I do not own Powerpuff Girls.

CAUTION: I love Bubbles and I really wanted to explore a range of emotional ups and downs with her, so she's very emotional in the beginning until she learns to get a handle on it. I hope for those of you who also love Bubbles will stay with her journey during this fanfic. Thank you.

Bubbles is heartbroken when Boomer chooses the Rowdyruff Boys over her, so she's decided to move on. But will moving on mean going back to him?

I'm Over You

Chapter 1: Done

You promised we'd be together forever. You promised that nothing could come between us. You're a liar, Boomer.

You cared too much about what your brothers thought. Not that I could judge that because once upon a time I cared too about what my sisters would say if they saw me with you, but I still told them. I stubbornly refused to let them accept any other reality except for one where you and I were together.

I see you, flying with them as one of the Rowdyruff Boys. It breaks my heart to see you playing with your golden blonde hair and watch as you glare at me like this whole time we've been nothing but enemies.

Did you ever love me?

"Get 'em boys!" Brick announces. Butch wastes no time slamming into Buttercup and taking her down. Blossom watches her counterpart with a calculating eye before they go head to head.

I meet your eyes as you dawdle on what to do. It's only for a moment, but it's a moment too soon. Your mind never crossed the possibility of not attacking at all.

You slam into me and I spin to use your own momentum and throw you off. I can't see because of all the tears in my eyes and I realize…

I realize I will never talk to you like we're boyfriend and girlfriend ever again.

Bubbles opens her eyes and tries to blink the sleep away from them. She's still nursing the wounds she got yesterday from the Rowdyruff Boys, Boomer in particular.

The name leaves a bitter taste in her mouth and she stretches to try to think of something else. Like how Buttercup is playing with one of her scabs (how many times has she told her that it's gross!?) and Blossom is studying last minute for a test that they're going to take in history class today. It's the only class they all have together.

"Woo!" Buttercup suddenly yells as she hops onto her green bed. "We're turning sixteen in ten days! Yeah, yeah!"

Blossom rolls her eyes as Bubbles giggles.

"Bubbles, you better get ready for school. We have to leave soon."

"Kay!" Bubbles bounces from her bed to the closet in seconds. Their bedroom is quiet for a few minutes before Blossom feels the need to talk about yesterday.

"So… Bubbles… Just so you know we're here for you no matter what."

"You don't need that asshole." Buttercup puts in.


Bubbles giggles again as she smiles widely at her sisters. It fills her up how supportive they are, even when it feels like her heart has been thrown into a blender and her face punched.

She feels her face; her lower lip is bigger than normal. Well, she DID get punched in the face yesterday.

"I'm okay."

"No you're not." The two protest.

"I just need to move on." Bubbles attempts to shrug off like Buttercup would. "He wasn't right for me anyway." She tries to reason like Blossom.

"He had no right to fight you. He couldn't even pretend?" The redhead scolds to no one as she sets about putting her school things in her backpack.

"He's a coward!" Buttercup roars. "He doesn't deserve Bubbles and he never did!"

Bubbles comes out of the closet in her outfit for the day. She's determined to move on from the conversation and she doesn't want to cry anymore about he-who-shall-not-be-called-by-his-name-anymore.

"Blossom! Can you do my hair?"

"Of course!"

"Bleh!" Buttercup complains. "Girly stuff."


During lunch the blonde's cell phone vibrates.

I'm really sorry about yesterday.

Bubbles can't help the quiver in her lip, but she's saved from forgiving him when Buttercup snatches the phone. "Give me that!"

No, you're not.

How can I not be? I love you.

If you loved me you wouldn't have hit me.

Buttercup thinks that it's the perfect thing for Bubbles to say and she's glad she hit send. She thinks the whole conversation should wrap up after that, but Boomer replies again.

You know how hard it is. We're the bad guys and you're the good guys. How can it ever be anything different?

Blossom snags the phone just as Buttercup goes off on an angry rant about improving prisons so super powered villains can't break out or to initiate the death penalty in Townsville. Bubbles worries over what's going on in the conversation she can't see.

It can be different if you CHOOSE to be different.

I can't choose to be different! I was made this way.

Then it's a good thing we're broken up.

Bubbles wait!

"Phone call from… Boomer." The cell phone announces. Blossom fiddles with the device. "Boomer is blocked from this number. He will not be allowed to call again. Do you want to block another number?"

Bubbles heart sinks as she's handed back her phone. Buttercup is overjoyed that Blossom got the last word in, but all Bubbles can think is maybe, maybe if she forgave him things could be different.

He could change… right? He could choose to not be so bad and be the sweet, goofy boy she fell in love with? The one she still loves.

"Come on, I'll walk you to class." Blossom smiles towards Bubbles.

Bubbles can't help but think if she was prettier, smarter, or even stronger… she thinks that if she were someone else rather than herself that Boomer would have had no problem telling Brick and Butch that they were a couple.

If she were someone else he would have held true to his word that he would never hurt her.

But she wasn't anyone else. She was Bubbles Utonium, so all she was left with was broken promises and two sisters who were trying very hard to protect her from being hurt anymore.

The rest of the day goes by in a boring blur. Bubbles guesses that all days can't be exciting, though she starts to feel claustrophobic in between her sisters on the way home. It was about now she would usually fly straight towards the secret meeting place, but she wants nothing to do with that place now.

Bubbles hiccups as she tries not to cry. She had been brave all day, but she feels so lonely that the dam broke. Blossom guides her as Buttercup hisses threats to Boomer under her breath.

Is this how life was supposed to be? The blonde wonders. Was she supposed to give up on the only boy she ever loved because of one tiny little problem? Maybe she should go to the meeting place… Maybe she should forgive him. Better yet, she feels like she should beg him to forgive her. How could she be so mean?

The feeling of suffocation comes over her when neither Blossom nor Buttercup will allow her to go off and see Boomer. They watch her like a hawk as she mopes and stomps throughout the house like a little child, complaining about how they don't understand and that he loves her, he really does. It's just hard when they're on separate sides.

"If I can only just-"

"No, Bubbles."

"But he might be waiting there for me!" Bubbles wails.

"It doesn't matter." Blossom folds her arms. "What's done is done."

"You don't want to be a doormat, do you?" Buttercup adds.

"I'm not a doormat!"

"You're acting like one you big baby!"

"Forgiving someone is not being a doormat! It's offering understanding and kindness and-"

"We understand that Bubbles, but… Well, we're just worried about you. If you give it some time maybe he'll come around and tell Brick and Butch about you two."

"Really?" She asks as she plops on her bed holding Octi.

"I wouldn't hold my breath."



Bubbles sighs. "I just…"

"We know." Blossom hugs Bubbles. "Let's sleep together like we did when we were kids. That will make you feel better."

"No night light." Buttercup demands.

Bubbles makes a sound in between a cry and a laugh and she's happy, she's really happy for a moment surrounded by her sisters.

Then she remembers Boomer and it starts all over again.

The blonde wonders if there will ever be a time where she'll be truly happy again. She wants to know if she'll ever be in love again, but she's still in love now.

She wonders why Boomer didn't come to see her.

Okay, so this style of writing is a little different to me. Usually I write in a kind of past tense version rather than present so it feels a little awkward. Second, I'm not too sure about my Boomer text speak. I mean, I easily understand what I could write for Brick and Butch (since they're so demanding), but Boomer is a little harder for me to write. I hope I didn't disappoint.

Review please!