True Love


It had been a very long day on set. James Diamond had walked back home into the comfort of his lonely condo. He had to hold back a sob. He was all alone now. He had no one there to give him his welcome home kiss. As James set his jacket on the hook he made his way into the living room to wear something a little more comfortable. James has passed by the many Oscars that he had won. They meant nothing to him now that he wasn't able to share his success with the love of his life.

"Daddy your home" James smiled brightly as the little guy jumped into his arms. He was all he had left of his past.

"Hi little man…" James smiled kissing his cheek.

"Hi daddy…" Chris Diamond smiled up to him.

"Did you have fun with your Uncle Logan today?" James asked as Logan walked into the living room.

"Yeah…We went to the carnival…Uncle Logie won me a stuffed monkey see?!" Chris stated simply shoving the stuffed animal in James' face.

"Anything to make my favorite little man happy…" Logan smiled.

"Thanks for taking care of him for me Logan…" James said giving his oldest best friend a hug.

"Your welcome…Hey maybe when Andrew gets better the two of you can play with your trucks again would you like that Chris?" Logan said picking up his favorite nephew.

"Yeah! Tell him to get better quickly OK?" Chris said in a big excited jumble.

"Will do kiddo…Bye now…" Logan said waling out the door.

"Bye Uncle Logie!" Chris said as Logan began walking off.

James and Logan had both decided to move to Los Angeles after College. Logan was now an established lawyer in Los Angeles and James was an established movie actor. Sure the road to their success had some bumpy patches, but that was life. It would always throw curveballs at you when you least expect it.

"How was work daddy?" Chris said as he tried lifting his small six year old body onto the couch to sit beside James.

"Well it was busy as usual…" James said scooping up Chris as he giggled.

"When is your next movie coming out? I wanna see it!" Chris bounced excitedly in James' arms.

"It should be out by Christmas…But you know what? Daddy is going to be doing something very different…" James smiled.

"Really? What is it daddy?" Chris asked excitedly.

"I'm going to be writing and directing a movie soon…" James smiled.

"Wow!" Chris said hugging James tightly. "I'm so proud of you daddy!"

"Thanks pal…" James said hugging him tightly.

"Now what do you say me and you order a pizza and watch one of daddy's movies together huh?" James asked.

"Can I have a juice box first?" Chris asked innocently.

"Of course buddy…." James laughed.

James tucked Chris into bed. He sat on the edge of the bed while Chris sat up. As James was about to turn off the light he had remembered he had gotten something for him from work.

"Oh I forgot…I got you a present from work today…I think your going to love it…" James pulled out a small bracelet from his pocket.

"Wow.." Chris gasped as he put it on his little wrist.

"You see when you wear this bracelet… It means that I will love you very much…No matter what happens…" James explained.

"Thanks dad…" Chris smiled. "Hey dad…Can I ask you a favor?"

"What is it?" James aked.

"I'm having trouble falling asleep…Can you tell me a bedtime story?"

"Sure…which one do you want to hear?" James said walking toward the bookshelf.

"No…I want you to tell me a story about you…" Chris said. "I wanna know about your life before me…"

"Well that is a really long story pal…" James laughed.

"We have a lot of time…" Chris pointed out.

James began to wrack his head trying to remember an important memory of his life that he could tell Chris. There was one story in particular that came to mind. James had a huge grin on his face as he thought about it.

"Now Chris this is probably one of the most important stories that I'm going to tell you…" James began as Chris began to get cozy under his bed. "You see this is the story of how I fell in love…" James began.

"That sounds like a good story…How does it begin?" Chris asked.

"Well…It began a long, long time ago. 18 years ago to be exact. I was just two and at that moment I met someone that would change my life for the better…"

So if you haven't figured it out by now, this story will have a sort of a How I met your Mother type of vibe to it...Being a big fan of the show I wanted to do a BTR story like this for a very long time. Tell me what you think so far in a review...