The sequel is here! You know, I never thought I'd be able to write a sequel to anyone of my stories, I thought I'd lose interest in whatever I was writing about, but I was wrong! I am still as obsessed with the Avengers as ever. So, like I said in the summary, this story will eventually have Tony/Steve, so if you don't like, don't read.

Summary- Shay knew that her life would get even weirder when she and the team moved into Avengers Tower, but she didn't expect this. Archer's acting weird, Iris is being even more secretive than usual, Alek meets his uncle Loki, and Shay and Belle try to get their dads together.

I now present...FAMILY MATTERS! Otherwise known as, Alek becomes a big brother, Hulk and Junior have family time, Shay, Belle, and Pepper are sneaky and try to get Tony and Steve together, and Iris tries to get Archer to tell Shay how he feels about her.

Disclaimer- I do not own the Avengers, I merely own Shay, Belle, Archer, Iris, Ethan, and Alek.

~~~~~Wednesday, July 3rd, early morning~~~~~

Breakfast was something that had become a tradition to the team. Whenever they were in the same building, it would always happen exactly like it always did.

Belle was always up first, and she was usually in the gym, if whatever building they were in at the moment had one, or she was out for a jog. If she was jogging, she'd be back home before any of the others woke up, if she was in the gym, Iris, who woke up next, would come get her and they would go to the kitchen together to wait for the others.

After Iris, Shay would come stumbling in, her body never letting her get more than four hours of sleep in one sitting, or she had stayed up the night before and realized that Belle and Iris should be up by now. She'd sit down and stare at the coffee maker until one of the others rolled their eyes and started it. On the days when Belle and Iris wanted to torture her, they wouldn't start it, then Shay would take out the coffee beans and chew on them until she had enough caffeine in her system to press the button herself.

Archer was next, and he'd grab a cup up coffee, and then fall down onto his chair and stare into space until somebody put a plate of food in front of him. Ethan came down from wherever he was whenever he sensed the coffee was done, and I mean sensed, I really do, that guy was magic when it came to coffee.

Alek was the only one who was truly a "morning person." He woke up latest, but he and Belle were the only ones who weren't half-dead in the morning, infact, Alek was the opposite, he was bright, cheerful, happy, and annoying to anybody who's worst enemy was mornings.

Breakfast was one of the few things that hadn't changed since moving into Avengers Tower.

There was a kitchen on each floor of the tower, and the adults always went up to Tony and Shay's floor for breakfast. The kids had learned that quickly, so they always went down to Steve and Belle's floor for the most important meal of the day. Steve, Natasha, and Bruce were usually always up before Shay, but she had learned the fine art of sneaking around them and taking the stairs down a floor. The rest of the adults usually got up before the kids stumbled their way in, so the others never had to worry about running into their parents before 10:00.

So the kids managed to continue their tradition, and currently, Iris and Archer were talking about some kind of ninja move that Archer needed work on, Belle was drawing in a small notebook that she carried everywhere, Shay and Ethan were staring at the coffee maker that was currently filling up like it was a god, and Alek was alternatively biting into a eggo blueberry waffle and a strawberry poptart. When asked why, he'd simply replied, "Fruit is good for you, and it is the most important meal of the day," and continued eating.

It was just as awkward as you'd expect, living here with their parents who were also international superheroes that they had known for less than a month, but it could be worse. All of the children were getting along well with their parents, and Alek and Ethan were getting along with Jane and Betty very well, so things were going good with them.

The coffee maker beeped, and Shay and Ethan suddenly had the energy to run over to it, and fill their mugs to the top. Shay gulped down half of it in one huge sip, completely ignoring the fact that it burnt her mouth. Ethan drank his coffee much slower, and Archer, who wasn't a zombie without coffee, got up and slowly poured a cup for himself, and calmly sat back down.

Shay finally pulled away from her coffee when the mug was empty. "Nectar of the gods, that's what this is." She said, and got up for a refill, having finished her coffee in less than two minutes.

However, breakfast was one of the few things that hadn't changed. There was one real big thing that the team had to learn to deal with, in the twelve days that they had lived in the tower, they'd learned very quickly, about the horrors of the paparazzi.

Now, the whole story hadn't been released, of course it hadn't, all the public knew, was that the Avengers had blood-related children who had been raised for nearly sixteen years without any of their parents knowing that they existed. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't a whole truth. The press had a field day, and within the first two days of announcing it, people began calling it a hoax because Steve was still in the ice at that time, and Natasha had never shown signs of being pregnant. It had taken a blood test for people to actually believe that they were, in fact, telling the truth. The public had been told that they didn't need to know the whole story, and that it was for the best if they just pretended that the cover story made sense.

Now, all that mattered to the paparazzi, was getting a picture of the children.

Of course, there had been a few pictures taken, the kids couldn't stay in the tower forever, but the team was now as famous as their parents. All of their names had been publically released, everybody knew Shanelle Stark, and Belle Rogers, and all of the other kids' names. It was very annoying.

Now, somehow, the children had managed to convince their parents that they weren't fragile little butterflies, and that they could protect themselves. Eventually, they had made a deal, the team would train at Shield headquarters until they were 18, and they would take the smaller missions that the police couldn't do, but the Avengers were too busy to do.

However, nobody was thinking about the press, or missions, or anything except one thing today. Tomorrow, was Steve's birthday.

Their parents had been planning it for a while, and had got the kids on board their plans, a small party, a surprise party. Apparently, it was the first surprise party for Steve, however, he had been the one who had suggested parties for the rest of his team. Apparently, Tony's party was just this last May, and they'd gotten a video of his reaction, apparently he had yelped like a 5-year-old girl, dropped his coffee, jumped about five feet in the air, and then fell.

That was a video that Shay really wanted to see.

So, because they were going to be busy on July 4th, there was going to be a big party tonight. The press was invited, along with several contributors to Stark Industries and a lot of important people in the city. Well, Steve called them important, but the kids didn't need Tony's verification to know that important meant wealthy.

The kids knew, however, that they were going to be forced to go to the party, and that was...well that was just great (that was sarcasm, in case you didn't know).

The kids didn't like it at all, but the adults should be used to these parties by now.

Should be.

Pepper Potts-Hogan, who the kids had met last week, walked into Steve's kitchen, her eyes wandering dangerously over the people in the room, and then she sighed in annoyance.

"Have any of you seen Tony or Clint?" She asked.

"No, sorry." Belle said apologetically.

Pepper sighed again. "Why do they always try to hide? We always find them." She said, sitting down an empty chair next to Shay, who looked at her, before standing up and walking over to the cabinets. She grabbed an empty coffee mug and walked over to the coffee machine, filling it up.

She walked back over to Pepper and put the mug in front of her. "You look like you need it." Shay said simply, and Pepper smiled and grabbed it.

"Thank you." She said, and took a huge drink, before smiling slightly.

"Do you need help finding them?" Belle asked, in true Belle fashion.

"No, it's only Tony and Clint who hide, and the rest of us always find them in time. I don't know why Tony hides, he should be used to the press by now." She said, and finished off her coffee, putting the empty mug in the sink.

"Remember, the party starts at 4:00, so you don't need to start getting ready yet, but you'll need to finish by 3:30, so we have time for the drive, and we'll be there about ten minutes early. I think you kids know how long it will take you to get ready, and I'm trusting that you won't try to hide." She said the last part almost as a warning, her eyes wandering between Shay and Archer, who smiled angelically.

She stared at them for a moment before turning to Belle and Iris in an unspoken question.

The two girls nodded. "Yeah, we'll make sure they get ready." Belle said, and Pepper seemed to relax slightly.

"Thank you, and if you either of their dads, just tell Jarvis, and he'll tell us." She said, and started to walk back out of the room, but then paused right outside the door. "Remember, dress formal." Then she was gone.

It was quiet for a second.

"Wait...did she say formal?" Archer asked, and looked like he was about to run for his life.

Iris grabbed his arm. "Yes, yes she did." She said, silently threatening him.

He gulped.

~~~~3:28 p.m.~~~~

Belle bit her lip and stared at the digital clock on the wall. Okay, she wasn't exactly nervous, but she didn't want them to be late. This was the first time that the children really interacted with the press, and she didn't want to make a bad impression.

The kids were all here, aside from Iris and Archer, and Tony, Clint, Natasha, and Pepper weren't here either. Iris was trying to drag Archer down, and she had no doubt that Natasha and Pepper were looking for Clint and Tony respectively.

Alek was wearing a white tux with a black tie and black dress shoes. Thor was dressed similarly, but with a green tie, and Jane was wearing an emerald green dress that showed the baby bump, although most things she wore did, she was seven months pregnant after all.

Ethan had on a gray tuxedo jacket over a white button-up shirt, and a pair of dark gray pants with black shoes. Bruce was wearing a baby blue button-up shirt with a black jacket, he had on black pants and shoes. Betty was wearing a baby blue dress that matched Bruce's shirt.

Shay was wearing a red dress that went down to mid-thigh, but belle knew that she had a pair of shorts under them. She also had heels that turned her 5'1 frame to 5'7, Belle would've broke her neck if she tried walking in them. Although, Belle also would've been 6'1, she was still taller than Shay even when she was wearing heels.

Belle herself was wearing a dark blue dress that went down to her knees with white leggings and a pair of matching dark blue flats, because, like she said, she was already tall enough. Steve had on an old fashioned military-style tuxedo that had a name tag on it, like everybody there wouldn't already know his name.

She looked back at the clock 3:30, they weren't going to be late, but now they weren't going to be early either. She could tell that she wasn't the only one who was worried, Steve and Bruce kept glancing up at the clock too, and so was Happy Hogan, the driver, and Pepper's husband.

Finally, finally, Archer and Iris came into the garage, Iris literally dragging Archer, who walked behind her dejectedly. Iris was wearing a black dress that went to mid-thigh and a pair of black tights and black heels. Archer was wearing a black jacket over a white button-up shirt, he had a pair of black pants and shoes.

"Good job, Iris." Shay said when the two missing members of their team walked up to them.

"Yup, he tried to hide in the vents, but he forgot that my mom showed me the maps of the vent systems too." She said, and Archer groaned, and leaned against the limo that was parked next to them.

Archer's suffering was stopped when Tony, Clint, Natasha, and Pepper walked inside, Natasha dragging her husband by the ear, Tony pouting with Pepper smirking triumphantly.

"Okay," Pepper started when she saw that everybody was here. "There's going to be two limos, the Avengers in one, and the children in the other, the children will be riding with Happy." The man in question waved at the kids. "The adults will get there first and the kids will arrive right after them." Then she turned to the kids, and spoke to them. "Remember, the press is going to ask a bunch of questions, most of which will probably be rude, and they don't respect personal space at all." She warned them.

"Great, this'll be fun." Archer muttered sarcastically, before Iris pushed him into the limo, quickly followed by the rest of the team. "See you soon." Tony waved, before Ethan shut the door behind him.

~~~~3:56, Arriving at the Party~~~~

It was only when the limo pulled to a stop that everything actually registered to Belle. There were going to be reporters, they would get into her personal space, and they would expect her to be charming and sweet and not nervous at all.

She was screwed.

~~~~End Chapter~~~~

So, first chapter is over, this chapter is pretty boring, nothing really happened, this was more like an explanatory chapter. Next chapter is going have the press conference and Steve's birthday party. After that, well I haven't really decided yet, so I'm giving you guys the choice to vote for one of the following to happen in chapter 3-

1) Alek meets his Uncle Loki.

2) Iris and Archer have a conversation about Shay.

3) Shay and Belle start making their master plan to get Tony and Steve together.

So, vote for whichever you want, and it will happen in chapter 3, I'll give you guys the same 3 options at the end of chapter 2, VOTE NOW!