Jenny sat unmoving in her office not thinking about anything in particular. Not working on case files or meeting with powerful people on the hill. No, all she was focused on was pushing through the waves of pain that attacked every part of her body. It was the first time in her life she couldn't wait to see the doctor. The pain had been going on for weeks, along with the dizziness, weakness, confusion and weight loss she had just started to notice. Just the other day she had missed a meeting with the SecNav claiming she couldn't remember the appointment. That was the final straw for him who had noticed her condition in the past week and urged or more like demanded her to see the doctor. Her appointment was in two hours.

Weakly she walked to the desk in the hospital and gave them her name. The nurse directed her to a standard hospital room and told her to wait. Immediately she felt anxious. Hospitals held too many bad memories for her. Finally the doctor walked in with a clip board under his arm. He looked like the type of person that had to have his food separated into sections on his dinner plate. A white lab coat hung unflatteringly on his average form and his brown hair was swept to the side in a manner that reminded her of a prim and proper English professor. He was definitely not the type to just come out and say it; which she despised. Jenny was a very blunt person and anyone who knew her was not surprised when she said whatever she was thinking, whether it be good or bad. The doctor held out his hand and she took it politely. "Doctor Albert Beech." His hand shake was weak and flimsy, she didn't like it.

"Jenny Shepard." She responded out of a force of habit. She cursed herself. Of course he knew who she was. He chuckled dryly.

"I know. And I see you've been having some problems lately. Care to share?" He asked pulling a pen and a sheet of paper off his clipboard. She shifted uncomfortably on the slippery plastic chair that reeked of disinfectant. Jenny never has, and never will, like talking about her "problems" and she hated that he called them that. It's probably just the flu, or something stupid. She reassured herself as she began listing her symptoms. The doctor nodded as he wrote down everything she said. She didn't like the fact that doctors knew more about herself than she did so she instinctively sat up straighter in her seat trying to make herself seem in control and informed but in reality she wasn't. Another reason she hated the doctor. At work she knew everything that went on and controlled her agency with a firm hand. Out of her control wasn't a phrase in Jenny's vocabulary. Once she had finished he asked her an assortment of standard questions.

"Do you or your family have any history of illnesses?" He asked not looking up at her from his clipboard. She thought for a moment unsure what exactly that question entailed so she rattled everything off. She personally had never had any issues and neither had her family that she knows of. It wasn't a very exciting list and nothing with her symptoms.

"How long has this been going on? Do you have any allergies? Have you been out of the country lately? Are you eating properly?" Doctor Beech asked all of these unending questions which Jenny had begun to answer like a robot not seeing the relevance in all of this. Finally he stopped asking annoying questions and excused himself from the room. She sighed and leaned back running a hand through her long red hair. She didn't remember the doctor being this strenuous. Then again she hadn't actually been to a doctor for herself in a decade. She couldn't even remember the last time she went for a checkup. After ten long minutes the doctor came back. "Okay we are going to do some blood tests and a bone marrow biopsy. If that's okay with you we can get started on those right now." He said smiling. Jenny was suspicious like she always was and asked questions.

"What do you think is wrong with me?" She stood up nervously.

"Well we don't know yet until we do those tests but we did look into your family's medical history. We would like to test for one thing in particular. It's just a theory and I don't want you to get alarmed so relax. It might just be something we can treat with antibiotics." He said with a friendly smile on his face as he ushered a slightly confused and worried Jenny into another room. She sat down and within five minutes nurses were poking and prodding her with needles. They drew three vials of blood which made Jenny dizzy as she stood up to go into yet another room. This room was white, sterile and looked like somewhere you'd have an operation except for the uncomfortable hospital bed in the middle. They told her to sit down while they retrieved something from the other room. She did as she was told setting her purse down next to her and stared mindlessly at her hands wondering what in the world a bone marrow biopsy is. It sounded painful. Jenny absolutely despised needles; they scared her half to death. So when the doctor and nurse came back in the room with a needle the length of her hand she freaked out to say the least. Jenny's eyes widened and the color drained from her face. She laughed nervously as she sat petrified on the bed.

"Um no thanks I think I'll pass on the bone marrow biopsy." She said her voice shaky. The doctor smiled.

"There's nothing to be afraid of! We'll give you a pain killer so you won't feel anything and then insert the needle into the top part of your pelvic bone. You'll lay on your stomach and all you'll feel is some pressure." He said cheerily. Jenny had trouble swallowing and could feel the bile rising in her throat but quickly swallowed it.

"I don't do well with needles." She responded hoarsely but that didn't stop them from continuing the procedure.

Jenny sat numb in her office. Her back was aching dully from the hole the doctors had pierced through her skin and into her bone. They had given her painkillers for it but they were starting to wear off. She also had a small square of gauze on the inside of her elbow from the amount of blood they drew. On her back was also gauze that was uncomfortable but they insisted she keep it on and rub some stupid cream on it until it healed. She hated doctors. Just as she was about to rub the painful spot on her lower back Gibbs came bursting through her door making her jump and quickly pull her hand away. "Agent Gibbs we have doors for a reason!" She exclaimed as she settled uncomfortably in her chair. He looked her over curiously. Something is bothering her. He thought but didn't say anything about it.

"When were you going to tell me?" He asked her with an expressionless stare he did so well. She was confused. The doctor's appointment had strayed her thoughts elsewhere.

"What are we talking about?" She asked cautiously.

"The case Jen what else would we be talking about?" He asked curiously.

"I don't know. And what am I not telling you?" She asked seriously not knowing what was happening. He cocked an eyebrow at her but she just stared coldly back at him.

"That Diane would be the lawyer on the case!" He exclaimed, anger replacing the concern in his eyes. She broke out into a grin.

"Diane's the lawyer on the case?!" She questioned excitedly. Jenny liked to see Jethro squirm; this was going to be fun. She saw the confusion on his face and sighed answering his unspoken question. "Jethro I don't know these things! They send over whoever they want to send over and they don't run it by me!" She exclaimed still smiling. He looked uncomfortable as he grumbled something under his breath before storming out of her office. She giggled and followed him across the catwalk and down the stairs to the bull pen. There sitting in Gibbs's desk was Diane. The infamous Diane nobody liked to talk about was staring at the two as they walked towards her. Diane had dark red almost black hair, freckles and dull blue eyes. She smiled looking very relaxed as she eyed the rest of Gibbs's team. Ziva was trying to stay out of the fight that was sure to come, Tony was gawking, he had never met one of Gibbs's ex-wives and Tim had his head in his computer informing Abby of the current situation.

"Jethro it's good to see you again." She said smiling as she stood up to greet him. He just grunted in response. Jenny suppressed a laugh as she held out her hand to the other woman. "Nice to see you again too Jennifer." Jenny just nodded in response and inwardly cringed, she hated being called Jennifer and Diane knew that. They had met once; just before Jenny and Gibbs went on their mission to Paris their divorce was being finalized. Diane wanted to see who Gibbs's "Paris fuck buddy" would be as she put it. Jenny didn't mind, actually she laughed it off mumbling something far worse under her breath as Diane left.

"What are you doing here?" Gibbs asked coldly but he already knew the answer.

"I'm the lawyer Jethro. I'm always here." She said lightly as she picked up her briefcase off of his desk. He didn't say anything and neither did Jenny; she wanted to see how this would unfold. "I want to see my client." She said looking directly at Gibbs. He didn't trust himself to say anything so Jenny stepped in.

"Ziva why don't you take her." Ziva nodded and Jenny eyed her secretly telling her old friend to watch them. The Mossad ninja, as Tony liked to call her, directed Diane to interrogation. Once she had gone Gibbs gave the rest of his team and icy stare and they went back to whatever they were working on. Gibbs mumbled something about coffee and started walking to the elevator, Jenny followed.

"Well that was fun." She chuckled as the doors closed encasing them in the silver metal box. As they stood waiting for their floor Gibbs noticed the arm she was holding at her side. It had gauze on it. Worriedly he flicked the emergency stop on the elevator and turned to Jenny who looked at him.

"What's up with your arm?" He asked pointing to the inside of her right elbow. She gripped it protectively.

"Nothing Jethro I just had a doctor's appointment." Jenny said looking from her elbow then up to him. He raised an eyebrow skeptically.

"Since when do you go to the doctor? You didn't even go to the doctor when you took a round to the thigh!" He exclaimed referring to Paris. Memories flew to her mind when he mentioned that day.

"Jethro I thought we had passed the constant references to Paris." She said not looking at him and ignoring the question. Jenny didn't talk about Paris not because she hated Jethro. No far from it. She didn't talk about Paris because of the regrets that sprang freshly in her mind. She didn't talk about Paris because she would remember them as a couple and didn't want to upset herself further knowing it would never happen again. She didn't talk about Paris because if she did, every time she looked at him she would throw herself wildly at him, and it didn't help that they were in a small elevator alone. She quickly flipped the switch and swallowed trying the get the passionate memories out of her head.

Gibbs sighed quietly, he was trying to make her laugh not make her more upset! And now she wouldn't even look at him. He was trying to remind her of the good times they had together, why did she have to ruin every attempt he had at making her smile? He thought and suddenly became angry with her.

Jenny picked up on his distance from her as they walked into their favorite coffee shop. He's mad at me! She realized and wondered what she did this time to make him mad. It upset her that she didn't know what she did wrong and got up the courage to confront him about it as they left the café. "Why are you mad at me?" She asked bluntly. He stopped and turned to look at her.

"Who said I'm mad at you?" He asked innocently but there was ice in his eyes. She gave him an expression that said, Jethro stop lying to me I know your mad. He just walked away and she hurried in her high heels to catch up with him. In a huff she smugly walked faster than him in her stiletto's making him fume in anger. How dare she stick her nose up at me after making me feel like an ass in the elevator! He thought and like a childish fight they saw who could walk faster to NCIS. When they got back Jenny felt like crying. She wondered why he suddenly got mad at her but tried to ignore the question knowing it would never be answered. He does this a lot it doesn't matter. She thought and with a shrug she walked up to her office with her head held high. Little did she know he was thinking the same thing. She does this a lot it doesn't matter.