Yup! My little cupcakes must love me! You all seem to be enjoying this fic! Okay… all I ask of you is that you tell me what anime out of the ones I have listed on my profile thing I should make a fic of, please!
On with the show!
"Okay, what do you think I should wear?" Lucy asked as her, Erza, Levy, Juvia, and surprisingly Freed, walked into her apartment.
"Well… how about this?" Erza said as she held up a short, pink skirt.
"Oh! That's cute! What shirt though?" She asked while pacing back and forth.
"How about this one?" Levy asked holding up a red tank top with a blue rose on the front of it.
"Yes, I think that will do nicely." Freed commented.
"No offense but, why are you here Freed?" Lucy asked.
"I had nothing better to do, so I came with you." He said nonchalantly.
"Juvia thinks you should call Cancer to do your hair." Juvia said.
"Oh yeah, okay. While he's doing my hair, you pick out some shoes Juvia. I can't wear just any old shoes with this outfit." Lucy said, then she opened the gate of Cancer, and he did her hair.
Her hair is like when her and Natsu had to wear matching outfits.
"Oh it's perfect! Thank you." Lucy said.
Cancer went back to the spirit world.
Juvia came from the other side of the room and held up a pair of red flats, with flame stitching on them.
"Oh they're perfect Juvia! Wait… I don't have shoes like that, where did you get those?" Lucy asked.
"Juvia… brought them from her house… for you… now that you won't be her rival…" Juvia said shyly.
"Thank you Juvia!" Lucy said as she attacked Juvia with a hug.
"Ju-Juvia can't breathe!" Juvia yelled.
"Oh, sorry." Lucy said as she let go.
"Well, makeup time!" Levy exclaimed as she attacked Lucy with all sorts of different makeup items.
When she was all dressed and her makeup was done, she looked stunning.
She didn't have a lot of makeup on, just some light mascara, pink lip gloss, some blush, a little light pink eye liner, and some light orange eye shadow.
"Alright, oh my gosh! It's four fifty! I have to go!" Lucy sais as she rushed everyone out of her apartment, grabbed her keys, and locked the door.
She headed towards the park, and there was Natsu, sitting on a bench.
"Hey Luce!" Natsu called out.
She walked over to him.
"Hey Natsu, I'm here." Lucy said as she shyly walked over and sat next to him on the bench.
"Wow Luce! You look awesome!" Natsu yelled a little too loudly.
Some people stopped and stared at the two, a little more at Lucy.
Natsu scared them away with a glare.
"Alright Lucy, let's go for a walk!" He said as he pulled her up from the bench and started to walk.
"Hey Natsu?" Lucy asked.
"Yeah Luce?"
"Do you think you could slow down a bit?" She asked, she had been struggling to keep up, and he was holding her hand, almost ripping her arm off at that.
"Oh! Sorry Luce, I'm just kind of eager to get there." He said slowing down a bit, so Lucy could keep up.
"Where exactly are we going?" She asked.
"You'll see Luce." Natsu said with a wide grin.
Lucy just kept walking.
They started talking, and actually had a nice conversation.
"We're here!" Natsu exclaimed as they came to a stop.
Lucy looked around, they weren't in the park, they were at a spot next to the river, near her house.
"This is where you wanted to take me?" Lucy said.
"Look down." Natsu said.
She looked down, and saw at her feet, a picnic, by the river.
"Natsu! It's perfect!" She said.
There were candles, and roses, and right on the edge of the blanket, was the cutest little picnic basket Lucy had ever seen.
It had ribbons that looked like flames, woven into the basket.
The handle had little orange bows on it.
"It's all for you Luce." Natsu said.
Lucy smiled and sat down.
Natsu joined her, they started to eat.
While they were talking, Lucy didn't notice Natsu pull something from the bottom of the basket.
"Hey Luce…" Natsu said.
"Yeah Natsu?" Lucy asked with a bright smile.
"I got this for you." He said holding out a small box.
She took the box, and opened it.
Inside there was a small, simple, bracelet, with a small flame charm, and a small key charm.
"Oh Natsu, it's beautiful! Thank you!" She said as he took it from her hand, only to put it around her wrist.
"It isn't as beautiful as you Lucy." Natsu said as he leaned closer.
She smiled.
He got closer, and closer.
He kissed her, gently, her eyes fluttered closed as she kissed back.
They heard a boat going by.
"Don't fall in you two love birds!" A guy yelled from the boat.
Natsu just waved his hand at them, telling them they would be fine, and continued to kiss Lucy.
When they broke the kiss Natsu looked deep into Lucy's eyes.
"I love you Luce." He said.
"I love you too Natsu." She smiled, and he pulled her into another kiss.
Like, seriously, that's the end of it!
It is complete!
Lucy: Natsu! You kissed me!
Natsu: But you like the bracelet…?
Lucy: I guess…
Happy: Natsu! You traitor!
Natsu: *Throws a pillow at Happy and kisses Lucy*
Natalie: Stop throwing my bed pillows at Happy!
Natsu: Throws a pillow at Natalie and keeps kissing Lucy*Natalie: Not in my room! *Grabs her baseball bat and chases the two out of her room.* Are you okay Happy?
Happy: Aye… *Hugs Natalie and Natalie hugs back*
Natalie: I still have way too much free time, hope you like the story!