Through a white window covered in frost, in a small boys bedroom decorated in blue wallpaper and drawings hanging from the walls and ceiling, you could hear hushed laughter and giggling. It was 10 oclock at night and Jamie, who was sat up in bed, had his small thin hands over his mouth trying to cover up the laughter coming from inside him. Although it wasn't working he kept his hand firmly on his mouth his blue PJs coved his whole body and a thick duvet had been pulled off him and pushed to the end of the bed, in which he sat wide awake. Next to him crouching down on the end of his bed a boy around 17 with a blue frosted hoodie and snow white hair smiled as he watched Jamie try not to laugh too loud. His name was Jack Frost, a name which he got since he had magical ice powers and was the winter spirit. His job was to bring winter but he was more than that, now, he is a guardian of all the children in the world. It had been a month since him, Jamie, the guardians and other children had saved the world from the boogieman's grasp. Pitch had not been seen since being dragged down his lairs entrance by the nightmares he had created. Jack jumped lightly off the bed, stood up and said goodnight to Jamie, Jamie's face fell at the thought of Jack leaving once more

"Do you have to go?" looked up at Jack with a frowned face and a slight pout. Jack laughed gently at his attempt of making him feel guilty, he replied with a smile on his lips.

"I'll be back in two days, I promise!" It was a busy time of year for Jack as it was the beginning of Winter and he had to place his frost around most of the country tonight. Jack leant down and hugged Jamie as Jamie wiggled down and pulled up his duvet. Jack picked up his staff from the edge of the bed his nimble thing finger twirling it with skill he then walked over to the window and whispered

"Cya kid" Leaping out of his window onto the fence below his brown tight trousers the same colour as the mud below he dragged his staff behind him leaving a trail of beautiful icy swirling patterns which were sure to make someone slip in the morning. He jumped on the bins and clambered down the street and into an alley way, on every wall bin and bow he could find, trying to be as high up as possible, this was his normal route after seeing Jamie.

On his way down to see Jamie he had seen the black car that was parked just over the fence and down the alley way but took no notice; although he should've. As he was skipping off the last bin about to jump onto the fence and onto a rooftop to drift away, everything went dark as he heard a rough voice behind the darkness " Gotcha!" Jack was lifted off the ground in a sack the fabric felt rough and smelt of wet dog. He heard another voice slightly higher and in a surprised tone.

"I told ya he was real" Outside the sack A hefty man, with two full sleeve tattoos varying from half naked women too wolves howling at a moon, elbowed the skinnier, but still pot bellied, man in the arm, whom was holding the sack, that now carried Jack.

"Yeah, yeah whatever, get him in the boot we have some money to get"

Jack squirmed but he couldn't get out, he had dropped his staff whilst being swept off his feet he heard it clatter to the ground and began to worry as he was helpless without it. "Wha-what are you doing? L-Let me out!" Jack shouted.

"Hey what's this?" asked the larger man, ignoring Jacks shouts he had picked up Jacks staff and almost broke it with his tight grip.

"Eh, chuck it In the boot the boy was carrying it maybe he wants it too" Replied the man carrying Jack . Jack tried to get out and kept shouting, but he had a tight grip on the sack and was now tying it with his sausage shaped fingers. As he through the sack into the boot along with the staff he ran his hand through what little of his hair he had left and closed the boot with a slam. The sack was tied tight and Jack could barely move, his shoulder hurt from where they had thrown him in. Hundreds of questions ran through his mind, unable to be answered. He panicked at the small space he was in. Jack was claustrophobic and therefore began to squirm and breath faster but the men walking to the front of the car were unaware of this.

The men got into the car and sat for a moment before one looked angrily towards the other, "Dave, for god sake ring that bloke make sure he has the money. Then tell him we'll be there in 10" Bellowed the heavily tattooed man.

"Alright, alright" mumbled Dave as he pulled out his phone from his ripped old black jeans pocket. It rang 3 times before someone picked up. A muffled tone of the other side answered.

Jack was still in the boot continuing to move around in stress, in the background he could hear the men with a muffled tone through the back seats of the car. He wondered why the car had not started up when he heard something about a phone call. He could still barely hear but it took his concentration off panicking for a moment. He caught his breath and tried to listen in but could hear barely anything as he pressed his ear to the edge of the still tight sack. He gave up after a moment and began to worry once more, his struggling was useless and was making the sack tighter.

"Yeah we got him, you got the 600 quid? Good, we're coming now." The phone immediately went dead, He looked at the phone with confusion his brow furrowed.

"How do we know this guy's not some loony bin? Or that the boy in the trunk is worth a lot more than what he's paying us? Seems a bit suspicious to me…" He spoke with slight intelligence to what he had said looking at his partner in crime for a response.

"Shut up you idiot, we're paid too do not to ask why, now shut up and drive" He spoke angrily at Dave as though he was an older brother looking down on him. Dave nodded with slight disappointment and the car roared to felt the car start and began to panic even more as he felt the car reverse over many of the pot holes in the alley way. After reversing over all the potholes and yelling from the front seat the black BMW sped off out of the alley and onto the road; running over a small flower laced in the concrete as it went.

/ Thanks for reading updates soon! More reviews more I write /