Authors Note: Thank you to everyone who reviewed and pmed me. It is these little things that keep me typing. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Important Notice: Attention I will not have cable or internet access for two months because we are moving but during that time I will not have any distractions so I will be typing chapters like crazy. And will upload them when I get my internet back.

Also please ignore the anything misspelled.

Chapter 8:The bonfire.

The full moon hung eerily in the sky over the town of Forks and La push tonight. As if it was hiding a secret that only it knew.

And the silence between Charlie and I wasn't making it any better as we drove towards first beach to attend the bonfire. I would of drove myself tonight but as of right now I didn't have a vichile thanks to Mike. So I was forced to hurry and get ready for the bonfire since I had to catch a ride in the cruiser with Charlie.

But even though I was in a rush to get dressed I didn't look to bad if I do say so myself. I had curled my hair so it fell down the middle of my back in wavy chestnut curls. I had also felt the need to wear at least a little makeup so I put on some mascara and some dark smoky eyeshadow. Not that I was trying to impress anyone. Also I had on a black skirt and a blood red halter top with white flip flops. I know. I know. Me and flip flops DO NOT mix but hey maybe I would get lucky and not break my leg tonight. All in all I thought I cleaned up pretty good!

When we finally pulled up and parked at first beach I could see the huge bonfire blazing looking like a inferno. With a bunch of people surrounding it. We walked up the bonfire carrying the Tupperware trays full of food I prepared earlier that day. And placed them on the table that was already overflowing with food.

"Oh my gosh there is enough food here to feed ten armies." I said outload more to myself then anyone in particular really. When I saw the amount of food that covered the table.

"Oh believe me. This is just a apitiser to the appetites of these boys." Commented a girl beside me who overheard my comment.

"Hi. I'm Kim." Said a native girl in a chipper voice that kind of reminded me of Alice.

"You must be the famous Bella. I have heard so much about you." Kim carried on not letting me have a chance to answer.

"All good I hope." I joked.

"Of course. Its so good to have another girl in the group who knows about the secret." Kim answered back in the same chipper voice.

"What secret is that?" I asked now totally confused.

It was then that another native girl a little taller than Kim but had the same bronze skin and straight pitch black hair. The other difference between the two was that the new girl that came up to stand beside Kim had three long what looked like claw marks running down one side of her face.

"The secret of our exclusive bonfires." Said The new girl giving Kim a look which in Kim received loud and clear because she then had a look of surprise and understanding cross her face.

"Oh yeah the secret of our exclusive bonfires. Only the elders and a select few are allowed to attend." Then said Kim backing up Kim.

I wasn't stupid I knew that wasn't the secret but I wasn't going to press the issue because I was a guest here and I wants Quilete so maybe there fore I was not allowed to know the secret. I don't know but I wasn't going to pry.

"Hi I'm Emily." Introduced the new girl.

"I'm Bella." I introduced myself.

"Well if we want any food whatsoever we better get it now. Because those boys have a black hole for a stomach and believe me they will be on this food like a dog on a bone." Explained Emily as she handed myself and Kim a plate.

All three of us filled up our plates and then proceeded to sit on the logs surrounding the fire as we watched in amazement as the boys pounced on the food. While we watched the boys completely devourer the food before our very eyes. Kim started to point out who was who.

"The guy sitting down beside Emily is Sam her fiancee." Explained as she pointed towards Emily sitting on one of the logs with a man who looked like a weight lifter sat beside her.

"And of course you know Paul." Said Kim as she pointed towards Paul who had just sat down not to far from me with his plate pilled high with food.

"And thats Embry Call." In which Kim pointed out a very different looking Embry still filling up his plate.

I remembered playing with Jacob, Embry and Quil on my summers when I stayed with Charlie but Embry did a total 160 on me. He looked nothing like he did the last time I saw him a couple of summers ago.

"My boyfriend Jared is working right now. But you will meet him later." Said Kim with a dreamy look in her eyes when she talked about her boyfriend.

"Hey Bella." Said the voice I would know anywhere.

"Hey." I just replied back.

"Well I will just take this as my cue to leave. I got to call to check on Jared anyways." Said Kim as she got up to leave me and Paul alone.

"How are you feeling with getting bit and the whole Mike thing?" Asked Paul sounding concerned as he took the seat that Kim had been sitting in beside me.

"I'm fine. I barley notice the bit anymore and I am just glad that Mike didn't get away with what he did." I answered him.

"I never did thank you." I said looking down at my feet.

"For what?" Asked Paul.

"For everything. For finding me in the forest that night and for staying with me in the hospital after Mike attacked me. So Thank You." I said looking up at him directly in the eye with that last part letting him know I was sincere.

"You knew I was there in the hospital with you?" Was what Paul asked surprised.

"Of course I did. Because I felt what I felt that night you found me in the woods. I felt safe." I replied still looking him in the eye.

"Thats because I will always be there to protect you Bells. No matter what." Replied Paul as he draped his arm over my shoulders and pulling me closer to his side in a side way hug.

I just laid my head on his shoulder as he placed a kiss on the top of head and then proceeded to lay his chin on the top of my head as his arm dropped down to my waist and then continued to hug me to his side as if I would disappear at any moment.

It was then that Billy began to retell the stories of his people. I listened intensely to the tale but Paul and I never moved from our comfortable position in each others arm the whole time.

It wasn't until the tale was told that I had to remove myself from Paul's embrace because Sam and Embry wanted to play a little football while the full moon was out.

"I'll be right back!" Said Paul giving me a little kiss on the check as he ran over to the other two and proceeded to toss the ball around.

I just watched them play football for awhile until the last person I wanted to talk to came up to stand beside me.

"What are you doing here halfbreed?" Asked Old Quil.

"If it is any of your business I was invited." I answered right back.

I don't know what the hell was Old Quils problem. He always hated me with a passion. He has never once called me by my name it was always half breed or whatever name he could come up with that he thought suited trash like me.

"You really thought they invited you because they wanted to? You really are stupid! They felt obligated to invite you because Charlie is your dad. And Billy invited Charlie so they felt obligated to invite you along too. No one would actually WANT to be around you. I mean who would? You are a disgusting ugly good for nothing half breed." Responded Old Quil.

"I mean come on the Cullen's left you after they found out how worthless you are. And do you honestly think Paul likes you? Come on look at him why would a guy like him want to be with someone like you? Why would a guy like him want sloppy seconds like you? You should just leave now and save yourself the embarrassment." Said Old Quil with a wicked evil smile on his face.

As much as I hated that man he was right. They probably just invited me because they felt obligated to. I was such a fool that these amazing people actually invited me because they wanted to and to think that Paul could possibly even like me.

So after Old Quil said his piece I did what he suggested I just turned around and left it wasn't until I got to the parking lot and noticed the cruiser gone that I remembered that Charlie had left ten minutes ago mentioning something about staying over at Billy's tonight.

Charlie had completely forgotten about me being truck-less. So I had two options. I could either walk home taking the road which would be a three hour walk since the road winded so much. Or option two would be cut through the woods which would cut down my walk to one hour instead of three hours taking the road.

I knew these woods like the back of my hand. I took this path many times as a child when I would go see Jacob but would have no way but to walk here. So I knew I wouldn't get lost. And I would rather not walk three hours in the middle of the night in flip flops. That was NOT my idea of fun.

So I chose option two and headed towards the woods. Hey at least this time I had the sense enough to take my cell phone with me.

As I walked though the woods I just kept thinking how stupid I was to believe that anyone would want anything to do with me. The Cullen's had abandoned me because I wasn't "good" enough for them. If I wasn't good enough for them what would make me think I was good enough for anyone else?

I was so deep in thought that I didn't see the hole I just stepped in and almost broke my ankle by tripping over my flip flops.

As I lay on the muddy wet forest floor after tripping I groaned in frustration. And in a fit of anger I took off my stupid flip flops and threw them with all my strength into the dark forest.

"There now I cant trip over them anymore!" I yelled into the darkness to really no one in particular. I was just mad and upset and I needed to vent.

"Uhhh can this day get any better?" I said sarcastically as I stared at the full moon hanging in the sky.

As a child when I couldn't sleep at night I would spend hours laying in bed just staring out my window at the moon. It was as if all the worries of the day would just melt off my shoulders as I stared at that wonderful sight.

It was as if something was telling me everything would be alright and that I didn't need to worry. You know that old saying "If ever need a answer just look towards the sky and you will find the answer." Well that is what I was doing.

As I looked at the full moon that illuminated the whole land. I felt entranced by it. Then out of no where I felt a sudden and intense overpowering pain radiate throughout my whole body.

It was so painful my back actually arched off the ground in pain. It was the worse pain I had felt in my whole life. James bite didn't hold a candle to this. It felt as though someone was slowly shredding my skin from my body. And that my organs and intestines had liquified and turned to goo.

I felt my bones twist, break and reform. My skin was twisting and pulling eventually tearing off my body. My legs suddenly twisted broke and bent at a unnatural angle.

It was a horrifying experience to see claws elongate from my hand. And see my skin tear just to be replaced my dark fur. My feet elongated and my leg bent backwards at a unnatural angle to that of a human and my skull felt like it was on fire and it molded my head into somewhat similar of a canines.

It was horrific. I cannot even express into words the complete and udder undying pain I was in.

Than as sudden as it came it left. I was in shock of what just happened. Actually I don't really know what happened.

I didn't dare stand up afraid if I did that pain would only start again. So slowly and hesitant I crawled over to the small creek to get a drink of water. But what I saw in my reflection in the water would haunt my dreams forever.

AN: I know it took awhile but I hope it was worth the wait. Please review and tell me what you think!