Hello! I know I should be finishing This Mystically Missing, but I got this idea, and now I can't get it out of my head. So, here it is, hope you guys like it.
Disclaimer: I do not own DC Nations
Dick POV
"Mami, putem merge la practica acum? " Timmy asked excitedly. (Mom, can we go to practice now?)
"We'll start practice after breakfast. And we've told you Tim, you need to start speaking english." Mom said, gently correcting him.
He pouted, but then started eating breakfast faster. "Don't worry Timmy, you'll get the hang of speaking english." I said, ruffling his hair with a smile. He smiled back brightly and we finished our breakfast in seconds.
"Can we go now?" I asked, my feet tapping the floor in anticipation.
"I guess so." Dad said with a smile. Me and Timmy ran out of the trailer seconds after Dad said that, other circus people moving out of our way with chuckles.
"Bet I'll get there before you, Timmy." I said with a smile, slowing down so that he was only a few inches behind me.
"It's not fair, Dick. You have longer legs, of course you'll win." Timmy said with a pout as he ran, and I grinned.
"Are you making excuses?" I asked.
"No way." Timmy said, running towards the tent even faster than before.
I grinned and let him pass me up. He probably knew I could run faster than this, but it was a victory, so he was smiling anyways. "Wait up kids!" Dad said after us. We didn't listen, though. Instead we ran into the circus tent. Of course, we regretted it seconds later.
"Boys, your father said to wait-" Mom said, cutting herself off when she saw the men in front of us.
They were talking to Pop Haley, each of them scowling at him like he was their worst enemy. "Dick, mă sperii lor." Timmy whimpered from where he hid behind my leg. (Dick, they're scaring me.)
"I know." I said, resting my hand on my brother's shoulder. My hand was tight on his shoulder, tight enough that he winced in pain.
"Dick, Tim, get back here." Dad ordered, and we gladly did what he said this time.
"You'll pay for this, Haley. You will pay." The man growled, before bumping past us with the other men following him.
We walked towards Pop Haley, Timmy still holding onto my leg as he tried to look back at the men. "What was that about?" Dad asked.
"Just some a man named Tony Zucco trying to get money from the circus. It's nothing. You should get back to practice. After all, this is Timmy's 3rd performance. 3rd times the charm right?" Pop Haley asked, ruffling Timmy's hair.
Timmy came out from behind my leg, and smiled a little. "Yeah, Mami and Tati said I could do the quadruple flip with them tonight." Timmy said excitedly.
"That's right, this'll be your 2nd time doing that flip won't it?" Pop Haley said with a smile.
"Yeah! And this is my first time doing it with Dick." Timmy said, his smile growing with each word.
"You won't get to do that if we don't get to practice! Race you to the top of the high wire pole, Timmy!" I said with a grin, and started off towards the pole.
"Wait up, Dick! I told you it's not fair, your legs are longer than mine!" Timmy shouted after me.
I laughed, but it was forced. Tony Zucco scared me, but Timmy was only 4, so he forgot about it easily. That was a relief, even if it was a small one.
Later that night
"Come on out, kids." Mom said to us while we were still in the dressing room.
"I look ridiculous." I said, stepping out of the dressing room with Timmy behind me. Of course, Timmy wasn't complaining since he was only 4. And his kind of looked better than mine with the gold bird symbol on his chest, and the black instead of the bright green. Lucky little kid.
"Your mother worked very hard on these uniforms, you should thank her." Dad said with a grin.
"Yeah, but does it have to be so colorful?" I asked, staring down at the green tights and red tunic with an 'R' on the side of my chest.
"Of course it does. Because, whenever I see you out there, you look just like a little Robin." Mom said, kneeling down to me.
"If Dick's a Robin, then what am I?" Timmy asked curiously from behind me.
"You would be a Red Robin. That's why your costume is different from Dick's, but also alike." Mom said with a grin.
"But seriously, Robin?" I asked.
"If you want, we can call you our flying squirrel." Dad said with a smile.
"So, what would that make Timmy? A chipmunk?" I asked with a smirk.
"If I have to be a chipmunk can I be Alvin from Alvin and the chipmunks? He's way better than a flying squirrel." Timmy said, giggling into his hand.
"No way. You're the youngest, so you would be Theo." I said.
"Who said you get to decide what chipmunk I got to be? You just said that I was a chipmunk, you never said what chipmunk I was." Timmy said, glaring up at me.
I rolled my eyes and said, "Fine you can be Alvin. He does stupid stuff anyways."
"Alright, that's enough. Let's just agree that your birds." Dad said with a laugh, pulling us all into a hug.
"You guys are on in two minutes." Someone said at our trailer door.
"Ready, Timmy?" I asked, pulling him out to the circus act so that we could climb up the high wire pole.
"Yup!" Timmy said with a grin.
Mom and Dad went up the high wire pole first, Pop Haley announcing our performance. "Now, you've met the parents, let's see the kids! The oldest at 10, Dickie, who has been performing this act ever since he was 4 years old. Now to meet the youngest, Timmy! This is the 4 year old's third performance, second time doing the quadruple flip, and the first with the whole family! Let's give them an applause!" Pop Haley said with a smile.
"Alright, remember, we're going to do a few flips at first with Tim, then you come back to the platform so Dick can grab onto your mother's arms, then you grab Dick so we can finish with the quadruple flip." Dad said with smile. We nodded, and he swung onto a trapeze bar.
He flipped so that he was hanging by his ankles, then swung back for Mom. She met him in a jump, letting him grab her ankles so that she would be able to grab Timmy. When they swung back, Timmy jumped after Mom, his ankles caught in her tight grip. Then, I heard something. Like metal rubbing against metal. But that was ridiculous. The only metal up here that could do that was the hooks holding up the trapeze... unless it was coming loose.
I looked up at the metal to see it was coming loose, but we never performed with a net. A drop like that would kill Mom, Dad, and Timmy. They just then swung back at me, and my eyes were wide as the rope started to break. I looked back at my family then, trying to find the words to warn them, but they already knew. Their faces were pale, eyes wide. Timmy looked terrified as he reached for me, and I lunged for him, barely staying on the platform.
"Dick!" Mom yelled as me and Timmy watched our parents fall towards the ground and land with a haunting crack!
Timmy was hanging off of the platform, and I pulled him up slowly. "Hold on, Timmy." I said, tears pouring out of my eyes as screams filled the air.
His hands were starting to slip out of my own, but I managed to pull him up. Good, because I couldn't lose anyone else. "Dick, let me go! I need to get down there!" Timmy yelled, terrified and shocked. I was too stunned to hold onto him any longer, and he started climbing down the pole to get to the ground to my dead parents.
I followed him after I saw him by our parents corpses, crying into their now cold bodies. "Timmy, you have to let them." I sobbed, pulling him away from the bodies.
"No! Mommy and Daddy can't be gone! Wake up! Please wake up!" Timmy said, sobbing into their chests.
"They're gone, Tim. You have to let go." I said, tears coming out in a waterfall.
I managed to tug him off, both of us falling back a little from Tim suddenly just letting go. Tim whimpered for a few seconds before crying into my chest like no tomorrow. I cried into his shoulder, the screams around us muffling our cries. They were gone, our parents were gone. "It's not fair, Dick. It's not fair." Timmy sobbed into my chest.
"It's not." I said, holding him tightly to my chest, never wanting to let him go.
"Timothy, get dressed. Your going to meet your adoptive parents." Ms. Jenna said once she walked into her room.
Me and Tim were barely awake, both of us slowly sitting up on the bed we shared. The pillow we used had a small wet spot from tears we cried last night when we both had nightmares the night before.
"Don't you mean, our adoptive parents?" Timmy asked as he went behind a curtain to get changed into some better cloths.
"No, I mean your adoptive parents. Dick's going somewhere else. Now hurry up, I don't have all day." Ms. Jenna said, tapping her foot impatiently.
I froze, my eyes meeting Tim's when he stepped out from the curtain. "No, you- you can't separate us." I said, Timmy running towards me.
I grabbed him in a hug, pulling him to my chest protectively. "I can and I will. Now Timothy, you will come with me the easy way, or I will get the guards to help me take you down to the car." Ms. Jenna hissed.
"No. I'm staying with Dickie." Timmy said, pushing his face into my chest with quiet sobs starting to wrack through his system.
Ms. Jenna stomped out of the room, probably going to get the guards. "Dickie, I don't want to leave you." Timmy whimpered into my chest.
"I know. They'll have to tear you away from me before you leave." I said, crushing him to my chest. Tears appeared in the corner of my eyes, and I pushed down my sobs. I had to be strong for Timmy. I had to.
As if to prove what I had said before, Ms. Jenna came in with 2 strong guards with her. They grabbed Timmy, pulling on him to make him let me go. "Dick." Timmy whimpered right before he was torn out of my arms.
The guards carried him out of the room and towards the exit, and I ran after them. At least, I tried. "Dick, they wanted one kid, not two. Your staying here." Ms. Jenna snapped as she held onto me from the doorway of the orphanage we were at.
Timmy was squirming around in their grip as they carried him to the car, his screams filling the air. "No! Let me go! Dick! Dick! Don't let them take me!" Timmy screamed.
My heart started to shatter in pieces, but I fought against Ms. Jenna's hold even more. The lady's nails were sharp, and they dug into my skin as I tried to free myself. How could this happen? We were only brought here two days ago, how could someone adopt him so quickly? "Tim!" I shouted as he was forced into the car, and it was locked shut before he could get out.
He stood up in the car seat, looking at me terrified and scared as the car drove to where ever Tim was being adopted. I could only hope he was adopted by good people.
Tim POV 4 years ago (Tim being 8 and Dick being 14 now)
I swung on the swing by myself, staring at the ground with a glare. The hand shaped bruises on my wrists and ankles really hurt when my long-sleeved shirt and pants rubbed up against them, but I couldn't roll up the pants or the sleeves or else someone would see. Then the Drake's would just hurt me even more when they decided to come back.
"Hey look, it's the circus freak." Tommy said with a sneer when he walked up in front of me with his group of bullies.
"Hey look, it's the moron who failed kindergarten." I snapped back.
He scowled when the rest of his 'friends' snickered, then said, "Think you're so much better than me, Drake? Bring it then, freak." Tommy said with a snarl. I twitched at the name that wasn't mine, wishing the government had let me keep the name Grayson. After all, that was my real name, not Drake.
"What is going on over here?" The teacher, Mrs. Makin, asked.
"I was over here by myself and he and his friends came over here to mess with me." I said before Tommy could make an excuse.
"He's lying!" Tommy said right after I told her the truth, the rest of his group nodding with him.
She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Tommy you take your group on the other side of the playground. You two aren't allowed to talk to each other for the rest of the day. Get going. Tim, you leave them alone, too." Mrs. Makin said.
Tommy and his group glared at me, but left me alone all the same. Mrs. Makin left seconds later, and went back to swinging by myself.
For a few minutes, I got to swing in perfect peace, but it was interrupted once again by someone tapping a nail on my shoulder. "Are you Timothy Grayson?" A lady with tan skin and sharp eyes that looked like they could cut just with a glare.
"Yeah, but nobody really calls me that anymore. Who are you?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at her.
"Your suspicious, good. My name's Talia Al Ghul, and if you come with me I can bring you to some people who can make what you want come true.
I tensed, looking around. Nobody was looking over here, so nobody noticed the woman who really shouldn't be on school grounds. "How would you know about what I want?" I asked.
"If you come with me, you'll know. I won't force you to come with me, and you could always no after we talk." Talia said.
I thought it over, then thought why not? What could possibly be worse than the hell I'm living in now with bullies and abusive adoptive parents? "Okay, but only if you promise I can always walk away from whatever you want to talk about." I said. She nodded with a smile and led me towards a group of trees that hid anyone inside out of sight.
"That him?" a man with an eye patch and white hair asked.
"Yes. Timothy, this is Slade and my father, Ra's Al Ghul." Talia said as I walked into the circle of trees.
"Talia said you wanted to talk to me. So, what do you want to talk to me of all people about?" I asked, crossing my arms.
"Simply what you want, Timothy. What if we said we could help you get the revenge that you want against the man who murdered your parents?" Ra's asked.
I widened my eyes, not just from shock, but unholy glee. To be able to get revenge on the man who took my life at the circus and made me stay here in this waste land, that sounded like a dream. And too good to be true. "What's the catch?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at them.
"The only catch would be that you would have to train. You can't kill a man if you can't fight." Slade said with a smirk.
"That's it? Nothing else? This seems too good to be true. Way too good." I said, looking at them suspiciously.
"Like he has said, the only thing you have to do is train with us. That would involve you being Slade's apprentice, and working as my heir for the League of Shadows." Ra's said, a look of... pride in his eyes. Why would he be proud?
I looked down at the ground, thinking this over. It was everything I wanted, and working as an heir and an apprentice couldn't be that bad. But what about Dick? He wouldn't want me to do this, neither would Mom and Dad.
No, of course they wouldn't. They never knew what it was like to be beaten by people who adopted you as a charity case, and Dick was freaking Robin! He had to be Robin, I saw him do the quadruple flip. Only a Grayson could do that. He was Robin, and he didn't even think to look for me. Well, I would make him see me.
My knuckles were white from holding them into fists so tightly, blood dripping down my hand from where the nails broke into my skin. "I'm in." I said, looking up at all 3 of them with cold determination.
They all smirked, and Talia said, "Welcome to the League of Assassins, Timothy. Your training will start tomorrow."
Ra's POV 4 more years later (Tim's 12 in this with Dick being 18 and Nightwing)
"What do you mean the Young Justice team found another of our bases?" Lex roared angrily.
I kept my face blank, but anger boiled inside me as well. You would think we would be able to take down these kids a long time ago, but they were just as bad as the Justice League. "I'm just telling you what I saw, sir. If that is all, I will be leaving." The messenger said before leaving the room.
"These kid's must be taken down." Black Manta said, his voice mixed with anger and annoyance.
"Agreed. Which is why we need a mole on the team." Savage said, looking at me through the corner of his eye. Good, this meeting was going just as planned.
"We tried that, remember? It didn't work." Klarion said in his high-pitched voice.
"Yes, but that was because those spies were already on the team, and they were being blackmailed. This spy is different." I said, pressing a button to show a hologram of Timothy with his mask and League of Assassin uniform on.
"How do we know he won't get caught?" Lex asked, not immediately rejecting the idea.
"He was trained by me and Deathstroke along with the help of my daughter, Talia. He won't fail." I said, looking all around the table. Some were considering the idea, but others weren't sure.
"Does he have a motive?" Black Manta asked.
"Yes, he does. You see, he has a... grudge against Nightwing. With his grudge against the team's leader, there is no way he will turn on us. After all, sibling rivalries can last a long time." I said with a smirk.
Everyone around the table looked at each other, then nodded. "Very well. Inform him of his mission, and make sure he gets in." Lex said. I nodded, and the meeting was over. Now I just had to tell Timothy of his mission against his brother.
So, what do you guys think so far? Review!