he told her didn't but he figured out he might not be her type of guy or anyone's type."
"Well heartbreak does have a negative effect on people."
"Yosuke-senpai must be really hurt, it takes a man to hide his feelings." Said Kanji.
"Noooo! its not Because of Yuki-chan this thing with her just brought back old heart ache for his first love Saki!"
Teddie covered his mouth as the group looked at him as Yosuke heard him yell. But he stood still just looking off into the fog.
"Ummm, Wait Saki? Asked Rise as she looked at Teddie who was panicking as Yosuke stayed quite.
Naoto only shifted her hat as looked at Yosuke putting the puzzle together from what Teddie said. Kanji only asked the same question before being elbowed by Naoto.
"Umm, Yosuke-Senpai what does Teddie mean?" Asked rise who looked at Yosuke who had a sad look on his face. He was about to speak.
"Yosuke in coming shadows!" yelled Teddie.
"Everyone get ready and don't underestimate them just wait for them to attack!" Before they could react they were surrounded by 3 shadows.
"Don't worry these guys will be easy Yosuke-senpai. GO Take-minkazuchi. (I freak in love it when he says this in the game it just so badass)
Kanji summoned his persona and ordered him to attack with a lighting attack one of the shadows just moved ahead taking the attack.
"Dammit, it must be immune to it. What the?"
Kanji saw the shadow start to glow and made everyone's eyes widen at what happened.
"what!?" Yelled Kanji Naoto and Rise as they looked at Yosuke and Teddie who looked ready for whatever attack it was going to launch
In front of the shadow a blue card appeared that had the picture of a moon. The shadow hit the card and spoke
"How can shadow use a persona?!"
"We can talk about it later just watch out for the others." They all looked at the persona the shadow had summoned and saw it glow green as it sent wind attack wind attack hitting Kanji's persona causing him to fall.
"Rise we need to know it weakness scan it now! The others might have the same weakness but if they Dont Naoto have your persona ready since yours isn't weaken to any element and help Kanji up! Ted! Get her back and leave the wind user to me!"
Every nodded as Naoto ran to Kanji helping him up as Teddie cast a heal spell healing Kanji of his wounds.
"This thing packs a punch."
"Kanji-kun are you..?"
"I'm OK but we need to take him out fast!"
"Rise-chan which one of them can use a persona?" Asked Yosuke
"Ummm, Let me see."
Rise began to scan the four shadows but found them to be normal shadows but saw a blue aura around one of them.
"There is only one that can use a persona the one that attacked Kanji-kun its weakness is ice and wind!"
"Then let's go Ted his ours! Kanji, Naoto take out the normal shadows and make sure that you have each other's backs."
They only nodded as Naoto teddie and Yosuke summoned their persona's.
"Let's do this Jiraiya!"
"Go Kintoki-douji!"
"Let's go Sukuna-hikona!"
As they summoned their persona's Kanji and Naoto began to hold off the normal shadows with no trouble as Yosuke and Teddie were taking on the shadow wielding persona.
"Ted lets finsh this in one move we don't need any more damage like yesterday."
"You got it Yosuke! Bufudyne!
Yosuke and Teddie persona's glowed as their attacks combined forming a tornado of ice hitting the persona that shadow had summoned destroying both in one hit as Yosuke saw a small blue card disappear as Kanji and Naoto just finished off the weak shadows and called back their persona's as Yosuke was being looked at by his friends.
"I know you want an explanation to what happen or how a shadow is using a persona but I really don't know. But from what Ted and I have gathered is that they have gained egos..."
Naoto's eyes widen as Kanji spoke.
"What are you talking about?"
"How to put this.. the best thing I can think of saying is that they are sort of like Ted..."
"So they can use personas now but why are they attacking us?" Rise asked as Yosuke looked at Naoto who spoke.
"They aren't complete!"
"That's what me and Ted figured since they can't really talk and they keep attacking us every time we tried to investigate the weird area me and Ted saw. Ted could feel they were like him when we first encountered them."
Naoto began to understand what was going on but Rise and Kanji where left clueless as Yosuke told them to keep moving that they would explain everything as they make their way too their destination. As they began to walking Naoto spoke.
"No doubt you two are wondering what me and Yosuke-senpai where discussing a while ago but first are you sure you're OK Kanji-kun?" She asked worried for Kanji who blushed as she called his name.
"I'm fine it will take more than a wind attack to take me down." Kanji said as he hit his chest.
"You're hurt let me check if you have any serious injury on you."
"Wait what! NO stay away from me I'm OK really! Yosuke-senpai help me out here!"
"What do you want me to do? She just wants to check and see if your hurt since your persona is weaken by wind attacks. You took the hit head on just let her, or do you want me and Ted to look you over since you're embarrassed of showing some skin to her?" Yosuke said with a grin.
"What are you getting at?" Kanji said red faced.
"Your man are you not! Show some skin! A real man would not care about showing off some skin around his friends!" Yelled Teddie as Kanji's lit up at Teddies words.
"Your Right Ted!" Kanji began to take off his shirt as Naoto blushed as she saw him doing this as he took a seat on the ground.
"Don't listen to him Kanji he is just using that man talk on you again! Like he did at the summer festival!"
"You still haven't forgiven me for that?" asked Teddie.
"Hell no! You took all the girls and I wanted to make some good memory's that day! I should make you work double shifts for that no, TRIPLE!" he yelled at Ted.
Rise looked at the group and only let a nervous smile out as she saw Teddie and Yosuke get into an argument that turned into a fight as a red faced Kanji was being checked out by a blushing Naoto. Rise just sighed as she decided to wait a moment as they all got it out of their system. As she watched her friends a certain thought came to her mind at what she was told by Yosuke.
"I wonder if Yosuke-senpai is ok? He seems to be going through a lot in such a short time. With what happen with Yukiko-senpai, and all this stuff with shadows using personas. He looked hurt when Teddie mentioned this Saki girl I wonder who she is? Her name sounds familiar I wonder if I should ask him?"
"Umm, Yosuke-senpai?"
"What is it Rise-chan?" asked Yosuke as he was walking towards her
"Umm well I was wondering if you want to.."
Before she could finish she saw Teddie jump from behind Yosuke.
"Grizzly from above!"
Yosuke got a tick mark and punched Teddie send him flying a few feet away.
"Knock it off Ted! Rise-chan wants to ask me something! It must be important!"
"Never mind we can talk after you tell us why these shadows are using personas."
After Naoto was done checking Kanji over saying he only had a few scratches nothing serious Kanji thanked her as they were both red faced. Yosuke decided they would talk when they reached their destination since Teddie said it wasn't far. They only walked in silence as they reached their destination shocking the group since they had never been to this place.
"Yosuke-senpai is this?" Asked Kanji
"Yes its the shopping District of Inaba we're close to the area where I got my persona."
"Why are we here?" Asked Rise
"To be honest I really don't know I just wanted to come back since I had a feeling something was here and."
"Its nothing lets just Naoto talk about what she figured out from the shadows."
Naoto gathered everyone and began to explain.
"Like I told everyone before shadows and personas are the same. But whenever a shadow gains an ego it becomes a persona." Naoto said in a normal voice
"So your saying that the shadows are now persona's?" Rises asked a bit worried.
"No from what I saw in that fight they have an ego but not much. They are still incomplete that's why they can't fully speak. The shadow we saw looked and felt different because it had gained an ego... well somewhat of an ego." Naoto said as she looked at Teddie.
"If you're wondering if Ted knows anything about this he doesn't I asked him myself when we got home last night, He really doesn't know anything believe me. We thought they were like him and tried to talk to them but we ended up getting attacked and chased away from the school we saw."
"School?" They all asked.
"Oh, well when me and Ted started to search the area at random we found a school and tried to investigate but ended up hearing voices and got chased out by shadows and we thought we felt someone watching us. We can't find the school anymore when we ditched the shadows we went back to area where we saw the school and it was gone. Yosuke said he felt pain in his chest again but ignored it as he heard the voice again.
"Stop stalling! Me and you right now, stalling will make things worse for you and the others mostly you. The others will have their turn when the time comes no hurry your ass up! I cant leave this area!"
Yosuke looked at his friends as they were discussing things and decided to speak.
"Rise-chan you asked me earlier who Saki-senpai was."
Rise looked at Yosuke who let out a heavy sigh.
"She...she was the the very first women I loved."
Everyone's eyes but Teddies widen as he continued.
" you all know how she was a part timer that worked at Junes, I had feelings for when she started working at the store and with the talks I had with her I ended up falling in love with her even with her insults at me and the laughs we shared." Se said with a sad smile and tears forming in his eyes as he recalled his Senpai.
"That's so romantic Yosuke-senpai! Rise said with a warm smile.
"way to go Yosuke-Senpai!" Shouted Kanji
as Naoto stayed silent and shifted her hat over her eyes since she what was coming but all she knew was that she murdered.
"Yeah you would think so but in reality I was fool." he said as tears started to fall
"What do you mean?"
"I loved her with my heart and I never managed to figure out that she hated me and really found me annoying."
"She hated me from the beginning since Junes was taking away business from her family's shop."
"If she hated you why like her? Wait wasn't that name of the second person killed by Adachi!"" Shouted Rise as Yosuke nodded sadly.
"But from the way you talked about her it looked like she liked you? You even wanted to solve the case for her?
"Well you would be wrong, you ever wonder why I never talked about her? You just assumed that she liked me but only three people knew the truth that was Ted, Yuu and myself. No one on the team ever asked what her feelings for me where. That's where we are going, to her home in the shopping district to where it all began for me."
Yosuke started to explain from the very beginning to his friends as they listened in to his story they were beginning to understand him. But in Saki's home in TV world a shadow was getting restless.
"Ahhhh what the hell is taking so long? He's right outside and he is keeping me waiting?! How I wish I could leave this place like normal shadows!"
A small screen appeared in front the shadow as a small child appeared wearing a hat and a lab coat.
"Aww, it's good to see your doing well. But your not the only one that is tired of waiting!"
"Shut it kid!"
"I'm not a kid!"
"Yeah, yeah, are you almost done with what we talked about?"
"Yes, it wasn't that hard since I managed to make a way for us to talk to each other and the rest. That way we could pass the time, but this will let the ones that didn't come to see what happen."
"Good..." he only smiled as the kid on the screen spoke.
"But why make them see? Why should we care if they see this or not?"
Before he could answer another screen opened. To show a girl in a princess dress with another girl next to her.
"My, my, could it be that you want to cause some pain?"
He only clenched his teeth as he ignored her.
"Not talking to me? Whatever it looks like your charming princess will be their soon. Lets see how much things have changed."
Yosuke finished his story as his friends looked at him as Rise had tears and Kanji just patted his friends back
"Yosuke-senpai you're a true man with a heart that anyone one would want."
"Uhhh, thanks for the saying that Kanji but I'm not a man for going through pain we all deal with it, and... I don't swing that way.."
"WHAT! That's not what I meant!"
Yosuke just shrugged as he decided it was time to go.
"OK now that you about Saki-senpai and what she really thought about me. We need to get going and see what called me here." They only nodded as they followed him and rise thought to herself.
"He really is different then he lets on."
As they entered Saki's home their eyes widen at who they saw
Real world Yukiko's room
Yukiko was sitting in her room wearing her pink Kimono drinking some tea with Chie who had come to visit her at the inn. Chie had come straight to inn with Yukiko who seemed to be trying want to go to the front of the school.
"Yukiko are you ok?"
Yukiko looked at her best friend and smiled.
"Yes I'm fine, just glade that my mother let me take today off so I can hang with you."
"Ok, but you looked kind of down after school it seemed like you wanted to go somewhere."
"Oh! well Yosuke-kun asked me if I wanted to go Junes with him and others since he went into the TV world to investigate what's been going on in there."
Chie looked at her friend as she continued.
"I also met him on the roof since you said no one would be there. I went to make sure he was ok, but as when I reached the roof he was already going to class.
"You see no one even showed up to his meeting!"
"Umm, Chie they did show up and he even told me they him made leader of the group."
"Him leader? That's a laugh but why do such a thing I mean the case is over? I bet he was just feeling lonely and cause of that wound he gave himself."
"I don't think Yosuke-kun would do that and he seemed like he didn't want to talk to me on the roof."
"What do you mean Yukiko?"
"I managed to talk to him alone and.."
Yukiko's TV turned on shocking the both of them as they saw a young kid in a lab coat and wearing a hat..
"Chie is that!?"
"It cant be!"
"Welcome I have connected the TV to the Shadow world. But you can only see not touch or talk to them. Chie, Yukiko get ready for the show!"
the screen changed and it showed Saki's home but what shocked them was that their friends were there looking at some one that should have been gone.
"He can't be?"
"But how?" Asked Chie as she and Yukiko as saw red flower petals falling and saw Yosuke looking at his shadow self but he was plucking red roses petals.
Back in the TV world
"she loves me... she loves not... she loves me... she loves not!"
Yosuke looked at his shadow as he looked at him back with a smile.
"Welcome back... we need to catch up... hahahaha"
Yosuke couldn't believe who he was seeing.
anddd done I am sorry for the wait anyway what do you think? Shadows using persona's? At first I was like maybe bit a good idea but I remembered that Ted can use one since he has an ego. So theses shadows have egos as well but are nut full egos meaning they cant control the persona's I was thinking of adding Labrys this chapter but decided not to. But maybe she will appear next chapter if I introduce her earlier. Not saying persona 4 arena wont happen but If i add her soon if will affect the story for arena.
As for the paring its a harem I had to go with it sorry if you don't like. As for who Yosuke will be with first still open since each girl has their likes. Besides I am lean on labrys since not a lot of fanfiction for her or Yukiko or Rise with Yosuke Anyway I know its kinda of obvious who the other people that talked to shadow Yosuke are but try and guess if you don't know. As for why I brought them back simple cause I can and they will play a part in everyones true self. Anyway ideas are still welcome.