Well a lot has happen during the last 2 weeks and I must sadly info you peoples that No Me Without You has been on hitas. Yes you may now enter your 'wtf' face but I've just lost inspiration in that story and I'm tryin to get it back with AMV on Youtube. I don't know if I will keep it up or not I've just been really busy with school and my family.

But today Joseph and I spent the entire day together and that made me less stress and very happy ;)

Soooo I am writing this story for all the people who has that special someone! So during this time anyone and I do mean anyone can shout out about how much you love someone or talk about a crush or if you're having troubles in your relationship. ;)

I'm not a expert but I can help! So let's get this show on the road XD ladies and gentlemen I give you It's Love!


Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha all right go to Rumiko Takahashi -3-

It's Love

Being with them is like a breath of fresh air. Every moment you're in each other's you never want to leave. When you stare into their eye s you see both your souls dancing happily. Many people can't explain it, some call a just a feeling, but no…its love.

They just sat there.

Staring at each other.

Looking at every feature on each other's face.

Really they had lost track of how long their little game went one, but they didn't care.

He placed his hand on her cheek. "Why do you wear that stuff on your face?"

She rolled her eyes but smiled playfully. "Because I want to."

"But why?"

"Because there are some imperfections that I want to cover."

He pulled her towards him, pushing her legs behind him and his behind her. "You are nothing close to imperfection."

His husky voice caused her to shiver, but she didn't mind. "You wanna know something?"

She leaned in, their foreheads touching. "What?"

"I love you." That was all he needed before crashing his lips into hers, their tongues moving in harmony.

He pulled backed for the sake of air, but smiled. "Love you too wench."

Kagome huffed as she walked down the overly crowded streets of New York, she had been tired this morning from her and Inuyasha activates last night so she will probably get an ear full from her bitchy-all-the-time boss.

'Not my fault he's an animal.' she smiled slyly at her thought, the way that Inuyasha had taken control last night was the clear definition of sexy.


That sound had cause Kagome to fall out her fantasy and go red with anger. 'Did they just slap my ass?!'

"The hell you think this-" Kagome was cut off to see her gorgeous but semi-retarded best friend Sango grinning like a mad man.

"You really need to keep a lid on that temper of yours 'Gome."

Kagome clicked her tongue. "I know you're not talking about my temper. God not even Dr. Phil can help your ass when you're on your period!"

"Whatever you bitch." Sango laughed. They started walking together laughing and talking on the busy street.

"So…" Sango started. "What caused you to be late my dear friend?"

"Ohh you know stayed up late. Couldn't get any sleep last night with Inuyasha's pounding." Kagome said smirking.

Sango grinned. "Ohh you bitch, you had some of that rough, wet, fast demon sex last night huh?"

Kagome raised her eyebrow. "Why do you always think sex has to be rough and fast?"

"Because the direction of power can be switched up when you guys are rubbing against each other all sexy like…"

"Really?" Kagome laughed.

"Yes really!" she shouted. "But when you're going slow, us women are begging for the asshole to move fast but nope he doesn't wanna go. So that's why I prefer pussy pounding- cock crushing sex."

Kagome busted out laughing causing people to look at her strangely but she just waved them off. "I swear I wonder why I'm friends with you."

"Because." Sango slugged an arm around her shorter friend's shoulders. "You love me and your life would be really boring and fucking plain without me."

Kagome giggle. "Yeah your right. Now let's go I don't want Queen Bitch to be on my ass all day."

"Sure thing honey."

And they skipped off to work causing people to look at them strangely. About fifteen minutes later they walked into the lobby of a high-raise building labeled Diable Fantaisie. It was the rebel of the fashion and makeup world. Starting in 03' DF was known for its edgy make up and sexy but simply clothing, it made at least 2 billion a year of off its product and it always looking for new designs for its image.

That is where Kagome comes in; she was always fascinated with art as a child and when she was old enough she taught herself how to become a makeup artist. Wanted to make a career out of her passion, she applied to work at DF and by some miracle she got it! But she was only an assistant; all she did was run errands and get yelled at for not bringing in coffee at the right time.

Kagome sighed and Sango looked at her. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing just thinking bout' my place in the world."

Sango raise an eyebrow. "Umm…you're not going through that hippy faze again, are you?"

Kagome pushed her friend as they turned a corner in the hallway. "No! I just thinking how am I gonna show this company my talent when all I do is shovel papers and get coffee."

Sango put a comforting hand on Kagome's shoulder. "Hey now, Gome' you are the only person I know that can make 3 outfits with amazing makeup looks in exactly 5 minutes tops,"

Kagome smiled as Sango went on. "So don't worry about not getting recognize because it is going to happen."

"Thanks Sango."

"Hey it's what I do."

They both grinned at each other madly. "AYASHI! HIGURASHI!"

Both women whipped there head to see a very short women with a stylish bob walking towards them with a huge scowl on her face. They gulped, terrified. "E-Edna,"

Edna jumped and hit them on the side of their head with her stick. "The hell have you been?! I have paper work that has to be sent across the building, and you two idiots are here talking. You are trying to sabotage the company!"

Kagome gulped. "N-No Edna I-I was late this morning and I ask Sango to pick me up. We would never try to sabotage the company this is my dream to work here."

"Yeah!" Sango added. Edna glared at them fiercely through her thick rimmed glasses but then she sighed heavily. "Ahh very well I guess I could forgive you Sango, being loyal I something we appreciate here at Devil Fantasy."

Both Sango and Kagome sighed in relieved.

"But you Higurashi," Edna pointed her ringed finger at Kagome. "I should have you put on probation for being late and costing your friend job!"

She turned around her short heels clicking against the marble floors. She turned her head over her shoulder. "You are on thin ice Higurashi! Better watch where you step."

"Ah….Aba…..Pro….Ice….Edna….Neeeeehh" This cannot be happening, Edna Mode was The best fashion designer in the world and was the co-owner of Diable Fanstaise. She could literally break her career into little pieces and do a-little jig on it just for fun.

Being on her bad side was not an option.

"Kagome," Sango put both hands on her now hyperventilating friend. "Calm down you're not on probation no worries, okay."

Kagome nodded her head but her breathing was still shaky, during her little episode she came up with a simple but really late solution.

If she wasn't late waking up this morning, then she would've never gotten Edna made and almost put on probation. But it wasn't her fault it was the dumbass hanyou that keep her up last night…

"Inuyasha… you're fucking dead!" Kagome wiped out her phone sending everything but love to a certain man.

Inuyasha walked through the revolving door with a small scowl on his face. He had been call to the studio by his dumbass of a friend Miroku, canceling morning sex with Kagome and a good breakfast.

Man does he love her bacon.

'Goddamn bastard, I'm going to kick his ass to Russia and back!'

He kept walking till he was at the elevator, his irritation got even worse. The elevator seemed to be taking its sweet time today. Before he could destroy the button, the familiar 'ding' hit his puppy ears. He walked in to see two women-one blonde another brunette- whispering and giggle to themselves, the immediately stopped when they saw him lust all over their faces as he walked and stood silently beside them.

Inuyasha rolled his eyes. 'Stupid sluts. Never in my life would I fuck with them.'

"Say Inuyasha." The horrible high pitched sound reached his sensitive ears.

"What." His bored reply.

The blonde smiled flirtatiously. "We were wondering if you were not doing anything this weekend if you wanted to hang out with us at the Sphere."

"Why the hell would I do that?" He turned his head ever so slightly to look at them with irritation all over his face. 'The fuck is with this elevator?'

"Well," the brunette started licking her lips. "Seeing as how stress you've been lately, we just wanted to help take it away."

Inuyasha stared at them before laughing causing a spark of hope to erupt in the stupid women. "If you really think I would want to fuck with you two sluts you must been smoking on something."

The women gasp and a soft 'ding' filled the small box. Inuyasha looked up to see that it was his floor. "I would oh so love to continue this charming conversation but it seems like I don't have the time to be around walking STDs."

He stepped forward onto his floor, the two women still gawking at him with wide eyes and open mouths. He smirked giving them a two-finger salute. "See ya."

It was really annoying how women think they can walk up to him and he will just screw them on the spot. He already had a wonderful creature in his life and he would be damned if the ignorance of others cost him his relationship.

Finally after a few minutes of walking he reach his studio, it wasn't big or grand like the ones you see on TV but in here he can make music into something out of this world. Dropping his bag on the small leather couch, he checked the levels on his sound board making sure that there were the same like he left them. Everything had to stay the same or else it wouldn't feel the same when he listened to his sound.

All my life I've been good but now I'm thinking what the hell!

Inuyasha picked up his phone and smirked as he read the text from Kagome.

My Wench: 12:26


'My God! Curse you Edna!' That little bob-headed bitch somehow gets Kagome mad at him for no reason. If anything it's Kagome's fault for being so sexy, he's just a guy that gets horny.

Inuyasha didn't reply just put the phone back in his pocket and went back to checking the board. "Yo Yasha!"

A man with black hair pulled back with a headband with violet and black eyes came into the room. Inuyasha rolled his eyes but still clasped his hand with his.

"Dude we were on fire last night! Don't even know how much profit we made!" Miroku exclaimed happily.

"So your dumbass cost me morning sex and a good breakfast all so you can boast about how much money 'we' made when your ass didn't even do a damn thing!" Inuyasha growled.

Miroku laughed nervously. "Umm...yes?"

Inuyasha punched him in the head. "Fucking idiot!"

"Hold the hell up," Miroku put his hands up in defense. "I didn't only called you up here for that,"

Inuyasha snorted "Oh really?"

"Yeah, Myoga wants us to produce a new singer-"

"Not doing it."

"Why not, it makes good money and you're good with helping people find their sound."

Inuyasha looked at him annoyed. "Look I'm not gonna waste my time with some wannabe that only wants to party, drink, and fuck all the time! It's just gonna be some pop techno shit-"

Miroku cut him off. "Which is why you need to help them with the sound Yasha. She's gonna have to learn-"

"Oh it's a she," A dark eyebrow as raised. "Defiantly not helping the bitch now."

"Dude!" Miroku groaned out of frustration. "You worked with singers before wants the problem now?"

"They irritate the hell outta me. That a good enough reason." Inuyasha replied with a bored look on his face.

"No! Just listen to her." He pulled out a CD out of his pocket. It read 'Moon Princess Demo'. "You might actually like her."

Inuyasha reluctantly took the CD and stuffed it in his bag. "Whatever man. You still going to Nova tonight?"

Miroku grinned. "Hell yea! Get to see my sweet sexy girlfriend tonight."

Inuyasha laughed. "I don't think Sango can be put in the sweet section. Plus she aint even yours."

"Yet," Miroku said smartly. "It's only a matter of time before I break her down."

Shaking his head he walked out of the studio with his delusional friend. "That mind of yours is gonna fuck you up one day."

"Sure, that will only happen when Romney cares for that 47%" Laughing they entered the elevator.

Opening the door cautiously, Inuyasha walked in his loft apartment waiting for something to jump out. Even with his heighten senses that wench of his always seems to allude him. Throwing his bag in the closet he carefully watched out for a certain raven haired girl.

He will never admit this but the women is scary when she's angry.

"Kagome! You here?" He called out. He sniffed the air and was glad to find that she hasn't been in the apartment since this morning. Sighing in relief he started to walk to their bedroom and flopped on the bed.

"Hey babe, have a nice day."

His eyes snapped open and he turned to find Kagome looking- ok more like glaring at him.

"Uhhh," Inuyasha gulped. "Yeah, how's that Edna thing going on?"

"Ohh it was cool, I had so many runs going up and down those stairs I think that I lost 5 pounds. Oh! And one of the models spilled there coffee on me so I have freakin burns on my chest! And the best part I got to clean Edna' dog, Muffie, who hates me so I got bit in the ass at least 10 times." Kagome blue-gray eyes were blazing, today was the worst day ever and it was all the dog eared bastard that was trying to back away.

"Now Kagome just try to keep cool head ok." Inuyasha stammered, he backed away as Kagome moved towards him. "We all had our share of bad days and it just so happen that yours fucked you up royally."

"Ohh and you're the blame for it!" She tackled him causing both of them to fall to the floor. "I should kick your ass to hell for what you did!"

Inuyasha grabbed her wrist and rolled so that Kagome could be on the bottom. "The fuck?! It takes two to tango Kagome and last time I checked you were the one begging for more!"

Kagome snorted. "Yeah but that didn't mean you had to follow! And why was last night the one time you choose to listen to me?"

"Because I was horny duh!"

"And why the hell did you have to take it out on me, huh? Why couldn't you take care of it yourself!?"

"Because you're too sexy for your own good!"

"Well excuse me!"

They didn't say anything….untiiil Inuyasha started laughing soon Kagome joined in with him.

Inuyasha laughter sided down. "Y-You know I love you right."

Kagome gave him a kiss. "Yeah I k-know."

And there ends a typical day of Inuyasha and Kagome.

I HOPE YOU LIKED/LOVED IT XD! Again so sorry about No Me Without You, seriously I'm working on it and I don't want you all to be like 'Where the fuck is the chapter' so I give this to you as a gift ^-^.

Again this is pracitally a love story so and real-life love story out there come spread your love here in the comment section or PM me if you're having any type of love problems kay'.

OKaaayy its about that time :{D

Funny Moment:

I was expelled on pajama day at school…..Not my fault I sleep naked ;] –Teenage Moment