Chapter 1: Feelings

A/N: Ok...I am new at this, so ya know, don't be judging...Reviews plz...This will be a few parts

Valkyrie sighed and slipped her dark hair behind her ear. She was finally over with Fletcher, but it left her lonely and depressed. Skul kept going on about how she was already twenty and she needed to take advantage of it, and although he was right, nothing seemed fun without someone to hang out with. Ghastly was busy searching Ireland for a cure to get the remnant out of Tanith, and Fletcher was plain out of the picture. She could hang out with Skulduggery, but she didn't want her secret feelings towards him to become obvious. This was one of the times she wished Tanith could be here cheering her up and making her laugh.

Valkyrie pulled herself from her thoughts and plopped onto the bed. She didn't bother to turn the lights on and grabbed her cell phone. She was just hoping there would be a message from someone, anyone who would talk to her. Her doubts on it were correct, so she just set the phone on the table and snuggled into the blankets.

As Valkyrie begun to drift off into sleep, she heard a strange noise…a familiar noise. Her heart raced as she turned and expected to see Skulduggery tapping on her window. Again, wrong. It was the tree outside tapping on the glass.

"Damn tree," she murmured and curled back up in the sheets.

Suddenly, she heard the same tapping again.

No, Valkyrie. It is just the tree. Skul's not there, she thought.

She finally listened to herself, ignored the noise, and attempted to sleep. That's when she heard the window open. She sat up facing the opposite direction of the window, and whispered urgently, "Skul? Is that you?"

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a figure in the shadows coming towards her. She started to shiver, but was rooted to the spot as fear swallowed her. Out of nowhere two gloved hands wrapped around her waist.

"Let…me…GO!"she screamed while struggling against the thin yet strong attacker.

Suddenly, she heard that velvety voice she loved so dearly.

"Wow, why so jumpy, Val?" Skulduggery laughed and set her down.

Valkyrie sent a death glare to the skeleton and punched him in the arm.

"Skul! I should kill you! Scaring a woman like that," she growled.

Skulduggery put his head down and chuckled. "Val, you can't kill what's already dead."

Valkyrie spun around and jabbed her finger in his ribs. "Oh, Skul. I'll find a way, trust me."

Valkyrie balled up her fists and stomped over to the light switch. Skulduggery shrugged his shoulders and gracefully made his way to a chair. Valkyrie flicked on a light switch and flinched at the sudden brightness. She made her way over to Skulduggery, straightened out her pajamas, and folded her arms.

Her dark eyes stared directly into Skulduggery's eye sockets as she asked, "Why are you here, Skul?"

Skulduggery quickly tilted his skull and rubbed his hands.


Skulduggery ran his hands down his skull. He sighed and said, "Val, have you been okay lately? You have been so distant from everyone. From me. I can't stand it, Val. It drives me crazy when you leave me."

Valkyrie blushed and stiffened up. "W-what are you s-saying Skul?" Valkyrie asked walking to the arm of the chair Skulduggery sat in.

Skulduggery sighed and tilted his head towards her.

"Val…I couldn't tell you. It would ruin the friendship between us and I don't want to lose that. Please understand."

Valkyrie looked at the floor sadly and muttered, "It's something bad isn't it? God…I wouldn't be surprised."

Skulduggery gave a sad laugh and stood up. "Well Val, I should get going. I have already woken you up and I have gotten your curiosity going. Good night, Val," he said tilting his skull and placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Please don't go," she pleaded looking up at him.

"What?" Skulduggery backed up a bit and stood there awkwardly with his hands in his pockets.

"Not like that, doof. I mean like a sleepover!" Valkyrie danced on her tiptoes and clapped her hands. Skulduggery was trying to piece together what just happened, while Valkyrie walked up to him. "PWEEEEEZ!" she begged pulling on his arms.

"Uh…Val…that's not a good idea, I am a guy. We don't talk about our crushes or paint our nails like you women. That would be awkward, okay? Now, I must be going. My meditating chair is missing my wonderful presence."

Valkyrie rolled her eyes and said, "That ego of yours…"

Skulduggery laughed and shrugged while taking a seat on the couch. "Eh, at least I am confident," he sighed leaning back.

Valkyrie laughed again and whispered to herself, "Yeah, a little over confident." Valkyrie rolled her eyes and plopped on the couch next to Skulduggery.

"I heard that, by the way," Skulduggery murmured, his skull inclined at Valkyrie.

She blushed and stood up. "Heh…Um…I'll be in the kitchen!" Valkyrie jogged through the kitchen door leaving Skulduggery alone.

"Damn. That was close back there," he murmured.

The awkward silence consumed the living room, so Skulduggery crept towards the kitchen door. He heard the microwave close, and slowly pushed the kitchen door open. Valkyrie hadn't noticed, and Skulduggery suddenly got an idea. As Valkyrie whistled to herself, Skulduggery sneaked up behind her. Valkyrie was very unaware as she opened the microwave door and pulled out the steaming pop corn. She reached up to grab a bowl from the cupboard, and suddenly turned around and kicked Skulduggery. Valkyrie was beginning to laugh, but Skulduggery grabbed her and she came falling down with him.

"Oh my god! Skulduggery, you doof!" She playfully punched the stiffened skeleton's shoulder as she realized she was on top of him. "Oh…Um, hi Skul…"

Skulduggery was frozen and dragged out, "Hi…Val. You are on top of me…"

Valkyrie rolled her eyes and replied, "No, really?" Skulduggery gave a nervous laugh. "Skul, mind letting me up?" she asked gesturing to the gloved hand holding her in place. Skulduggery snapped back into reality and noticed the hand.

"Oh…yes…sorry, Val."

She got up quickly and gave Skulduggery a hand. Skulduggery brushed his suit off and murmured, "I'll be in the living room…"

Valkyrie watched him leave with sad eyes, and face palmed. "Damn it," she muttered putting the now cold pop corn into the bowl. I am going to tell him tonight, she thought.

Ok, sorry for any mistakes...I know it's not that good, but it's my first time...Review please! XD

~ Em