Chapter 21

Hey guys. This is, I'm afraid, Hiding's final chapter. This is the end. *sniff*. So here comes the giant thank you speech.

First of I think that fangirls (and fanboys) are one of the best examples of humanity. Slightly batty, extremely defensive, but the most welcoming, accepting, wonderful people out there. You are the reason this story continued until the very end. Without you, Hiding would never have happened. So I just want to say, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Thank you for every review, favourite, and follow. You made this story worth writing. Below, I have named every single person who reviewed. Virtual hugs to every single one of you.

Thank you to: Natrat99, suzypyong, HighOnLife, Tyluv3, Guest1, Jolieyxbl, jensoawesome, Flowerprincess16, Pinkgem22, PainfullyShy, ellerose77, Guest2, likeabirdthatflew, Guest3, Justine,Mcwriterpants, vampiremovielove, firstgreenisgold, TheReadingJedi, 10s9d, iegha, inga, beccalovesklaroline, Guest4, Prof3ss3r Marsi, Bullet2tm, Magicherry, ilyreid, Aishani108, freshly caught Cornish pixies, Guest5, SingLikeThere'sNobodyListening, sandiw1875, XxLost-In-The-EchoxX, jessnicole, n.a.r, PatriciaPlazz, Jed52, TheMainOriginalGroupie, MysticBlueberry, karmanli911522, IDon'tKnowMyUsername, sasusakufan2357, Girl96xoxo,HotHybridSex, SittingOnTheEdgeOfTheUniverse, little miss michelle, curllywurlly1, Guest6, Hazel21, April420, ballet101, Sissymac, cupcakesweetheart5, thelexy0025, SarahCullen4, castlefringereader, karmen238, sydney234, Guest7, wendar, Inkandtrees, Emily, Mah Luka.

Also thank you to the wonderful YourDreams who has faithfully translated every chapter into French. Merci Beaucoup!

"Did you really think it would be that easy?"

Caroline struggled, but she knew there was no point. Marcel's groupies probably had decades on her. She looked at Klaus who had seemed to have the same expression of grim confusion that she was probably wearing. Sophie was shocked also, but she also looked… conflicted.

"Such a pretty brooch you're wearing Hayley, love. So very useful to." Marcel said, as he sauntered towards her.

"I wasn't lying when I said it was an antique. But eh… I've had it updated. It's a bug in every sense of the world." He grinned as he plucked it from her dress.

"You see you had me fooled for quite some time, Hayley, or should I say Caroline. It was only this afternoon when I found out your real plans. But it was plenty of time to prepare for your little revolution here." He flicked his head towards one of the men holding her, and without a moment of hesitation he shot three wooden bullets into her neck and shoulder. She cried out and Klaus went to go to her, but Marcel through him back.

"I've been doing my research on your kind, Niklaus. I've heard, there's a stake. Powerful stake. So while I go search for that…" He whipped what looked like a spray can out of his coat and turned it on Klaus. Caroline turned away from his yelling. It wasn't something she was used to.

"Wolfsbane should keep you… in check." Klaus fell to his knees, before looking at Caroline. She almost didn't have the strength to look back.

"Now what to do with Sweet Caroline. You know, as much as I would love to keep you around, you have to be punished, and also… I think this is the only way to get through to Klausy. I'm the king." He raised the stake and Caroline knew it was meant for her heart. She closed her eyes and waited for the end, but it didn't come. She peeked through one eye and saw a tall dark shape restraining Marcel's arm. In one fluid motion he snapped Marcel's neck and he crumpled to the ground.

"Dick." muttered the familiar voice of Stefan Salvatore.

Sophie looked around the sea of faces, some familiar, most hostile. She continued to search until she found the face she was looking for. Elijah.

Probably knowing that he was being watched he turned and met her eye. She raised the phone slowly, knowing that he'd be able to read it. He focused for a tenth of a second before his face drained of colour. He gave a small nod, before taking down the two vampires holding him. Within five seconds he was beside her.

"We'd better get going then. I think the Scooby gang will be able to save themselves."

"Hayley? Where are you? Hayley?!" Sophie called sprinting from room to room, but Elijah held out an arm to stop her. He inhaled deeply. "The bathroom. She's in the bathroom. "

They ran down the short hall. Sophie retched at the smell of warm blood.

"We'll need towels. There's painkillers in the kitchen, and then if you could go compel a mid-wife that would be great."

Elijah nodded, before disappearing. Sophie tied back her hair, before marching into the bathroom.

Seeing their master fall, most of Marcel's groupies disappeared, Elena, Damon, Rebekah and Stefan managing to take care of the rest. Klaus was too busy feeding Caroline his blood and removing the bullets.

"Does it hurt anywhere else love? Tell me."

"No, I'm fine. Are you okay?" Klaus smiled as he helped her up. "Only wolfsbane, nothing I can't handle."

"What next?" called Stefan, as he through the last body onto the fire Damon had set up.

"Well, first we take care of Marcel, then… where's Elijah?" He asked confused as he looked around.

"Sophie's gone too…" Caroline muttered, before seeing the glint of metal on the pavement. Elena noticed it to and picked up the small phone.

"It's coming" she read out slowly. "This is Sophie's phone."

Klaus and Caroline stopped at the same moment.

"Hayley!" Caroline took off running and Klaus followed but Damon called him back.

"What do we do with Mr King over here?"

Klaus thought for minute then answered.

"Give him to the witches."

"Elijah! How is she? I mean, is it…?" Carline stammered peeling off her now bloodied cardigan.

"Yes Hayley is in labour. Sophie's in there now, with a nurse I compelled a while ago, just in case. I've had her on stand-by for the last week."

Caroline nodded, before catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror. It wasn't a pretty sight.

"I'm going to go and shower. Keep me posted."

Elijah nodded, before indicating the towels and basins he was holding. "I've been summoned, so I'd better get going." Caroline laughed before running back down to her bedroom.

Klaus sat on the couch, his chin resting on a very tightly clenched fist. He didn't just look deep in thought; he looked like he was contemplating life after death, while trying to divide 132 into a million. Caroline sighed, before sitting down beside him.

"Whatcha thinking about? Baby names?"

Klaus scoffed quietly before letting out his breath slowly. "I was actually thinking about what kind of abomination I'm forcing into the world now."

"It's not an abomination-" Caroline started but Klaus cut her off.

"Caroline, sweetheart, it's my child. How could it not be a monster?"

Caroline smiled gently. "Because it's not Klaus the Hybrid's child. It's Niklaus Mikaelson's child. So of course it's not a monster."

Klaus rolled his eyes. "Still not ideal."

"This is a happy moment. So smile grumpy."

It was then that Elijah walked into the room. Caroline could only describe his smile as goofy.

"Brother. A son. You have a son."

Klaus took a deep breath, before taking Caroline's hand. She shook it away.

"I'm not a part of this moment Klaus. If I was in there while you and Hayley cooed over the baby, I'd feel way to much like the other woman. - It would be more than I could bare." Klaus just nodded and kissed her softly. "You're the only woman Caroline. But I understand."

Elijah sat down at the table across from Sophie.

"You did well in there. Perhaps you should consider it as a profession." Sophie laughed into her coffee. "I did my best."

"I can't help but wonder why you didn't use your magic in there to help it along." He asked raising an eyebrow. Sophie shrugged. "Didn't think of it." She muttered quietly.

"Sophie. Tell me." He said gently and Sophie bit her lip.

"I used the last of my magic saving Caroline. I knew I would have none left; I lost most of my magic a while ago. I have a plan to get it back but…" She sighed. "I was saving that last bit in case I needed it. Now I have nothing to protect me."

"I'll protect you." Elijah said much to Sophie's shock. He looked a little shocked as well.

"I only meant…" he stuttered. Sophie smiled.

"Thank you."

Caroline passed the blood bag from hand to hand. She hadn't moved onto alcohol yet, but she knew it wouldn't be long.

She'd seen the baby yesterday. It was all Klaus, with fluffy blond hair, and blue eyes that looked like they were piercing into her very soul. A week had gone by, and still no names, but it wasn't from lack of suggestions. It was that nobody was sure what to call the miracle child.

"Hey Caroline, would you mind taking Hayley in her dinner? It's in the oven." Sophie asked as she shrugged on her jacket.

"Where are you going?"

"Oh, Elijah's taking me out to this restaurant he likes." She muttered.

"That's the third time this week." Caroline said suggestively.

Sophie was quiet for a moment. "Oh, shut up." She said with a blush as she swung out the door.

Caroline was still smiling to herself as she took out Hayley's dinner. She was still bed ridden- apparently giving birth to the original baby took quite a bit of energy.

"Hayley, it's time for din-dins." Caroline called sarcastically, only to find the nursery empty. The bathroom door was open and so was the large window. She gulped.

"Hayley?" she asked slowly wandering around the room. She jumped when the baby started crying.

"Shoot," She called, quickly running towards the crib.

"I'm sorry baby, did I wake you?" She asked gently as she lifted him out of the cot. I was just looking for your…mom." She finished as the piece of paper at the foot of the crib caught her interest.


Don't judge me. I know that you will anyway, but I just wanted to say that. I never asked for this. I never wanted this. But thing is I know that someday, you'd have prayed for this every night. So maybe in some ways, this is right.

He's your son, more than he ever was mine. I know you'll raise him better than I ever could, but more importantly I know that for you he'll always come first. I think, deep down I'm just too selfish to have a child. I wouldn't be able to give all that you can.

Name him William. That was your dad's name right? Tell him that I left for good reasons, or better yet that I died. Never tell him the truth. Never tell him that his mother was the were-slut who was just jealous. Jealous and stupid.

Tell him that I loved him in my own way. But never more than you do. And tell Sophie and Elijah and Klaus goodbye. But this good. This is better.



Caroline dropped the letter, before she sat down on the bed in shock, gently rocking the now asleep child in her arms.

"Caroline?" Klaus said softly as he walked into the room, slightly scared by the look on her face.

"Caroline, where's Hayley?"

Caroline looked up, her eyes blurred by tears.

"She's gone."


Caroline smiled as the blonde toddler waddled down the path after the butterfly.

To everybody else it just looked like a normal family. A young couple with their young child. Nobody would realise that the child could run faster than any animal, that he had senses like no other. That the father was a murderer, the King of New Orleans' underworld. Or that the mother was a vampire.

But Caroline knew different. And she knew that this family was stronger than most. That they would be together always. Always and Forever.

So yeah, Le Fin. I hope you enjoyed reading it, just as much as I enjoyed writing it. (cliché I know.)

I'm going to take a bit of a break before I post up that BlackFrost fic I was telling you about. I can tell you it's called Too Late, inspired by One Republic's Apologize, and that it's set post Battle of New York, and that you can start looking for it around the start-to mid September if you're interested.

Also I'll probably be writing more Klaroline fics once Season Five starts. Until then,

I've been BeneathaMoonlessNightand you've been reading Hiding.xoxo