Wow, I've been writing a lot in the past twenty four hours! I found the first two paragraphs of this last night in my email drafts (basically my graveyard for unfinished stories), and decided to continue it. I will admit that this story is a bit strange, and if you've been reading my story [I Am Not Useless], this is pretty much the total opposite! You'll see what I mean. I'll warn you that Rin is a bit OOC, but I felt like I had to portray her character the way I did for this story to work.

Well, without further ado, here's chapter 1! Enjoy!

In the enormous manor at the edge of Crypton Boulevard, the only sounds that could be heard were of faint breathing and the tiny, rare birds in the garden chirping. All these small sensations stirred the small, delicate neko girl that belonged to the master of the house from her deep sleep. Soft, mocha brown ears perking up, and eyes slowly flickering open, the pet was soon conscious of the sunlight streaming in just the right dosage through the drapes covering the tall bedroom window. Yawning and stretching out in her little kitty bed, the girl glanced over at her sleeping Master. Smiling sweetly, she padded across the room to his bed, the bell on her collar jingling with every movement.

When she reached the angelically handsome man, she began automatically covering his hand, half-drooping off the bed, with a mixture of gentle licks and excited kisses. Rin loved her master, and wished for nothing more than to please him and to earn his praise. And sometimes even a treat. Just the thought of master's rewards was enough to send shivers of pleasure down her spine, and result in her purring softly against the smooth skin of his hand.

"Mmm... Someone's happy this morning." Master Len murmured, slowly waking to the feeling of his precious pet's display of affection. In return, he traced his hand down her cheek, taking in all of her familiar features. Those wide, crystalline blue eyes, that light pink blush, and slight curl of her smiling lips, raised with excitement.

Patting a spot next to him on the soft, oversized bed, Len matched that smile with an innocent, gentle one of his own. Or at least that's what Rin saw. Little did she know, the smile was really one of mischief and hunger. Hunger that only she, and her adorable ignorance could fill. If you looked at the two in the room, pet and master, from the inside of their souls, it would be hard to tell who was the real animal.

"Up," Len commanded simply, and Rin obeyed promptly, climbing onto the bed and snuggling up to her master.

Smile widening, Len stroked the tiny girl's soft hair, pressing a gentle kiss into it before sliding his lips over her ear to whisper the words he spoke to her every morning. "Are you ready to be a good girl for Master today?"

The animalistic man almost laughed when he felt his pet shiver at his words, even though she had heard them a hundred times. Blushing slightly, she reached up at kissed her master's cheek before replying in a soft voice, "Yes, Master."

Sometimes it scared Run, the way her master spoke so seductively, his breath tickling her soft skin. But it was a strange, lovely fear; almost addicting. It was something Rin was helplessly confused about, and her Master intended to keep it that way.

Moving meticulously, Len licked down his girls long neck, stopping above her collarbone and nipping it sharply. A gasp of slight pain escaped Rin's mouth, which was almost immediately enveloped by the same pair of lips that had memorized every micrometer of her body.

A surprised moan was all Rin could manage before kissing her master back gently.

Chuckling, Len grabbed his pet's wrists with one fist, pinning them on the plump yellow pillow above her head and climbed on top of her. The large, regal robe he wore fell in a canopy around the two, his muscular chest glistening with small dots of sweat formed during his aroused actions.

Because there was no way he could deny it. The way his prized possession submitted to him so readily turned him on more than anything else. The more he teased her, the more he taunted her in that intriguing way of his, the more Rin became his for the taking.

Yes, Master Len was a skillful predator.

Without warning, Rin's mouth was invaded my her master's tongue, the intoxicating flavor of him flooding her senses, making her indefinitely want him.

After applying one last vicious kiss to her lips, Len rose up a bit to admire his handiwork, a panting girl spread out on the bed so willingly underneath him.

"Tell me what you want, my dear pet," Len tempted, spinning his words out like fabric on a poisonous pinwheel, just begging her to fall under his spell with one fingerprick.

Still gasping from the strength of the kisses, Rin reached up and tangled her left hand in Len's soft mane of hair that hung loosely to his shoulders. This was her favorite way to see her master, wild and unclaimed, ferocity in his eyes.

"I want you, Master. I want you to... fill me." The girl blushed at her own words, knowing her master was completely aware of their meaning.

Unknown to Rin, this was Len's favorite way to see her her as well. He had full control of what would happen next. Rin was at his mercy. Was he ready quite yet to satisfy her? He WAS her master after all...

An evil smirk painting his lips, the master replied, "Well, if that's what you want," he paused to give suspense to the girl staring up at him with hopeful eyes, "you'll have to please me well today. Remember, Rin, my rewards must be earned.

With that, the cruelly clever man crawled off of his pet emotionless, sashaying to his master-bathroom in a way to display to Rin what she wanted-no- needed to earn. The prize at stake.

Poking his head out the attached room and looking at the awestruck girl paralyzed on his bed, Len provided closure to the conversation.

"You are dismissed."

Sooo...tell me what you think! It was really fun writing Len this way, and honestly, I could see him doing this! Lol. So, if you have time, please leave a review and tell me if you want me to continue it. Thanks for reading!