The Road to Forgiveness

All rights go to JK.

I hate him. I hate him so much right now. He thinks he can just come back, no questions asked. Well Harry might have forgiven him right away, but I am not going got let him of the hook that easily.

I aggressively cut the fish in half, so angry at the moment, that I was taking it out on the poor fish. The food wasn't any better than it had been when Ron had left, but he wasn't complaining anymore, knowing I would strangle him if he did.

He had been trying relentlessly for the last two days, to get me to forgive him. I really was angry, but I couldn't help but get the urge to cuddle up to him on the couch like I used to be able to do. To stop myself from fulfilling these urges, I just remember the look in his eyes the day he walked out; jealousy, and anger. Just thinking of that, got me right back into that irritated mood.

"Need any help?" offered a cheery voice from behind me. I turned around sharply, only to come face to face with Ron.

"No I do not Ronald," I snapped back at him, while turning around again to my maimed fish.

"Oh full name, must be really angry then aren't you?" he asked trying to defuse some tension. Bad move.

"Do I not have a perfectly good reason to be angry?" I yelled near hysterics. How dare he pretend like he has done nothing wrong.

"C'mon I have said I am sorry like a hundred times. Can you not just forgive me now, because I know you will eventually, like you always do," he said jokingly.

"Oh well you are going to be waiting a long time if you think I am just going to brush this off," I said having had enough of him, I storm out of the tent to get another fish.

"Please Mione I will do anything you want," he yelled over the rain that was now pouring down in buckets.

"Leave me alone Rona-," I yelled before slipping on the wet leaves and falling painfully onto a jagged rock. I felt the razor sharp ridge of the rock cut through my thin long sleeved shirt, and into my skin. I felt a crack as well when my body landed with a hard thud on the wet earth.

I let out a cry of pain and rolled off of the rock and onto my back, heaving and screwing my eyes shut, trying to ignore the pain.

"Hermione!" shouted Ron, his voice getting closer to me. I felt him kneel down beside me and place a hand on my head, lifting it up off the wet leaves, and onto his lap.

"Ron," I whimpered, bringing up a hand to gingerly touch my side where I had fell. I pulled my hand away quickly when it stung. My chest felt heavy, and I was having trouble breathing.

"Okay I will get you fixed up alright, I am going to carry you," he said hurriedly. I didn't respond, because the pain was becoming unbearable. I felt him carefully lift my legs up and wrap his other arm gently around my middle. I cried out when his fingers brushed my ribs.

"Bloody hell Mione, I'm sorry I will try to be careful," he apologized.

I let my head fall gently into his neck, not caring that I am still am at him, and just allowed the wonderful feeling of his neck against my forehead to distract me from the pain.

"Almost there, okay love, I got you," he assured. Love? He called me love? Despite the severe pain I was in, I couldn't help but allow myself to blush at his words.

"Harry!" he yelled into the tent when we reached the brown flap covering the door, keeping the rain out.

"Ron, what the hell, I am trying to slee-" he cut off his eyes dropping to my body in Ron's arms, blood dripping from my side. "What the hell happened to her?" he shouted quickly opening the tent door, and allowing Ron to carry me over to a bunk.

"She slipped and fell. Cut herself, might be a broken rib or too as well," said Ron carefully placing me down on the cot. I was engulfed with the scent of Ron. He had obviously put me on his bed, this made me feel a bit better.

"Where does it hurt Mione? Well aside from the blood," he asked petting my head frantically wanting me to speak to him.

I raised my hand and pointed to my ribs. He was right before, I defiantly had broken a couple ribs.

"Oh bloody hell Harry get the dittany or something!" shouted Ron at Harry. I knew that Harry would not be able to find any dittany because we ran out when I used the little bit left that we had over from Ron's splinching, to heal several of the cuts from our adventures at Godrics Hollow. Ron wouldn't know that though, as he had just come back two days ago. I had started to make some more, but the potion was complicated, and was required to sit for at least ten days.

"We don't have any left, we used it all," said Harry scurrying around the tent try to find something to stop the bleeding.

"Well get me a cloth or something to wrap it up with," he shouted at Harry. I closed my eyes, the pain, or the loss of blood keeping me from remaining conscious.

"Use this," said Harry obviously handing Ron something, but I did not know what it was for my eyes were still closed.

"It's okay Mione just stay awake please," he begged. My eyes remained shut though until I felt my shirt being rolled up. My eyes shot open at this. I could see Ron wiping my side with the warm, wet cloth, a blush was evident on his face though, through his determined expression.

"Do we at least have bandages?" asked Ron, never tearing his eyes away from my injury.

"Yeah here," said Harry. I kept drifting in and out, trying to focus on what was going on, but the pain was just too much and I passed out.

Pain was the first thing I thought of when I regained conscious. It was still dark, so I had only been out for an hour or two. I gingerly brought a hand up to feel the thick bandage running up my side. I shifted slightly and was met with a wave of agony, coming from my right side. I let out a whimper, which got the attention of the two boys sitting at the kitchen table.

"Hermione!" they both said rushing over to her.

"Does it still hurt?" Ron asked worriedly. I inwardly smiled at his caring self.

"Ribs hurt," I croaked.

"Which ones?"

"These," I confirmed pointing to the ribs about midway up my side.

"Okay well we could use 'episkey'" suggested Harry.

"Okay, are you alright with that Hermione?" asked Ron. I knew the spell was pretty painful, but it would heal them quickly, so I nodded my head. I reached a hand out to Ron though, a little nervous.

He cradled my hand in his, running his thumb back and forth across the top of it. I allowed myself to be comforted by Ron, even though I knew I was still furious at him for leaving.

"Episkey," said Harry pointing his wand at my damaged ribs.

The pain was short, but brutal. I could actually feel my bones joining together again. I cried out loudly, feeling like my scream had broken my sound proof barrier around the tent. Ron immediately started trying to sooth me.

"Shh, all done, all done now." He stroked the hair off my forehead, still keeping my hand clasped in his.

I gasped recovering from the intense pain. When I felt the last of it subside, I opened my eyes and looked up at Ron. I gave him a small smile and he returned it.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah. Thankyou for healing me." He blushed.

"Well you did the same to me, just returning the favour." I didn't say anything in response, but just looked up at him. We both stared at each other for a couple moments before we realized what was happening, and looked away quickly, cheeks red.

"How about I get you some tea, yeah?" he offered still red in the cheeks.

I nodded, and he let go of my hand, but not before brushing his lips barely across my palm.

After my broken ribs were healed by the spell, I was almost able to walk around no problem. Although, Harry and Ron still insisted that I stay lying down. Of course I brushed them off and told them there was work to be done.

I settled for folding some of the laundry I had cleaned with my wand, and putting it in my bag. When I finished, I went to hang it up, and felt a little light headed.

Harry and Ron saw me sway on the spot, and Ron rushed over to steady me.

"You need to lie down Hermione, you are still injured!" said Ron holding my waist and leading me to the small frayed couch that sat in the corner of the tent.

"I am fine Ronald," I said shooing his hands away from me. Now that I was starting to behave like my normal self again, I could keep my angry act towards Ron.

Ron ignored my shooing hands and steered me to the couch. I sat down with a disapproving look, and grabbed The tales of Beedle and Bard, and stared to read. I could feel two sets of eyes on me.

"Am I not allowed to read?" I questioned, ready to snap at the two of them.

"No you need to rest," said Ron firmly. I looked to Harry and he looked from me to Ron, before nodding at his overconcerned friend. Ron sighed and moved to fiddle with the dials on his wireless.

I quietly read, searching for anything that could be remotely a clue to a horcrux, but came up with nothing. The only thing about the book that I didn't understand was the eye-shaped symbol on the title page. I had already searched all of my rune books, but it was never mentioned. I yawned widely, and closed the book, deciding it was time for bed. Then I remembered I had been unconscious when it had been my shift on watch.

"Harry I will do the whole night as I missed my shift yesterday," I said carefully getting up and walking slowly, attempting to conceal my wince with each step.

"Umm no you won't you need to rest," said Harry walking past me to grab his jacket. "Ron and I will split the time." Ron nodded in agreement.

"No that is not fair that I got to sleep two whole nights, and have you guys cover for me," I reasoned.

"I wouldn't exactly call last night a good nights sleep, and you are hurt. You need the rest," said Ron coming to stand beside Harry.

I glared at the both of them, holding my glare on Ron for a tad longer, before turning around and moving to my cot. I scowled as I sifted through my beaded bag, looking for my pyjamas. I got frustrated when I couldn't find them and dumped my bag out on the bed. Everything tumbled out onto my sheets. A red dress caught my eyes, I picked it up and was reminded of Bill and Fluers wedding.

I could remember how happy everyone had been, and the war was no-existent for those few hours. I could almost feel the rough, warm hands of Ron Weasley on my back from when we had danced that night. I closed my eyes and remembered the feeling of his hand in mine, the way he pretended to accidentally pull me closer. I smiled to myself, and ran my fingers over the once silky fabric that had turned into thin cotton from being crammed into the bottom of my bag.

I almost wanted to put on the dress and pretend I was back at the wedding, watching Luna and her crazy father dance.

Wait Luna's dad, he had that necklace, it looked similar to - oh. I dropped the dress and ran over, ignoring the searing pain in my side. I snatched my book up and looked at the symbol. A perfect match.

"Harry!" I yelled at the tent entrance.

"What? What's wrong?" he said hurriedly running into the tent along with Ron.

"Xezenophilias Lovegood! We have to go see him," I spoke excitedly, all of my confusion and frustration with the mark, was going to be resolved.

"Why on earth do we need to do that?" said Ron looking like she had just announced she was engaged to Dobby.

"The mark, the mark in the book, he had a necklace, remember Harry. It looked just like it," I confirmed. Understanding washed over Ron and Harry's eyes as they realized what I was suggesting.

"He could tell us what it means!" Ron said his face lighting up.

"I don't know Hermione, things are dangerous right now, and we can't really trust anyone with our whereabouts," he said causing both mine and Ron's faces to drop.

"But Harry," I put on my best negotiating voice, "Dumbledore gave me this book with some symbol drawn in it. We can't figure out what it means, and then we have a chance to, and you pretend like it is nothing," I argued getting angry.

"Hermione, we can't let anyone know where we are, it is just too simple for Vold-"

"DON'T SAY HIS NAME," shouted Ron.

"You know who, to find us," finished Harry giving Ron a look before turning back to Hermione.

"Harry, Dumbledore left me this book for a reason, and it is the only thing that is unusual about this book from a normal copy of it. It means something." I said, Ron nodding at Harry as well. "If you don't want to come that is fine, I can go alone, that way no one will know I am with you," I said thinking this idea was pretty good.

"Are you kidding? Not a chance," butt in Ron. "There is no way you are going anywhere by yourself, just so some creep can catch you, no I will not let you," said Ron moving to her side.

"I will be fine Ron," I glared at him.

"Okay, okay we leave tomorrow, early, got it," said Harry giving in with a sigh.

I smiled and jumped up and down, before remembering my ribs and stopping abruptly. I felt like a small child who was told I could have a puppy, and rushed to Harry and gave him a hug.

Ron didn't look impressed by this, and his face became hard. He looked down, suddenly really interested in his shoes.

"Goodnight, I will see you in the morning!" I said walking back to my bunk with a little bit of a hop in my step.

"Oh and Ron?" he and Harry turned around and I walked back over to them.

I placed a hand on is shoulder and quickly pecked his cheek, "thank you." Harry had removed himself from the tent at this point realizing this was a Ron and Hermione moment.

"For what?" he asked blushing.

"For taking care of me and supporting me against Harry."

"Okay well umm," he cleared his throat, ears turning bright red, "no problem."

I smiled at his embarrassment and went in for a hug. He quickly reciprocated and murmered something in her ear.

"So am I forgiven?" he asked hopefully.


"Oh," he said pulling back to look at my face.

"Not yet," I said with a smile,"but you're getting there," I patted his cheek and broke away from him to climb in my cot.

He smiled shyly before waving at me awkwardly and walking back out of the tent.

I curled into my blankets, adjusting so my hurt ribs weren't touching anything. I, for once in a long time, felt a glimmer of hope. There was hope, and I finally felt like we had a chance at beating him.

Hey guys so this one I really like, and plan on writing a few more chapters for it. I really like fanfics about the trio in the tent, so I thought I would write my own. I really enjoy how Ron and Harry had to take care of Hermione in this one. Anyways thanks for reading!

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