Author's Notes: Part 2 of the Camping One Shot—er two shot now? You understand.


By some miracle, Loki had not been assigned to Freyr's cabin—a miracle for Freyr mind you. Instead he was under the watchful eye of his hard working, labor loving (and fellow kami), cabin leader Thor. Camping was one of Midgard's activities that the Kami of Mischief had not partaken in. He wondered why all the male children in his cabin fought for top bunk on the beds and why no electricity was like signaling the end of the world.


Mayura was faring well setting up her sleeping bag, pillow and blanket on her bed while watching young girls start to chatter. They were happily introducing themselves and sharing stuffed animals. While the mortal girl wouldn't be going on any mystery seeking adventures this summer, at least one cabin away was her favorite pint sized matantei.


Freyr was in his element. Ah youth, it was really something. These mortal children had an abundance of energy which was plain to see. They were capable of asking multiple questions in a single breath and in less than a minute, and some were down right impossible to answer.

"How old are you?" "Do you have a girl friend?" "Are you still breathing?"


Everyone was to unpack and meet up at the fire pit for introductions and itinerary. There would be cabin games and team building exercises, dinner and a bon fire. Loki thought this was how mortals enjoyed their summers by sending their children to camp. He looked across the way to spot his favorite pink haired mortal and believed that there were worse fates in life.


Well the games had begun…and boy were they off to a great start.

The cabin leaders might have been a tad more enthusiastic than their charges—especially Freyr and Thor. Their cabins were opponents in the tug of war challenge. Nothing like pulling someone through the mud to get the team spirit flowing through one's veins.

While the boys were showing their brawn, the girls were displaying their brains in a challenge of Campers' Family Feud.


Both teams had really gotten into the competition. Their fearless cabin leaders weren't backing down and when they heard that the winners receive ice cream sundaes, those little boys and kamis with their fast metabolisms were raring to go!

"My team shall gain victory today!" boasted Freyr with a hearty laugh while currently pulling on his end of the rope. His team expressed their agreement with hoots and hollers. This caused the kami of abundance, (idiotism in Loki's opinion), to laugh loudly and all too annoying in response.

Lightning flashed in the eyes of his opponent as the thunder kami replied, "There can only be one victor today and it shall be my team!"

His team replied with equal excitement and pulled for all they were worth…except maybe a lazy chibi kami on the tail end of that rope. Hell, he figured they were pulling enough and strenuous activities really weren't his thing. He'd hang on to the rope though for good form…and in case Mayura caught his eye. He wouldn't want her to think he wasn't giving it his all.


Mayura's team was currently behind in the competition and the moderator had just given them the question:

"Name something that campers hate to find in their sleeping bags."


Loki looked in Mayura's direction to find the bubble gum pink haired girl with a finger to her chin in thought. He couldn't help but smile and then felt himself and the rope he was attached to give a quick jerk forward.

"Oi! Put your backs into it!" Narugami ordered, they were on a slippery slope now and heading for the mud.

Alright so it was all fun and games until the kami of mischief was losing. Freyr had bitten off more than he could chew now!


Well when it had started to get dark and the two teams were still not giving in, the camp director had to put a stop to it.

"Alright! Great job! Wonderful exuberance shown by both teams!" announced the thin middle aged man, with short blonde hair and brown eyes, sporting the same khaki shorts and t-shirt as his counselors. "I'd say a tie is well in order!"

"A tie?!" came the reply of two anxious camp counselors, "There is no victory in a tie!"

The man sighed, "But a tie is a good thing, it means that you shall meet again on the uh…battlefield."

All participants gave deflated sighs. Even Loki, whose sigh was half thankful and half wishing that Freyr had been pulled into the mud.

"Come, come…let's go get our suppers and have sundaes for dessert!"

Everyone followed suit, because who passes on free sundaes?


Supper was held around the big bon fire, and Loki found his favorite mortal and an empty seat next to her. Well…it wouldn't have remained empty but his little chibi form came in handy at times where he could squeeze into places quicker than Freyr.

Oh how Freyr cursed the chibi kami (for the second time today), for sitting next to HIS Yamato Nadeshiko! The cur! Even Thor had taken the seat to her left and now he was glaring across the way, with a roaring fire blocking her beautiful face from view.

Oh he'd eat his sundae alright…what was left of the soupy mess that is. He'd been poked several times by members of his cabin asking, 'are you going to eat that?' Mortal boys and their fast metabolisms.

On the other side of the fire sat Narugami thinking of a plan for their next challenge, Mayura savoring the sweet taste of hot fudge, and Loki relishing in the fact that he one-upped Freyr again.


Toasting marsh mellows and camp fire songs commenced, as Mayura showed both Loki and Narugami the joys of s'mores! Narugami thought that he must tell his Master about these s'mores and suggest putting it on the menu. The mortal girl tried to explain that it would be awful hard to have open flames in a café, and Loki seemed to have more chocolate on him than in him. Coordination in a chibi body could be taxing at times, but when a cute mortal girl dabs your face with her napkin and a seething Kami sees: priceless.

Loki could only imagine the fun he could have had, had he been in his real body. Maybe later…


Mayura sat on the cabin steps, all of her wards tucked into their beds and sound asleep. She had a pink zippered jacket on and black sleep pants, and her hair in a ponytail. The mortal girl wasn't quite ready for bed as she looked up at the starry sky, there were fireflies floating through the grounds, and the moon shining on the lake. It really was the perfect setting she thought, resting her chin on her bent legs.

She had been so peaceful she barely noticed when the kami had taken a seat next to her.

"Couldn't sleep, Mayura?"

She wasn't startled by his real voice as she looked up at him with a smile on her face. He always looked so sweet to her in any form.

"It's so pretty…" she whispered, straightening and leaning against him. Kakusei Loki, never wanting to deprive a maiden (or himself for that matter), happily obliged her and put his arm around her shoulders.

"It is," was his whispered reply, but whether he was remarking about the scene before them or her would be his little secret.

"Why did you really come to camp, Loki-kun?"

"If you have to ask, then you'll never know."

The mortal girl puffed out her cheeks and gave him a pointed look, "Mou…you're mean, Loki—

Before being abruptly cut off with his lips finding her own. He broke the kiss and wrapped his arms around her, his chin finding her shoulder, and felt all her anger dissipate with a grin.

"You cheater…" she murmured, feeling him lean into her embrace, and her hand rubbing the back of his head lovingly.

"You're glad I'm here, aren't you?" he asked teasingly.

She playfully thumped his head, "Duh!"

The kami tightened his arms around her and grinned like the Cheshire cat he was. He truly enjoyed this mortal girl. He had great fun teasing her, embarrassing her, embracing her, riling her up and of course kissing her. Mayura didn't make sense and he supposed that was why he liked her so much. Sure, he was an infamous playboy…but with her, he wasn't thinking of breaking her heart. Loki wasn't a great thinker, more of a doer…but this time, he really was trying.

He felt her lips gently brush his cheek. "Thank you for coming. I'd have been lonely without my Loki-kun this summer."

"And I you, Mayu."


Been forever but a little fluff goes a long way to appease readers. 3 I do have another short in the process.