Author's note: hey guys :) So this is the last chapter :( so sad. I have had so much fun writing this story and really hope you all enjoyed it. Thank you so much to everyone who favourited, reviewed or reading this story, it means so much to me. A special thank you to both AlaskaForever and Apple-chan, who reviewed the whole way through :D! You guys are awesome!
The song in this chapter is Turn up the Music by Chris Brown.
AlaskaForever: Haha, :) You were very good at the character analysis, I didn't even know what was going to happen. (In fact Jarvis trying to kill them was a big surprise for me). :)
Apple-chan: I'm glad you liked it :), it was one of my favourites. Yeah, I loved how their reunion turned out :)
And so, for the last time, hope you all enjoy :)
A week after the events of the WIM fiasco found Nico and Pedro atop the Christ Redeemer Statue with Isobelle and Xiao Ming.
Having completely healed, Nico and Pedro had decided to live up to their word and had taken their friends on a grand tour of Rio de Janeiro. However, despite Nico's wing being healed, it was still weak from disuse, meaning that they had to stop frequently to let him rest. Not that any of them minded; every stop was a chance to take in more of the sights. Plus, every time they stopped, Pedro wasted no time in giving detailed information on everything around them, Nico adding in information every now and then.
So now they sat at the end of their tour on Rio's most famous statue letting their guests gape at the wonders around them.
"This place is amazing," Isobelle said. "No wonder you guys love it here. And the tour was brilliant! You could do it professionally."
"Indeed," Ming agreed before smirking, "You can even say it is world famous once we leave."
Pedro and Nico grinned at each other.
"Nico and Pedro's world famous tour of Rio de Janeiro," Nico said. "I like the sound of that."
"Not to mention," Pedro nudged him, "It'll be great for the hot wings. Look out ladies, cause the love hawk is on the hunt!" He let out a funny cawing sound, causing Isobelle to face palm.
"You'll never get a permanent girl with that attitude Pedro."
Pedro raised an eyebrow at her, "Who says I want a permanent girl? Nico and I prefer flying solo."
Nico nodded but Ming just smiled at them knowingly, "Ah, just you wait my friends, when you meet the one, that'll change."
Pedro and Nico looked at each other sceptically. "Ye-ah," Nico drawled. "I don't think so."
"We'll see," Ming said cryptically, causing Isobelle to smile.
"Oh I really wish I could be around to see the day you two do fall."
"Anyway," Pedro said hurriedly, getting off the uncomfortable subject of girlfriends, "we need to be getting back to the sanctuary. You guys are flying out today."
"Right," Isobelle brightened. "Let's go."
Rio airport was always bustling; full of people coming and going for holidays, business trips and reunions. Overhead, speakers called out plane flights, while all around was filled with the noise of people talking and planes taking off and landing.
In the centre of this chaos stood Tulio and two of his workers: one bound for Paris and the other for China. Each traveller carried a cage containing Isobelle and Ming, both who were excited to be going home.
On Tulio's shoulder perched Nico and Pedro who were happy and yet sad to see their friends go.
"Take care of yourselves," Nico said.
"You too," Ming nodded.
"Yeah," Isobelle added. "Don't go getting yourselves into any more trouble."
"Us trouble?" Pedro said, "What are you talking about?"
Everyone laughed at his statement.
"But seriously," Isobelle continued. "Please take care. We don't want anything else to happen to you. And thank you, for everything you've done."
"Yes," Ming added, "Truly, we are in your debt. We owe you our lives."
"No." Nico shook his head, "You guys saved us too. You owe us nothing."
Overhead the speaker blared, "Flight PFR169 to Paris, France is now boarding."
Isobelle's face lit up with excitement as the guy holding her shook Tulio's hand and prepared to leave. "Goodbye!" she called as he started moving. "I'll never forget you!"
Not long after they were out of sight the speaker then announced, "Flight XCR566 to Bei Jing, China is now boarding."
"Good bye my friends," Ming rumbled. "It has been an honour meeting you."
"You too bird," Pedro said as Nico nodded.
"And now," Ming smiled. "I'm finally going to see my family again. Thank you." He stared wistfully out the window as the lady holding him headed off.
"Come on guys," Tulio said to them. "Our work here is done."
Rafael landed outside Nico and Pedro's hollow early in the morning, only to panic slightly when he didn't find them inside. His panic subsided, however, when he heard a call of "Hey Rafi!" from behind him. He turned to see Nico and Pedro standing on a branch above waving down at him.
"Amigos!" Rafael called, "What are you doing up? After what happened you should make sure you're getting all the rest you can."
Pedro shook his head, "Nah, after what happened we decided to make the most of Rio while we can. Isn't that right Nico?"
Nico nodded.
Ironic, Rafael thought. Our logic has completely reversed. And to think: all it took was being bird-napped for a week and a near death experience.
"Besides," Nico continued. "We needed to practise."
"Ah," Rafael nodded. "Your first performance back is today, isn't it. How long has it been?"
"It's been a month since we got out," Pedro said softly.
Silence fell around them.
"You know you don't have to perform yet right? No one will blame you if you don't," Rafael told them.
Nico shook his head. "No, we're still going to do it. It's just something we need to do. You know?"
"Alright," Rafael conceded.
"So, you coming?" Pedro asked.
"Wouldn't miss it," Rafael told them.
The Branch was packed. News had spread like wildfire that Pedro and Nico had their first performance back today, causing numerous birds to flock to the club. Everyone wanted to see Nico and Pedro perform after so long and to also see how the pair were fairing; which meant there were several more birds than usual at the club. Not that Tipa minded; he was just happy to see the two back and healthy. Too not mention that they still wanted to perform. They were his headliners after all. When they arrived, he greeted them with a bone crushing hug, leaving the two breathless.
After that they had made their way to a secluded corner with Rafi, deciding to ease their way back into things (they got a lot less bone crushing hugs that way).
Not long after, Blu had entered looking dazed. He barely paid attention as he made his way over to the other three.
"Yo Blu what's up? You look out of it," Nico greeted him.
"You come to see our performance?" Pedro asked. "And where's Jewel?"
Blu shook himself off a little, "Sorry guys, she wanted to come but couldn't make it."
"Aww," Pedro and Nico pouted. "Why not?"
"She-" Blu ran a wing through his crest. "You're never going to believe this, but she laid eggs. Three of them. I'm – I'm going to be a dad." The others couldn't decide if Blu looked more proud or scared at that statement but they didn't dwell on it long as they excitedly congratulated the Macaw. "Thanks guys," Blu smiled. "We also wanted to know: would you three like to be their uncles?"
"Dude of course," Pedro practically exploded while Nico vehemently nodded and Rafael exclaimed, "Absolutely."
"Fantastic! Anyway, I have to go after your performance. I need to get back to Jewel."
"No problem," Pedro told him.
"Speaking of performance," Nico looked at Pedro, "we need to get backstage. See you guys after." They waved as they flew off.
Backstage of the Branch, Nico let out a long breath to release the uncomfortable nerves that had built up.
"You okay?" Pedro asked.
"Yeah," Nico nodded, "Just nervous."
"Me too," Pedro admitted.
Nico paused before continuing. "It's just that after what we went through, the thought of performing again scares me a little. And yet, at the same time, I know I have to do this. I have to make sure… I can still do it," Nico trailed off.
"I know," Pedro said softly. "I feel the same way." An applause sounded from outside. "Looks like we're on," Pedro said. "And Nico, don't worry. We'll be alright and we'll face whatever comes together."
Nico just nodded before they flew out. Taking a deep breath he let the music take over.
The lights came up and Nico sang, "Turn up the music cause this song just came on.
Turn up the music if they try to turn us down.
Turn up the music. Can I hear it till the speakers blow?
Turn up the music, fill your cup and drink it down."
Pedro took over, getting the crowd involved, "If you're sexy and you know it, put your wings up in the air.
Put your wings up in the air. Put your wings up, wings up, wings up, wings up.
If you're sexy and you know it, put your wings up in the air.
Put your wings up in the air. Put your wings up and."
"Turn up the music," they sang together.
"Just turn it up louder," Nico added.
"Turn up the music."
"I need it in my life yeah."
"Turn up the music."
"Just turn it up louder."
"Turn up the music."
"I need it in my life yeah."
"Woah-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-ohhh," they sang.
"Turn up the music."
"Turn up the music. T-turn up the music. T-turn up the."
"Turn up the music cause the sun just came up." Pedro took over now.
"Turn up the music if they try to turn us down.
Turn up the music cause I'm tryna hear the speakers blow.
Turn up the music, fill your cup and drink it down."
"If you're sexy and you know it, put your wings up in the air," Nico sang.
"Put your wings up in the air. Put your wings up."
"Put your wings up, wings up, wings up, wings up."
"If you're sexy and you know it, put your wings up in the air.
Put your wings up in the air. Put your wings up and."
"Turn up the music."
"Just turn it up louder."
"Turn up the music."
"I need it in my life yeah."
"Turn up the music."
"Just turn it up louder."
"Turn up the music."
"I need it in my life yeah."
They started up another round of woahs, getting the audience involved this time as they flew overhead.
"Turn up the music."
"Turn up the music."
"Save my life," Nico sang.
"Just dance with me."
"All I wanna do is party, so DJ turn it up.
Girl dance with me."
"Just dance with me."
"Girl come on dance now.
I really wanna dance now.
Baby come on dance now."
"T-turn up the."
"Turn it up."
"Just dance with me."
Pedro landed on the dance floor, taking up the space with his infamous moves.
"Turn it up."
"Just dance with me."
"Turn it up."
"Just dance with me."
"Turn it up."
"Just dance with me."
"Turn it up."
"Just dance with me."
"Turn it up."
"Just dance with me."
"Turn it up."
"Just dance with me."
"Turn it up."
Together they flew back up to the stage before they launched once more into the chorus, "Turn up the music."
"Just turn it up louder," Nico added.
"Turn up the music."
"I need it in my life yeah."
"Turn up the music."
"Just turn it up louder."
"Turn up the music."
"I need it in my life yeah."
"Turn up the music."
"Turn it up."
"Just dance with me."
They continued singing, just enjoying everyone jumping along with the music and having a good time.
"Turn it up."
"Just dance with me."
"T-t-turn it up."
"Just dance with me."
"Turn it up."
"Just dance with me."
"Turn it up."
"Just dance with me."
"T-t-turn it up."
"Just dance with me."
"Turn it up."
"Just dance with me."
"T-t-t-t-t-t-turn it up."
"Just dance with me."
"Can't stop the music."
Nico and Pedro finished to a massive round of applause. They still had it.
Looking out at the sea of faces before him, Nico felt content. He knew things would never be quite the same. But as he felt his brother's presence beside him and saw Rafael's proud face in the crowd next to the new father-to-be Blu, both who were clapping and cheering away, the Canary didn't mind. He had his friends; he had his family; he had his freedom; and he still had his love of music. And for now, that's all that mattered.
Tada :). I really hope you enjoyed that. Just a small note, the first section of this chapter was a bit of a link in to the story that comes after this, Nightingale (Which I've already written) so don't worry if it didn't make complete sense.
Thank you all again for reading this :) Hopefully I'll have some ideas for a sequel maybe. But for now, I'm going to take a little bit of a break from my writing and focus on my novel for a bit. Until next time,
Candlestic :)