Chapter 9

The sun eventually sank low in the sky bringing closure to our evening spent together. As the pink and purples streaked the sky, our laughter died down and we finally said our farewells after a chaste goodnight kiss. Once in my room, I flopped down onto my bed, a sigh immediately escaping my lips.

"Could life be any better?" I asked the ceiling. I guess he didn't want to talk to me because he didn't reply, but that was ok. I already knew it couldn't get better than this. Things were finally looking up. I guess mom hadn't been wrong, this place isn't so bad afterall.

A sudden buzzing from my phone broke me from my thoughts. Reaching over, I snatched it from my nightstand and was greeted by a text from Fang.

Hey. Go to sleep.

I am.

That's why you just responded.


Your light is shining thru the bathroom door :(

Shut your door then. Duh.

It is shut. Duh. Close yours.

I don't wanna get up :'(






Feeling obligated now, and slightly guilty, I pulled what little energy I had left and trudged over to my bathroom door ready to close it when I realized I hadn't changed.

Hello. Max. Hello. I still see the light.



Earth to Max.

Omg shut up! XD

Hello Max.

I was getting worried. I thought aliens had abducted you.

I'd be sad if they did.

And why's that?


For some reason I see 'pervert' written all over that winky.

You'd be right to assume that.

Chuckling, I dug out a pair of pj's from my dresser and quickly changed before Fang being Fang barraged into my room to 'assure my safety.' I walked into the bathroom, phone still in hand, and closed the door. Immediately the phone buzzed.


Goodnight Max.



Omg, they got you didn't they?

Call for backup! Wee woo wee woo.

I promptly brushed my teeth and was just about to wash my face as another onslaught of texts attacked my phone.



Bring Max back Mr. Alien! Please?

I'll give you a dollar. Is that a good deal? I think it's pretty worth it.


I was kidding.


Ring Ring?



You're suppose to say hello.

Let's try again.

Ring Ring.

Ahem. Your turn.


Why hello Maximum.

Goodbye Fang.

No wait.

Are you gone?


Come back.



"That's it." Splashing cold water onto my face then toweling it dry, I threw open my bathroom door.



Close. That. Door. Now.

Feeling satisfied I did what only a wonderful person would do in this situation. Turning the handle of Fang's door to the bathroom, I pushed and let it swing open making light spill into his room.

"Ahhhhhhhhh close that damn door," He yelled, covering his eyes from the blinding light. Rolling my eyes, I crossed my arms as I stood in the doorway.

"It's not even that bright."

"It burns!"

"Well maybe you shouldn't be such an emo vampire. If you let some light in your room once in a while-" He muttered something that sounded quite like screw off, but I didn't stop. Pulling my phone back out, I hit the spot.


Man up.

His eyes narrowed considerably as he stared down at his phone, his fingers not hesitating a moment as they flew across the screen, but when I saw his reply I was aghast.


"Seriously?!" I scoffed. He threw his phone in the general direction of his nightstand, but it missed and fell to the floor with a thumk yet he remained motionless. He lay there, a blanket up to his neck, glaring at me, his eyes irate. "Um heh yeah I think it's time for me to go to bed. Sweet dreams!"

"Max?" Hesitating, I shifted back around.

"Yeah?" He abruptly sat up, the blanket falling to his lap revealing his bare torso.

"Is this man enough for you?" He asked, motioning to his deeply etched six pack. The corner of his mouth noticeably lifting into a smug grin as my eyes expanded into large, round ogling disks.

"Ummm.." My voice trailing, "I uh yeah..I think you're.. pretty fine, as in like man enough," I rushed, "Ahem I should go to bed," Motioning with a thumb to the open door behind me. With my eyes still glued to Fang, or more so his impressive chest, I managed to find the doorknob in a few lousy attempts and made my flee making sure to securely close each of our bathroom doors. "Good Lord," I expelled in a heaping breath. Is it hot in here? Oh wait that's just me breaking out in a sweat from that gorgeous boy molded to perfection, my bad. Just stop thinking about it Max, erase it from your mind. Afterall out of sight, out of mind right?

Psh Right. That so did not apply right now.


Fang's Pov

"What the hell dude," I growled as I grabbed the collar of my best friend's polo, "Want to tell me what you've been doing with my girlfriend?!" Dylan's blue eyes widened into saucers as I pushed him against the locker bay behind us.

"Nick, bro I have no idea what you're talking about!" His hands were in the surrender position which made me all the more enraged. This was suppose to be my best friend, how could he have done this. Not only did I lose Lissa, but Dylan too?"

"You son of a-"

"Nick! Chill out man. Look, I honestly have no idea what you're talking about." His voice hitting a high octave.

"You and Lissa," Rumbled through my clenched teeth. Surprised flashed over his face and he actually had the audacity to bark out a laugh.

"Seriously?! I heard you two broke up, but I didn't realize it was over something so stupid."

"Stupid? You call hooking up with my girlfriend stupid?!" I pushed at his chest hard enough for his shoulders to bang up against the metal while a stream of obscenities leaked from my mouth. His face contorted, not from pain, but into a mass of confusion.

"What? Is that what you heard? Dude, I helped her with her math homework after school like two weeks ago- that's it! You know I don't even like Lissa!"

"You don't have to like someone to get with a friend's girlfriend Dylan." I snarled, my fists clenching so hard my stubby nails were digging deep into my skin.

"Nick you're my best friend, I would never do that to you! Why would you think I would? Who told you I hooked up with your girl?"


"Right and I'm sorry you two broke up, but to blame it on me? I helped her with her homework. End of story."

"That's not what she said."

"Wait, she?! Lissa told you that?!" Dylan's eyebrow suddenly concaved as they narrowed into a pointy V. "That skank! Dude she's lying, I never touched her! You've got to believe me." Those puppy dog eyes pleaded to be believed, but they had the opposite of the desired effect. I took a step closer making Dylan back up only to find his back already pressed against the lockers.

"How could you?" The question was legitimate. Lissa had been everything to me, but Dylan? He had been there long before Lissa or any girl for the matter. We knew each other like the back of our hands, we liked the same things, listened to the same music, we shared everything. Apparently even girls.

"I'm telling you Nick, I didn't do it. Why are you talking her side over mine? She's a little Barbie doll. I told you this would happen, not really sure why you're surprised. Her and her little slutty minions are probably laughing about this right now! Damn, get over her man! Is she really worth our friendship?" I backed up as a group of freshman passed by whispering behind their hands, their giggles trailing behind them like a satin train and considered Dylan's question. Was it? "You've been by mate for ages now, you've dated her for a few months. What's to think about?"

"Look man, I don't know what to think right now ok?" I took another step away, ignoring the distant shrill of the bell, and ran a hand through my shaggy hair. "Damn," I whispered.

"I didn't betray you, whether you believe me or not, I didn't. Why don't you go ask Barbie what really happened huh? She's lying to your face man."

"...Maybe I will..."


Lissa's Pov

As he strutted towards me, his swagger defined, face set, I knew hell was about to freeze over. I sat with the girls, not eating of course, at the far end of the cafeteria talking trash about girls like usual, my daily obligation that earned my seat, but as soon as I saw him I knew I had to get out of here.

"I'm going to go to the restroom, excuse me," I interrupted as Tiffany droned on about some sophomore's atrocious outfit. Stacey, automatically making an annoyed face, let out an exaggerated sigh.

"Ugh fine whatever. Make sure you touch up your makeup, it's starting to look crappy," She said in a dull tone then dismissed me with a wave of her hand. Don't say a work, just obey I chided myself when a retort crept up on my tongue.

Leaving them behind, I did my best to make my way to the bathrooms, but in four-inch heels on lunch room tile it was kind of hard thus Nick caught up to me just as I was about to open the door.

"Lissa!" Shoot. Without thinking, I swung the door opened and hopped inside, my heart pounding. He's not suppose to have this effect on you still Lissa! He's nothing remember that so treat him like that. "Lissa come out or I'm coming in!" Nick said through the door, his voice disturbingly even.

"This is a girl's bathroom you can't come in." I pointed out, but was proven wrong when Nick pushed open the door and strided in. His face was covered in a mask of outrage, his dark eyes flashing with hatred and I couldn't help the guilt the trickled down me. Look what you have done, you did this to him. Your fault, your fault.

"I want the truth Lissa. No more lies."

"W-what are you talking about?" Within seconds I found myself cornered, Nick inches away from me. His cologne, a gift from yours truly, clung to him making me have to fight the urge to embrace him. I lost that right long ago.

"You lied about Dylan didn't you?" My heart clenched as I looked into his hurt filled eyes. With a deep breath, I opened my mouth and let another lie roll off my tongue. The taste bitter, but bearable.

"I don't know what you're talking about Nick. Now if you'll excuse me-"

"You aren't going anywhere until you tell me the truth. For once in your life Lissa just be honest. Did you and Dylan hook up?" One second, another, another. "Well?!"

"I…" Tell the truth or ruin his friendship? "I..I lied." He cursed loudly as a hang swept through his hair, his eyes not meeting mine. "I lied when I said I didn't love you." His hand stilled, his eyes slowly inched up to mine.


"I really do love you Nick." He stared at me for what felt like an eternity then his head began to shake back and forth.

"No..No you don't have the right to say that. Do you even expect me to believe that? I gave you everything I had and you ripped me to pieces! Why?! What did I ever do wrong?"

"Nothing," I whispered. Tears began pool in my eyes as I watched his face twist with emotion and I tried hard to furiously blink them back but they broke past the gate and trickled down my freckled cheeks. You did this Lissa, you ruin everything. Your fault, your fault.

"You know what? I don't even care anymore. I'm over it. As far as I know, you're just a liar with a pretty face."

" don't mean that Nick-"

"Damn right I mean it," He rebuked, "I don't know why I'm wasting my time here right now."

"Maybe because you care?" His eyebrow quirked and for the first time in days I saw him smile.

"That's where you're wrong Lissa, I don't anymore."

"Where have you been and why didn't you fix your makeup?! God Lissa, you never listen to me," Stacey exclaimed stabbing a piece of lettuce with her plastic fork. Her light blue eyes narrowed as she continued to scorn me. "Seriously, you need a touch up. What took you so long if you weren't fixing it?"

"Omg," Tiffany gushed, "She was totally with a boy!" They both turned to me, their faces expectant. "Spill now."

I sat down, Nick's words still ringing in my ears. He didn't care. Was that true? Did I have any right to wish that he did? I messed up so bad and for what?

"Well?!" I looked up and saw pure perfection sitting across me. Flawless beauty, at least on the outside. That's what I gave him up for. For something counterfeit, for someone I wasn't nor could ever forge into.

Someone fake.

Fang's Pov

My eyes burned from exhaustion, yet I refused to let them slid shut. Sleep was out of the question. I simply couldn't, I could not manage to get her out of my mine. The way her lips gently caressed mine, the softness of her skin, my hand resting on the small of her back. The memory of our kiss burned in my mind like a crazed wildfire.

"What was I thinking?" I whispered in awe to the dark of the night. Had I been insane? Punching my pillow, I turned to my side and groaned. She was just so perfect, how could I not have? The moment was just so right and she responded so does that mean..? "Ughhh.."

The thought of Lissa flashed in my mind, our first kiss so hesitant and innocent.

"She's not like her. It wouldn't be like that." Or would it? I didn't know, I barely knew her. Maybe it would be best to just push all this away, to forget that tonight ever happened. I said never again, how could I break that so soon.

It's been over a year a voice rang within my head. Perhaps it's time to try again. It could be different.

Or I could just end up hurt again. Or maybe not. You wouldn't know until you try. Maybe I don't want to. Or maybe you do, you're just afraid.

Afraid, that's exactly it.

I was afraid.

Hey guys, it's been a long time but I'm not going to leave you guys hanging. Love you lots and thanks for all the continuing support :)