A/N: Okay... so a great big helping of awkwardness and plenty of giggles! I hope you enjoy kiddies!
Chapter Ten: Meet the Family
My fifth birthday, the only one I had ever celebrated. I wouldn't have even known about it if it wasn't for my teacher, who had announced it to the class. The other children laughed at me for not knowing, but my teacher seemed disturbed. Her face had darkened, and there was a pain in her eyes that didn't belong.
I wanted to make that pain go away; after all she was always kind to me. So, I smiled up at her, giving her my best and brightest smile. There was a flicker of emotions through her eyes, and I could've sworn I almost saw a tear forming. Even at such a young age, I had always been good at reading people.
"Ms. Cameron, why are you sad?" My slightly too high voice asked. I had long ago learned to ignore the jeers from the other students, and she seemed to notice this. My attention was focus solely on her, and it wasn't forced in the least. Her clear green eyes met mine, and for the first time I felt as if she was really seeing me.
I wasn't the broken little girl everyone pitied. Long ago I had learned what being weak meant. After all, my mother was weak, and she constantly let my father hurt her. At the time I didn't understand his actions, I only understood they caused her pain, but that was back when she loved him.
When Mother stopped loving Father, her eyes grew cold. I never wanted my eyes to reflect that. Instead, I hardened them, and built walls up in my mind. In those walls I locked away all my pain and sadness, and eventually it stopped hurting.
However, no one can lock their emotions away forever, and that was why I learned to use my emotions as fuel, to live. All the pain and misery, it simply fueled my desire to live.
September 26, Thursday; 1:04 am
I finally found the courage to search Bruce's face; he seemed to still be processing everything.
"Being a dragon gives me strange abilities. I can share my memories, heal faster than any human, and manipulate fire. Does that help?" I knew he was trying to get a handle on my abilities, and that my memories weren't always very clear.
He simply stood there. It was as if he was filing this information away in some secret files in his brain. I took the time to study his face; after all it might be the last time I got to see him so close up.
His firm jaw made him seem serious, strong, and he is. His dark eyes were partly glazed over at the moment, but I had the oddest feeling he knew everything that was going on around him. His dark hair hung loosely on his forehead ever so slightly. I brushed back a stray strand and felt my eyes fall on his lips; his delicious lips that set my world a blaze.
Without thinking, I used my wings to float ever so slightly, and gently pressed my lips to his. He didn't respond at first, and I felt a small tear escape my eye. Then he held me, wrapped up in his embrace, and was kissing with more passion than ever before.
We pulled away after a few moments; my head was still spinning after. My breath came in huffs, and I met his eyes for a brief moment. He held question, yet understanding, in his gaze. I felt he could see into my very soul. The feeling both frightened and excited me. I wanted him to know all of me, but I was afraid of rejection.
"Aris..." He called me by my favorite name, his voice breathy in tone. I allowed my feet to touch the ground again, and held his gaze with one of my own.
"I love you Bruce, all of you." I said the words I so desperately wished to hear from his lips. I loved him, and still do.
"Aris... I..." The uncertainty showed in his eyes, and I'm sure the hurt showed in mine. I bowed my head, unable to face him, and turned to leave. I felt as if my world was slowly falling apart. Everything was crashing down around me. Funny how falling in love, and the feeling not being mutual, can crush the life out of someone.
"It's okay, Bruce." My voice cracked slightly, no matter how hard I tried. I couldn't muster up the strength to fly, so I folded my wings into my back. A firm hand grasped my wrist and spun me around.
"Aris..." Bruce mumbled as he crashed his lips to mine. His lips were rough but warm against my own. Bruce wrapped one arm around my waist, pulling me as close to him as possible.
"Bruce..." I moaned softly and tangled my left hand in his hair. His dark locks were so soft and silky to the touch. I gently tugged the short strands at the base of his neck, eliciting a delicious moan from him.
I used my right hand to grip the back of his shirt and pull myself impossibly close. His free hand cupped my cheek and trailed the curve of my neck, causing me to shiver involuntarily.
He bit down softly on my bottom lip, making me to gasp. Bruce traced the edges of my sharpened canines before delving deeper into my waiting mouth. I moaned sweetly into him, and ever so slightly dragged my nails across his upper arms.
I felt myself being lifted, and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He was using one arm to hold me up, by cupping my bottom in his large hand. Bruce began to slowly trail kisses down my neck, nipping at my collarbone.
I used my thighs to lift myself higher, to where I was a head taller than Bruce. I pulled his head back and slammed my lips to his again, but harder this time. I allowed my tongue to taste him deeply. His delectable taste of mint and cherry overwhelmed my taste buds.
I shivered as I felt his free hand trail the exposed skin along my curves (and there was a lot). My goddess attire had its perks. Oh how his cool hands sent a shock of delight throughout my system. His thumb traced along the curve of my breast, causing me to gasp lightly into him.
I clutched at his shirt, desperately wanting it off. When he didn't seem willing to comply, I tugged at the ends of his silk black button-up. I began to slowly unbutton the thin material, until I could push it off his shoulders. I yanked the white wife-beater he wore as an undershirt over his head.
He turned us, and pinned my back against a support beam. The metal was cool, much like his hands, but quickly heated up. Then I decided to 'heat' Bruce up. I placed tiny kisses and small nips along his neck until I got to his collarbone. I just hoped he had a similar reaction to me.
It was almost a growl; that was how primal it sounded, a groan that resounded deep in his throat. I purred at the sound and continued to suck on his collarbone, only to alternate to nibble his jugular.
"Aris..." He moaned softly into my hair, burying his face in my silver locks.
"Umm... I don't mean to intrude... I'll be leaving now..." A strong, but uncertain voice chimed from nearby. I pulled away from Bruce, my face completely scarlet. A smirk was present on my lover's face, and I smiled shyly at the thought of why.
"Sorry... This is awkward. I'm..." I looked over at Bruce, and he lowered me to the ground. He turned to face the blue and black costumed newcomer.
"Nightwing, this is Dragon." Bruce nodded to Nightwing, and the younger man walked closer, awkwardly scratching at the back of his head. Something clicked in my brain, and I knew they could practically see a light bulb flashing above my head.
Nightwing was the first Robin. Robin was Batman's first 'partner'. Bruce was Batman. Bruce had adopted a ward around the same time Robin had appeared. That meant the ward must be Nightwing.
"It's nice to meet you. Dick Grayson, I presume?" I smiled brightly at the dark haired young man. He seemed to be about Wally's age, which was about right. Bruce looked at me, clearly surprised, yet oddly pleased.
"How did you...?" Dick stared openly at me.
"I'm a cop... Well, sort of." I smiled awkwardly.
"Sort of?" Bruce quirked his eyebrow at me.
"I'm Gordon's secretary. Since I know Dick is Nightwing and Bruce is Bats. Should I tell Dick my secret identity?" My confusion must've been clear on my face, because Bruce sighed.
"If you trust him, then yes."
"Well, you do! So, that's good enough for me! Hi Dick, I'm Arisentia Tempura."
~Rewind: Gwen's POV~
I stepped into the flat that belonged to Wally, my boyfriend. Goddess, that was fun to say. I was still in slight shock, after all I had the feeling everything was going way too fast. Still, I enjoyed his company so much I figured I could let it slide as long as he didn't push too far.
"So, what do you think?" Wally turned around nervously, gesturing to his apartment around us. The housing unit was a decent size, larger than I originally expected, but not overly large like the manor either. The whole house seemed to be decorated with slashes of red, tan, and a terribly offset lightning yellow. No one ever said he had a sense of fashion.
"I think you used too much yellow… but… Is that a PS3?! Can we play? PLEASE?!" I bounced over and attached myself to his arm, offering my best puppy dog eyes. After a few moments Wally just seemed to melt and swept me up in a hug. My head was placed on his chest comfortingly and he patted my head while cooing.
"Of course we can! That was sooo cute! I'm never going to be able to say no to you am I?" His voice was bubbly, and he ended up chuckling, which lead me to having a giggle fit. Goddess, this was going to be fun!
I pulled away from the excessively warm body of the cutest ginger I had ever met before my mind was assaulted by how nice it felt to be pressed up against him. 'Bad thoughts, bad thoughts! Mind out of the gutter! Don't think about how hot he could be in other places!' I chastised myself and dashed towards his living room where I began to search for a fun game to play.
"You want a snack? I'm gonna make some popcorn." Wally called from the kitchen, sticking his head around the corner as he did so. The brilliant smile he flashed me caused butterflies to flutter around in my tummy and I had to force myself not to blush. Why did he have to be so cute? Cuteness was my ultimate weakness!
"That sounds good- I- how about we play this one?" I held up a case which read 'DOOM 3' with big creepy letters. Creepy letters were always promising for a good game, that and the metallic case itself. The redhead just nodded and grinned, so I popped the game in the console and watched it boat up while Wally made the popcorn.
Shortly after the microwave went off he joined me on the couch and plugged in two controllers, handing me one of them. I grinned wickedly and started the game, instantly leaving Wally behind. He may be fast in real life, but my gamer reflexes were honed through many bored nights playing against Aris. What else were two teenagers to do when on house arrest?
"AW COME ON!" Wally pouted loudly before tossing the controller onto a chair and whining like a five-year old. Needless to say, after playing for what looked like three hours, he was mad I had more kills and fewer deaths. I seriously didn't see what was so hard about not getting eaten by zombies.
"Don't be a sore loser. I won fair and square… now what do we do?" I sighed and leaned back against the sofa cushions. The atmosphere was relaxed and perfectly calm, so I leaned against his shoulder. Wally wrapped an arm around me, and I snuggled into his chest. Goddess he was so warm, and he was a bottomless pit. I poked his tummy absent mindedly while wondering where he put it all.
I was pleasantly surprised when all I felt was hard muscle. Que squeal and girlish glop. Not even five seconds later Wally was lying on his back on the floor, with his shirt forcibly risen up past his pectorals. Big sea green eyes widened even further as they gazed up at me in shock and confusion. I squealed again as I ran my hands down his perfectly formed eight pack.
"Um, Gwen… is there a reason why I'm on the floor?" Wally's voice was hushed, and slightly husky. I practically purred at the sound, kneeling above him, I leaned forward so that could look him directly in the eyes as I continued to caress his beautiful abs. I knew my emerald eyes had taken on a darker tone, but I couldn't be bothered with that when I had such a perfect male specimen below me.
"Because I pinned you." Short, sweet, and to the point. Wally attempted to sit up, which ended up with me falling into his lap. Still, I didn't let this stop me, and I continued with my exploration by pulling off his red t-shirt. At this he simply raised a brow at me.
"And now I'm shirtless."
"Yes, yes you are. And I'm quite enjoying the view." I murmured before softly kissing what I assumed to be a sensitive spot on his neck. It appeared I was right, because his breath hitched at the action and I felt his arms instantly wrap around me.
So distracted was I with making my favorite ginger make the most delicious sounds that I seemed to miss the sound of someone entering said apartment. In fact, I failed to notice said person until they were standing in the doorway of the livingroom, in the process of clearing one's throat. At said sound Wally and I both jumped, landing in a very similar but slightly less incriminating position.
"So, Wally. Going to introduce me to your new friend?" The blonde woman asked in a very bitchy tone. If I had been a dragon I probably would've attempted to attack her by now. As it was, I simply settled for raising a brow and leaning closer to Wally.
"My name is Gwendolyn Rivers if you must know, though everyone calls me Gwen. The real question is who are you?" I glared a challenge at the woman's dark brown eyes. Wally attempted to step between us, but my hand on his chest stilled his movements, my eyes never once leaving the lithe body in front of me.
"Artemis, what are you doing here? I told you, you can't just stop in whenever you like." Wally whined, which lead me to believe whatever romantic relationship it was obvious they had at one point was very much over. Though she didn't seem to think so.
"Since when? Since you decided to quit the team? Or since you started taking home Bruce's sloppy seconds?" Artemis growled. Before Wally could speak a word I cut in.
"Says the blonde bimbo, barbie-wanna-be. And for your information, I never slept with Bruce, nor do I ever plan to. Not my type." I waved a hand dismissively in the air before getting to my feet an offering Wally a hand up as well. "So, are you going to explain why she sounds like a psychotic ex-girlfriend?" I turned to the nervous ginger for that last question.
"Because she is... and also a friend..."
"Shut it Wallace before I put an arrow in you!"
"Alright, I think I've heard enough. So, mind telling me when 'Tigress' and 'The Flash' hooked up?"
September 27, Friday; 3:26 pm
Dick was a really cool guy, and my sisters seemed to like him too. I decided to adopt him (kind of) as family. Though I wanted him to be a little brother.
After we got all the weird introduction stuff out of the way, I found out he had just zeta-tubed in from the Watchmaker. Poor boy, walking in on his fatherly figure and a girl making-out. Though, it was all worth it to see Bruce shirtless.
I was able to meet Batgirl, Robin, and learn a little about 'The Red Hood'. I had also made up my mind to go review all cases related to Batman, in any manner. Gordon and I were going to have a field day.
In mid-afternoon, with the sun high in the sky and a frigid cold front coming in, I was enjoying the warmth of the Wayne Manor. Gwen and Ace sat with me, both dressed in casual wear like me; jeans and a t-shirt. Dick sat opposite to me, no longer in costume but in black sweat pants and a tight fitting red shirt. The boy's black hair matched Robin's. Robin and Batgirl had both joined us, but remained in costume. Weirdos.
"Dick, pass the honey please?" The kids and I were chilling in the kitchen while Bruce was on monitor duty. Dick slid the jar across the counter top and directly into my hand. Nice catch. I poured some on my peanut butter toast and enjoyed my PB&H sandwich.
"So, can I be a superhero too? Please!?" Gwen begged after stealing half of my sandwich. I rolled my eyes at the girl. Gwen had wanted to be a hero ever since we were kids, and now was her chance.
"What makes you think you're hero material?" Robin, aka Tim Drake, snickered at Gwen. Ace glared at the boy, and I laughed.
"I'm a spellcaster; a powerful magic user." Gwen huffed. "I've been trained in the art of element control." My sister squirmed on her stool, and sent a pleading look to her immediate right; me. I thought about it for a moment, and found myself pondering Ace.
"You wonder if I can be a hero or sidekick as well?" Ace stared at me in wonder, having read my mind. I never hide my mind from her, but I do shield my memories so she won't have to feel my pain.
"I think the JL would be more comfortable with you as a sidekick. It's so you won't get as much authority." I sighed and took a sip of the lovely peppermint tea Alfred had prepared for me upon request of Ace.
"I agree. I would be similar to a backwards Jason Todd, right?" Ace always had a strange way of talking. I figured it was from bouncing around people's mind so much. Maybe she picked up on their accents as well. "Aris?"
"Yes? What is it?" I turned to my smallest sister. She wasn't wearing her charm, but she had it on her pocket. We trusted the batfamily, and still do.
"How long has it been since you heard from Dea?" The question shocked me, but I thought back. It was the other night, and even then it was faded. I looked between my sisters like a deer caught between headlights.
"What does it mean?"
"Calm down, it just means she's going dormant. You know she's apart of you, but still a different being. You need to feed your dragon side." Gwen held my hand, knowing I was next to freaking out. I still didn't know how to use all of Dea's powers. What would Master say if I let her fall dormant? What would she say when she wakes up!?
"Aris, she'll forgive you. She has too, you didn't know." Ace hugged me as tight as she could from one stool over.
"Um... Not to sound nosy or anything... But what the Hell is going on?" Tim just looked back and forth between me and my sisters, dumbfounded. I laughed lightly, still filled with worry, and smiled at each child.
"Bruce has trusted you with his secret, so I will trust you with mine. I am the Dragon. I was once human, but now am only half. I've been possessed by a powerful and pure dragon spirit, and she made me into a hybrid." I tried to cut the explanation as short as possible, and they seemed to understand.
"Now, for a more important question. What do dragon spirits eat?" Dick flashed us a winning smile. I laughed and offered him a smile in return. He really was a sweet boy, but I had a feeling he didn't completely trust me yet. Just what I should've expected from a bat. It didn't offend me.
"Well, I don't know. I guess, you'll have to ask her, Aris." Gwen, my dragon expert, shook her head in disappointment at herself. I didn't want her to feel guilty for something that was my fault. I should have paid more attention to Dea.
"It's nice to know you do care..." Dea's voice was a soft and fading whisper in the back of my mind. My eyes grew wide, and my girls seemed to understand Dea had spoken.
"So, what do dragon spirits eat?" I was relieved, she had sounded sad, but I was simply glad she was still there.
"Moonlight. Every full moon you'll have to perform a ritual, at least for now..."
"What kind of ritual?" Ace asked, staring into my eyes intently, trying to see Dea. Dick and Batgirl seemed to understand someone else had joined the conversation.
"Sing the song, first in your language, then in mine. The song is a spell that will allow me to absorb energy similar to how the Superman does with the sun."
"That's incredible..." I breathed, completely stunned. No wonder the song had been passed through generations of Dragon Warriors.
"Dick, when is the next full moon?" Ace turned to the oldest boy. He seemed to ponder it for a minute.
"Two nights from now. Why?" Tim answered before Dick could.
"Dragons feed on moonlight..." I whispered, with a hint of a smile on my face. That was Luna's gift. She provides power. "Wait a second, what did you mean 'for now'?" I directed towards the spirit inside me.
"In order for the monthly power-up to become 'unnecessary' you'll need to be mated, but that can wait for now."
"Mated?" I asked with a bright blush forming on my face. Yep, that could defiantly wait for later...