"Master, do real people kiss?"

Such a simple question had left the lips of Len's girl. It reminded him that despite how much he tainted her beautiful innocence, which he failed to see value in, she really knew very little about the real world. About love. But then again, the same was true for him of the latter.

"Am I not a real person?" He asked with a chuckle, though he understood the meaning of her words. "Yes, princess. We do."

"Boys kiss girls?" She asked, and he could see the wheels turning within her, though not knowing why. Her curiosity was typical. It was something about her that still fell under the category of endearing rather than dangerous. Wouldn't want her to grow too loud and ruin his peace.

Almost eighteen hours had passed since the striking woman, Luka, had stumbled upon Rin in her chance sojourning through the not-quite couple's neighborhood. Since then, the pet's extremely callow mind had been working to process the confusion she'd become subject to. Rin had kissed Luka without a thought. Just the way Len kissed her.

Without the slightest thought.

But now, over and over in her mind, Rin replayed Luka's reaction to the kiss. Did real people not kiss each other whenever it felt right? Was it because they were both girls?

"It depends on the boy or girl. But I'll never put the worries upon you that come from finding someone to kiss. I'm the only one for you to kiss," The man explained with such certainty that Rin cowered into his side. This had already been made untrue, and it was the childish girl's doing. And if kissing real people other than her protector was such a serious matter that Len was guarding her from it, he would punish her if he found out her mistake. This wasn't even regarding the fact that the knowledge of the creation of creatures of her kind still wasn't quite public.

"My kitten's tired, is she?" he asked ever so gently, thinking she would never be involved in anything as drastic as outside interaction. Len wouldn't know what to do. It would be an action beyond the playful punishments which he could so easily erase from her mind with physical affection. He would have to find a way to convince her that there was nothing in that world, no freedom, that could possibly surpass the safety of his arms.

At his warm, welcoming tone, she leaned up and nuzzled his cheek with her own. "I just want to be close to you. Say I'm your good girl."

The request was so humble that Len overlooked her lack of 'please'. "You are my good girl. My beautiful, amazing sweetheart." He answered, fitting a tickle of a kiss to her lips between each compliment. It made her heart swell with overwhelming happiness, and what she wouldn't know how to identify as love.

Just like that, Len had achieved his unset goal. He'd made her forget Luka.

"P-please..." Rin murmured in almost a whimper. She'd been trained to want him whenever she felt what he insisted on equating to devotion. And, caught up in the moment, he himself felt the buzz of wanting her and only her. For the moment.

She let him carry her to their room, already gracing him with the velvet feel of her kisses on his sharp jaw. So much warmth filled her to the brim, and she surprised him by speaking.

"Oh, look," she purred sweetly, in a tone way more innocent than how his own would surely sound, as she drew his attention to the full length mirror, staring at it with wonder.

It was because of how similar they looked. The part of Len that found enough go some obscure logic in sentiment allowed him to be a romantic for these suppressed moments. The fact that their similarities in something completely on the surface stirred whatever he'd mistakenly given her heart allowed him to enjoy the sight as well.

"Yeah. You look like Master," Len responded softly, speaking to her face in the mirror. Once she'd stared for long enough with her awed expression, Len tugged her tail lightly, making her squirm.

"N-no… Master," she protested with a little giggle. She had hidden her face against his shoulder, but as he crossed the room to take a seat on his bed, he heard her murmur a muffled word.

"What?" he asked, chuckling, because it was absurd. He gently cupped his cheek in his hand and tilted it to reveal her face. "What did you call me a second ago?"

"Well… in those cartoons you said I could watch, there was this girl like me and-"

"Just answer," he cut her off by saying firmly, still caressing her soft cheek.

"Daddy…" she answered, blushing. "You take care of me, so I thought…"

"Yeah, I suppose that's a little how it is. I'm not you're father, though," he clarified, not knowing if she was truly aware of what a father was. "But I guess that's a little… hot." Though he knew she hadn't intended for it to be. He could try it out for size.

His long fingers drew her face closer, kissing her to put an end to the conversation that had ran much too long for his liking, interrupting their intentions.

The business of the young scientists did work on public projects as well as ones like the one from which Rin was created that they had yet to publish. In order to stay relevant and seem legitimate, things such as the regional science meeting were necessary for them to attend. Only Mr. Kagamine was able to attend, however. It would be far too risky for both to stray too far from the laboratory, what with living creatures relying upon their constant care.

A mundane yet heavily researched project was presented by him with apparent success by the number of questions he received after the lecture he'd giving in greater than layman's vocabulary, considering the average IQ in the building. The already arrogant blond was rather confident in himself, finding an urge to celebrate, though it probably wouldn't be a completely responsible plan to leave Rin at home alone for so many hours. After checking his watch, however, he reasoned that she would already be curled up in her bed at this hour. If she was behaving as he expected from her.

With that resolved, a drink or two, then a call to a cab couldn't hurt. After checking that all his files where in the correct order, the man buckled his breifcase and continued on in his brisk walk towards the exit of the building. He detected a pink swish of hair in his peripheral vision, and smirked, increasing his pace. His free hand found place to light against the right side of her waist. The woman, in a dark cocoa suit jacket and pencil skirt turned quickly to her left, and raised both eyebrows.

"Mr. Kagamine, don't you have other things to be tending to?"