Title: A Healthy Obsession
Author: D.R. Ward
Date: 4-13-13
Age: 13

Summary: ONE-SHOT.

Grimmjow Jeagerjaques Picture: . /hphotos-ash4/524771_514256985301081_485307244_n. jpg (Take out space between . and jpg at the end of it.)

A Healthy Obsession
POV: Ichigo Kurosaki

I don't know how it started, exactly. In the beginning, it was just the occasional glance or stare, maybe even a brush of the shoulders or two, but then….Those innocent gestures turned into something so incredibly fucked up that I honestly have no clue how to get myself out of it anymore. I mean, I'm sure full out stalking someone isn't exactly a healthy obsession – quite the opposite, actually. There were times when people obsessed over things: strawberries, butterflies, Déjà vu, dreams, things like that, and then there were times when people just became full-out stalker-ish and turned into the creepiest person ever.

Hi, my name is Ichigo Kurosaki, and I have come into term with the fact that I am, quite possibly, one of those creepiest people.

I have orange hair. I have dull, brown eyes. I have tan skin, and a lean, athletic body, and I am currently Japans top mangaka. I like music. No, correction, I love music. I have a decent singing voice. I draw more often than not. I write. I do plenty of other things as well, but the one thing I never, ever thought I would ever do is stalk the man that just moved in next to my apartment number. There were plenty of other empty lots; I was on the top floor, for fucks sake! Only one other person lived up here, a single mother with a kid who, I might add, are incredibly nice. The point was, however, that the landlord just had to place the sexiest man that happened to walk on the face of the earth next to me.

Damn that Kisuke.

Damn him.

Now, let me clear this up. I want you to have a good description of just how sexy this man was.

Okay, for starters, he was extremely exotic. His name was Grimmjow Jeagerjaques, and I have come to realize that he was a mix of not only Japanese, but German as well. He was about 6'4'', towering over me by about 7 endless inches. Grimmjow's body was as solid as a rock: his chiseled abs were almost always on display for me whenever he walked around the halls, which also ended up showing off his popping pecs and muscular, hydraulically impossible legs. Though he wasn't overly, disgustingly muscular, mind you. That just gets repulsive. But enough about his body, it was his face and skin that always got me. His skin was toned, exuberant tan. He had plenty of scars, including one nasty, gnarly one that ran from his collarbone all the way down to his hip along the middle of his chest; but all of those little blemishes only made him look hotter than he already was.

It was some sort of sex appeal for me. Anyway, his face. Oh my god. Now I'm not one to fawn over something unless it really catches my eye, like music or something like that, but his face just….Just did things to me. And those eyes. Goddammit. Grimmjow had firm angular cheekbones that protruded from his face in not a sickly, but a manner of strength, with defined, proud features that lay out on his face like a beautiful blueprint to a new cathedral. His eyes, the most electric shade of oceanic blue, were both all-knowing and endlessly observant, like he knew exactly what was going around at all times. It was like he was a panther….Like a cat that just caught something interesting and wouldn't let it go even if his life was threatened.

Fuck, even his nose was perfect. And not to mention – those perfectly sculpted lips that were puffy and yet thinly cut, a brilliant shade of pink with the edges that melted into his skin like a summer's eve. They were one of the things that set off his whole face….And were the most kissable lips I have ever seen in my life.

And not only were his features appealing, oh no, but his life story was a bit sad and yet so interesting that I couldn't even think about anything else for a month's time without having the story run throughout my thoughts like a torrent of waves crashing up against my mind, telling me that I wasn't allowed to think about anything else but him.

In extremely bland and short terms, Grimmjow Jeagerjaques was my imaginary host. I fed off of his body to seek my inner satisfaction, and, albeit mentioned disgustingly, I get off with his mere voice alone drifting through my thoughts like a whirlwind of sexiness. It was extremely hard to keep myself in check.

And this is how the story of Kurosaki Ichigo and how my shit went down.


"Oi, Mashi – have you finished that page yet?" I called out to my long-time friend and co-worker. Mashiro, a bubbly green-haired ditz – that is much like my friend Nelliel – glanced up at me, her eyebrow furrowed and her pen stopping for a second. As if confused, she blinked, and then piped right back up to her usual eccentric self.

"Ah – no, but I'll be done in a few minutes!" Mashiro grinned at her progress. I could tell she was proud that she was almost done – after all, unlike many people my workers were usually ahead of the manga-writing\drawing pages that were in need of words and symbols. After all, I pushed them to make sure that they would always have time before the deadline had been dropped out. Many, especially mangaka writers and developers, always abhorred deadlines and would almost immediately freak out when the time was coming – but no, not us. We weren't like that. We wouldn't be like that. The people appeared too drained to even stand the next day; their bodies were thin and their skin was a different colour than what it should have been.

"Alright!" I smirked, flipping my orange hair back with a clip as I cracked my own knuckles. Glancing down I realized that I was almost finished with my own piece.

Kaito Muragi was the figure I had just finished tracing. He was a black-haired, green-eyed teenager with a badass, laid back attitude whenever put in place of danger. I personally loved him as a figure – he was one of the few characters I can actually relate to. He, however, was not picked on as a kid because of his hair, but his bright green eyes. People in the manga such as Reinu Toshi misunderstood him at first glance, thinking he was either a trouble-maker or a threat, but when things came down to it and Reinu realized that Kaito was gay – well, you know how shit went down after that. It was a romance novel after all. Sigh. If only that would happen to me, I thought. But that was impossible – because nothing goes as smooth as it does in anime – and what kind of guy digs another guy who writes manga, after all?

People either thought it was childish or a woman's job. And that was generally annoying, because it wasn't like just because I write manga that I was a pussy or something like that. I go to the gym regularly and fights always seemed to find me no matter where I go; and I'm guessing what kind of twenty-six year old isn't in some kind of relationship with some person and is still fighting people because they can't control their temper? That I was a virgin? Please, shut up. I know this already.

I'm going to be one of those seventy year old virgins.

The mere thought made me shiver.

With a sigh, I decided to stop quabbling on and on about my love life and do what I needed to do – the next page.


By the time I got home everything was deadly silent in the apartment. The moonlight was bright and lit up the sky with a million different shades of grey, the colours flickering off just about any and every glass surface that I held in my possession. But, even as much as I loved to gaze at the moonlight, I realized that I needed to catch some sleep after a long day. Though there was a desperate need to take a shower, of course….I realized this after I smelt my armpit. It really smelled like shit and I needed to get myself clean. Quickly.

Shockingly enough the silence didn't bother me as much as it usually did. Being deadly quiet always reminded me of how alone this apartment makes me feel, but right now, after a hectic day at work, I just welcomed it with wide, open arms.

Footsteps thumped on the floor, one after another, continuously, as I try to rotate around the miscellaneous things hanging around my messy place. I had to clean this also. Papers and pencils and pens and ink and computers lay around in some of the strangest places – under the couch, on the coffee table, poking out of a cabinet or even inside of a toaster….Don't ask me how that got there, because I didn't know either. Also, don't even question the clothes. There were mountains and mountains of old cloths, some painted on and some not, sprawled on the living room and hall floors. I sighed. God grant me time to clean. I would need it.

Without further or do, I stopped from being so distracted and got to what I was going to do. A shower.

Though I paused.

A second went by.

I blinked.

My bright-orange eyes stared into space.

I blinked again.

Another sigh.

This time it was of defeat.


My dull brown eyes stared into space.

I remembered that I took apart my shower.

Now before you look at me weird and ask me why the hell I tore apart my shower, I'm going to say it was a perfectly normal reason and you don't have to worry about my sanity. I am simply remodeling my bathroom and I was going to call one of the guys to come in and help install the bathtub (even though I could do that, along with other things). But then I ended up forgetting to call the guy yesterday, and bam, there you go, it was already like, ten P.M and I didn't want to call the guy anymore. He was probably off work anyway.

Quickly I thought of calling that one single mother up and asking her if I could use her shower – but she had a kid that was probably already sleeping his hearts content away and I didn't want to bother the either of them.


And there we go.

The newbie next door.

I remember Kisuke telling me about the new guy who just recently moved in for a temporary stay. His name started with a G, I recall, but after that I had no fucking clue. Actually I didn't even know what the man looked like. After all, I was at work most, if not all of the day, and had no time in divulging in the neighbor. Although I knew what I needed to do; but fuck it was going to be awkward. I mean, just going up to a stranger's door and asking them if he could use the shower for a couple of minutes because his own was being torn down? Now talk about fucking awkward.

Fuck. It. Life.

I knew this thing called 'life' always wanted to get me to bend over and show off my ass to the whole world just for the sake of its own personal humor at my humiliation and misfortune, and right now, it was one of those moments. But here I am, three minutes later, standing in front of the door right to my own, feeling like a fucking retard. With a deep sigh and a rack of my silky orange strands, I decided to knock.

I waited for a few seconds. My feet switched sides and I was now leaning on my right leg, staring at nothing in particular. My hands were in my light grey pair of L.E.V.I jeans that adorned rips on the knees and on the upper left thigh, twitching and rubbing together in wait. After a bit more of waiting the door had opened, and I immediately opened my mouth so I wouldn't back out of what I was about to say.

"Look I know it's late and I know this is going to sound fucking weird but I was wondering if I could use your show…er…." All rational thought flew out of my head and all I wanted to do right then and there was turn around and run away from the door, never to show my face again in the light of day.

Now, I'm not going to go into detail about what he looks like because, of course I already told you, but I will tell you how I felt. My heart leapt out of my chest and I knew my mouth was hanging open, wide and shocked, wondering how in the living hell I happened to come across a neighbor this hot.

The figure with blue hair in front of me smirked as his twinkling oceanic eyes stared into my own with that of amusement. I blinked and righted myself, snapping my mouth shut just so I didn't look like a total retard when talking to Mr. Sex God Re-Incarnated-But-Better. "Yer my neighbor, aint'cha?" I swear to god I creamed my pants as soon as the first word was spoken from that deep, baritone, rough voice. I could clearly hear both German and Japanese tainting his tongue – and I wondered briefly how that was. However I didn't think about it long.

I nodded. "Ichigo Kurosaki, the weirdo who just asked you if he could use your shower as your service." I muttered softly as my eyes hooded halfway over my smoldering eyes.

A barking laugh escape those perfect-fucking lips that I just wanted to lean over and….*cough cough cough cough cough.*

"Grimmjow Jeagerjaques, the man whose about to let a hot piece of ass in his apartment to take a shower at your service, berry."

Oh. My. God. Someone please kill me. No, really. Stab me ten times in the jugular or pierce my eye with a thirty-foot long dagger. Throw me in a pit of lava and please, let me burn up right then because I was pretty damn sure it was a hell of a lot cooler than my face felt at that moment. "S-S-Shut up!" I barked back as my namesake was taken wrong. It was the only thing I had to retort with, really. What else was I supposed to say? "It's one who protects, not berry!"

"Ha ha. Sure, Strawberry. Now get yer ass in here, I'm freezin'." The huge man yawned and moved out of the way so I was able to enter. With a brief thanks and a tentative step, I entered the wolves den. And, trust me; I knew I walked into hell as soon as I walked into this room. I was dead meat. I was death. I was as good as dead. I was putty in the man's hands. It's true. Really, really, really, really fucking true. "Ya wanted a shower, yeah?" Grimmjow questioned.

"Yeah." I nodded. "I'm getting it remodeled and the woman down the hall has a kid that's probably asleep." I explained my reasoning for coming over to him. Inside my heart was leaping out of my chest – especially when a pair of electric eyes bore down into my flesh with that of need and hunger.

"Mmn…." Grimmjow hummed. He rocked back on his heels. I watched the motion. "Well, ya might as well hop in there. Ya should know where it's at – same layout as yers." He turned on his heel and gave a smirk that could very well rival my brother, Shiro's, own grin. "Call if ya need anythin'. I'll be in my bedroom."

I nodded.

Grimmjow left, leaving me in blissful silence. He was right, I knew where it was at, but I took my time in getting there. Meaning, I kind of snooped with my eyes and memorized every single corner I could get to for my own personal treasure. Particularly the picture on the kitchen table – it was Grimmjow, most likely when he was a teenager, with a couple odd looking friends surrounding him. He wasn't as attractive as he is now in the high school picture, but he looked more punk and boyish – he even had black spikes coloured on the tips of his still ridiculously blue hair. It was kind of cute. Also, the hair that he had in school was waist long, while as now it was short and cropped; different sizes in different places. I have to admit; I liked his hair back then more than I do now – though they were both amazingly sexy.

After snooping a bit more I hopped into the shower.

And after that I would return home.


Little did I know Grimmjow didn't have exactly the same plans as I did. When I got out of the shower and dried off, now clean with dirty clothes on, Grimmjow was, as said, in his bedroom. I had to peek in the door a little bit to see if he was there, and when I was met with a bright light, I realized that he was very well awake.

We stared at each other for what seemed like forever.

I was peering through the crack of the door.

Well, this was awkward.

I cleared my throat. "Uh, thanks for the shower Jeagerjaques –…." I was cut off.

"Grimmjow, Berry." I narrowed my eyes and opened the door all the way, putting my hands on my hips in an angered fashion. God that name was annoying….Though I didn't seem to hate it as much when he called me that other than when others did – like Keigo. That was just fucking annoying. Even though he was a good friend and an amazing co-worker, I had to admit he had his moments of stupidity. Well, he had a lot of them, but….Never mind then.

"Shut up, my name is Ichigo Kurosaki, get it right or don't say it at all."

"Oh, feisty little fucker, aint'cha, Ichigo?" Before I realized what was happening I let my body shiver at the voice that was racking through my mind. There was no way he would be able to say my name like that without making me horny, I swear. It was just too damned sexy. But now, of course, was not the time for that.

"Bet your impossibly blue hair I am." I replied. A shake of my head ensued. "Well, thanks for letting me use the shower." I glanced at the bedside clock. It was eleven forty three. Damn, did I take an hour in that shower? "I should be off." I turned around and waved.

"Oi!" The voice that was going to haunt me for years made me pause.

"Yeah?" I called back, yawning.

"Ya got yer phone on ya?"

I blink. Right then I felt the weight in my back pocket and knew I did. Confused, I nodded slowly. "Lemme see it." He replied to my nod and silently, I took out my phone, throwing it in the direction of his form sitting up on the headboard. He caught it with ease – god did I love a man with fast reflexes – and smirked. "Hold up." He muttered as he made his way around the very few apps on my IPhone at random. I thought he was putting his contact in – or, well, that was my best guess. But I mean, why, we live right next door after all.

Eh. To each his own.

"There." He grinned back at me. I took his grin in stride, used to Shiro's, and grasped the phone when it was tossed back at me. "Look at it."

"Contacts?" I replied.


I tried looking for Grimmjow. Of course it wasn't there and I glanced up at him in confusion. His eyes were twinkling with that of mischief and I knew that was, right away, a bad sign. Gulping I decided to just scroll down them. It all looked normal: Rukia Kuchiki, Orihime Inoue, Ishida Uryu, and a couple of others, until….

Let the drumroll begin.




"M-M-My B-Boyfriend?" I squeaked in the highest possible voice I had. Silently cursing that stupid crack, I stare at the blue haired man I've known for all of an hour with that of complete and utter fucking shock.

Grimmjow shrugged and didn't reply.

So I did what I thought was best at the time. But now I cursed it.

Like a motherfucking bitch with fire shooting out of her ass, I ran. Like a motherfucker. I mean, literally, I sped off with my cheeks extremely red and my heart leaping out of my chest a million times an hour to my own apartment section, not stopping until I was safely leaning against the door that I thankfully owned. I knew it was no short of rude to leave like that, but, I mean, who the hell just does that in a contact for no apparent reason? I didn't even know him! Even though my logical mind argued, I knew that physically I couldn't argue whatsoever. One glance and I knew I was a gonner – but that never happened with anyone else and I'm entitled too freak out a little bit because of it!

Stupid Grimmjow Jeagerjaques.

I let my fingers rub my eyes.

This was so fucking messed up.


12:37 A.M

So I'm sitting here staring at the phone. It's late. I'm looking in my contacts. I scowl. I'm tapping my fingers against the screen. I'm pondering.

Ugh, why was it so hard?

I mean – I freaking stalk him! I should be jumping for joy and into his arms like some sort of cheap whore at an opportunity like this – but instead, I'm sitting down on my bed with damp hair looking like a total prude because I ran away from him like a douche. God, am I horrible.

I stare at the screen.

I stare at it a little bit more.

And a tad bit more.

And a little bit more.

Then I took a deep breath. Man up, Ichigo, and just do it. At the most he'll say no because I freaking ran out on him and was a total stalker – god this shit can be horrible. But with a shake of my head and a final deep breath, I knew what I was going to do. At this, I scrolled down my contacts to the bottom to 'Your Boyfriend' and clicked on it. And then I hit send a message. It was now or never.

Quickly nodding my head in an affirmative I rolled onto my stomach and typed a quick 'yeah' at the end of the text. But I didn't wanna say from Ichigo – but I wanted him to at least know it was from me, so I put a little '~Strawberry' down after 'entering' multiple times to make the message super long. I knew it was childish. Extremely. But at least I could have a little fun with how embarrassing it was?

Before I could think twice about it, I clicked send. There. My phone flew to the other side of the bed. I closed my eyes and inhaled. Thank god – that was a horrible thing to have to go through. But at least I got done with it – thank god. I wonder what he would say. What if he said no because I left him standing there like a total newb? What if he thought I was too childish for him because I freaked out at being asked out and….And….God, I don't even wanna think about it.

So I closed my eyes.

I'd think about it in the morning.

My eyelids closed over my tired eyes before I could think any further. But as I tried to fall asleep, I found that my body was twitching in anxiety and my face a lot more tense than it should have been. Stupid self. What I needed to do was relax and totally forget about what happened. Maybe Grimmjow would even ignore me and not even have the courtesy to write back and say no – well, actually, that would be a sign of pity as well. I roll on to my back. God-dammit, I'm never going to sleep like this.

As I sighed and opened my eyes, I heard a strange sound that lead me to jolt out of my bed. Shocked at the loudness, I frown and stare at the door in an odd wonder. My heart began to pound. What was that? I gulped. Please don't tell me it was a robber or something, I swear, those people really annoy the living fuck out of me –….

My bedroom door slammed open. I jump again, this time ready to fight, right before my eyes lock onto the figure at the door. Well, it's safe to say, I was shocked as to see the very object of my worry at the entrance to my room.

Well, hello there Grimmjow.