Ye worthy

Chapter Four: Juggernaut and Crimsonchilde

Fire Nation prison in the Fire Nation Colonies

Jet has been stuck in a Fire Nation jail cell. He was currently laying on his cod, waiting for his Freedom Fighters to break him out. It had been about a month since he was captured, after Sokka foiled his plan to free this part of the Earth Kingdom form the Fire Nation. Sokka how Jet wanted to kill him, but he would have to find a way deal with The Avatar and that witch Katara before he could kill the boy.

"How would you like the power to kill the boy and his allies all by yourself, Jet?" A woman's voice comes from inside his cell.

"Who the hell are you?" Jet asks the woman.

The woman was of the average height of five feet, five inches tall. She was wearing crimson red armor, had long blond hair, and average sized breasts. At her waist was a simple looking sword and in her right hand was a large glowing crimson ruby.

"I am Illyana Rasputina, humble servant of Cyttorak, the Cosmic God of Destruction. I am also known as Crimsonchilde. I am here to offer you the power to crush all who oppose you, by becoming my masters Avatar of Destruction." Illyana says with an evil smile.

Five hundred years ago when the first light of Midgard shined on earth after its break from the spirit plane, Illyana joined Cyttorak after taking from her brother the power of the Crimson Bands. Wanting to find a man truly worthy of being the next Juggernaut, unlike her brother, Illyana traded limbo to Cyttorak, in exchange she became the chooser of the next Juggernaut, given new powers similar to that of Juggernaut, and the Soulsword was corrupted.

Now Illyana found a man who would use the power of the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak to spread glories destruction. Illyana was driven insane by her brother's suicide after he realized he could not kill her. The boy was quite cute as well so that was a bonus.

"What do I have to do?" Jet asks Illyana already planning on destroying the Fire Nation after he kills Sokka.

"Just read aloud the inscription in the gem." Illyana says as she hands the softball sized glowing ruby to Jet who takes it in both hands and begins to read.

"Whosoever touches this gem shall possess the power of the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak! Henceforth, you who read these words, shall become forevermore a human Juggernaut!" Jet reads from the glowing ruby.

Jet is then bathed in a crimson light as red bands wrap around his arms as he grows to nine feet tall. Unlike previous Juggernauts Jet fully embraced the dark powers that came with the Crimson Bands immediately taking on the full unstoppable demonic form of Cyttorak.

"I see are master is pleased with your embrace of the full powers he gave you. I shall give you a reword before we destroy this base." With this said Illyana kisses Jet on the lips before taking on her demonic form as well.

The two then begin destroying the Fire Nation base.

With Sokka and Azula

Sokka smiles as he wakes up next to the Princess of the Fire Nation. He knew they would soon be enemies again, but damn the last three days were fun and filled with pleasure. During their lust induced sex frenzy, they destroyed everything in the room including the adjoining bathroom's sink. The bed mattress they were laying on was in a pile of sand that used to be the bed frame.

"The Avatar will be here soon and we will be enemies the moment I lay eyes on him. Until the war ends we will have to fight each other. I am looking forward to seeing if your prowess in bed is matched on the battle field." Azula seductively says as she wakes up just before she bites Sokka's chest.

She could feel the old chi signal of the Avatar on Sokka now that they were not fucking others brains out. But she wanted to enjoy cuddling with this powerful man for now. She was a girl damn it, she was allowed to enjoy cuddling with her lover regardless of what other people may think.

"Then I better enjoy cuddling with you well I can Azula." Sokka says with a smile as he wrapped his left arm around her waist and his right arm going to the back of his head.

"You got that right Sokka." Azula says as she pecks Sokka on the lips before she snuggled deeper into Sokka's chest.

Ten minutes later Sokka and Azula sense a powerful burst of destruction magic. There hammers relays to them that this blast of magic came from Crimsonchilde servant of Cyttorak.

"Well as we are not enemies yet and that came from were a known Fire Nation base is located I will…" Sokka stopped talking he feels a second equally powerful wave of distortion magic and Mjolnir told Sokka that the Juggernaut has been reborn on Midgard.

"On second thought I will take the Juggernaut and show you how good I am on the battlefield." Sokka says with a frown.

The two gods proceed to call their hammers to them from where they left them near the door to the room. When there tools are held within the grasp of Sokka and Azula, there cloths reappear on their bodies in a flash of blue and red. The pair then flies out of the room, smashing throws the ceiling on the way. They fly fast enough to get to the Fire Nation base within seconds.

The two stare in shocked horror at the destruction rout by the two demons, who were each smashing a tundra tank. Angered by the needless destruction Sokka and Azula throw there hammers at the beasts.

"Stop now and face the wrath of the God of Thunder, Juggernaut." Sokka yells at the beast.

"And you demoness shall face the wrath of the Goddess of the Azure Flames." Azula states to Crimsonchilde as the two recall there weapons to their hands as they land.

"Well Sokka it looks like I get to kill early. I thought I would halve to search for you for a bit before I got to kill you." Jet says releasing his demon form and armor returning to his human form, his trademark piece of wheat in his teeth. He still possessed a great deal of super human strength now even in his human form.

"Mm it has been a long time since I fought an Asgardian. Jet you will need your demon form to deal with Sokka since he is an Asgardian now. Enjoy killing him, I will slaughter the goddess." Illyana says dropping out of her demon form as well to address the two gods.

"You can try you yellow-haired slut." Azula yells at the blond.

"No one calls me a slut and lives." Illyana yells as she takes her demon form again well drawing the Soulsword, the weapon had been transformed into a large red demonic looking double edge sword. When the two women's godly weapons meet they send a shockwave throughout the base.

"Is that all you have, I thought you were going to kill me?" Azula says as she pushes on the Soulsword with the Twilight's Crash.

"My Soulsword has one power will easily stop you." With these words Crimsonchilde knocks Azula's hammer out of her hands before freezing it in a time bubble as she knocks Azula legs out from under her.

"I can only use this power once every twenty-four days and it does not stack but that is all I need to kill you, like I killed Sif. And you will not be revived thanks to my sword drinking up your soul." Crimsonchilde says as she stomps on Azula's stomach and keeps her foot on the girl abdomen as she thrusts the Soulsword down, aiming for Azula heart.

With Jet and Sokka

"I'm not Aang, I'm going to kill you for what you did here today and what you tried to do to the town of Gaipan. At least your outsides match your insides now." Sokka says as he glares at the demon in front of him as he places Mjolnir on his back.

"You may have gained some strength but I am The Unstoppable Juggernaut, you bitch. So I am going to kill you. Then I'm going to kill the Avatar before taking my time with your sister. Maybe I will make her pop out a couple of my…" Jet is stopped when Sokka smashed his fist into jets helmet giving it a small dent.

"I will kill you with my bare hands." Sokka yells as he punches Jet in the same spot as before.

Jet catches the third blow Sokka throws at him and tries to respond with a punch of his own. Jet knew he would win as he was much bigger than the five foot, six inch Sokka. Sokka catches Jets fist. Jet smiles as he starts walking forward, knowing he would soon kill Sokka now that he started his unstoppable walk.

Sokka then does the impossible without the aid of Mjolnir. Sokka stops the Juggernauts Unstoppable Walk with nothing but pure physical strength, something not even The Green Scar has been able to do.

"This is impossible, impossible." Jet yells knowing no force in the universe should be able to stop him once he starts moving.

Jet lets go of Sokka's right hand but is too slow to hit Sokka before Sokka fires a powerful head-butt into Juggernauts, demonic red helmet shattering it into pieces. Sokka then pushed Juggernaut to the ground and starts beating him in his uncovered face each blow is felt by Jet and each blow forces his body deeper into the earth. Desperate Jet grabs Sokka's head and throws him away from himself. Jet barley jumps out of the hundred foot hole his body made before Sokka is back on him beating away on Jet and each of Sokka's punches breaks the sound barrier.

With Azula and Crimsonchilde

Azula desperately tried to call Twilight's Crash to her as the blade descended down in slow motion, unable to concentrate enough to bring her hammer to her, a different weapon answers her call.

A silver-colored sword with an emerald gem embedded in the center of its cross-shaped hilt that had a c-shaped extension to it. The sword had a four-foot blade that was four inches wide. The handle could be held comfortably in two hands and the pummel is shaped as a demons head. The blade had an interact inlay above its hilt in a hilt that coincidentally matched the Fire Nation's emblem and above the inlay was a fuller.

"I was cast in the Eternal Flame using the remains sword of Gentle Sif, the tooth of trans-dimensional metal dragon, and a piece of one of the horns of Surtur Demon Lord of Fire. I was Hardened with the ash of a phoenix. Forged with the great hammer of fire, Twilights Crash and quenched in the blood of Nidhogg. I am Twilights Remembrance, the Sword of Fire." Azula hears as the Soulsword bounces off the blade.

With the distraction of the sword appearing Azula was able muster enough will to call Twilights Crash to her left hand and in her right she takes Twilights Remembrance.


Five woman were standing on a nearby cliff. They had been on this plant for about a week and a half now. Three of the woman had black hair and the other two had bright blond hair. All five woman are stalked with large breasts that were at least d-cups and large well-shaped rears. All of them were at least as tall as the average man as well the tallest was six-foot three inches in her heals. The women were watching Azula battle Crimsonchilde with great interest.

"The girl with the hammer has the potential to be one of the most powerful goddess ever. But she fights as a man does, using only brute force. What do you think Brunnhilde?" One of the blonds who had her long hair breaded in the back and grey eyes asks the other blond.

"I agree Athena she has great potential but she will not realize it if she does not embrace her flexibility more along with learning to properly weld a sword. She also has the glow of a woman who has been well pleased by a man." Brunnhilde says as she watches the two woman battle. Brunnhilde had her long wavy blonde hair down with two small braids on each side of her head and she had blue eyes.

"Definitely has that glow I don't think I have ever had that glow, stupid cheating husband." the shortest of the dark-haired women says somewhat jealously. This is the DC version of Hera Greek Goddess of Women and Marriage. Hera finally divorced her husband Zeus recently after regaining her goddess-hood. Hera had her long black hair down along her back and blue eyes.

"Must have been the other hammer user and I must say he does have the aura of a fertility god. Hmmm I would not mind getting in bed with him. Too bad hammer girl has lad clam to him." The older looking of the two remaining dark-haired women says with a lustful smile. This is Hippolyta queen of the Amazons and the first Wonder Woman. She had her long wavy black hair down and blue eyes. Hippolyta is dressed in her battle armor, since she was wearing it when both she and her daughter were transported two Midgard during a friendly spar.

"Mother I did not need to hear that, what's so good about bedding a man anyway?" the Last Woman asks. This is Diana Prince the second Wonder Woman and the daughter of Zeus. She has blue eyes and long straight black hair and she is dressed in her normal costume from the New 52.

"Diana once you finally bed that Batman fellow you will know what it is you are missing, my daughter. Maybe hammer girl would let us borrow him for some fun? After all Hera you could use a good lay as much as I could, same to you two ladies." Hippolyta says with a smirk happy to keep embarrassing her daughter.

"Azula's lack of proper training is from her choice. She did not think she needed anything besides her Fire Bending style and her hammer and strength. I think her new power went to her head. Hopefully this encounter will wake her up. Glade one of you Hera's finally grew some sense and dumped Zeus. For those who do not know me, I am Bestla, founder of the Valkyries and former All-Mother of Asgard." Bestla says as she appears next to Hera.

"It's been to long teacher. You still look like you're the mortal age of thirty." Brunnhilde says with a smile and a bow seeing her teacher after thousands of years.

"If she does wise up, I would like to help you teach this Azula, Teacher." Brunnhilde says as she straitens herself up.

"Count my daughter and me in as well." Hippolyta says eyes glowing with feminine strength.

"I would like to help as well. What about you my step daughter from another dimension?" Hera asks with a smile.

"O I am in as well that girl needs some strong woman in her life." Athena says as they watch the two women battle.

"Looking into the future are you?" Brunnhilde asks with a smile.

"No the past, but let us enjoy the present for now." Athena says with a smile.

The five powerful women warriors were transported from both the DC universe and the past of this Universe Marvel-X18999. A trans-dimensional beam weapon fired from a satellite hit the Themyscira beach that Diana and her Hippolyta were sparing on and Hera happened to be there watching. Hera had decided to live on Paradise Island after her divorce.

The two Marvel woman were transported do to magical interference when using the Bifrost transporting them through not only space but time as well.

Back with Azula

Azula was blocking the Soulsword with Twilights Crash before clumsily swinging at her opponent with Remembrance. If she lived through this she would ask Bestla to finish her training and hope her teacher would forgive her for her foolishness. Azula then changed her strategy blocking with Remembrance instead of Crash locking her opponent's blade with the hilt of her sword. Azula starts twirling Crash by its throng channeling the Eternal Flame, Azula proceeds to hurl her mighty hammer at Crimsonchilde knocking the demoness away and the demoness losses her grip on her sword.

Azula calls back Twilights Crash to her hand as she stands by the Soulsword. The sword had changed back into its original sword form with the exception of a red blade. Azula sets Twilights Remembrance in the ground for a moment as she lifts Twilights Crash with both hands channeling the Flame again.

"Say goodbye to your love toy slut." Azula yells at Crimsonchilde as she brings her hammer down.

Do to the magical negating abilities of Twilights Crash the hammer shatters and destroys the powerful corrupted Soulsword.

Illyana screams in pain as her weapon was killed by Azula as her soul is made whole for the first time in decades. Illyana stands up to see the result of Juggernaut's battle with the new God of Thunder, excepting to see Jet readying to kill Sokka.

With Sokka and jet

Sokka grabbed Jets head between his hands and snaps his neck. Sokka purposely broke Jets neck low enough to only paralyze him and kill the boy instantly. Sokka rolls Jet onto his back and sits on his chest.

"I'm going to shatter your fucking skull soon but know this. You never should have threatened my sister, unlike the Earth Kingdom, rape is a capital crime in the Water Tribe." Sokka says as he links his hands together ready to bring a powerful hammer-fist down onto Jets head.

Jet saw that Sokka's normally blue eyes were gold and his pupils were slits. As Sokka brings down his hands Jet sees a giant wolverine in Sokka's place. Just before Sokka could connect with Jets head Sokka is blasted away by Crimsonchilde.

Illyana then runs to Jet before using her stepping disks to teleport them back to the Crimson Cosmos.

"We will be back and we will kill both of you next time." Illyana says with an insane laugh just before she disappears.

"Mjolnir and I will be waiting for you and next time I will kill you Jet." Sokka says before he starts walking to one of the damaged tundra tanks.

"I will not let you harm my people Sokka!" Azula says as she lands in front of Sokka holding her sword to his throat.

"We need to start searching for survivors. And as you have not laid eyes on the avatar yet I feel we have a sort of trues going on so I will help you." Sokka says with a smile as he moves the blade out-of-the-way and he continues towards one of the tundra tanks.

Arriving at one of the tanks Sokka thrusts his hand into the tanks three-inch thick armor, before ripping it open like it was wet toilet paper.

"Can you all walk?" Sokka asks the soldiers in the tank.

"Shin is pined bad and we can't get him lose. He is not a fire bender so we cannot melt him out." One of the four operators of the tank says concerned about his teammate.

"Don't worry, I will get you out, but your leg will start bleeding when I remove shrapnel pining it. We need to find a first aid kit before we get you out. I am going to need the first aid kit, we are lucky it did not get damaged." Sokka says to the soldiers in the tank.

Sokka knew how to handle most wounds from his own experience dealing with his injuries. He gained several injuries permanently dealing with any nearby Fire Nation soldiers or bandits well his companions slept.

"I see we have some pain medicine in here I'll inject you with a does before I get your pulled out." Sokka says after opening the kit and starts to read the instructions on the bottle of morphine.

"No just pull it off there may be soldiers who are injured worse than me, they will need it more. Just put the tourniquet on." Shin says with a pained look on his face. Sokka grabs Mjolnir and puts the leather thong in the soldier's mouth.

"Bite down on this it will help." Sokka says as he puts the strap in Shin's mouth.

Sokka then grabs a bit of plastic tubing and ties it over Shin's knee. Then Sokka quickly removes the shrapnel pining the soldier's leg as Shin lets out an anguished wale.

"Let's get him out of here now we can't leave the tourniquet on long." Sokka says as he picks up shin and carries him out of the tank.

With Azula

Azula could only stare in shock at the man she had sex with for the past three days, a man who should by all rights be her enemy, was helping her people instead of leaving them to their fate.

"Student what are you waiting for start on the other tank. Hippolyta, Dianna, Brunnhilda start clearing the rubble, Hera, Athena, let's start striping are capes and skirts for bandages until proper ones are found." Bestla says taking charge.

"I'll help you out Miss Azula, I am Dianna by the way." Wonder Woman says as she pulls Azula with her snapping the girl out of her shock.

"Let's get this tank open there are some small medical kits in the tanks but not enough to treat all the wounded. Well the injured in the tanks are being treated we will get to the infirmary to see what we can salvage." Azula says as she assessed the situation.

Two hours later

"That was harder than I thought it would be, I sent word to father and the other bases, help will be here soon. I need to return to Omashu soon, Sokka you are coming with me. We have at least a day before the Avatar arrives and I want to have one more night with you before we go back to being enemies for the foreseeable future." Azula says with a look of lust on her face.

"Think we could get in on that action, we can teach you many things, fertility goddess." Hera asks Azula's with a look of lust on her face.

"What do I get out of it, besides lessons on how to better please a man?" Azula asks curious about what she could get out of letting the woman sleep with her man. Even though Azula wanted to learn more about sex, since her father did not let her take the bridal training course in school.

"We will teach you more about fighting." Brunnhilda says with a smile.

"My daughter will not be joining and I doubt Bestla will." Hippolyta says looking at Sokka with lust as it has been fifty years since she was with a man and Zeus was a quick shot.

"I will not be joining in, my husband and I have a date tonight. But I will be back in the morning. I'll let you use one of my summer houses though." Bestla says knowing the women were enthralled by the enhanced lust field the two fertility gods were emitting.

Luckily the field would disappear tomorrow now that Sokka and Azula were no longer as the filed last only for four days. Then again it could just be the three goddess and one half goddess's were horny as hell, as they have not had a man in decades or centuries as the field was very weak now. Especially Hera as Zeus neglected her quite a bit with his cheating ways.

(Hippolyta is the daughter of Ares according to the dc wiki in the new 52 at least. So she is at least a half goddess.)

"Besides it is the Thunder God's birthday today. I feel it would be a good present to let him sleep with some of the most beautiful woman in the universe." Athena says as she eyes Sokka up and down.

"Sokka is it really your birthday?" Azula asks with a look.

"Yea it is my birthday Azula." Sokka says confused about how Athena knew this fact.

"Then we have a deal ladies. Let's go Sokka and you better learn to please me better from this experience as it is a one-time thing. You are mine Sokka and I am yours regardless of the war, got that." Azula says possessively as she pokes Sokka with the butt of her new sword. Bestla had been kind enough to conger up a sheath for it.

"Yes mam." Sokka says with a gulp.

Despite all the power Sokka now possessed, strong woman still intimidated him and that turned him on a great deal.

"Hera, as all my summer homes are in pocket dimensions of Asgard your magic will be at full power along with yours Athena." Bestla says with a smile knowing the two goddess's would get her point as she sent them to her best summer home.

To be continued

Please review and I hope some of you can guess the reference I was making with the number of this Marvel Universe. Please place it in the review if you know what it is. I always answer my reviews as long as they are from people who are sighed in. kind of hard to respond with guests.