Good vibes all around! (◡‿◡✿) So many followers, faves and reviews! Thanks so much you guys! I'm sorry I've kept you hanging for so long! Life has just taken so many amazing turns for me this past year! [yes, it HAS been almost THAT LONG since my last update!] I've graduated from college, met some amazing people in my field who have given me some promising leads for work, a raise and promotion at my current job, and making major headway on illustrating the comic I've been scripting for over 2 years, among other amazing little things. Life is good! And I'm sure, like many of you, I've read TONS of spoilers for S2 of Defiance, and it appears as though those of us hoping for an Alistie pregnancy are in for a treat! ◉ヮ◉ anyways though, thanks so much for sticking around and STILL giving this story a ton of love despite my absence! [adulting is hard!] So, I've decided that I will continue this story since I now have lots of time on my hands, but, with S2 scheduled to premiere on June 19th, I will most definitely be ending this fic before then. I like coming up with these scenarios myself [and with your help, for those who've sent me ideas!] and I kind of feel like watching and getting inspired by the events of a new season might ruin things. So! Without further adieu, here's the Casti-marital bathing chapter!


Chapter 5 –––– Relax (A & C)

Christie couldn't believe she was doing this! It was so...taboo! So unheard of within the confines of normal human homes. It was strange, and awkward, breeding in the pit of her subconcious, a whole new brand of self-conciousness and anxiety that for several days leading up to this, she never thought she'd overcome! She was usually so confident in herself and her surroundings, how could something so...simple, so ordinary, rise these feelings in her?

"It's just a bath, my Lady." The maid, Nohne smiled reassuringly, drawing the long white drapes over the room's tall windows. Standing on the bed platform, the young woman fumbled with the plush white belt of her bathrobe. Beneath the soft white swathe, a heavy and ornate metal neckpiece weighed down heavily on her slender shoulders; even more weight being added with the innumerable strands of beads and pearls that hung loosely from the metal frame and cascading down her form.

Had her volatile inlaws been home tonight, the thought to consider this madness never would've so much as crossed through the deepest pits of her mind. Tonight however, Datak was buried in his campaign efforts, with the ever-dutiful Stahma latched closely to his side. Alak had done his part as well, broadcasting daily for his father's cause from Raider Radio several times a day, which had only increased as the days counting down until the election steadily decreased. Christie wondered what she could do to help, despite wanting Amanda to win, but knowing that her father, and her father inlaw would be at one another's throats over whose side she should support, she decided to stay out of the ring until it was time to cast her vote.

While she had been made aware that this bath was a family affair, especially the first one she'd have with a member of her new family, she hoped that Datak and Stahma would be pleased at least with her meeting them half way, and sharing the experience with her husband exclusively. But then again, one never knew with the Tarrs, it always seemed to be their way, or not at all. Compromise just wasn't in them. Slowly though, she was learning that pleasing her inlaws wasn't everything. At some point she had to decide for herself how far she'd be willing to go for the sake of their admittedly dying traditions.

As Nohne finished drawing the drapes, allowing them some privacy, she gestured for Christie to untie the belt on her robe. She did so with a deep exhale. As the plush garment loosened, she tensely allowed the maid to slip it off gently, like a coat. She placed the robe, neatly folded on the bed and held out another robe for Christie to wear. This one was much more lavish, and much more absurd, considering it was a robe that barely covered anything. It was of course, white, and extremely sheer, with a delicate scalloped lace pattern at the end of the lengthy sleeves and at the neckline, tapering down the open front to the bottom of the robe. Looking herself over in the mirror, she could see the sleek silver beads and neckpiece from underneath the nearly transparent garment. Reaching one hand inside, she fumbled with the beads so that they covered as much of her exposed breasts as possible; there wasn't much to be done about her front or rear, she just firmly crossed her legs, hoping that would help conceal a little more.

From across the room the doors unlocked, Christie glared anxiously at the maid, who held out a gentle hand. "Shall we, my Lady?" She asked with a smile. Nervously, Christie took Nohne's hand and stepped out of the room, that's when the unwieldiness of it all really began to sink in! As another maid closed the bedroom doors behind them, Nohne gently began to walk down the hall, guiding Christie awkwardly alongside her. The vast foyer was visible from the open-edged corridor, and the poor girl kept her eyes firmly fixated on the front door, internally trying to ward off all possibility of Datak and Stahma arriving early! Abruptly, she felt a gentle squeeze from her handmaiden. Nohne smiled down at her. "Do not worry, my Lady. It is just you and your husband, and they are only bodies. Nothing to be ashamed of." She said reassuringly. Yes, this was true, but still she was nervous. She and Alak had seen each other naked, or nearly so before, but for some reason she still couldn't wrap her head around the idea of bathing together. It seemed as though she sometimes forgot she was married to a Castithan, and that change and compromise were going to govern the lives of she and her husband. It was just difficult to get used to.

When at last the pair crossed over into the curtained archway leading into the bathroom's calmly lit sitting room, Nohne released her warm grip on Christie. She took long, quiet steps to the open archway leading into the bath, likely to alert Alak of her arrival, so Christie thought. The small potpourri scented room was awash in the bright orange glow of numerous candles, while the cast reflections of ripples in the bath water echoed out from the room and danced on the walls and ceiling. Left standing alone in the midst of the surreal atmosphere, Christie shivered, despite the warm air. The damp marble floors sending chills through her bare feet. She took a deep breath and awaited the maid's return.

Meanwhile, Alak sat on a cushioned bench in the bathing chamber, his own loose, and much less ornate robe sagging readily off his shoulders. He kept a watchful eye on the curtained doorway, awaiting Christie's arrival, amid several attendants. He vehemetly protested their company, but unfortunately, they were under his father's employment, and therefore his orders. Internally he wondered if this would cause his new wife to back out; he was remiss to think he had forgotten to tell her that something like this might happen. Especially since two of the four were men. Strange, proper Castithan men who, Alak sensed immediately were apprehensive about the prospect of a human woman, in the nude no less, partaking in a sacred Casti ritual. But he ignored them.

Abruptly, the beaded white curtain was thrown back by Nohne, Alak clumsily jumped to his feet, all smiles. More gracefully than anticipated, his wife emerged, her tan skin and stark black hair asserting themselves as charmingly noticable contrasted by the blank white room. She lovingly at her husband, whose blush was all the more apparent given his pallid features, and approached, for the first time in the evening feeling free of needing Nohne's guidance. Just as Alak had feared though, she immediately paused upon noticing the stoic line of attendants towering over them. Brusquely Christie jerked the sheer robe across her form so tightly she felt she might tear the delicate fabric. "I'm sorry! I...I thought we'd be..." She leaned in close to whisper. "Alone?!" As she pulled back, Alak glared daggers at the men and shook his head. He turned his attention back to Christie just long enough to catch the tail end of her robe billowing through the beaded door behind her. "Shtako." He mused to himself. "Christie, wait!" Alak charged forth just in time to meet her halfway through the sitting room. He took her hand, but she quickly released herself. "This is NOT what we discussed!" She panted, both embarassed for having been cornered into such a situation, and fearful, for she knew that the attendants, even her beloved Nohne [who watched them from a not-so-well conceled spot by the opposite door] were almost certain to report this incident back to Datak and Stahma. She placed a hand to her temple and sank into one of the plush ottomans nearby; Alak seated himself next to her. "You're right, I know. But trust me when I say I had NO idea that they'd be there! My dad's just..." He didn't have to say anything more, and they both knew that. Christie nodded and inhaled deeply. The issue was really so minor, but with each little slip-up with her shaky assimilation to Castithan culture, she slowly, secretly felt her new world, and her connection with Alak crumbling under the judgements of her in-laws.

"I think I just need to have a minute for myself." Christie said flatly, scooting away guiltily from her husband. He sighed, adjusting his robe before starting for the bathing chamber. "It's okay if you're not ready yet. I won't be angry. I'm gonna have my bath now, and you can join me if you want. If not, I'll see you before bed, I've got an early start tomorrow working with dad's campaign...again." Alak spoke lifelessly before disappearing again with a sweep of the beads. Now finally alone with herself, Christie sat in silence. The only sounds overhead breaking that silence were the faint sounds of light splashes and the smooth movements of water. It wasn't like Alak to be so...serious! So adult and so exacting in his plans and desires. For a split second she thought of Datak, but quickly pushed all such thoughts from her mind. "Am I being selfish?" She pondered, the idea creeping into her subconcious more than once in the few eternal minutes she spent sitting there alone. "This is his culture...and now it's mine too, I guess. He wants to share this with me as his wife, as someone he cares most about. And I just shove it back at him, like nothing?" Christie, being her appropriately cautious yet knowledgable self, had tried all means of garnering both confidence and understanding before this inevitable night. She'd even read somewhere that people in Japan, humans no less, had engaged in similar ceremony. "If other humans do it, how strange can it possibly be?" She rationalized. A part of these nerves stemmed from her father, she knew. He was well-liked in Defiance, loving and protective, but all the same, he could be ignorant. Especially where the Tarrs were concerned. He just couldn't see the good in them. And he was just now starting to get used to Alak, and more importantly, his formiddable parents being part of the family; if he got wind of the Tarrs asking his only daughter to bathe with them, he'd hit the roof and pull her right out from under them! Sometimes it killed her feeling obligated to live a double life.

Softly, footsteps approached her. Christie turned her head to see Nohne, looking rather glum. "Please, come with me, my Lady. I believe I have something that might help you." She offered sweetly, proferring a hand, which her young charge refused. Christie stood up herself and followed the maid out woefully. All the while glancing back at the shaded bath chamber door until it was out of sight, wondering if Alak had given up yet.

Once in the bedroom, attendants closed the doors behind the pair, Nohne smiled an odd, toothy smile, strange for a good Castithan maid, and offered up a simple white swimsuit. Christie stared at it, mouth agape, as if to say "Why didn't I think of this?!" "I have seen humans wear such things before. And they are called 'bathing' suits, am I correct?" Christie, without a second's check of her rigorously learned Castithan etiquette, darted forth and seized hold of its sleek surface in awe. "Nohne, this is perfect!" She slid out of the robe and began removing the heavy decorative neckpiece, when reality crept back in. "But...Datak and Stahma, they'll..." "I won't breathe a word, my Lady." She whispered sweetly. "Please, forgive me for speaking out of turn, but...if you only give it time, my Lady, I am certain you will grow to love it here. The young Sir, he so loves you, and wants to make you a part of the Tarr family. You should be happy and proud. A marriage like this is one of a kind, and will not be easy, Ma'am. But it will be worth it." Her smile began to bloom again. "And...Datak's henchmen downstairs?" "Called away, to help the Master of the house with his politics and such." She smirked. Christie knew it was out of turn, and may shock Nohne, but she leapt into her arms, earning a gasp and a shaky laugh, with an equally shaky series of pats on the back. "Shall...shall I alert him, that you will present yourself shortly?" She stuttered, Christie nodded and tossed the clunky ceremonial piece to the bed; feeling more than one heavy weight being lifted from her shoulders. She quickly slid into the fine white piece and looked herself over in the mirror briefly. For ceremony's sake, she paired it with the sheer white robe from earlier and practically ran down the winding staircase.

Back in the bathing chambers, Alak sat half dozed off, reclined against the marble edging of the tub with his head propped loosely on a rolled towel. The gentle tinkling of the beads jerking him out of his weariness. "Sir. The young Lady is..." Before she could announce Christie as being 'nearly ready,' the girl rounded the corner with bare feet, pitter-pattering across the cold marble floors, stopping just behind her, beaming. "She is ready." Nohne bowed her head and parted the curtain. His wife emerged. This time, her grace and confidence withstanding. Alak emerged from the water, in a rather improper state of undress, and snatched up a towel, failing to tie it fast enough around his waist. Christie chuckled, dropping her robe. Her husband's teenage instincts took over with a nod and a whistle. "Well! Not as much 'out' there as I would've liked, but, personally, I think it's far better to conceal than to leaves something to the imagination." He preened, earning a playful slap on the chest from his wife. "You really are terrible, sometimes." She giggled, sweeping a stray strand of hair from her face. Alak took her hand gently in hers and she squeezed it back, warmly as he led her into the hot water, step by evenly paced step. "Oh! Feels nice! I was afraid it'd be too cold after waiting for so long." Christie commented cheerfully, sinking laxly down into the warmth. "Yeah," Alak wrapped an arm around her invitingly. "Whole thing's heated. Dad was always complaining about having to ring for more hot water, so he upgraded. The struggle is real, right?" He joked, Christie smiled and rested her head gently on his shoulder. They sat quietly, and just enjoyed one another's presence.

"So," Alak began, when that silence became quickly stale. "How'd you manage to smuggle that piece in without mom throwing it out already?" He asked, gesturing at his wife's Earthly attire. "Oh, it was...something from a friend." Christie [halfway] lied, not wanting to out her maid. "I guess...I guess I'm just not there yet, you know? With this whole 'Castithan wife' thing. And I'm okay with that. I think it just takes things like this happening sometimes, getting nervous, failing sometimes...things like that, the unhappy things, to make me realize that maybe I'm just not meant to be anyone but me." Christie paused, leaving Alak rather nervous, pulling away briefly. "Wha-what does that mean? You don't want to be together, because it's too difficult?" He breathed, the brewing panic in his voice becoming very evident. Christie cooled his rising tension with a peck on the cheek. "Of course not. I will be your wife. Just not your Castithan wife. I'm, willing to keep learning, it's only fair, after all...I just won't go full Stahma!" She finished with a laugh. A smile slowly began to sneak it's way onto Alak's deadpan expression and he joined her, splashing her playfully. Effortlessly, the brief water fight managed to soak the floor around the tub and the only towels they'd brought with them. And in their impassioned embraces, exchanges of newlywed romances, and remains of youthful fun and rebelliousness, neither one noticed Datak and Stahma standing at the threshold of the bathing chambers behind them. Stahma smiling entranced, and Datak, moody as ever shaking his head at the mess. "Remember when we were young, my dear? Our first bath together as husband and wife?" She whispered fondly. "I don't remember it being so...unceremonious." Her husband grumbled, sauntering off without her. The volatile woman stayed a few more moments, watching as the pair sank into one another, no words needed. Just relishing in one another's company. So in love, so young, so many memories to be made. As hard as her shell was, she often wondered, with the presence of this new blossoming young woman in her household, where had all of the love like that in her own marriage gone? And with that, she turned to find the sitting room empty. Empty except for her reflection on the shadowed marble floors, and the speckled dance of the water's reflection flowing outward from the other room.

~Ending on a bit of a bittersweet note for Stahma here, but I think it went well! (◡‿◡✿) The next chapter is currently in progress [early stages] and involves Stahma offering Christie some much-needed motherly advice. *hint!* This is the closest chapter you'll get about an Alistie pregnancy, but since it's already a confirmed ideal for S2, I really wanted to explore this. As obviously, Christie's birth mother has passed, once she becomes pregnant, the closest thing she'll have to a mother to provide her with the advice that only mothers can, will be Stahma. Whether that's good or bad, we'll just have to wait and see! Next chapter will be posted Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning! 3