Tony Stark, for the lack of a better word, was an actor, and had been since the day he was born.

He was arrogant, self-centered, and spoiled, the press snarled. He was merely a narcissistic brat, they snapped. It was almost laughable to Tony, but even he couldn't admit it was a relief that they didn't notice. It was better, easier, that they didn't know the truth. Really, truly, the real male was insecure, had a low self esteem, self-destructive, and at fifteen, had become dangerously suicidal.

Oh my, would it have caused a scandal. They were a loving, close family in public, sure, but behind closed doors was a completely different story. Howard Stark was an alcoholic through and through. At times, it ended badly for poor Maria, and more Tony as he got older. The doctors were paid off, any footage erased, and bruises covered. Anything major could be covered by Tony's 'clumsiness'. Not a word in the papers ever suggested otherwise.

Occasionally, a servant of his father's would spare him a pitying glance or two, or his mother would whisper reassurances in his ear of peace and a life without beatings and pain. But just like his facade it was lies, lies, all lies.

A year before his parents died, there had been three suicidal attempts, all cleverly covered up with cash, hacking, and threats. The more days passed, the more the youngest Stark wanted to close his eyes and never have them open again.

His only regrets when his parents died was that his mother would never know a life without abuse.

Long, long after that, his PTSD didn't get better, or even lessen. The flashbacks and nightmares were still just as vivid, Tony still couldn't stand to look at a belt, much less wear one, and other things often set off panic attacks. And Steve, that dumbass, would talk about Howard (not father, the man was never a father) so fondly and it made Tony want to punch him in those perfect teeth.

He wouldn't confide in anyone, not even Pepper.

But sometimes it hurt so bad, and he was so terrified, and at times he wish he could. But he couldn't. No, no no. Imagining the look on her face sent him into shivers. Would she think it was his fault? Would she treat him accordingly? Would she quit because she was so disgusted?

And so, once again, Tony kept the secret.

I might extend on this and show Pepper and the team finding out if I get the inspiration, but I think I'll just leave it at that.