Ok so this is le fourth chapter sorry for the delay and yada yada!~

And yeah sorry if this chapter is shitty and all so anyways without further shits here's chapter 4!


Title: BreakerZ

Summary: Natsu is a part of a famous band called "BreakerZ" Lucy a girl who has a big crush on Natsu didn't know that he is different when he is off stage. What will happen when Lucy started living with the band? & the boys thought the she is a rabid fan cause of Natsu's 1st impression leading the band to avoid her. Will Lucy give up or not? Is this the start of love rivalry? LUCYXMULTI

Chapter 4

"Natsu!" Lucy gasped eyes wide as she stared at his face with a tinted blush adoring her cheeks.

Natsu stared into her eyes and got lost again and cursed mentally scolding himself and closed his eyes at the pain.

Natsu groaned and opened his eyes to found himself face to face with Lucy.

Happy landed on his head.

"You liiiike her" The exceed whispered giggling a little. His eyes went wide and blushed at Happy's remark.

He stood up and grabbed Happy really fast on his head and squished his cheeks.

"NACHUUU!" Happy whined as he bite his finger and fled.

"Ita! That sneaky Neko~" Natsu said as he inspected his finger.

Natsu sighed as he let Happy go.

Lucy sat up and rubbed her forehead.

"Awwwie…" She mumbled as she continued to soothe it with her rubbing.

"You alright?" Natsu's deep irritated voice entered her ears as he too rubbed his forehead.

"Here" He said a little nice looking away a little.

"Hai, thank you Natsu" She said not really looking at him as she stood up with the help of his hand dusting her clothes clean.

Natsu felt a jolt ran through his system as he touched her hand he was about to withdraw his hand she did it first and fast.

'I better not make him hate me than he already does …' Lucy thought sadly as she pulled her hand quickly away from his.

"I'm sorry I bumped into you for the second time and-" Lucy started rambling again getting nervous around him again.

"It's fine and it's my fault anyways and… I'm… Sorry" He said cutting her off and mumbled the last part and with a tiny blushed adoring his cheeks in embarrassment.

Natsu saw Lucy looked up smiled a little.

"Don't get this the wrong way alright? Just keep your distance and will be cool ok?" He said giving her a glance and she nodded and bowed.

"Hai…-" She said nervously being in front of her crush.

With that Natsu left and smirked. Going up stairs.

"-I know you don't like me but, Why is my heart still beating fast even though you totally don't like me?" Lucy whispered as she looked down sadly as she sighed.

"I'm hopeless" Lucy pouted.

Another day at school and Lucy manage to make friends with people namely Erza.

Erza's nice and really pretty but don't get to her nerves cause she is the council president and she can be really scary sometimes.

Another one is Juvia the captain of the swimming team for girls she is nice and shy when around someone she likes and last Cana.

Cana's a real party girl who loves to drink and party till morning but doesn't hook up she just doesn't take things seriously she just loves to have fun all in common they all are good friends with BreakerZ. Well Lucy is a bit good terms with them a little though.

Lucy smiled as she heard the bell rang at least she has new friends. Well kinda?

"It's time to go home" She said kinda missing the boys presence around her and this is the first dinner she will have together with Loke.

She was about to close her locker but someone closed it for her with a loud bang.

"So you're the girl who is fawning over our boys huh?" A girl said eyeing up Lucy up and down with disgust.

"You better stay away from Natsu and the others if you don't want a beating" Another said filing her nail.

"Yeah they are ours! Got that kimpatsu! (Blondie)" A third said twirling her hair as she pulled it rough a little for Lucy to winced and the other girl agreed making them 5.

Lucy mustered her courage and moved away from them.

"Look they are not things for you to own and please if you like them treat them equally if you guys want them to notice you" Lucy said fighting back.

"Like you don't huh?! How dare you speak when your doing exactly the same" The girl said pushed Lucy to the locker roughly and she winced a little.

Lucy winced and wriggled but the other girls held her.

"Let go of me!" She said protesting.

"No way~ this is for sitting with my Natsu! Slut!" She said and slapped her right cheek roughly and Lucy winced as she felt it sting and it hurt.

She clenched her teeth tears threatening to fall from the corner of her eyes. Not because she is weak it stung really bad and it hurts.

"Awww… Kimpatsu gonna cry?" Another teased.

"Tsk.." Lucy looked away strengthening herself up.

"Acting tough huh! Well this one is for my Gray-sama you bitch!" She said and was about to give her another slap but a hand grabbed her arm and yanked her away from Lucy a little roughly.

"G-Gray-sa-sama!" The girls squeaked in surprise to find Gray Fullbuster in front of them.

"Get lost and don't bother Lucy again got it?" He said with his deep dark voice.

"Demo Gray-sama~" The girl started using their charm trying to change Gray's mind.

"Leave now!" He said a little loud as they batted their eyelashes trying to change his mind he just glared harshly at them his eyes telling them to leave.

And the girls ran away and glared at Lucy.

"This is not the last Kimpatsu" The girl mumbled walking away with her friends.

"Tsk" Gray said as he saw them leave.

"You alright?" He asked a little concern all this happened cause she was with them at lunch. Gray looked at her and smiled a little as he heard what she said about them a while ago.

"Umm… hai I'm fine" She said and rubbed her head awkwardly.

"It doesn't look fine" Gray said as he cupped her chin and moved her face sideways and poked it with his finger and Lucy flinched cutely and turned red.

"Liar it hurts ne?" Gray asked as he chuckled a little and grabbed her hand and made their way to the infirmary.

"Here at least make the swelling stop" Gray said handling her a bag of ice since there was no nurse at this time.

"Thank you" Lucy said as she placed the bag on her cheek and flinched a little and Gray came closer and inspected it.

"Ita~" Lucy moaned a little at the pain cause it stings.

"Tsk, It's still swollen and red" He mumbled getting pissed at the one who slapped her.

Lucy blushed as she noticed that she could feel his breathing on her face and Gray noticed her face turned red and backed away from him. Trying to keep her distance cause she doesn't want Gray hating on her too.

"Are you alright? Now your red" He said concerned touching her forehead with his hand finding her adorable and cute right now.

"Am I yeah I'm fine! I'm fine" Lucy said stumbling a little and grabbed her bag and tripped was about to fall but Gray caught her.

"Be careful alright?" He said chuckling as he stared into her hazel eyes getting lost.

"I'm sorry" he mumbled gazing at her eyes as he apologized cause of them she is getting hurt by those sluts at school.

"It's fine I mean you don't have to apologize and all" Lucy said quickly and removed herself away from him blushing as she felt his tone body pressed up on him with 4 buttons unbutton on his shirt cause he didn't really like wearing one but Erza will kill him if he took it off 4 buttons off will suffice for him now.

Gray laughed a little at her antics and noticed why she blushed.

"Saa, Let's go home and Lucy" Gray said and pointed his finger a little distance from her swollen cheek.

"Ita~" Lucy winced cutely as she looked towards Gray and collided with his finger at her red cheek and it stings.

"Haha! ~" Gray laughed at her cute reaction.

"It hurts ya know" Lucy said pouting and squinting her eyes while backing away from him.

"Can't help it sorry~ you make cute faces whenever I touch it" Gray said gazing at her.

Lucy just blushed and looked away and fixed herself and went ahead of him.

'Not Gray toooo! NO I'm assuming too much he just compliment me what's the big deal! I must keep distance, I know they don't like me they are just being nice to me that's right being nice!' Lucy said scolding herself. (What a lucky girl XD)

He chuckled and followed her on the way home.

'She ain't half bad' He thought.

"Eh what's going on?" Lucy said as she looked at around the mansion to find the maids and butlers are arranging the mansion. Decorating flowers around the room, laying the red carpet on the floor, setting up the stage and all.

"It's Loke's welcome home party" Gray said simply and looked around to see the other boys are dressed on white tux.

"But I thought-" Lucy said and suddenly Loke came out nowhere and scooped Lucy in his arms carrying her bridal style surprising Lucy and Gray.

"Hime, now lets get you dolled up and who did that to you? Is it Gray? GRAY you idiot!" He said hotly as he leaned down on her face making her blush.

"Bu-But I thought it was just a normal dinner. It's an accident. Gray didn't do this" Lucy said backing up her face away from Loke.

"This is the definition of Loke's party and I did not do that BAKA!" He said and bonked Loke on the head for him to let Lucy go.

"Ah! Hime-sama! Your finally back come with me Hime-sama and lets get you ready" Virgo said popping out of nowhere and lead her to the beauty room where all the dresses and make up is done there.

"Wait Virgo Hime? Eh?" Lucy said confused why Virgo called her Hime.

"It's Loke-sama's orders" She said simply and dragged her away.

"Aw that hurt Gray" Loke said rubbing his head and recovered quickly as he waved and winked at Lucy charmingly at her retreating figure.

"Uhh I think this dress is too much" Lucy said looking at herself in the large mirror all dolled up for Loke's so called welcome-back-dinner-party.

"It looks perfect Hime" Virgo said clasping her hands together but her face stayed poker.

"Hmm..." Lucy said and turned left and right to check.

Lucy is wearing a black long gown that hugged her curves and showed her back and a V cut diving the front to show a decent amount of cleavage of hers and her hair is tied up on a beautiful stylish bun with her bangs on the side. She wore a silver necklace that rested in between her cleavage and she wore a sparkling silver heels and a light natural makeup to finish the look and covered the swollen a little on her cheek.

"Don't worry Hime Natsu-sama will love it especially Loke-sama" Virgo said suddenly. Lucy blushed.

"Virgo!" Lucy blushed but she hoped that Natsu would like it though. But who is she kidding he doesn't like her as she heard it from him personally.

"You liiike theeemm~" Virgo teased.

"Why do everyone roll their tongues like that?" She said mumbling while blushing.

"Hime it's time" Virgo said as she checked her wristwatch and opened the door for Lucy too enter downstairs and Virgo not seeing she is moving she started pushing Lucy out the door.

"Wait I'm not yet mentally prepared and-" Lucy said as she was pushed by Virgo out and clashed to someone's warms chest.

"Aww...Why do I keep on crashing to people?" Lucy mumbled as she looked up and was about to apologize to the person.

Rouge's POV

"Lucy?" I said with my deep voice and grabbed her shoulders to support her.

Lucy looked up to me and started apologizing.

"Rouge! I'm sorry I mean I'm really sorry-" Lucy started rambling again as she stepped away from me and loose her balance cause of the heels and I caught her wrist and pulled her close to my chest and I can't help but felt my cheeks got warm at her being close to me like this.

"It's fine no need to apologize" I said getting amused and fight my blushed down at her and pulled away to check her appearance if she got hurt or anything.

I noticed that I was checking her out and I wanted to kill myself. She looked down she must felt uncomfortable at me for staring at her. Way to go me! I scolded myself.

Shit gotta make this situation not awkward.

"Don't be embarrassed you looked great" I said cupping her face and gave her a gentle smile and hooked my arm on her arm and nugged her.

"Why are—" Lucy started.

"To escort you come on I can't leave a beautiful lady alone while going down" I said chuckling as he led her down the stairs covered with red carpet.

Well that went well? I think? Good thing she didn't protest. I sighed mentally in relief.

Normal POV

"Wow" Lucy said in amazed as she looked at the beautiful mansion decorated and looked to her left and right noticed allot of different people looking rich some even famous and she suddenly felt nervous cause it has really been a while since she dressed this way and went to party this sophisticated.

Rouge's POV

I noticed her nervousness and leaned in.

"Just relax your with me alright?" I said trying to making her feel at ease.

Lucy nodded and thanked me as we made our way to the crowd where all the people are talking partying and eating.

"Want something to eat or drink?" I asked Lucy.

Normal POV

"S-ure, Just juice" Lucy said smiling at him and she wondered why the hell is he nice to her. Well he is nice but this nice?

He nodded was about to leave but he heard his name.

"Rogueeee! Have you seen my Hime I can't fi—" Loke approached him but his eyes shined as he saw Lucy behind Rogue and passed by him and suddenly lifted Lucy's hand and pulled her close to him.

Rouge just glared at Loke and shrugged.

"May I say you look really ravishing tonight my Hime" He said purring and dragged her to the dance floor.

Lucy's eyes widen as Loke pulled her and placed his hands on her hip and on her hand and he place her hand around his neck wanting to feel her close.

"Loke-san" She said getting embarrassed as she felt people staring at them some cooing some jealous.

"Come on it's my party at least let me dance to the most beautiful lady in this room for tonight" He said winking at her through his glasses.

"Fine" Lucy kinda glared at him. She kinda hated his playboy antics but it's really romantic Lucy like that but hated the play boyish part thought but that's what made him Loke and she just sighed and followed his lead.

Loke twirled her around and spun her back to his arms and dipped her low.

"Wew I'm impressed you good Hime" He said leaning down letting their nose lingered for a moment. Looking into her eyes and he was leaning closer and closer.

Loke's POV

She looks really beautiful. I want to kiss her I've never felt this way before since Aries broke up with me. Shit my heart is beating fast. NO! I can't fall for Lucy. I promised myself I'll continue being a playboy.

I have to lean in and kiss her. I want to taste her. I bet she taste like strawberries and honey. I thought fantasizing. I feel disappointed as she pulled herself gently away from me slipping away from my arms.

But no can do she is starting to feel uncomfortable with my touch.

Arrrghhh! Baka me stupid Loke! I scolded myself as she turned to face me.

Lucy's POV

I blushed and pulled myself back and bowed at Loke.

"Thank you for dancing with me" I said feeling flustered at his romantic gestures and the way he held me it was so romantic.

"I have to go to the t-toilet" I said excusing myself out of his sight and bowed again..

I sighed and made it to the toilet and looked at myself in the mirror and wew I think this is the time I appreciated myself I looked beautiful thanks to Virgo.

I pulled some strawberry mint lip gloss and applied some on my lips and checked myself for the last time and went out. But I don't want yet to go back to the party I'll just feel left out and all.

I decided to go to the garden instead and sit and maybe look at the stars for a bit.

Normal POV

Loke chuckled at her.

"She is something" He said running a hand through his hair and went back with the boys to chat.



Review and yeah I don't really know what will happened next so yeah who do you want to end up with Lucy just a question but yeah just asking you guys to those who have their own LucyXdude pairing personally I like well yeah… I think it's kida obvious LOL!~

So anyways review drop it and tell me ur thoguhts kay?