DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN the Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy. All rights belong to E.L James.
A/N: Hey guys, I know you guys expected me to update earlier but recently, my father passed away. Things have been awful to say the least and very difficult for my family and I. I've taken some time off work to spend with my family and today is the first time in about a month that I've been able to really sit down and write. I appreciate all of you for supporting me and being patient with my absence. I love you all and I hope you all enjoy the sequal. This is possibly my favorite story I have ever written and I'm excited for you all to read it. Once again, thank you for everything and I love you all.
Chapter 1.
Christian Grey
"Do you have everything you need?" my mother asked for the thousandth time over the phone.
"Yes, Mom," I chuckled, shuffling through some files on my desk. "Mia helped with the arrangements. Everything is set in place."
"I'm just making sure, honey," I could hear her excitement over the phone. "Your first anniversary is always the most important."
"You've said that about one hundred times, Mom."
"I'm trying to make a point."
"Point taken."
"Good!" she laughed. "I'm not trying to nag you, Christian. I just want you two to have some fun, is all. When you're married, things change. It's nice to have the magic put back into the equation."
My mother obviously wasn't very observing when it came to Ana's and my marriage. Being married to Ana hadn't changed a thing between us. If anything, it had made our relationship, the fire between us, glow even brighter. It had been a year since the day we had pledged ourselves to one another and since then, I had fallen even more in love with her if that were even possible.
"Thank you for your concern, Mother," I laughed, calling Andrew, my newest assistant into the office.
"Well, I'll let you go then. Have fun tonight! Make me a grandbaby!"
I flinched.
Her persistence on the subject of children was baffling to both Ana and I. Since the day we said "I do", my mother had been badgering Ana and I every chance she had about having children and giving her a grandchild. It didn't matter that Elliot had recently gotten married and was now expecting a child with Kate. She thought a year was long enough and Ana and I should start trying. We didn't tell her any different because when we had in the past, it didn't go over well. Ana and I had agreed to wait a while before children and that was how it would stay, no matter the amount of pressure my mother put on us.
I rolled my eyes and shook my head at her statement.
"We've talked about this, Mother," I sighed.
"A mother can always hope, honey. And I have a lot of it. Hope, I mean."
"I have to go. I'll call you later."
"Alright. Bye, darling."
I hung up, waving Andrew in when he paused at the door.
He shuffled in quietly, looking exhausted from the week I had put him through. Grey Enterprise Inc. had officially gone global, the company taking off in Tokyo, Bali and England. My goals had been achieved after all the years of hard work and now I had someone to share these accomplishments with. Andrew had been hired on a request from my father's dear friend, John Baker. He was our family attorney and had mentioned his grandson had admired my work for years. I had accepted Andrew eagerly, knowing his family's work ethic and hadn't regretted it in the least. The kid was a hard worker and did anything I asked with precision and an eager disposition.
For the past week Andrew and I had been fixing the last little details of each merger for all the global enterprises, hardly leaving the office. Ana had been working at her new studio, busy teaching classes or sorting out details for the first winter recital her studio was throwing. The both of us had probably spent ten hours together in the past seven days and most of those had been spent sleeping. Ana obviously expected me to continue working through our first anniversary but that was hardly the case. I had been making plans for weeks, determined for everything to go smoothly.
"Take these to the second floor and then go home and get some sleep. You look like shit," I chuckled.
I wasn't usually so unprofessional with people I worked with but Andrew reminded me so much of myself when I was his age and our personalities were so similar that it was difficult not to get along well with the kid.
He glared at me, a small grimace crawling up on his chapped lips. Grabbing the file of papers from me he scowled.
"You don't exactly look like a million bucks, either boss. A couple grand maybe but certainly not the billions you're worth."
"Okay, smart ass. I get it. I look like shit, too," I laughed at his volatile attitude. I should have known better than to test a twenty-one year old who had probably only slept six hours in the past seven days. "I'll see you Monday?"
"You don't need me tomorrow?" Andrew looked shocked.
I laughed, shaking my head.
"No. You have the weekend off. It's my wife's and my anniversary today so I'm taking the weekend off as a surprise for her."
"You told me about that. Congrats. How many years have you and Ana been married, again?"
"Just one. But we've know each other…our entire lives."
"First anniversary? Awesome. Tell Mrs. Grey I said hello. Have fun, I guess. See you Monday." He waved me off before heading out the door.
I shook my head, running out the door shortly after him. It was almost four and Ana's last class of the night got out sometime around five. With traffic and lights, I'd get there just in time.
Taking nothing but my cell phone, which was now set to airplane mode, I rushed down to the first floor to meet Taylor. He was all smiles inside the car, probably just as excited as I was to go and pick up Ana. It was strange, the relationship those two had. They were great friends and kept one another company when I was busy. It reassured me that the two of them were so close because if I wasn't there to protect Ana, I knew Taylor could but lately Taylor had been by my side non-stop with all the work I had been up to and his time around Ana had been very limited.
"How is she?" I asked, sliding into the passenger's seat beside Taylor.
"Exhausted," he shrugged. "The both of you are. You've both been terribly busy. It's been hard keeping up with you two."
"Maybe I should hire you an assistant, too?" I chuckled.
Taylor tried to hold back his glare but I knew it was there. He didn't want to admit to getting old or needing help but both were true. Keeping up his protection of both Ana and I was difficult and I knew it would come down to a security issue if we didn't get some help for him.
"I'm doing fine. I don't need any help."
I shook my head and counted the minutes until we pulled up to Ana's studio. Years of saving had bought Ana her studio and despite all my offers, she wouldn't let me put in one dime. I understood why, knowing that she wanted to claim it as her own. That she had done something by herself and without my help and I respected that. The studio had done so well, bringing in all ages of students from toddlers to adults. Cars filled almost every spot in the parking lot, making me smile as Taylor found it difficult to find a space.
I got out of the car shortly after he parked, jogging in to be greeted by Kate at the front desk. After resolving some major issues with Kate, Ana had forgiven her best friend and now the both of them ran the studio together. Kate's studio was flourishing back in New York but had decided to come to live in Seattle with Elliot after she found out she was pregnant with their first child and help Ana run hers.
"Hey, stranger," she greeted me from her seat behind the front desk. "Long time, no see."
She moved to get up but I motioned for her to stay down.
"Don't get up," I came over to press my hand to her slightly swollen belly. She wasn't very big, at all. For being eight months pregnant, Kate looked absolutely beautiful, glowing and a belly rivaling a small beer gut. "How's my niece doing in there?"
"Kicking up a storm. Elliot's calling her the next Hope Solo."
I chuckled, knowing that sounded like my brother.
"Let's hope she's a bit calmer than Elliot."
"Oh, trust me," Kate scoffed. "I worrying about that everyday."
"You look great, Kate," Taylor said beside me.
"Thanks, Jason," Kate chuckled, rubbing her belly gently. "I'm tired of being pregnant, though. I'm ready to have this kid out of me. Elliot's even more ready to see her than I am, I think."
"He's just ready to have a playmate around all the time," I laughed.
"That's probably it," Kate agreed. "He's at the house right now, if you want to stop by. He's been exhausted with all the jobs he's been taking on lately and today's his first real day off in months."
"Maybe. Today's Ana's and my anniversary so I put the weekend aside for some quiet time for just her and I."
"That's right!" she clapped, excitedly. "It's been a year today. Damn. Time sure does fly."
"Tell me about it," I chuckled. "Is she in the studio?" I asked finally.
"Yeah. Ballet room. You know which door, right?" Kate smiled.
"I do. I'll see you later, Kate. Take care of my niece!" I called after her.
"Will do," she laughed, waving me off.
Taylor stayed behind to talk with Kate a bit longer while I went back to get my wife.
As I drew nearer to the ballet room, I could hear the chime of a piano grow louder and louder. Tychovski's Sugar Plum Fairy Suite played melodically, the sweet and upbeat sonata being mixed with the sound of soft giggles. When I finally reached the doorway, a glass door, I stood against the opposite wall in disbelief.
Ana was taking the roll of the Sugar Plum Fairy, dancing flawlessly as little ones, no older than four or five, danced in sync with her. They smiled and moved without issue, they obviously adored Ana as much as she loved them.
The music died down after a few moments, clapping initiated by Ana erupting and then the dismissal of class. One by one the young toddlers ran out to their parents, leaving Anan by herself to run a few steps of the dance she had just done by herself. Spin after spin, her motions were fluid and flawless until she ended in a perfect position. She let out a large breath, dismissed the pianist and strode toward the door, only to stop when she caught a glimpse of me.
I beamed at her, opening the glass door just as she ran to jump into my arms. Our lips were the first things to touch, our kiss exuding with passion and fire. In the past week we had kissed but none of them had been even close to the one we shared then.
She moaned into my kiss when my teeth nibbled on her bottom lip, the flood of sexual frustration finally engulfing us. It had been a week long dry spell for the both of us and it was finally catching up to us.
"I would suggest a supply closet," she laughed against my lips. "But I think they're all occupied right now."
I raised a brow at her.
"What kind of business are you running here, Mrs. Grey?" I squeezed her ass in my hands.
She squealed and hopped down from my grasp.
"I didn't mean anything like that, Mr. Grey. Some of the girls are huddled in there studying for finals."
"The interns? Don't you have a lounge or something for them to do that in?" I pulled her to me, running my hands down the sides of her breasts. She swatted me off quickly, looking around the empty halls.
"No. I don't. I tried to fit in as much studio space as I could when I renovated this place. You know that better than anyone else," she placed a quick peck on my lips before heading to grab her bag near the mirrors. "Sorry I smell so bad. Heather didn't show up today. She's come down with a nasty bug or something so I had to play principal, as per usual."
Looking over her, she was a bit more worn then she normally was. Her pale pink leotard was drenched with sweat on the back, her tights clinging to her sticky skin and usually flawless ballerina bun now wild and slick with sweat. It was no wonder she had been just as exhausted as I had been all week. She was filling in while everyone else bailed on her, finals or sickness be damned.
"I'm sorry you're so tired," I brushed a piece of hair from her face, leaning down to place a gentler kiss on her soft lips. "But…it is our anniversary-"
"You remembered?" she whispered under her breath, energy and warmth instantly emanating from her. Her wide blue eyes and soft, pink lips parting slightly.
"Of course I did," I smiled, tracing the outline of her lips with my forefinger. "How could I forget the day I made you mine?"
She palmed my cheek lovingly.
"I was always yours."
I pressed my forehead to hers.
"As was I," I replied. "As I was saying," I cleared my throat after a moment. "Since this is the marking of the end of our first year as a married couple, I made some arrangements."
"Arrangements?" she asked, confused. "What arrangements?"
"Just something I've had planned for the past few weeks."
"Few weeks? Christian when did you find the time to plan anything? You've been up to your eyeballs in paperwork! Literally."
Ana had been a firsthand witness to the stacks of papers Andrew and I had spent countless hours on a few weeks prior when it came to off shore accounts and final agreements. I didn't trust many people to get such important work done so I had saddled Andrew and I with the task. Andrew almost pissed himself at the reaction Ana gave when she saw the four foot pile of paper.
"You come before work," I pressed my lips to hers one last time.
"You're really horny, aren't you?" she giggled, rubbing her hand up my chest. "You haven't kissed me this much in a while."
"In a week!" I instantly became defensive. "And I have kissed you!"
"Not like this," she pressed her lips to mine. "It's okay. I understand. You've been busy and we've both been very tired. Exhausted, actually," she sighed, looking even more worn if that were possible.
"I know," I breathed out loudly. "That's why I took the weekend off."
"You did?" she beamed.
"Excited?" I smiled down at her.
"Very, dear husband," she sighed in content this time, wrapping her arms around me. "Now…what are these plans, exactly?"
After a long shower, taken separately, Ana and I both dressed fairly nice. I told her we would be staying in but to dress however she liked. I stuck with a white button up and some navy slacks but Ana came out a vision. She had picked a black, form fitted dress that came well above her thigh, her still damp hair flowing down her back.
I stared at her from the foot of our bed, my entire being filling with lust as she sauntered over to me, her arms wrapping around my neck, legs tangling with mine.
"Hey there," she breathed, brushing her lips gently across mine but never pressing down.
My hands slid down her side and onto that ass I loved so much.
"You are a tease, aren't you?" I whispered, trying my damn hardest to control myself.
"I've learned from the master," she winked up at me.
I hissed pulling her close to me when a knock at our door interrupted us. I growled and gently set Ana aside while I went to answer the door. Taylor stood in the door way, all smiles.
"Dinner's ready, sir."
"Thank you, Taylor," I cleared my throat before turning to hold my hand out to Ana.
She took my offering, following me into the candle lit formal dining room.
"Christian," she gasped the moment she caught glimpse of the place. "You did this? For me?"
"For us," I smiled. "Do you like it?"
"Like it?" she giggled, looking teary eyed as she stared at the candles, the beautiful view our home over looked on the lake outside. "I love it. Thank you," she said leaning up on her tip toes to kiss my lips.
"You're very welcome, Mrs. Grey. Come on," I tugged her toward the table, Taylor disappearing off to wherever he normally retreated to, and helped her to sit down before I did so.
"You cooked?" Ana asked doubtfully, overlooking the layout Mrs. Cope had helped me put together.
"You know I can't cook," I scoffed, shoveling whatever looked good onto my plate. "I helped Mrs. Cope reheat some things."
That made my beautiful wife laugh.
"I really have to thank her for putting up with you in the kitchen, then," she teased, nibbling on a piece of chicken with wine sauce.
"I don't think I've had an actual meal in a week," I said, shoving a whole chicken breast in my mouth.
Ana giggled and nodded in agreement.
"I know what you mean. No sex. No food. No sleep. I think we've both lost five pounds and an appetite for sex."
"Speak for yourself," I chuckled, licking my lips when I saw her lean over just enough for her dress to show off her ample amount of cleavage.
"Why, Mr. Grey," Ana wiped her mouth, putting down her fork and knife. "Are you coming onto me?"
"Very much so," I stared up at her, her eyes hazing over with lust as her chest began to heave with heavy breaths.
Not being able to stand it much longer, I stood up quickly from my seat across from Ana and flung myself at her. Mrs. Cope could save the food for later and I had no doubt Ana and I would eat it. She was in my arms faster than I could even think was possible, her body easy to carry as I kissed her with all I had. We were in our bedroom quickly after that, her dress the first thing to come off, revealing a matching black, lace panty and bra set.
"What is this?" I fingered the material on her panties as I kissed down her stomach.
"You didn't think I forgot, did you?" Ana giggled playfully, gasping when I kissed her clit over the already soaked panties. "Christian…" she moaned.
"Yes?" I brushed my lips up and down her inner thigh.
"Nnngh…" she groaned, bucking her hips wildly.
I wasn't having that.
"Quiet," I ordered firmly but still adoring my lovely wife.
She obeyed, as always, ceasing her every movement, and keeping her eyes on me while she made no more noise.
I hooked my fingers through her panties, dragging them down as my eyes remained locked with hers. She helped me take them off quickly with a simple lift of her hips and then aided in my attempt to take off the complicated bra she had purchased. I thought I saw a small smile when she noticed I couldn't figure out how to take the damn thing off but if it had been there, it vanished quickly.
As her reward for being so good, I slid my finer between her fold, watching as her eyes rolled into the back of her head, no noise escaping her mouth.
"God damn," I breathed against her right breast. "I missed this."
Without any further hesitation, I ordered Ana to place her hands above her head and if she moved them, the consequences would be great. Her legs parted, leaving me room to play. My fingers toyed with her clit at first, driving her mad, and her hips bucking wildly. I held her down as best I could but when my tongue finally lapsed and gave into her pussy, I didn't even bother. A few whimpers escaped her lips but I let them slide. It had been so long and we both needed a good night of fucking. Kinky or vanilla, it didn't matter.
I quickly unzipped my trousers, my belt coming loose quickly before I dragged Ana toward the edge of the bed, one leg hitched on my torso while the other lingered on my shoulder. I shoved into her, her arms still over her head just as I had instructed her to and began thrusting quickly. Every movement, every motion brought us closer and closer until the edge was finally so close we could taste it.
"Moan for me, Ana," I growled, hovering over as I pounded into her. "I want to hear you."
"Oh God!" she screamed immediately. "Christian! Yes! Ah!"
It didn't take long after that before we both collapsed on one another, breathing heavily and clinging to one another as we kissed and reintroduced our bodies to one another again. It was an epic reunion.
"You were right," I laughed, enjoying the feeling of Ana's gentle hands brushing though my tangled hair. "I was really horny."
"A week without sex will do that to you," Ana giggled.
"I've missed you so much," I wrapped myself around her, never wanting to let go again.
"Me too," she whispered back.
"I'm not even hungry," I sighed. "All that food. Gone to waste."
"I'm sure Mrs. Cope will save it for us for later."
"Good. Because I know we'll both be famished later," I growled, kissing her belly button.
"Oh really?" Ana smiled smugly down at me.
"Oh yes, Mrs. Grey."
"Well, that does sound appetizing, Mr. Grey."
Well guys? What do you think so far? Please, do tell!
A lot of you guys have asked about cheating and my response is simple: There will be NO cheating. At all. Some trouble may come up but there is no cheating going on.
Once more, I want to say thank you guys for your patience and I love you all so much.