Hey Guys!:) I'm SSSOOOO sorry I haven't updated lately. I've just been really busy with school, and swimming, but swimming is over for now, so I get a little more time to write!:) but, I hope you enjoy this chapter!:):):)

Chapter 3

(Caroline's point of view)

I woke up with a jolt, and sharp pain in my neck. I looked at the mirror across from me, to find a gash in my neck. My breathing started to become heavier. I looked at the sleeping form of Damon Salvatore. He did this to me. Why did he do it? I take a deep, slow breath to try and calm my fear. I slowly put my feet over the bed, onto the hard, cold, wooden floor. The floor made a slight creak. I tried to be light on my feet, so the floor wouldn't creak, and wake him up. I cringed, when the floor did creak. I looked back to make sure he was still asleep, and then I kept walking. I turned the doorknob, and before I opened the door, I looked back again to make sure he was still asleep, but when I looked back, I found the bed empty.

"Good morning." said an all too familiar voice. I turned my head back around and gasped to find him in front of me. I backed away in fear, and sobbed.

"P-please, don't," I stammered to him in fear. I grabbed a lamp that was behind me.

"Don't do that." he says with a disapproving face. I then whacked him across the face. He barely even moved an inch. I threw the lamp on the ground, seeing had it no effect. I jumped over the bed in an effort to keep away from him.

"ahh ahh ahh," he said as I threw another object at him. He dodged it easily. I searched around the room again, in search of something else to possibly knock this guy out. I tried to make a mad dash, but he was in front of me before I even made it halfway. He grabbed my arms, and threw me onto the bed. I was terrified. He walked closer, and I threw a pillow at his face. "Get away from me!" I shrieked at him.

"This could have gone a completely different way." he says with a smirk. He then looks down at the pillow and smells my blood on it. Shit. His eyes then turn red, and veins form around them. He throws the pillow to the ground and comes toward me, with his fangs exposed.

(Sam's point of view)

We arrived at school, and hopped out of Bonnie's car. "I am not saying don't date the guy, just take it slow." Bonnie said to Elena worried.

"You are the one who said to go for it!" Elena says, pointing a finger to Bonnie.

"She is right Bon," I said, siding with Elena. I liked Stefan. I think that he is a good guy.

"Now," Bonnie started, "I am saying to take it slow." I trudged behind, them, not hearing the rest of the conversation. I saw Matt throwing the football, with probably a teammate of his, and great, Tyler. I don't really want to even, look, at Tyler right now because he is just such a dick to Jeremy, but, what would I know? I walked over to the two, to here them talking about Elena and Stefan walking into the sunset. "Ya know, I was kind of wondering, when are you ever gonna get your own relationship to be a dick in." I said coldly to Tyler. He gives me a hard glare.

"Maybe you should watch your mouth Sammy." he spits back.

"Why don't you watch yours? You obviously don't know how to keep it shut." I say giving him a fake sweet smile.

"You are such a dick," Matt says to Tyler. "Besides, what am I supposed to do Ty, she made her choice." Matt says looking defeated.

"Let her know she made the wrong one." Tyler says as he grabs the football,

"What are you doing?" Matt asks. I knew exactly what he was going to do.

"Ty, don't !" I yell at him. He looks at me, and then chucks it right at the back of Stefan's head.

"What the hell is wrong with you Ty?" I ask, as I watch the football, race towards Stefan. I was about to yell a warning to him, when right at the last second, he whipped around and caught it. Wow, impressive. Stefan then throws it back pretty hard, and almost knocks Tyler on his ass. Woo, way to go Stefan! Tyler deserves it!

"Looks like you just about got knocked on your ass, Lockwood." I said with a smirk. He sent another glare my way, as I walked into the school, to get to class.

We sat in boring history class again. I heard Elena talking to Stefan about football, and I saw Bonnie doodling in her notebook. She was rewriting the numbers 8, 14, and 22. Weird. I then noticed that Stefan, and Mr. Tanner went into a full out war, on dates. I found it quite amusing.

"Keep it to the year." I heard Mr. Tanner say. "Civil Rights act."


"John.F Kennedy assassination"


"Martin Luther King"

" '68"



"Roe v.s. Wade"


"Brown v.s Board"


"Battle at Gettysburg"


"Korean War"


"Ha! It ended in 52!" Mr. Tanner concluded feeling proud

"Actually sir, it was 53." Stefan replied sure of himself

"Look it up somebody. Quickly." People hurried with getting something out to look it up. A guy who had his phone out, knew the answer.

"It was 19...53." the guy says with a laugh. Wow, Stefan. Impressed me twice in one day. I like this guy. People in the room clapped for him, and Mr. Tanner even gave a nod of approval. I walked up to Stefan, before they left the school.

"Hey!" How does it feel to out smart Tanner! Must be pretty awesome!" I say with a laugh as we walk outside.

I was walking home since Elena and Bonnie needed the car to get home from cheer practice, and as I was walking down the road, an old, light blue convertible, slowed down to my pace, and to my surprise, in the drivers seat, was Stefan's brother, Damon Salvatore.

"Now what is a beautiful young girl like you, walking home, all alone for?" he asks. I blush slightly when he uses the word beautiful to describe me.

"The twin, and the best friend need the car to get home from cheerleading practice." I reply with a small sigh and a shrug of the shoulders.

"But it's cool."

"Well then, why don't I give you a lift home then." he says with a dazzling smile.

"Oh no, it's ok, I don't mind. It's not too far of a walk." I reply, not wanting him to go out of his way.

"Nonsense. Hop on in." he says, leaning over to the passenger seat, and opening it for me. I smile, and walk over to the passenger seat. "Buckle up." he says with a smirk, before speeding off towards my house.

(Damon's point of view)

Sam was so beautiful, with the wind whipping through her hair, and the sun, bouncing off her flawless skin. She reminded me so much of Alex. I missed her dearly, but do I have feelings for this girl, that looks like, what could have been the love of my life? Is it her looks? Or is it so far, just her, and her personality? Her blood smelled so delicious, but could I really take a bite out of her? I have this weird urgency to protect her, and, I just want her to be mine. Sadly, we had finally reached her home. I pulled my convertible into her driveway, and stopped the car.

"Thank you for taking me home Damon. It was very sweet of you." she said, looking into my icy blue orbs, with her honey colored ones.

"It was my pleasure." I reply, smiling wide at her. I then leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. She smiled sheepishly, and blushed. I smiled even opens the car door, and gets out. I watch as she walks onto her porch, unlocks the door and opens it. She gives me one final glance my way, before entering her house, and closing the door behind her. I can't wait to tell Stefan I got to take her home. He will be fuming, especially when I tell him about giving her a kiss on the cheek. I had the happiest smile on my face at the thought, as I pulled out of the driveway, and headed to my own house.

(Third person point of view)

Stefan walks into his room, after football practice to find Damon sitting at his desk.

"How were tryouts? Did you make the team?" he asks with a smirk. "Very emerson, the way you, reveal your soul in so many-" before Damon finishes, Stefan uses his vampire speed and takes the book away from Damon. "adjectives." Damon laughs.

"What are you doing here?" Stefan asks as he wraps up the book.

"I've come to apologize." Damon tells him, looking sincere. "I've been doing some thinking, some, soul searching, and, I want us to start over. We need to put the past behind us." he says as he gets up, and walks over to Stefan. "You're my little brother. And if you want to live a normal, happy human life, then I want that for ya." he says sincerely, to a convinced looking Stefan. "Maybe I can do it too. I can learn to be a non-living, living, person. And maybe there is hope for both of us. They look into each others eyes, having a loving moment between brothers, and then Damon bursts out laughing. Stefan looks down.

"Ya know, it doesn't have to be this way, Damon" Stefan says, wanting what Damon said to really happen.

"Of course it does. I saw Elena today, btw, that means, by the way. She was at cheer leading practice. She looked so perky, in her little, short shorts." he says with a smile. Stefan gives Damon a menacing glare. "Simmer down, I didn't even go near her. But, I might have given her adorable sister Samantha a ride home." he says smiling. Stefan gets angry.

"And then ya know, when we were at her house, before she walked in, I gave her a kiss on the cheek." Damon says smiling proudly, knowing it would throw Stefan off the deep end. It did. Stefan lunges for Damon, with his vampire speed, but Damon was too quick, to feel any impact.

"Stay away from her Damon. She doesn't need you to play with her, and I won't let you touch her." Stefan says really angry.

"Awe, don't worry little brother. I have my own cheerleader. Ooh, that reminds me." Damon says looking at his watch. "I gotta run. I have a date. Sweaty palms." Damon says, as he rubs his hands together, then blows on them. "Wish me luck." he says before, waltzing out of Stefan's room.

(Sam's point of view)

Bonnie, Elena and I were setting up the table for Stefan to have dinner with us, and bond with Bonnie. As I was putting bowls onto the table, Bonnie told Elena how she predicted a certain commercial would come on, and she was right.

"Oh, come on, that commercial is on a constant loop." Elena replies with a laugh.

"Fine." Bonnie says defeated. "Well how about this. Today I am obsessed with numbers. 3 numbers. I keep seeing 8, 14, and 22. How weird is that."

"I did see you writing those numbers in your notebook." I confess

"See, I even have a witness that I am obsessed." Bonnie says proudly

"Maybe we should play the lottery." Elena says jokingly. Bonnie glares at her, and Elena laughs in return. "Have you talked to your Grams?" Elena asks.

"She's gonna say it's because I am a witch. I don't want to be a witch. Do you want to be a witch?" she asks, pouting.

"I don't want to be a witch." I state.

"I would have to agree." Elena adds.

"Ya know, putting this food in a nice bowl, isn't fooling anybody." I state as I scrape another pan clean, and put it into a nice bowl again. The two laugh.

"Okay, serving spoons, where are the serving spoons." Elena says as she looks around the kitchen.

"Middle drawer on your left." Bonnie points. Elena looks at her doubtfully, and opens the drawer to surprisingly find the serving spoons.

"Okay, so you have been in this kitchen like, a million times." Elena says, not really believing Bonnie to be physic.

"Yeah, that's it." Bonnie mumbles. The doorbell then rings, as Bonnie gives Elena an upset look.

"Okay, he's here." Elena says clapping her hands together. "Don't be nervous, just be your normal, loving self." she says, as she walks off to answer the door. Bonnie looks scared, so I go over and comfort her.

"It's gonna be okay, Bon." I say with a reassuring smile. She smiles back, and then says birthday candles. "What?"

"Birthday candles." she says opening a random drawer, that had, birthday candles.

"Wow. How do you do that?"

We sat at the table eating the store bought food. There was an awkward silence hanging over us, before Elena decided to start up the conversation.

"Did Tanner give you a hard time today?"

"Well, he let me on the team, so, must have done something right." Stefan answers, as Elena and I smile.

"Bonnie you should have seen Stefan today, Tyler threw a ball right at him, and," Elena starts, but Bonnie cut her off.

"Yeah, I heard."

"Why don't you tell Stef, about your family?" I suggest, trying to lighten the mood.

"Um, divorced, no mom, live with my dad." Bonnie says, as she glares at me.

"No, about the witches." Elena says, before I could. "Bonnie has a lineage of witches," Elena adds.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool," I chime in.

"Cool isn't the word i'd use," she deadpans, glaring at me again.

"Well it's certainly interesting." Stefan says, and soon, they get into a small conversation about Salem witches, and such. "I'd say that's pretty cool," Stefan eventually says, looking at Elena and I.

"Really, why?" Bonnie asks confused.

"Salem witches are heroic examples of individualism," Stefan replies, as they continued their conversation about them. I smiled, at the idea of them starting to bond, and become friends. The next thing I knew, the doorbell rings.

"Oh, I'll go get that." I say, setting my fork down, and getting up to answer the door. I opened it, to reveal, surprisingly, Caroline, and Damon.

"Surprise!" Caroline chirps. "Bonnie said you were doing dinner, so we brought dessert!"

"Oh, I say, still slightly stunned, they were standing at my doorway.

"Hope you don't mind," Damon says behind Caroline. I smile at Caroline, as she walks by, handing me the container with cake.

"What are you doing here?" Stefan asks, as he walks up behind me, looking angry? Why would he be angry that his brother was here?

"Waiting for Samantha to invite me in," he smirks, looking at me.

"Yeah sure, you can,"

"No, no, he uh, he can't stay. Can you Damon?" He says, interrupting me. I watch as they stare angrily at each other.

"Get in here," Caroline says, impatiently.

"We're just finishing up," Stefan says, looking at me desperately. I was really confused now. I was about to say something, but Elena opened her mouth, before me.

"It's fine, just come on in." she says, smiling. Damon smirks, as his foot, crosses over the threshold.

"You girls have a beautiful home," he compliments, looking around.

"Thank you," I smile, as I close the door.

"I cannot believe Tanner let you on the team," Caroline says to Stefan, in disbelief. "Uh, Tyler must be seething! But, good for you, you go for it."

"Yeah, that's what I always tell him. You have to engage. You can't just sit there and wait for life to come to you. You have to go and get it." Damon adds, smiling, as Stefan glares back at him.

"Yeah, Elena wasn't so lucky today. But, it's only because you missed summer camp." Caroline says. I scoff. She really needs to say stuff about Elena's cheerleading?

"God, I don't know how you are ever going to learn the routines," Caroline murmurs.

"I'll work with her," Bonnie pipes in. "She'll get it."

"Maybe we could put her in the back," Caroline says to herself. I glare at her.

"Yeah, you know you really don't seem like the cheerleading type, Elena." Damon adds.

"That's just because her parents died." Caroline says. "Yeah, I mean she's totally just going through a blah faze, she used to be way more fun. Sammy too." Caroline laughs.

"Caroline. really?" I yell at her. She gasps softly.

"And I say that with complete sensitivity," she says, looking guiltily at us, as her smile falls. I sigh. Sometimes, I just really want to punch Caroline in the face.

"I'm sorry Elena and Samantha, I know what it's like to lose both your parents, and infact, Stefan, and I, have seen almost every single person we have ever cared about, die." Damon says sympathetically.

"We don't need to get into that right now." Stefan says, annoyed with his brother.

"Ah, you know, you're right Stefan, that last thing I wanted to do was bring, her, up." he replies. Elena looks at Stefan feeling a little hurt.

I was putting the dishes away, when Damon walked in.

"One more," he says, holding up one of the glass cups.

"Mmm, thank you." I smile, as I reached for the glass. I gasp, as the glass falls to the floor. I wait to hear the sound of it shatter across the floor, but only hear a soft, plink, as it lands in Damon"s hand. I laugh. "Nice save," I say, as I grab the glass.

"I like you," he states. "You know how to laugh. I smile, and blush a soft red color, as I put the cup in the dishwasher. Elena then walks in with her plate. To break the silence, Elena asks about Katherine.

"Earlier, did you mean Katherine?" She questions.

"Mm-hmm," he murmurs. " Alexandria as well."

"How did they die?" I ask, as I put another plate into the dishwasher.

"Fire, tragic fire." he answers, his eyes filling with sadness.

"Recently?" Elena asks.

"Seems like it was yesterday," he responds.

"What were they like?"

"They were both beautiful, a lot like you two, in that department," he smiles. "Katherine was also very complicated, and selfish, and at times, not very kind. But, very sexy and seductive." he smirks. "And, Alex, she was sweet, and, kind. But, when with her sister, she could be quite harsh. She always followed what Katherine did, and sometimes that would get her into some trouble." he chuckled.

"It sounds like you loved Alex, and Katherine too." I say, looking at him sadly.

"Mmm, indeed," he murmured.

"So, which one of you loved them first?" Elena asks, passing him a plate, to put away. He laughed.

"Nicely deduced," he replies, as he puts the plate away. "Ask Stefan, I'm sure his story differs from mine." There was an awkward silence before Damon spoke up.

"I'd quit cheerleading if I were you," Damon said, out of the blue.

"Oh yeah? And why's that?" Elena asks, confused.

"Oh come on, your miserable." he quips back.

"You saw that huh?" Elena ask, as I look sadly at her.

"Am I wrong?"

"No, I used to love it," she admits. "There was fun, but things are different this year," she adds. "Everything that used to matter, doesn't anymore."

"So don't let it," Damon chimes in. "Quit, move on, problem solved, ta da!"

"Some things could matter again."

"Maybe, but, doesn't seem very realistic," Damon says.

"I'm sorry about Alex, and Katherine," I say. "You lost them too." Damon looked at Sam shocked, because she really meant it, and she wasn't lying.

"I'm sorry too," Elena says, as well. Bonnie then walked in, breaking the moment.

"Need any help?"

"Sure, why not?" Damon replies, still looking at Sam.

I was sleeping peacefully, until i heard someone whisper my name.

"Sam," the voice whispered. "Sammy," they whisper again, this time shaking my shoulder lightly. I open my eyes slowly to see my twin, standing next to my bed.

"Lena?" I questioned quietly. "What are you doing?"

"Do you mind if I sleep with you?" She asks cautiously.

"Nightmare?" I ask softly.

"Sort of," she replies sheepishly.

"Hop on in," I say, pulling the covers back.

"Thanks," she whispers, as she snuggles under the covers. "Night Sammy," she says, as she drifts asleep.

"Night Lena," I reply, before I fall back into a deep, and peaceful sleep again. As the two girls fell asleep, they never even noticed the crow, perched on Sam's window.

Elena and I were walking around, until Stefan walked up to us.

"Ooh, you look hot in your jersey," Elena commented.

"What happened? No more cheerleader?" Stefan questions.

"I quit, I'm a quitter." Elena states, looking defeated.

"Lena, don't start," I murmur.

"No, hey, you're not a quitter. You suffered a great loss. You too, Sam. You guys aren't the same person. You should be looking ahead, and starting over. Okay?"

"Thanks Stef," I smile, and Elena smiles too. Stefan then gives me a bracelet, and Elena a necklace. They both had a herb, called vervain. "Wow, Stefan, it's beautiful!" Elena and I both commented. "Thanks!" I said, kissing his cheek. "I'll see you guys later," I said waving, as I walked away, to hangout with Bonnie before the game.

I stood at the front of the crowd with Elena at the pep rally. I laughed, when Tanner tried to quiet down the rowdy crowd. I clapped and cheered extremely loud, when Tanner mentioned how good of a played Stefan was. Stefan just laughed at my enthusiasm. I frowned, and rolled my eyes slightly, as Tyler walked off, pissed. Typical Tyler. I walked through the crowd, to follow him, but hesitated, when I saw Vicki next to him, but I sprinted over, when I saw Jeremy punch Tyler right across the jaw, and then Tyler shoved Jeremy into the back of a near by truck.

"Tyler! Jeremy! Knock it off!" I yelled at them, as they went into a full on brawl against one another. I tried to grab Tyler, and pull him off Jeremy, as he was now repeatedly punching him, but, instead, I just knocked on my ass. "Tyler, please! Stop! You're hurting him!" I screamed, as Vicki, was surprisingly, helping me up. I saw Tyler hesitate slightly upon hearing me, but he still continued to punch Jeremy. Soon, they were rolling on the ground, throwing punch after punch at each other. Stefan then comes out of no where, and pulls Tyler off Jeremy. I saw Jeremy grab a broken bottle, from the floor. "Jeremy, don't!" I yell, but I am again ignored, and Jeremy swings the bottle. Stefan pushes Tyler, and blocks the bottle with his hand. I gasp, as Elena pulls Jeremy away, and I hear Matt yelling at Tyler, as he pulled him away. I went and followed after Matt and Tyler. "Ty!" I yell to him. He turns and looks at me. "What the hell is your problem!" I scream at him.

"Sam, I don't know what came over me," he stated, hanging his head low.

"You had to of, or else you would have done what you did!" I scoffed. "Tyler, I can't be friends with you anymore, if you keep doing this to my brother," I said, looking at him. His head snapped up, when I said this.

"No, Sam, don't do this," he pleaded.

"I have to," I stated sadly. "I'm sorry," I said, walking away, leaving a broken Tyler behind.

I walked to Elena and I's car, to grab our jackets, when I heard a noise behind me. I whirled around, to find Damon. I held a hand to my heart, feeling as if it was going to burst out of my chest, it was beating so fast.

"Damon, you scared me. What are you doing?"

"I'm hiding from Caroline," he whispers.

"Why is that?" I whisper back.

"I needed a break," he shrugged. "She talks more than I can listen."

"That could be a sign,"

"Well, she's awfully young," he says.

"Not much younger than you," I scoff, wondering why he was even telling me this.

"I don't really see it going anywhere, in the bigger picture," he admits. "I think she'd drive me crazy." he confesses.

"Ok, I get it, Caroline can be pretty annoying and all, but she is my friend, Damon. We've been friends for a really long time, and then means something to me." I say, making sure that was very clear to Damon.

"Duly noted. I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable. That's not my intention."

"Yes, it is. Otherwise, you wouldn't put an alternate meaning behind everything you say." I state, getting slightly annoyed with Damon.

"You're right. I do have other intentions, but so do you."

"Oh, really?" I scoff.

"Mm-hmm, I see them. You want me." he states, sounding full of himself

"Excuse me?" I say, stunned, he just said that.

"I get to you. You feel drawn to me. You think about me even when you don't want to think about me, and now, you wanna kiss me." he smirks, looking into my eyes. I look into his eyes for a second, before I slap him, right across the face.

"What the hell? Are you out of your mind? I don't know what game you are trying to play with me, Stefan, or my sister, but I don't want any part of it." I say, angry as hell. "And I don't know what happened in the past, but let's get one thing straight. I am not Katherine, and I am most definitely, not Alex." I say, storming off, away from Damon.

(Third person POV)

Damon claps his hands in the shadows, once Matt was done talking to Stefan.

"Isn't that nice. Stefan joins the team, and makes a friend. It's all ra ra go team! Yeah!" Damon says, pumping a fist into the air.

"Not tonight," Stefan says, annoyed. "I'm done with you," he adds, about to walk away, but Damon uses his vampire speed, and blocks his path.

"Nice trick with Sammy. Let me guess, vervain in the bracelet?" he says. "I admit, I was a bit surprised. It's been awhile since someone has been able to resist my, compulsion." Damon smirks. "Where'd you get it?"

"Does it matter?" Stefan quips back.

"Guess I could just seduce her the old fashioned way, or I could just, eat her." Damon shrugged.

"No,your not gonna hurt, Elena too."

"No?" Damon challenges?

"Because deep down inside of you, that feels for her." Stefan says. "I was worried that there was no humanity left inside of you, that you may have actually become the monster that you pretend to be."

"Who's pretending?" Damon smirks.

"Then kill me," Stefan challenges.

"Well, I'm tempted."

"No, you're not. You've had lifetimes to do it, and yet, here I am."Stefan says. I'm still alive, and there you are. You're still haunting me, after 145 years. Katherine and Alex are dead, and you hate me because you loved them, and you torture me because you still do." Stefan continues. "And that, my brother, is your humanity."

"Salvatore," Tanner yells, as he walks towards the brothers. "What the hell, we've got a game to play."

"If that's my humanity, then what's this?" Damon questions, as he lunges towards Tanner, viciously biting at his throat.

"No!" Stefan yells. Damon then drops Tanner, letting him fall lifelessly to floor. Blood was dripping down Damon's chin, and his face looked that of a demon.

"Anyone, anytime, anyplace." Damon says to Stefan.

Damon stood above Samantha's bed, stroking her cheek gently, with his fingers. He had a small hint of a smile, at the corner of his lips. Before he even knew what he was doing, he leaned down, and kissed her on the forehead thinking, that maybe he does, love her.

Hey! So what did y'all think?! I decided to do Caroline's POV at the top(Idk why, but whatevs) Tell me if you guys think I should do other peoples POV's like that? Maybe give me some suggestions about that? Towards the middle end, i kind of gave you an idea of how close of a relationship Elena and Sam kid of have, and Sam decided to stop being friends with Tyler?! Give me some comments on what you thought about that! and maybe what there future could hold? I haven't really decided yet. I hope you guys don't think I am just copying from the show, I am trying hard, to put my character in, but it is kind of hard at first, so bear with me!:) I really want to get 7-10 reviews before I post a new chapter, so, REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW!:):):):)