What is this!? A new chapter! But that's impossible! The user of this account most likely died forever ago because of the stress of being a college student or being suffocated by a very large fat tabby cat!

Nah, I kid. I'm alive and had a sudden realization that I still have an account on FanFiction and I do have a few people that read my stories. So, I'm not going to beg for apologizes because I'm looking out my window now and seeing an angry mob of people.

But, enough stressing about my life, how about a new chapter of me story!

Disclaimer: Generator Rex and the characters belong to Man of Action. Any other characters outside the show are created by me for your enjoyment.

Chapter 9 –

Rex's POV

You know that feeling where you are an emotional wreak, and you just want to curl up and scream into a pillow? Well, that's how I'm somewhat feeling at this current moment. I personally would enjoy screaming into a fluffy, warm, and feathered filled pillow, but I have no such luck with a luxurious object. I have no pillow in this eight by eight cell nor a bed to even rest on. My shoulders at his point, feel close to breaking point due to the sealed cuffs restraining my hands behind my back.

Oh, but you thought that was bad? How about having a lack of food in over a 24 hour period, or the fact they've only given me, not even, a tablespoon of water. I know they're trying to break me to the point of insanity. Hoping that I would just roll over for them and let them mutate me. But, this is me we're talking about. And even though I've recently suffered from amnesia, I know I'm stubborn as hell.

Though, I'm not so sure how long I'll last. Pain seems to be mocking me every second and the burned numbers imprinted on my skin continues to stings to even a light breeze that blows through the poorly maintained hallways. I haven't even gotten a wink of sleep, the anxiety I have seems to be holding me back. I try to play it off with the guards by making my usual jokes, giving myself a false sense of hope. I slowly sat up and examined my cage. Windows, were of course, non-existing and the floor reeked of mold and waste. Old blood smeared across the cement like floor and spider webs hung across the ceiling like chandeliers of despair. To finish it all off, the wound that was stitched up by the lovely Dr. Holiday, was reopened and dripping blood, adding to the collection of the blood already tainting the room.

I continued to put pressure on it to help stop the bleeding. It wasn't as severe as before due to my nanites helping, but it still was irritating to take care of. The nanites could only due so much with the cuffs suppressing my powers.

I slowly crawled back over to a nearby corner and leaned up against it for some support. I tried to close my eyes and wish for this appalling nightmare to go away, but Ray was too much on my mind. I was furious with him before, but for some reason I was beginning to feel numb to his betrayal. I knew for a fact, focusing too much on his atrocious move would only make me weaker and agitated. But, our short history together met a lot to me. I have little to no memories of the past, and he was what I knew. He was my friend that showed me the cruel reality of the world and the beauty that could be found in its ugly picture. He showed me the joys of expressing myself and trying new things as well as making me feel less like a freak, when I uncovered more of my abilities. He was that one person in my life I needed the most, and now this. I guess in a way, he's still showing me the harsh reality that I'm trapped in.

I quickly jumped in my own skin, when one of the guards came by and slammed the cage door open and awoken me from my thoughts. Still covered in head to toe with an old biohazard suit from Providence, he reached over and grabbed me by my shortened black hair and pulled me to my feet. For the first time, I noticed I wasn't fighting back and that was scaring me. The abuse was already taking its toll and my weakened state was causing my resistance to fade.

"Get moving you piece of shit!" The guard kicked me in the back, forcing me out of the cage and onto the floor of the hallway.

I slowly tried to stand up, but the guard was quicker. His hands reached for the subdued cuffs and pulled me immediately to me feet. I wanted to say something witty, maybe along the lines of taking me out to dinner first, but I remained silent. My body wanted to surrender, but my mind was watching the different twist and turns, slowly thinking of a way out. But again, my body was unwilling to act.

While walking through the hallways, we past many different cages. Many of the other EVOs whispered among themselves. I couldn't hear much of what they were saying, but there was one phrase I could overhear, "He's next."

I shivered to think what was next. I was already marked like cattle, electrocuted, beaten, and experimented on. The next step could be close to death or even turning into one of them.

No! If there was one thing I couldn't do was to become a full EVO. I needed to fight this, even if it was impossible. Becoming a weaponized monster was not necessarily on my bucket list of things to do. I continued to follow down the shadowed hallway with the guard breathing down my neck. Eventually we met up with a few other guards, but they were completely different than the ones I've seen. They were wearing biohazard suits with the alarming white and black colors, but their suits were covered in iron defensive plates, almost like body armor. Grenades strapped to their belts and large military grade weapons armed and prepared. They wore helmets that were mostly likely bullet proof, and emergency supplies strapped to their back.

"It looks like you guys are preparing for war…" I finally commented. Strangely they never commented or told me to shut up like the other guards. They silently grabbed my upper arm and walked me toward a foreign area of the building. We eventually came across a huge door that stood almost as tall as a two story house. The guards held me still, as the doors open automatically in two separate directions. Eventually, we walked in to a large open arena and small table that stood in the middle. Strange devices and computers surrounded it, but what was the most intimidating was a large cannon like weapon pointing to the center of the table. I could hear it quietly hum and the echoes of nanites could be heard from the device.

"Wha…what is that?" I mumbled. My voice and my entire body trembled from the sight of the device. The armed guards ultimately brought me to the table, lifted me from the ground and pinned me to the metallic table. The cuffs on my wrist finally separated, but each cuff clung to each side of the table, preventing me from moving. One of the guards shoved my chest against the cold table and more alloy straps grabbed a hold of my legs and my torso. I hissed slightly, as the strap across my torso lied against my open wound.

The guards slowly backed off as I tried to move. I twisted myself left and right trying to maneuver, but of course it was useless. Before I could speak, a speaker was turned on and a chuckle echoed through the room.

"Now, now Rex. There's no point in struggling. This will all be over soon."

"I'm not interested in your damn experiments Fell! Let me go!" I was practically screaming and continued to move around the metallic table.

"When this is over, we'll have a weaponized EVO like no other. Warlords will pay heavily for such a creature like you or we'll simply use your natural abilities to control this world. It depends on what kind of power you demonstrate, so please don't disappoint us."

"Us?" I looked around and saw, high up, was a glass chamber overlooking the arena, most likely with all the controls. There were also screens surrounding the upper lining to the walls with images of men and women shadowed in darkness, hiding their identities, preparing to watch the show. The large room was dark and a fog like atmosphere surrounded me. It was like a real life horror movie, including the ominous lightening hanging over me.

My undiluted eyes watched as the device aiming toward me seemed to taunt me with the electrical cords and lights glowing from it. I quickly closed my eyes and for some strange reason, I started to wish to myself to see the real Providence and my family again.

Ray's POV

The flight was almost intimating and the air was difficult to breathe. The green suited assassin rarely spoke as he flew his jet, leading an assault of other Providence soldiers, tanks, and jets. It was mostly quiet as Dr. Holiday tinkered with her weapons and the talking chimpanzee was cleaning his pistols and making quick jokes every so often.

I simply clenched my fists together as I listened to the roar of the engine as it shook with turbulence. I still couldn't remove the guilt I had, but I am willing to risk my life to fix my terrible mistake. I can't even imagine the kind of hell Rex is going through. I've heard rumors of the kind of torture they do the EVOs and the FC Corporation and I wouldn't wish for it on anyone, so why would I sell out my only friend? Was it simply fear the controlled my selfish decision?

My mind was snapped back to reality when I saw the brunette doctor, resting her hand on mine. It felt different. The concept of a human touching a disgusting, scaly EVO like myself. But there she was, her petite hand trying to comfort me. I looked up and saw a small grin on the young doctor. I wish I had the confidence and cheer that Holiday had, but of course, my mistakes held me back.

"Lighten up kid, the chief is tougher than he looks." Bobo commented, as he continued to shine his duo pistols.

I turned up head away, hoping no tears would shed. I have to stay strong, for Rex's sake.

"We'll save Rex. Just try to relax, ok?" The young doctor said, while still trying to hold my hand.

"I know…but after this, I wouldn't be surprised if Rex never talked to me ever again."

The chimpanzee slowly lowered his weapons and looked up at me with his one clear eye, "Who knows what the kid will do, but Rex has always been open minded about situations. He may turn his head, but he won't back down from a friend."

I slightly nodded, showing I was accepting the information. But, I still had a hard time speaking. I know deep down Holiday, Bobo, and even Agent Six are probably still upset with me. Their friend was taken, abused, and most likely scared because of me.

My pointed ears stood on end the moment Six began to talk, "We're almost to the location. We have a strong reading only a few clicks over these mountains."

The doctor nodded and began to check her uniform for all her supplies, Bobo slid his pistols behind him in his holsters, and I was testing out my flames on a low spark to make sure all was ready.

Suddenly, the ship began to land and the back entrance began to open up to a wet, forest covered environment. I walked out and saw our Providence soldiers wearing different uniforms of a more solid black and driving different colored vehicles, than their usual convoys, most likely to stand out from their duplicates that worked for FC.

The soldiers began charging toward the base, weapons ready and a goal in mind. I followed, along with Six, Holiday, and Bobo. As soon as we walked over the hill, a massive sealed tight fortress stood with lights covering every aspect of the area and soldiers on patrol. Before I knew it, one of the enemies set the alarm and began calling reinforcements. An all-out war began as gun shots showered the front entrance. Providence ships flew above, dropping small bombs around the watch towers.

One of our soldiers, charge to the front entrance, along with a few others and began stacking explosives. In seconds, they dove into a nearby ditch and waited for the door to burst into flames. Eventually, the large metallic door came crashing into the muddy ground, and soldiers began flooding in.

Six, with his katanas took the lead and took out quite a few enemy soldiers. I followed behind, taking a deep breath, and surrounding the enemy in an almost internal flame.

"Watch out!"

I turned around and saw a rouge soldier with a hand gun, almost pressed against the back of my skull. Six quickly through himself into the air above where I stood, and used his height to gain acceleration to attack to opposing soldier.

Before I could blink, the fake Providence soldier was lying in the soften earth with a slash crossing his spine, "Thanks Six."

"Don't mention kid, but let's keep going."

Holiday and Bobo, eventually caught up with us as we charged into the base. Of course, the green suited agent took the lead and was keeping on look out. Holiday held her pistol up, watching each corner that we ran pass.

"So, what's the plan Green Bean?" Bobo asked.

"While our soldier distract the enemy, we'll make our way through, hopefully finding Rex and escaping."

"Sounds pretty simple." I said.

"That's the thing, it'll probably be easier said than done." Holiday commented.

"Dr. Fell, sir! Providence soldiers have just entered out facility and our attacking the main gate!"

The cryptic doctor looked down at the patting soldier, as he noticed blood smeared across the fake Providence uniform. His face began to boil with anger and quickly tried to settle down. He straightened out his tuxedo and walked over to his microphone that settled on a nearby table.

Dr. Fell spun around, looking through the glass and looking down at Rex, who was still locked up, "I apologize for the wait my fellow auctioneers, but shall we begin to transformation before it is too late? I appear to have some unwelcomed guests."

Of course the viewers on the darkened screens all nodded and waiting impatiently for the procedure. Dr. Fell, walked over to the control panel and began activating the device that hung over the young boy in the arena.

Rex's POV

I kept my eyes closed as long as I could, almost like a child waiting to wake up from what seemed like an endless nightmare. I eventually was awoken by the loud device overhead activating. I watched as the spirals around the ray began to spin, making to sound grow louder and louder. My eyes, were now open with fear and I continued to struggle in such a useless manner that I can only describe as instinct.

Time rapidly flew by and the machine was all charged up, before I could even react, Dr. Fell's voice echoed through the arena, "Beginning accelerated mutation."

I was suddenly zapped, by what felt like another electrocution procedure, but much worse. I let out a blood curdling screamed that was almost deafen by the machine, as I could feel my skin burning and my nanites quickly trying to react to the current situation.

"Nanites reactivating. Disarming sedated mode."

My skin began to feel numb as the heat was almost unbearable. Electrical charges surrounded me, as my limbs started to transform without me commanding them to. My left hand transformed into one of my giant, metal fists and then over hand was my giant sword. Metallic pieces began to coat itself around my neck and around my open wound across my torso.

"Security protocol enabled. Objective: protect host."

I ,again, tried closing my eyes as tight as I could, and tried to stop the process with any strength I had left. I couldn't give up, no matter how much I wanted to. I could feel my legs beginning to change shape as more of the orange ingot began spreading across my body. A large box shaped object stretched across my chest, giving an appearance similar to an old outlet.

Suddenly, over the sound of the loud device that was shifting my forms, I heard a loud explosion near the door were I originally entered. I never bothered to look, I was far too focused on trying to slow down the process.


My eyes shot open, as I heard Ray's voice crying out to me across the arena.

Woah! What a chapter! Thought I would be somewhat nice and give you guys a good length since I can't guarantee a good time was the next update. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it and hopefully I see you soon! (The writing style might have changed over time since I haven't updated in like 100 years)
