Hello everyone, C.J here. Long time no see huh? I'm so so sorry it's been so long. Please allow me to explain my last year in hopes that you all will forgive me. For starters in the last year i have discovered that i am transgender, i.e male, and this lead me to stray away from my stories with a female oc. Second, i've been working on books and comics. That leads into why i'm coming back to these. I was getting so stressed about my books that i was starting to have mental breakdowns, and my girlfriend was starting to get worried about me, so she suggested I take on some side projects. Out of cutiosity i came back to and read sapphire and queen of theives, and lets just say i was crying and laughing hysterically. They were so bad I can't even. But i am happy to announce that i will officially be re writing Sapphire and Queen of Thieves and I will be finishing them this time. I'm still going to leave the originals up here, and i really really hope you will enjoy the re writes, i'm probably going to start with sapphire, don't worry Danni will still be Danni, and Robyn will still be Robyn but for future fanfictions my characters will probably be male. I'm glad to be back, and i really hope you al are happy to have me back.