Authors Note: This is my first Bella/Paul fic so please review and please tell me what you think. All favorites/ follows and reviews are greatly appreciated.

Lunar Wolf

Chapter 1: The wolf and the attack.

That Jerk! I thought in my head. What kind of man leads his girlfriend no scratch that ex-girlfriend into the woods and then dumps her? Telling her that she's not good enough for you.

He was a jerk but granted at least he sticked around to say goodbye. His family which I also considered mine didn't even have the nerve to say goodbye. Who does that to a person? Seriously? I actually trusted them and I loved them as if they were my own flesh and blood and then they go and pull this on me.

It made me wonder if they actually felt anything for me at all. Possibly not. As for Edward well his words and actions just goes to show that he really didn't love me or care for me at all. I was just a pet that he played with until he grew tired of me and then just abandoned me. I was such a fool to think that such an amazing god like person such as Edward and his family would want anything to do with plain, boring, clumsy, ugly Bella.

I was so infatuated with Edward so much that after he shattered my heart into a million pieces with his little goodbye speech. I still loved him. I don't know why. I mean he practically ripped out my heart, lit it on fire and then spit on the ashes. But I still loved him and it disgusted me.

It was then and there that I decided I wouldn't ever let anyone like that in again. I would steel my heart against any emotion that would lead my heart to be broken yet again. I wouldn't be able to bear it if someone broken my heart and soul like this again. There are only so many times a girl could be broken.

I don't know how long I stood there after Edward left. It could be seconds, minutes, hours but as soon as the shock wore off and I came to my senses. I noticed that the sky had grown dark and it was getting late. I had to be getting back home before Charlie started to worry.

But there was one problem. Which way was the way home? I followed Edward out here but I didn't pay much attention on the way out here to remember a way to get back. But why would I? I had Edward with me at the time and didn't think he would abandon me out here. But I guess I was wrong.

I turned around in circles trying to see if I recognized anything familiar that would lead me in the right direction. But no such luck. Everything looked the same. Just trees, trees and more trees in every direction. But then I thought well duh I am in the forest there is supposed to be trees.

I'm not going to get anywhere just standing around I thought to myself so I picked a direction in which I thought would lead me home and started walking. Three hours later I knew I was lost. I had been walking for hours and haven't seen any signs of civilization. And if it wasn't for the almost full moon hanging in the sky I wouldn't see anything at all.

Right now I didn't know if I was heading toward home or farther away from it. And I remember I was told once that if I ever got lost the best thing to do was to sit tight until you were found. Because you could get even more lost if you attempted to find your way back.

So since finding my way back wasn't working I decided to try the sit tight and wait until I was found. Knowing Charlie he probley had the whole Army, Navy and Coast Guard out looking for me I joked to myself.

So I sat down on a fallen log and started rubbing my sore feet and ankles. I wouldn't be in this situation right now if I had just remembered my darn cell phone. Of course I wouldn't be in this situation also if I didn't have a total jerk for an ex-boyfriend.

But I couldn't be blamed for that. He acted like a complete gentleman for the most part. Who knew he would turn into a self-centered, inconsiderate, egotistical prick.

It wasn't until I was sitting on the log rubbing me aching feet and ankles for a couple of moments that I noticed that the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I had the eerie feeling that I was being watched. You know the feeling. Right? When you get this sixth sense that someone you cannot see is watching you.

At first I thought I was being overdramatic but only seconds later my feeling were confirmed when all sounds of the forest at night ceased. And I mean everything went eerily quiet. No owls hooting in the distance, No crickets making there beautiful melody, No frogs croaking in the nearby creek. Nothing just silence. This is never a good sign. There were only two things that made the wildlife act like this. One was a natural disaster such as an earthquake, tornadoes or something along those lines. The second was a natural predator.

And since the first one was very unlikely since the sky were clear and calm the second was much of a possibility. At first I thought it was another vampire which would be just my luck but that was until I heard a twig snap in the distance and then another much closer. That had me on my feet within seconds.

That was when I saw it. The bright yellow eyes and the black, white and brown fur of a wolf and not just any wolf a HUGE wolf. He had to be at the very least eight feet tall. Normal wolfs just don't get that big. He was like a wolf on steroids. He had huge bulging muscles and the softest looking fur and if he wasn't crouched ready to strike at any moment and was snarling and growling at me with the whitest, sharpest fearest looking teeth I would have called him beautiful. But right now all I would call him is a predator and I was his prey.

As he stalked toward me I took a step back trying to keep the distance between us. I was told when I was younger never to run from a bear because that would trigger an instinct in them to run after you. I was also told never to turn your back on a predator just to back away slowly.

So I did just that. I crouched down slightly and slowly backing away and avoiding eye contact. The crouching down and avoiding eye contact was a canines was of showing submission. If you showed signs of submission it was less likely it would attack you since it considered you less of a threat.

But it didn't work in my case because this wolf was still stalking towards me all the while growling and snarling at me baring its fangs. It looked as though he was stalking his prey.

It was then it happened. The wolf took off towards me at break neck speed. So I did what my instincts told me to do and ran as fast as I possibly could. I ran through bushes, around trees, jumping over small creeks and trees. And I didn't stumble or trip once. My track coach would be so proud. But of course when your life depends on wheatear you trip or not you tend to watch where you run.

But none of that mattered for no matter how fast I ran or where I went the wolf wasn't far behind. It didn't take but a matter of a minute when I could feel the wolfs hot breath was felt on the back of my neck.

That was when I felt it. The worst pain I have ever felt in my life. Worse than James bite. The wolf that I was running from had bit me. His jaws had me gripped around my torso. And his sharp, pearly white teeth were digging them farther and farther into my creamy white tender skin.

While the wolf had me in his jaws the weirdest thing happened. It seemed I was having flashbacks or memories if you will of a life that was not mine. My flashbacks seemed to center around this man. There was flashbacks of him as a child while he played ball in his backyard with a middle aged man who I assumed was his father while a middle aged woman who I think was his mother was watching them on the front porch. Then there was another flashback of him horsing around with men that seemed to be around his age, then another and final flashback as he held the same men he was horsing around with in his arms as those men lay cut up and bloody and dying in his arms.

When the flashbacks ended it seemed as though the wolf had wrestled me to the ground with his jaws still tightly gripped around my torso. Then all of a sudden the wolf let go of me and stumbled away from me. I looked at the wolf and saw it was staring at my blood soaked shirt where he had bit me and he had a look of confusion and shock on his face. Then as quickly as the look had come it had gone again and was replaced with a look of horror and agony and most surprising guilt. I had never seen any animal express such emotions. But then again I had never seen a wolf as big as this either.

It was then the wolf let out a pain and agony filled howl into the night air and then ran off into the night. I was shocked that certaintanly not normal wildlife behavior. But I was not going to complain now I had to tend to my wound. I was bleeding pretty badly from my bite and the last thing I needed to do was to draw more predators such as a bear or a vampire to the area to finish off what that wolf started.

So I pulled off my shirt. Leaving me in my black lace bra and examined my wound. You could clearly see where his sharp teeth pierced my skin. Leaving huge crescent moon shaped wounds. One wound on my stomach the other on my back.

The bite seemed to start from under my left breast and made a big U shaped bite and ended just at my left hip. It mirrored the same thing on my back. I hoped it didn't leave a scar once it healed but I had bigger things to worry about. The bite was bleeding bad and I had to stop the bleeding and hopefully find some way to keep it from getting infected. So I took the shirt I had been wearing and tied it around my wound hoping it would help until I could get medical attention.

After I made my makeshift bandage I tried to rise to my feet once again but found every time I moved the skin around my wound would shift and tear as I constricted my muscles to stand which would end in me doubling over in pain. I couldn't stand without being in constant pain from the skin stretching and tearing so I did the only thing I could that wouldn't cause pain. I laid down on the cold hard forest floor and looked up at the star filled sky wondering if that sight would be the last thing I would see.

I must have passed out from the lack of blood or from the sheer pain of the bite but when I opened my eyes once again. I found myself still laying with my back on the forest floor but looking up into the most beautiful brown eyes I had ever seen. Those same eyes were looking back at me with a look of wonder and amazement. As if he was a blind man seeing the sun for the first time.

Those eyes soon turned from wonder and amazement to love and concern. That was when he spoke. "I'm Paul. Don't worry. I'm here and I'm not going to let anything else happen to you." He said in the most beautiful voice I think I had ever heard. Then he ever so gently picked me up so not to touch my wound and started to carry me to safety.

My Paul, My savior was my last thoughts as I drifted off once again.